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Authors: G. Johanson

Tags: #Fiction, #Occult & Supernatural

Underbelly (15 page)

BOOK: Underbelly
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While Grey had two notebooks full of messages to impart from the war, he had plenty of fresh visitors who he counselled, his manner improving substantially. He could help most find peace within 20 minutes, while others, like the Great War veteran Del Hoon, seemed permanent fixtures. Del had become his best friend now, an almost permanent companion and both had revealed to the other more than they had ever revealed to another living or departed soul. Even Germaine was close to Del, Grey letting him have the floor every Thursday night, acting as go-between for the two of them, censoring some of Del’s more risqué comments. Grey had progressed from an amateur to a competent, more confident and more composed medium. Voices still broke through, and every so often they buried him, but he just made sure that he sat down whenever he felt a storm coming.
While he was still in Phoenix, with only two days left before they travelled on (he had decided to leave after a fortnight, ready to move on and sensing that Germaine was equally ready and was just being kind when she said she didn’t mind staying), Grey had a spirit visitor interrupt him and Germaine mid-coitus

Sorry about this,” Grey said as he rolled off her. “I wish they picked their moments better.” He could communicate with spirits and carry on conversations, work, exercise, almost any other activity, but he could not have sex while talking to a spirit.

It’s okay,” Germaine said sincerely, smiling at him. “The spirit should take importance. If you still want to afterwards I’ll be waiting,” she said, not in the least put out. She would never have wanted him to turn his back on her father and the same held true for his latest spirit visitor. This had happened four times before (a high average as they had only had sex a handful of times), three spirits helped within a few minutes and then they had been able to resume intercourse without guilt, Germaine feeling even more tender towards him and Grey feeling the same for her for her patience. The fourth spirit had found peace after a short while too but her tale was harrowing and Grey shared the crux of her story so that Germaine understood why he didn’t want to continue with sex. His openness and her good nature ensured that these interruptions had no ill effect on their relationship.
You have my undivided attention now, friend
, Grey said, making sure that he didn’t bear any resentment – the spirit didn’t know what he was interrupting, and even if he did, matters of life and death had to take priority.
Good, I’ll need it. Bear with me while I try and explain myself
, the well-spoken male American voice said, aware of the insanity of the whole situation.
You can hear me because you have some powers, right?
I’m a medium, yeah, James Grey. James, Jimmy or Grey are all fine. I hear spirits and help each of you find peace. I always like to know who I’m talking to – what’s your name, please?
Conrad Overton, of the Overtons.
Is that some sort of business?
Where’re you from?
Conrad said, astounded that he had not heard of his family.
Keokuk, Iowa.
We’ve got two hotels in Iowa. Anyway, that doesn’t matter.
It does, I’m interested, honestly. Tell me about your family – you’re involved in big business?
Old Pater is, yeah
, Conrad said humorously.
I was involved in spending. My friends and I did have business ventures but they were more of an excuse to meet up and have a good time. I’d only been back in town six weeks when this happened.
Where is your town, Conrad?
Grey said, preferring to indulge in a little small talk before they got to his death.
That depends what season it is, Grey. I’d better call you James or Mr Grey, thinking about it, since I need your help.
You can call me what you like, Conrad, save for Zombie – some of my school ‘pals’ called me that because of the trances I go into when I talk to you guys and I don’t like that. Grey’s like being called Sir after that
, Grey said genially.
So where would you be at in this season?
Ordinarily, at the family estate in Vermont, but with the war I returned to Los Angeles – my father has offices there. You’re being friendly, and I appreciate it, but will you just let me speak, please?
he asked calmly.
The floor’s yours
, Grey said.
Thank you. I’ll answer any questions you have after I’ve said my piece. If you sort this mess out for me you’ll be well rewarded.
I’m not sure I can…sorry, I’ll let you speak.
I have faith in you, James. Here’s what happened. If you haven’t heard of the Overtons you won’t have heard of Cecil Winston or the Hepworths?
I do know some Hepworths; probably not the right ones mind.
Where do they…nah, forget it, you’re right. Cecil Winston – he’s Methuselah basically, 80 plus, I reckon, old English guy who lives in Fresno. Old money, a bit of a recluse, and he was a member of a gentlemen’s club that my father and I are a part of. I got a letter inviting me to his to discuss a business venture – that should have been alarm bells.
No, it shouldn’t, not from what you’ve said. Don’t blame yourself. Go on
, Grey said, unable to stop himself from chipping in, as he didn’t want Conrad to feel he was in any way responsible for his death.
So I get there and Tommy Hepworth answers the door – they’re from Nevada, jewellers, he’s the youngest. Bit of a nut job, though he seemed pretty normal. I see him there and I’m thinking that I’m not putting any capital forward for a business with him involved. So I’m sitting there, Winston’s trying to ply me with booze, which I wouldn’t touch because while I might have a reputation for liking the stuff, I don’t make business plans and promises without my senses intact. When I wouldn’t touch his bourbon he goes jittery and calls the maid to bring me tea, desperate to make me drink something. I could see Winston was as crazy as Hepworth so I get up to leave.
Conrad fell silent and Grey asked,
What happened after that?
Nothing. That’s the end of the story.
Could one of them have been behind you and struck you with something?
The maid was out of the room and I could see Winston and Hepworth, both as skittish as if they’d shit themselves. I wouldn’t turn my back on them
, he said emphatically.
And you ate and drank nothing?
No, though they tried damned hard to make me.
Okay. Think back to earlier in the day, or the night before. Did you eat anything unusual?
You’re looking for a logical explanation. You’re a medium – that means that you should know that strange things can happen. I’m 26, I’m in good shape, and there’s been no cases of anyone on either side of my family suddenly dropping dead so young. I was at the doctors a week before this happened and he gave me a clean bill of health save for something minor.
How minor?
It was VD, not cancer.
, Grey said, considering what Conrad had told him.
I will look into this, Conrad, but I can’t rush in and accuse them of murder without proof.
I was hoping you might be able to bring me back
, he said, unable to hide his disappointment.
Apparently it’s possible, but I don’t know how.
This would be a good time for you to learn new things, James. What’s your current financial situation?
If I can do it, Conrad, I’ll do it for all, and not for money, but don’t get your hopes up.
I’d be included though?
I’ll give you some peace to sort things out
, Conrad said. Grey was the medium and more likely to be able to come up with ideas for resurrecting him, or so he believed, though Grey had no ideas and gave the matter some serious thought.

Sorry, Germaine.”


Grey hoped that by searching the spirit plane for information he would come up with the solution only for the situation to complicate itself considerably. He did find a spirit with a connection to Conrad’s story.
Hello, pal, what’s your name?
Thomas Hepworth. Good God, is this purgatory?
Thomas asked, in distress.
No, Thomas. You won’t be in this state for long, I promise you. You answered my call for information about Conrad Overton.
What? No, I didn’t.
Perhaps it was the other way round and I drew you to me. I’m going to help you regardless but I just want to check if you do know Conrad.
Can you explain what’s happened to me first?
That’s fair enough. I’m sorry to say that you have passed over, Thomas.
I’m afraid so. This current state is not permanent though so don’t worry. I’ll help you find peace.
How did I die then?
Thomas asked, very upset and confused.
I don’t know. Think back to the last thing you can remember.
This is the last thing I remember – what do you mean?
I’m guessing you probably don’t have all of your senses anymore. Think back to the last thing you can remember when you could see and touch and feel.
My mind’s jumbled. I don’t know – what does this have to do with Conrad Overton anyway?
Perhaps nothing. He says he knows you and I just want to clarify that you are the Thomas Hepworth he’s spoken of.
What’s he said?
Thomas said defensively.
I only know him vaguely and you can’t trust him. He’s a bad sort, a nasty piece of work.
How much do you dislike him?
Grey said, wondering if he had worked with Cecil Winston to ambush him.
I don’t like him at all. Thankfully our paths seldom cross. Can you tell me what’s going on because you’re putting a puzzle together and the pieces make no sense to me?
Okay. How well do you know Cecil Winston?
My father knows him. I’ve only been round his house once. That…I’m not sure, that might be the last thing that happened to me before…this.
What happened? You’re doing well, Thomas, just try and remember everything about the visit.
He offered to help me set up a small business in Fresno. We never got round to discussing it. Why not? We had tea together and then I felt tired and Cecil told me not to worry about it and to have a nap and we’d discuss it when I woke up. I went to sleep and then… I can’t remember what happened when I woke up.
BOOK: Underbelly
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