Undercover Attraction (21 page)

Read Undercover Attraction Online

Authors: April Rankin

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #anal, #cop, #stripper, #vibrators, #handcuffs, #kinky sex, #modern romance

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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Her head arched back, giving Jacob a
delicious view of her breasts. The head of his cock jumped, nudging
against her through his wet shorts, trying to find its way into her
heat of its own accord.

One of her hands reached down and wrapped
soft fingers around him, and he thought he would expire from the
tight clasp of those heavenly fingers.

He slid his shorts down to give her better
access, never breaking away from her nipples, then almost screamed
in pleasure when her nails raked down his engorged length.

"No more. Now, Jacob.
." Jenna
couldn't wait any longer for him to be buried in her. She was
already coalescing out of control, and only one thing could send
her over the edge-

Her panties quickly disappeared, and Jacob
turned her to straddle him. His thick, hard length plunged into her
depths. She sighed in bliss.

She lifted herself with her legs, riding him
until tendrils of heat ran up his spine and he became a mass of
nothing but raw sexual energy.

So good
, Jacob thought, knowing he
couldn't last for long with her sensual ride on his lap. She
controlled the pace as she needed it, moving in slow circles every
time she slid down and he filled her. He would pay her back in
spades later, when he didn't have to be so careful of her injuries.
For now, he was content to let her be in control.

Jenna almost smiled at the look of pleasure
on Jacob's face. His teeth were clenched and his head lay back
against the lounge chair, the muscles in his neck and chest taut
from trying to hold on to the last of his control. She aimed to
make him lose it completely. She glided up and down again, barely
holding in a gasp as he filled her completely, sending friction
coursing into all those delicious nerve endings that had been
craving another taste of him. She rocked her hips on him, while he
was still deep inside of her then moaned as she felt him jerk
against a sensitive spot within her.

His eyes went even darker as his control
snapped, and he twisted. She suddenly found herself on her back,
Jacob's hand clenching her hip as he took over the pace, plunging
in and out in a rhythm frenzied by his oncoming orgasm.

But he refused to go over without her right
alongside him. He ground his pelvis into her clit with every
downward thrust, feeling her core pulse around his cock, trying to
milk his seed from him.

"You drive me insane for wanting you," he
gasped against her shoulder, nibbling on her neck as her head
thrashed from side to side. "I've been dreaming of this since you
came here, walking around in a constant state of arousal for

- should do something about
that." Her husky voice was barely audible through her moans. She
could feel her orgasm rising up, waves of pleasure starting
somewhere deep inside, slowly fanning outward.

Jacob drove himself deep, ground against her
clit, and was rewarded by her shout. "I plan to remedy it from this
point on, baby."

Her orgasm burst through her, causing her to
tense, her tight muscles becoming even tighter, and Jacob felt
himself reach the same goal.

He spilled inside of her with a shout,
holding himself deep as her tight channel convulsed around him.

Only when he collapsed on top of her, his
head buried in her shoulder, did he realize he hadn't used




The next day brought with it a new dawn for
Jenna. She had decided to take hold of everything Jacob had to
offer during her duration at his home. Once the case was over she
would walk away, she assured herself.

When she had told Amy of her decision and
the incident at the pool yesterday, Amy had shrieked, thrilled that
Jenna had taken her advice, vehemently adding that Jenna wouldn't
regret her decision, even if she did end up with a broken heart.
Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at
was her exact words, something Amy truly believed.

Jacob had been nothing but considerate of
her feelings since their poolside tryst yesterday. He had carefully
toweled her deliciously overused intimate areas dry, then carried
her into the house, ran her a warm bath, and allowed her to soak
for a while. Then, even after all that, he had helped her dress,
tenderly changing the dressings on her injuries.

This morning, she had woken in his bed,
Jacob curled loosely around her, and she had never felt safer. He
had fixed her a late breakfast, then carried her upstairs for
'brunch', as he called it, followed by another bath, this time in
which he joined her, softly lathering her body, rinsing her, then
drying her with his hands and mouth.

He was a very attentive lover, giving his
complete attention and concentration on what he was doing, never
doing anything half-way, but diving in wholeheartedly, bringing her
repeatedly to climax before he took his own.

She realized that she could easily lose her
heart to this man and decided to steel herself against it. There
was no sense in giving him a part of herself that she couldn't take
with her when this was all over with. Sex- although it was the best
of her life- and love were two different things, and she firmly
resolved not to get the two mixed up.

After all, Jacob just lusted after her
anyway, so she wouldn't be hurting his feelings either when he
walked out of her life for good.

She looked over at him now, sitting in the
lazy boy, feet propped up, flipping channels. He caught her eye and
stood up, walking with the grace of an unleashed tempest towards
her. Power seemed to fill every cell of his body, sending thrills
of sexual heat through her body as he approached her.

He smiled that crooked smile, knowing
instinctively what she was thinking, and stood behind her, his
hands on her shoulders.

He placed a kiss to the nape of her neck and
she shivered from the sensual touch of his lips.

"Do you need something? Hungry? Thirsty?" he
asked against her shoulder.

She shook her head, "No, thanks, I'm fine.
Don't distract me, I'm almost done with this."

He chuckled against her neck. "You're
distracting me. I can't concentrate on anything that's on TV while
I watch your devilish fingers caress the keyboard. I want to be
under those deft hands of yours."

How did the man know just what to say to
get her blood heated
? He should be illegal.

"Twenty minutes. That's all I need to finish
and then you can distract me all you want." She leaned her head
against his chest, tilting her head back to look up at him.

He sighed, like a child who wouldn't get his
favorite dessert after dinner. "Fine. Twenty minutes, then you're
mine for the next hour." That quirky grin would be the death of

She turned back to the computer, picking up
where she had left off, quickly interpreting the coded disc and
typing in the translation. He had agreed to let her complete the
translation after she had told him how easily she could decode the
complex script.

The data in the scrambled codes was
unbelievable, horrific to her, and she had to work hard to detach
herself from what it said. Things that she had never imagined, even
in her worst nightmares. Her safe little world had protected her
from this, and she cried inside for the children who were suffering
at the hands of these people.

She finally finished, with seven minutes to
spare, and turned to Jacob. His head turned to look at her, his
eyes dark with unchecked desire.

An unsteady breath whistled from her lips,
and Jacob walked over to view her translations. He quickly scanned
the documents then clicked print. His eyes widened in horror at the
damning details. They had to catch this bastard and fast.

Only one detail eluded them. A name. He
looked back at Jenna who was saving and storing her documents back
on her webspace.

She had managed to break a code that the
best team in the US had been unable to crack. Amazement flooded
through him, infusing him with pride. She was an absolute

"Thank you, Jenna," he muttered. "We'll
analyze these and try to get a lead somehow. You don't know how
much I appreciate you doing this."

Her smile lit up her face, turning her green
eyes into bright emeralds. "It wasn't any trouble. I hate sitting
around doing nothing anyway. This gave me something to do, and
allowed me to participate in some way to my dilemma."

"You do know that you can't let anyone know
you've seen these documents," he said in all seriousness. Her
protection was, above all, his first priority.

A nod of her head. "I know, and I

He reached out and caressed her cheek with
his knuckles. "You are an asset to us now, Jenna, and if they found
out…" His voice broke off as he turned his head, unable to think of
the unbearable consequences. "I have to call this in. Don't

She sat there at the computer as he walked
away to call the department. His voice was a low murmur from his
office as he talked to his father.

After a few moments, he returned, documents
in hand, face grim.

"Dad seems to think that I should not have
let you translate the documents. He basically ripped me a new one."
One side of his lips rose in a humorless grin.

"I'm sorry you got into trouble because of
it, Jacob. I didn't mean for that to happen." She felt somewhat
guilty that his dad had probably yelled at him because of her.

He chuckled. "It's no problem. Dad has his
way of doing things, and he hates it when the rules are broken in
any way. He's just mad that you were placed in a further
compromising position, even if you did do what so many of our guys
couldn't." He turned her chair around so she was facing him. "I do
have to warn you, though. He is on his way here now, so turn on the
charm and he should be as infatuated with you as I am. That might
keep him from chiding you like a child."

She nodded. "I guess our plans will have to
wait a little while, then."

Jacob smiled and leaned down to kiss her,
leaving her breathless and wanting when he pulled away. "That was a
promise to make up for it tonight."




The Chief arrived ten minutes later. Jenna
did just as Jacob suggested and charmed the old man into believing
she was an angel.

Surprisingly, he still chided her gently
after she declared to him that Jacob knew nothing about her trying
to translate the files and that she had acted on her own.

He still narrowed his eyes on Jacob for a
fleeting second then dismissed the details of how it was translated

After he sat and read the files, he whistled
low. "This is a serious problem."

Jacob nodded in agreement then turned to
look at her.

She looked between him and his father,
wondering why they both were looking at her with the same look in
their eyes. "What?" she asked.

The older Nichols sighed. "We aren't going
to be able to release you until this is over. I wouldn't make any
long-term plans were I you."

She took a deep breath and counted to ten,
aware that Jacob was staring at her, watching her face for any sign
of what she was thinking. "I can't go home any time soon? I have a
job and responsibilities."

"Cancel them," the Chief said.

"I can't cancel them!" Her voice rose as she
spoke. "I have a job. It supports the bills I have, which I can't
pay if I don't have a job! I have a life also! I refuse to live in
fear for an indefinite amount of time!"

Jacob moved to sit next to her, drawing her
closer as she tried to scoot away from him.

Stewart didn't miss the subtle way his son
reached for her hand, rubbing his thumb across the inside of her
wrist to calm her, or the look of pure distress on his face. As if
he was falling for the girl and hated to disappoint her. He
couldn't have chosen a better time for his son to fall in love, and
he would be damned if he would let Jacob allow her to get away from
him. "I'm sorry, Miss Howell. I know this is hard for you to
accept, but right now, we can only assure your protection while you
are guarded by one of our own." He looked back and forth between
her and Jacob.

She nodded. "I know, but I can't just sit
here while this situation controls my life for me. I have never
been one to sit at home, and do not intend to do so. Find these
assholes fast so I could go back to my life."

Jacob couldn't stop the sting of hurt as he
felt she was so easily ready to be rid of him. He knew she was
upset though, and squashed down the nagging pain her comment had

Stewart had already made up his mind about
their next move. "Jacob, you go back undercover tomorrow night. See
what you can find out from the other guys about what Mike was
doing, without alerting them that we have his disc. I will stay
with Miss Howell until you can report back here after the

Jenna almost wanted to refuse. She didn't
want Jacob to leave her. He had made her feel safe and she didn't
know if she could deal with him being gone. She refused to examine
the thought too deeply, though.

Jacob just nodded and said, "Her sister and
friend will also be here."

His father nodded in understanding. He knew
Jacob was trusting him with something he considered precious. He
just didn't know whether Jacob knew it or not, yet.

"What about Dobbs?" Jacob asked, knowing his
partner would argue if she wasn't on the same case as he was. They
were fairly close friends, despite the fact that they had shared
the same bed a few times years ago. He trusted her completely, and
even though their relationship wasn't anything beyond a partnership
any longer, he knew he could count on her to have his back in a
sticky situation.

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