Under Locke (51 page)

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Authors: Mariana Zapata

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Under Locke
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"Yeah, I got it."


And just like that, I felt a little relieved. Staying angry was too
much work
. I needed to figure out how to apologize to Dex without completely rolling over in submission. I wouldn't give him that much.


So when the phone rang a little while later, the chance fell onto... my desk.


"Pins and Needles, this is Iris speaking, how can I help you?"


A prerecorded message stated that I was receiving a call from an inmate at Byrd Unit.


The name triggered a memory of my dad. Was that where he'd gone to jail before he'd met my mom? Something steered me toward a yes.


I probably should
ve hung up, but I stayed on the line while the call connected and my brain ran. Was my dad in jail? I didn't think it'd been long enough from the last time he'd been in town but there was a chance.


"'Lo?" a rough voice on the other end finally answered. It wasn't him. Ten years later, and I know I'd recognize his voice.


"Pins and Needles," I answered in a weird
. Okay then, why would someone be calling the shop from jail?


There was some shuffling before the man spoke again. "I need to speak to Dex."


It hit me right then who was calling. There was only one other person in jail that would be calling Pins—Dex's dad. Crap!


It wasn't my place to guard his calls or any aspect of his life but I made myself forget that. He'd been in such a terrible mood since I'd blown him off at the theater, and this would tip his off-balance scales. There was no way in any dimension of hell that Dex would want to speak to his father.


"He's not available right now. I can take a message." A message that would be written in invisible ink.


"I know that fucker's there," the man—the older Locke—grunted. "Put him on the phone."


Oh. Hell. No. "He's not available right now. Would you like to leave a message?" I ground out in my best imitation of Dex when he was angry.


"He's there. Put him on the goddamn phone."


I pulled the phone away from my face and looked at it.
Don't disrespect your elders
. "I'm not putting him on the phone. If you want to leave a message, leave it. If you don't, then feel free to call his cell phone." Like he'd answer it. Ha!


I might not be able to talk shit to the younger Locke, but the older man was in jail so he was harmless. At the moment at least.


"What did you say your name was?" His voice had started picking up in pitch the
he got.


I might do stupid things every once in a while but I wasn't dumb enough to tell him my name. "Would you like to leave a message, sir?"


"What I'd like to do is talk to my goddamn—"


I hung up with a little flourish, smiling
to myself. Not even three minutes later, the shop phone started ringing again. I picked it up, only to hear the prerecorded message start playing, and I hung up again.


The phone rang twice more but I didn't even bother picking it up those times. The shop was empty with the exception of The Dick in his office and Blue at her station. She wouldn't give a crap about me ignoring the phones.


"Phone!" Dex yelled from his office.


Like he couldn't answer the friggin' phone himself. Which in this case, was a good thing.


"Don't answer it!" I screamed back.


There was a brief pause before he yelled again. "Ritz! Phone!"


Crap. I sighed and saved the work I'd been doing on Pins' website so that I could go talk to The Dick.


I tried to mentally prepare myself to
Dex on the short walk into his office. He was sitting at his desk, messing around on the computer when I came up to the door.


Then I thought better of it
took a step back, and peeked my head int
the doorway instead. "Your dad was calling."


He didn't jerk, flinch, or even blink at his computer screen. Instead, those intense blue eyes I'd grown so fond of drifted over in my direction almost incredulously. "What?" The question reminded me
verbal stalactite.


"That was your dad calling. Or at least I'm ninety-nine percent positive it was him calling from Byrd Unit." I blinked, inching my feet further away from the door. "He was being rude, and I hung up on him."


When he didn't say anything or give me a high-five for standing up for him, I started to think maybe I'd done something wrong. It was one of the biggest things we had in common: our mutual hate for what our fathers represented. The past and the dread of a similar future.


"I'm sorry, Dex. I figured you probably didn't want to
to him," I rushed out.


Still, he said nothing and guilt pricked my tummy.


"I'm sorry for doing it. If he calls again I'll—"


"No," he breathed. "No. You did the right thing. I don't wanna talk to him."


I nodded while we looked at each other. God, I really hated the awkwardness between us. Hated it. Dex had been my friend—
my friend. One of the only people I truly valued and trusted, and my idiocy had messed that up. Then his temper had stomped it down afterward. Why the hell did I hold onto these friggin' grudges with Dex?


Life was too unpredictable to stay pissed off. I'd hate to wake up and not have
anymore and stress that I'd never get to tell him I was sorry. That was something I would never want to live with.


If he didn’t like me, then he wouldn’t give a shit what happened to me, right? And the fact that he’d gotten so mad...well, it was a compliment I’d just been too stubborn to accept. I’d lived in the shadow of a man who really didn’t give a flying crap about me. What the hell was there for me to complain about? What was there for me to be so scared of? Caring and being attracted to a big shit of an asshole that had a barely controlled temper?


I could do so much worse.


. I needed to be an adult and bust out the big girl panties even if it killed my pride a little.


"Look, I'm sorry that I went to Busty's. It was stupid but I was
've been an inconvenience to people most of my life. My grandma went bankrupt paying for—," I hissed. That wasn't where I wanted to go with the conversation. "Things for me and I hated it. I don't ever want to feel that way again and ever since I lost my job in Florida,
I feel like I’m reliving that


"You have no idea how much it sucks to have to rely on other people for everything." I rubbed my forehead and looked down. "I'm sorry that I put you guys in that situation. If it would've gone wrong, then I'm sure the blame would have been on you, especially since Sonny left you in charge of me like I'm a kid."


My hands had started shaking just a little bit as I spoke. "I care about you a lot, you big jerk, and you hurt my feelings. So I'm sorry that I made you mad and made you worry, but I'm not sorry that I told you to ef yourself, okay? You
deserved it


I didn't expect an answer, and I didn't exactly wait for one either. I shot him an anemic grin that was half-hearted at best and went back to work.


My hands shook the entire time.


~ * ~ *






I felt myself being moved, being pushed so that my face pressed against the back cushions of the couch I'd been sleeping on for the last week and a half. A big, warm body slowly curled up behind me, sliding an arm around my waist.


"Dex?" I asked him in a hoarse voice, cracking my eyes open in the dark room. I must have been asleep for a long time by how dry my voice sounded.


"Yeah," he muttered against my ear. The hand that had been over my hip slid up to touch my cheek with soft fingertips.


I looked over my shoulder at him, trying to blink back sleep. "What are you doing?"


Because really? What was he doing? Even after I'd apologized for something that wasn't entirely my fault, he'd kept giving me the silent treatment at the shop, on the ride home, and for the thirty minutes we'd been around each other as we ate dinner on the couch. Dick. The last thing I'd expect was for him to crawl onto the couch with me in the middle of the night ready to spoon.


Not that I should complain, but still.


Dex shifted his hips until my bottom sat right against his groin. "Can't sleep," he whispered for some reason. I couldn't be sure but I thought that he might have pressed his lips to my ear. "I've been a shit, babe."


Oh lord, I wanted to answer back sarcastically but I kept myself from doing it. I also had to keep myself from telling him to get off the couch. Which was stupid because the alarms in my head were going off, telling me this
closeness was a terrible idea.


Then again, hadn’t I left my sanity in Florida? My sanity and my friggin’ brain.


"I know I'm an asshole, babe. You know I'm an asshole." Dex punctuated each statement by moving his fingertips from my ear to my chin. "
’Specially when I’m pissed.
" He dotted the ends of his sentences with sighs like the admission was painful or awkward for him, and I'm sure it was. The number of times he'd apologized in his life had to be as small as the number of guys I'd kissed.


He smoothed his finger down the curve of my ear. "I don't know what the hell I'm doin' with you, you know that?"


Oh boy.


I shifted my head to look at him over my shoulder. "Me neither, Dex."


The look on his face was smooth and as open as I'd ever seen. He ran his fingertip around my ear again, pulling goose bumps onto my arms. He repeated the motion a few times, his breath heavy on my neck.


"Baby, you make me wanna kill every fuckin' guy that looks at you. You know what that's like?"


I remembered how awful I felt seeing him with his arm around the redhead. Ugh. I felt honest enough in that moment to nod.


He slipped a
over my neck, palming it with the full length of his big
. "My goddamn
hurt when you said that shit
head put his mouth on you. And you know what I couldn't quit thinkin' about? How much that sonuva bitch would
loved to hurt you to get back at the Club and your pa, baby.


"When you told me that you went to Busty's...I lost my damn mind." Dex ran a finger over the corner of my mouth, drawing me into a deep daze that had nothing to do w
th sleep. "I'm sorry I yelled at you like that. Sorry I hurt you, too. If somebody else would
done the shit I did to you, I'd cut their fuckin' tongue out, Ritz. Thought for sure Lu was gonna do that to me after you walked out," he chuckled darkly.


Dex let out another sigh, settling in so close he was like a human blanket. "I fuck everythin' in my life up. Always have. But I like to learn from my mistakes and fix 'em. Should
said somethin' to you back at Pins tonight when you talked to my pa but I couldn't. I got a hard time gettin' over people lyin' to me, babe, but you doin' that shit and Liam showin' up just about gave me a stroke. Then you go off and watch out for me with my pa, and tell me you think that everybody thinks of you as an inconvenience. It kinda kills me."

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