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Authors: G. Johanson

Tags: #Fiction, #Occult & Supernatural

Underbelly (73 page)

BOOK: Underbelly
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I must say that a bold move like this does not correspond with my prior knowledge of you.”

I should have tried something like this years ago, I know that. I want to be top dog – you of all people should understand that,” Laura said, trying the honest approach. She had already tried the polished version of how she sought power for completeness of being and true understanding of nature, et cetera, the pretentious approach not impressing him one iota.

For nearly two millennia I was the dominant force on the planet. After my death you were the most powerful – you didn’t maximise that opportunity, but you were, Inge was second to you and my killer much lower. You had 200 years at the top before Jemima Harding took your crown, and now you want it back. Why? You wasted your chances before and would do so again.”

Technology has come a long way now. Men can be as powerful as us now with weaponry.”

Then what does it matter?”

I don’t want power for dominion, just for protection.”

You already have enough power to beat her. Look at what happened to me. My opponent was vastly inferior, but he was well prepared and had more incentive to win.”

But if the fight was replayed a dozen times you would likely win in each instance. I will not fight her as the underdog.”

Such cowardice in one so powerful is unattractive.”

I’m not looking to win medals for honour or bravery, I’m looking to win.”

You would have perished in Rome,” he said scathingly.

Rome, that was renowned for honour and decency where no one would ever connive or stab each other in the back?” she retorted.

Is that how Rome is recorded in this age? It was a time of great minds and great men, some duplicitous, most honourable, but even those who were double-dealing – I can understand their motivations as there was never such a prize as Rome!” he said proudly.

Ancient Rome now is best known for its treachery, sadism and perversion.”

All three were present, but there were many finer points. The three flaws you name are all present in you too, without any visible attributes.”

I’ve been guilty of two of those charges in the past, yes. We don’t seem to be getting any closer to the secrets of your power. Cassius spoke of a ritual where you burnt bones…”

Cassius knew nothing of my secrets. He was my trusted lieutenant who revered me as a God. A wise God never reveals his secrets to his worshippers.”

He caught glimpses.”

I let him see what I wanted him to.”

Interesting decision, to refuse him eternal life after he begged you and to grant it to his dullard wife. I imagine he would have been eternally obedient from Grey’s description of him.”

He worshipped me because he was mortal. If I had taken that away the whole situation would have changed. Some of what you allege of Rome is true and I did not survive so long without being very astute and careful in every decision I made.”

Yet you still made mistakes, losing Siena for one, and Rome did fall.”

But Rome thrived, and Siena lived for a long time and I played a part in both instances. As for Slene – she fulfilled a purpose. To Lastoor she was a trophy and her continued presence was a continued reminder of my victory over him. She had another purpose too, which she first performed with Cassius. She was a clinical bore of a woman with drab looks that could freeze the randiest of loins. She was a test in obedience, a ‘reward’ for my chief lieutenants. She was their prize, the wife of my favourite – if my trusted lieutenant would marry her then I knew they would do anything for me.”

Why would you want men who you worked closely with, and were presumably friends with, to endure such a marriage?”

Once I made her immortal she was incapable of having children and with a wife like that they had no distractions. My men’s duties were to be loyal to me, to Rome and only after that do any ideas of happiness or pleasure come into play.”

With different rules applying for yourself?”

Naturally. I had Siena as well as my mistresses and Slene.”

So did you sleep with her to emphasise your lieutenants’ subjugation or to revel in the victory over Lastoor with his woman?”

I slept with her for sexual gratification,” he replied snidely. “Sometimes men and women have sex for that reason.”

Surely not! You’ve already said she was unattractive and boring, something about ‘freezing the loins’.

She was worse than my description, but she was so different to the attractive women that I liked to penetrate her for variety, and because a good leader should never expect his men to do something he isn’t willing to do himself.”

Hmm. Life certainly sounds interesting in your household.”

The mundane life might suit your tastes but some of us prefer an exciting life.”


Laura continued verbally sparring with him over the next two days, only giving him water to drink and not offering him food until he revealed something of value to her, which he still wouldn’t do. She still hadn’t been to see Grey...if she didn’t speed things up he’d be coming to see her here. It was time to bring it to an end.
Laura walked across to Octavius and said, running her fingers up the inside of his thigh, “Pain won’t make you talk, I realise that, so how about pleasure?”
He laughed aloud and looked at her fearlessly as he said, “Slene froze many a set of loins, but next to you she was Venus. No man would ever be so desperate.”
Laura removed her hand and said, “Fine, have it your way. From now on I will be withholding water from you until you decide to share your secrets. I can outwait you.”
She used her magic to knock him out again and played back her words. Her reaction would make him believe he had struck a nerve, which he most certainly had not. Plenty of men had been that ‘desperate’ and she could have had many lovers during her travels across America had she so desired. Her short temper was down to this ploy failing and she reluctantly accepted that he was going to be a very tough nut to crack and could take weeks yet. She could put off seeing Grey no longer. If he did know she could pretty the details up a little...
It was easy to use her power to lead her to a medium and she tracked him down in a cluttered ward – she would soon rectify this, and took Conrad Overton’s failure to provide him with his own private room as an opportunity to one-up him. She saw that a doctor was talking at him, wearing him down with some lecture. He looked weary and as he spotted Laura coming in the distance she tried to amuse him by flexing her biceps, a silent gesture referring to his physique as he lay bare-chested hooked up to machines monitoring him. The scarring on his stomach inflicted by Clemence Alieu looked worse than he had described and she decided she would talk him round into letting her remedy that. Grey copied her, despite finding this a monumental effort and he was immediately berated by his doctor.

You can’t blame his heart attack on lack of exercise. You can see this man is very fit,” Laura said, flattering him. “I know it’s not visiting time yet, I merely wanted to arrange for this man to have an upgrade. A private room,” Laura clarified, guessing correctly that her meaning had not been understood.

Can we have five minutes now?” Grey asked his doctor. “I will give what you’ve said some thought.”

Be gone by the time I come back around,” the doctor said, leaving them to it.


As soon as he walked out of earshot Laura said quietly, “Thank you for your help in making me stronger. I’m nearly there; I’m on the right path now. Maybe I haven’t got there by fair means, but I’m still happy to be there. I can make it the rest of the way myself now so I will leave you two in peace. He’s dead and won’t be back so don’t worry about him again. I’m sorry it got unpleasant,” she said penitently.

Me too,” Grey said soberly. “I’m relieved to hear it’s over.”

It is. And as agreed I am going to pay you a small fortune for…”

It was a favour, Laura. If it had taken weeks I might have needed some money but it only took up a week.”

Then I’ll pay you for seven days. Is $2000 for each day enough?”

How long were you the unpaid landlady and matron to me? Forget about it.”

I want to give you money for what you’ve both been through. It would make me feel better.”

Honestly, I don’t want your money. If you insist then if you could put a small amount in a trust fund for the baby that would be appreciated.”

That’s a deal. I am going to go now. I’ll be in touch around the time the baby’s due. No, don’t get up,” she joked.

Wait ‘til three to see Germaine.”

Say goodbye to her for me. My journey’s taking me to a different place than the one you two are travelling on. Take care of her and yourself – no more messing around with demons or ancient Romans,” she ordered like a strict teacher.

Not even some little demons? All right, I promise. Can I ask the same of you?” he said, concerned about her.

You can ask, yes. How insufferable will I be when I’m even more powerful?” she said, hearing how sharp her words were at a time she felt especially tender towards him.

I guess I’ll find out. Be careful.”

Not an option in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Seriously now, look after yourself.” She bent down and kissed his forehead, hugging him lightly as he reciprocated, equally loose, aware she was not a very tactile person, and not very comfortable with goodbyes when they mattered.

If you need a hand get in touch. Germaine and the baby are my priority but you matter too.”

If I need a medium you’ll be the first one I approach. No more talk now or I’ll never go,” she said as she headed to the door. On her way out she realised she hadn’t sorted out a side room for was pointless going back now; he didn’t care about having a private room, and she had to head back to her prisoner.


I wonder if he knows...” Octavius mused.

Expand on that,” Laura said. “You clearly want to tell me something.”

I wonder if Grey knows about our duel. I doubt he would accept the truth as even when your true nature has been right in his face he’s never seen it. He thinks that you’re good deep down,” Octavius said, sniggering at this risible notion. “It is one thing to debase yourself to further your goals, but to debase another so vulgarly and ruthlessly requires exceptional perversity,” he said with disgust.

What am I supposed to have done?”

The duel between myself and the medium was a pathetic confrontation, the worst I have ever experienced. For that reason alone I no longer care if I cling to life. This is hard for me to admit. This body is so feeble, so bereft of latent power that I was losing the fight. Jack Collinson would have been in this body again and I would have been adrift after merely causing a minor heart attack in my foe. Your assistance tipped the scales.”

You’re talking in riddles,” Laura said sharply.

Try and keep up. You’re not dense, you know what I’m saying. You aided me against your friend. Denying it is futile, I recognised your energy.”

I intervened and made sure the heart attack would not be fatal. That was what you sensed...”
BOOK: Underbelly
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