Read Undercover Attraction Online

Authors: April Rankin

Tags: #erotica, #sex, #anal, #cop, #stripper, #vibrators, #handcuffs, #kinky sex, #modern romance

Undercover Attraction (6 page)

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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He looked at her. “We could get a room
tonight, or you could go home with me. This is my last routine then
I can leave.” He couldn’t believe he just offered her the night.
She was drunk, and despite how horny she was, he didn’t want to be
someone’s regret. Then again, his body told him he would regret it
if he didn’t have a night with her.

“I haven’t… in a long time. Could we go to
my place?” Jenna chewed her lip, positive he was about to turn her

Instead, he smiled. “Sure.” He leaned down
and kissed her, crushing her mouth beneath his, promising her she
wouldn’t regret it.

She stood, and he helped her straighten her
clothes and hair, then they left the erotic little room. He dropped
her back off with her friends, then went backstage.

Jenna was bombarded with questions from all
sides, but was reluctant to answer any of them. Thankfully, she
didn’t have to because another round of drinks showed up, and
Taylor began flirting with the server.

Jenna began sipping on her drink while she
waited for Jacob’s last dance. She didn’t have to wait long.

Jacob changed clothes and was on the stage
in less than five minutes. He told himself that it was because he
wanted to have his stupid routine over with, but the truth remained
that he was anxious to go home with Jenna.

His music cued up, and he bounded onto the
stage dressed as a cop. Little did everyone know, this wasn’t a
fake profession. He watched Jenna as her eyes widened when he
started his dance. He was blatantly sexual, to the delight of the

He went through the moves, eyes locked on
Jenna’s, delighting in her shallow breathing when he ripped off his
clothes, his massive hard-on still starkly evident.

Jenna thought she could eat him like a piece
of candy. She couldn’t wait to get him naked, even though she was a
bit apprehensive about taking him home.

She finished off her drink to quench her dry
mouth. The sight of Jacob made her hot, just from seeing the stark
hunger in his eyes.

He watched as Mike, their youngest dancer,
went over to the girls. He pulled Mackenzie up, took her spot, then
sat her on his lap.

He watched as Mike whispered into
Mackenzie’s ear. Probably trying to make a few more quick bucks
from lap dances before the night ended.

Jenna kept watching Jacob move. Her eyes
made him want her to himself again, to finish what they started

Women came up to the stage, with their money
stuffed into all sorts of tight places, but he politely only took
it from their bra, his eyes locked on Jenna the entire time.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Mike
pull something from his cargo pocket, concealing it between the
cushion and his hand.

Jacob’s adrenaline spiked. Maybe he was the
dealer, and this case would finally be over.

He kept his eyes averted; trying not to
alert Mike, just in case he was doing something illegal.

Jenna kept her eyes locked on his as he
flipped across the stage, dancing and seducing the crowd. She
licked her lips, nibbling on the lower one, making it even harder
for him to concentrate on what was happening next to her. Mike.

Mike whispered into Mackenzie’s ear again,
and Jacob noticed something shine at him as he dropped whatever he
held into the bag next to the couch.

A CD, he thought, but it did go into Jenna’s
birthday bag, so maybe he could make sure it wasn’t anything
containing information once he got her home. His routine finally
came to an end, and his lust heightened, just thinking of going
home with Jenna. That is, if she hadn’t changed her mind.

He gathered his clothes from the stage, and
went backstage to change into jeans and t-shirt, minus underwear.
He grabbed the duffel bag that contained his equipment, finally
feeling secure with his gear close at hand.

Jenna was there waiting for him, along with
her friends, when he walked from backstage. He went straight to
Jenna’s side, and wrapped an arm around her waist. He bent to
whisper into her ear.

“You haven’t changed your mind have you?” He
licked the shell, feeling her shiver at the onslaught.

“No. I haven’t changed my mind,” she told
him, then leaned over to Amy. “I am taking a cab home. It will save
Mac the trip out of town then back.”

Amy looked from Jenna to him, a huge smile
on her face. “Hey, guys, Jenna’s taking a man home!

They all yelled and clapped, causing Jenna
to cover her face with her hands. “None of you should ever be
allowed in public,” she muttered.

Amy pulled her to the side, away from Jacob,
hugging her, and stating that she will call her tomorrow. They
kissed on the cheek, and all headed for the door.

Jacob noticed Mike stop Mackenzie, but she
smiled and waved at him, stating that she had a good time. Mike
looked angry, or shocked. Possibly a bit of both. He looked around,
and spotted the bag Jenna was holding, then looked to Jacob,
debating on whether or not he wanted the disc that badly.

“Night, man. See ya 'round,” Mike said, not
pushing it, and Jacob nodded in reply, then followed them out. He
had no doubt that Mike wanted that disc back, and Jacob meant to
make sure he didn’t get it until he himself saw it first.

He hailed a cab once they made it to the
sidewalk and watched as everyone hugged Jenna with birthday wishes
and ‘have fun’s’. Then they headed to her place.



Chapter 4.

dug into her pocket for her keys. She was a bit nervous, even
though she fought to hide it from Jacob.

The cab ride home had passed rather quickly,
whether from anticipation or drunkenness, she didn’t know. Jacob
had been every bit the gentleman in the car, simply asking
questions, often kissing the back of her hand, sometimes whispering
sweet nothings into her ear.

And now here they were. Standing outside her

Jacob had endured the ride, impatiently
waiting to get her to himself again. He watched her fumble with the
keys, noting the nervousness that she tried to hold at bay.

She looked down at what she was doing,
exposing her neck to his view. An invitation he couldn’t pass up.
He slid up behind her, pressing his engorged length against her
ass, bending his head to slowly lick a path down that delectable

Jenna’s breath caught in her throat, and she
pressed backward into him, struggling to get her key into the hole
while her nerves were shouting to get naked in a hurry.

Click. Finally
. She turned the knob,
letting herself into the house, pulling him in behind her. She
heard the door close behind her and the lock engage, then a thump
as he sat his bag down a short moment before his hand closed over
her shoulder, turning her to face him.

His face was cast in shadows, the only light
the small night light she kept at the end of the hall, but she
could see his eyes. They glowed with arousal. She sucked in a
breath before his mouth descended onto hers, stealing her thoughts,
igniting an electrical storm throughout her body. Her gift bag and
keys fell to the floor, forgotten for the moment.

Jacob’s hands molded her ass through her
tight skirt. He lifted her to him, and sighed happily when her
thighs wrapped around him of their own accord.

She was heaven.

He pressed her backwards against the door,
anchoring her to him, rubbing his erection against her, hating the
thick barrier of his jeans between them.

She sucked his tongue into her mouth, held
it still with her lips as her tongue swirled around his.

Jacob groaned, almost falling to his knees
at the onslaught. He pulled away, looking into her face, flushed
with passion and a good bit of alcohol.

“Bedroom,” he grunted, burying his face in
her neck, attempting to take a deep breath to still his spiking

“Second door on the right.”

He turned down the hall, his hands cupping
her luscious ass, trying to walk with her core rubbing his hard-on
with every step. He could feel her heat through his jeans, burning
him, enticing him, begging him to fill her. It was torture.

The bedroom door was open, and he carried
her through, praying he wouldn’t lose control before he even got
her naked.

He gently lowered her to the bed, following
her down for a kiss. Flames ignited between them as their tongues
danced together.

Jenna could swear that she was melting in
his embrace, his body molded to hers, hard planes pressed against
softer ones.

His kiss shattered the remainder of her
nervousness, giving her a new sense of awareness. And she wanted

Her hands slid against Jacob’s sides, then
down, to the edge of his tight shirt. She yanked it over his head,
reluctant to break their kiss, but dying to have his skin against
her own.

She gasped when she saw his bare chest
again. Nothing but the most perfect abs could adorn such a man. He
looked so much stronger, bigger, and well, masculine in her bed
than he did on stage.

And he burned. His eyes were so dark she
could feel them against her flesh as his gaze moved over her.

Her hands began to move over him, caressing
his chest, brushing his flat nipples, and Jacob sucked in a lungful
of air. It did him no good; he could feel himself getting even
harder each time her soft fingers slid against the waistband of his
jeans. He knew he was close to his limit, that he would have to
recite the alphabet or nursery rhymes in his head to keep himself
from spilling like a schoolboy.

He unsnapped the tiny hooks holding her top
in place, cursing when it took forever to part the material.

Then he saw the bra again.

His breath stopped. It barely covered her
full breasts. Made of sheer black lace, it conformed to her curves,
teasing him with the view of barely hidden nipples.

He couldn’t resist burying his face between
those plump curves. He inhaled slowly, committing her unique smell
to memory. She reminded him of autumn. The clean fresh air
signaling a change in the atmosphere, of crisp leaves crunching
underneath his boots, and his favorite, the ever-changing colors of
the earth.

Jenna could feel his breath panting against
the valley of her breasts, his short hair brushing the insides of
her breasts, hardening her nipples even more. She moaned when she
felt his tongue trace the tiny bow, teasing her, making her want
more of his mouth.

Jacob followed the lacy edge of the cups,
tasting her, nibbling her full flesh gently, feeling her intake of
air with every labored breath she took. He lifted his head
slightly, his mouth hovering slightly above her taut nipples, his
eyes watching her as she struggled for breath.

She was drowning. Waves of burning desire
washed over her, carrying her away on a tide of sensual longing so
great she wanted to tear him apart. She wanted him naked, filling
her, sating the hunger within her, extinguishing the fires that
burned her so brightly.

“Hurry,” she moaned when he just kept
looking at her, and he smiled.

“Oh no. I plan to take my time with you,
sweetheart. There’s no rushing this.” His breath teased her nipple,
and he slowly lowered his mouth to the rigid peak.

His tongue slowly swirled around the aching
point, then his teeth scraped against it through the lace. He heard
her sigh of pleasure as he closed his mouth over her breast, his
other hand coming up to tweak the other nipple.

He could taste her through the lace, her
skin softer than the silky fabric. He moved to give the other
breast the same attention, gently biting the rigid crest, feeling
her arc off the bed each time he did it.

She lifted herself up, reaching behind her
to unclasp the hooks holding the bra on, dropping back to the bed
once it released. Her breasts sprang free, and Jacob wasted no time
tasting her flesh.

He pulled the scrap of fabric from her, his
breath catching at the sight of her offering. He descended upon
her, his mouth covering a peak, making her squirm with each scrape
of his teeth, each lap of his rough tongue.

Jenna still wanted more. She couldn’t wait
much longer before she combusted. Her hands pulled him up for a
kiss, tongues fighting in a heated embrace. She slid one hand down
his hard abs, to the clasp of his jeans, trying to release the
stubborn button. His hand stopped her, pulling her arms above her
head, holding both there while he dominated the kiss, taking her
passion, stealing her breath.

“Don’t move your arms,” he mumbled against
her mouth, felt her slight nod of agreement. Kissing her again, he
overpowered her, making her submit to him, making her take only
what he offered, and he knew she liked it, that it made her even
hotter. She had wanted dominance, or she wouldn’t have chosen

He pulled away from her again, releasing her
hands, sliding down her body, once again biting on her nipples,
eliciting a breathy moan from her throat. He went lower, kissing
the underside of her breasts, feeling her shudder against his face
as he continued down.

His teeth scraped against her lower belly,
just above her waistband, and a bolt of lightning shot straight to
her clit. She was already wet, had been since the club, and she
knew whatever he did to her was well worth the torture he was
putting her through.

She felt his tongue swirl into the dip of
her belly-button and her eyes crossed. His hands were on the top
button of her skirt but all she could think was

But he didn’t. Each button was loosened with
infinite slowness, spiking her need. He continued kissing her
belly, using teeth and tongue to tease her while he worked at her

Finally, the last button came undone, and he
almost laughed at the subtle ‘Lucky You’ printed on the inside flap
as he thought,
I know

BOOK: Undercover Attraction
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