Read Underground 4 Online

Authors: Janelle Stalder

Tags: #Alpha Male, #Dystopian, #New Adult

Underground 4 (13 page)

BOOK: Underground 4
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“What's going on, Black?” Garrett asked.

“I have a proposition for you,” he said. He sat down, looking at each of them.

“And what would that be?” asked Trent, looking between him and Pixie who now stood behind his chair. If he wanted to trade their freedom for hers, he was going to be thoroughly disappointed. No way in hell would they leave a man - or woman - behind.

“I have certain connections that I think may help you in your endeavors,” he replied.

“What endeavors would that be?” Tyler said.

“Your fight against the NWO, of course.”

Not what Trent had been expecting. Although he was still worried that the price for whatever he was offering would be the tiny girl behind him.

“What kind of connections?” asked Phoenix.

Trent stepped forward, holding out a hand to stop him from replying. “More importantly, at what cost do we get to use these connections?” He made no secret of his real question as he looked pointedly at Pixie and then back to Bastian's shrewd gaze.

“Not that, I assure you,” he said.

Trent lifted his brows, as if to say, “are you sure?”.

Bastian sat up straighter, his eyes narrowed. “I'm not keeping Pixie with me as a hostage, if that's what you're thinking. She's just as free as the rest of you.”

“Free?” Missy said, her eyes widening.

Bastian rubbed a hand over his mouth. Bags of exhaustion could be seen beneath his eyes, and Trent knew he wasn't the only one feeling the weight of this long day.

“Yes, free. You're no longer being held here as prisoners. As are all the other fighters we have here. I'm letting everyone go.”

Garrett gasped loudly. It was almost comical, except Trent didn't have the energy to laugh at his brother. To be honest, he was as surprised as Garrett, and was finding it hard to think of something to say in response. What had happened to make him take such an unexpected turn?

Looking over his shoulder at Pix, he wondered if perhaps Missy's statement earlier was truer than he had thought.

“Are you going to explain that one some more? Because I'm bloody confused right now,” Garrett said.

“Look,” Bastian said, sitting back, “I understand what you're all fighting for. I once felt the same way, but obviously lost sight of that along the way. The Outlands can change a man, not that it is any excuse. I've made mistakes, and now I'm willing to make up for them.”

“How?” asked Phoenix.

He took a deep breath. “I have a connection that imports certain items for me on a regular basis from the United States.”

The room went utterly silent. Trent wasn't even sure any of them were breathing anymore. Did he just hear that correctly? Roman had told them that the United States hadn't been destroyed as they'd all been led to believe, but that wasn’t common knowledge. That's what he had thought at least.

“How is that possible?” Trent asked.

Bastian smiled sardonically. “We Outlanders aren't as blinded by Ludwig's lies. We struggle and fight for what we need to survive out here. Any and every avenue is explored. I came across a man not long ago who had figured out a passage overseas that got him around Ludwig's army.”

Suddenly Trent wished there were more chairs, because he desperately needed to sit down from all this.

“So far, we only bring in items I need, not people. But, I believe if we can contact the right people through my guy, it will be possible to sneak some of their armed forces over here to help your fight.”

“You had this option all along and never used it?” Trent said.

“As I said, I've made mistakes. I want to help now. And this facility will be the ideal place for you to amass a true opposition. Ludwig has no eyes out here.”

What he was suggesting was the answer they'd been looking for. It was just hard to wrap his head around the fact that this was really happening.

“We can take one of the vans and go get Pete and the others,” Pixie added. “It will be safer for all of us to stay here anyway.”

“You knew about all this?” said Phoenix.

She shook her head. “Not until tonight. I had my suspicions though that there was more going on here.” She glanced at Bastian and then back to Phoenix. “He gave me an orange to eat once,” she explained with a shrug.

Oranges, along with a lot of other foods that weren't native or grown here anymore, were impossible to get. He could see why it would raise a flag.

“So what's the plan then?” Garrett asked.

“First, I think we all need to get some sleep. I'll have you shown to rooms,” said Bastian.

“Darn,” Phoenix snapped her fingers. “No more dirty cells?”

“By all means, if you're more comfortable there, feel free to sleep wherever.”

“I'll pass,” she said dryly.

“I expected as much. Once we've all rested, we'll meet again to figure out when to go get your other friends, and whoever else you think will want to join us, and start coming up with a game plan. For now, everyone get some sleep.”

“Pix, you wanna share a room?” Phoenix asked.

Trent wanted to growl out a no, but he clamped his mouth shut. Shit, it wasn't like he was going to announce to everyone there that he wanted to share a room with her. Thankfully he could see that Pixie didn't want to share from the way she glanced nervously between Pheonix and Bastian.

“Uh...” she hesitated.

“Pixie stays with me,” Bastian cut in, leaving no room for argument.

Phoenix crossed her arms, a smirk stretching out across her face. “I expected as much,” she said, mimicking him.

Trent bit back his laugh. Such a little shit disturber, he thought.





She slammed her fists into the pillow, plopping her head down, but still she could not get comfy. Phoenix rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. She let out a big sigh. Figures she'd finally have a real bed to sleep in, and she couldn't even manage to close her eyes. She was too keyed up from everything that had happened.

Knowing that things were changing, and they actually had a shot now at making a difference, made sleep seem less important. They needed to start now! Things needed to be put in motion. All these years of fighting for change, and she had the means at her fingertips. And Bastian wanted them to

Kicking off the covers, she flopped onto her stomach, but still couldn't get settled. She hadn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. Her body felt the exhaustion but her mind just wouldn't shut off.

There was a soft knock on the door that had her eagerly jumping up from the bed. Anything was better than tossing and turning all night - or morning - whatever, she thought.

Opening the door, Trent stood just outside, looking a little worse for wear, but still manly and - Trent.

“You're not asleep?” he asked, his eyes dropping down the front of her slowly.

Only then did she remember she wore only her panties and a thin tank top. Meh, let him look, she thought with an inner smirk.

“If I was, you would have woken me up,” she pointed out.

“Touché,” he said. His eyes met hers. “I can't sleep.”

At some point her mouth had gone dry, and now she was having difficulty swallowing. The dark promise in his eyes was as clear as day. If she'd had any hope of sleep before, it was completely gone now.

Instead of replying, Phoenix simply stepped back so he could come in. He didn't even hesitate as he walked through, his arm reaching out as he did, wrapping around her waist. The door shut just as he backed her up against it, his body invading her space.

“You move fast for a big guy,” she said as he lifted her so their hips aligned.

“I think I've been taking it rather slowly, actually. I'm tired of slow.”

His face drew closer as her breathing increased to the point where she was almost panting.

“Me too,” she agreed in a whisper.


His mouth crashed into hers, hard and dominating like everything he did. All she could do was hold onto him tightly, as she melted against him. Nothing was ever gentle with Trent, and she loved it. He carried her over to the desk that sat against one wall of the room, placing her on it as he kept her legs wrapped around him.

“We're just having fun, right?” he said when he pulled away from her. They were both breathing as if they'd run a mile.

“Not yet we're not, hot shot,” she replied, pulling his shirt up and off. His hand whipped out to grip her wrist, stopping her. She looked up at him, confused.

“Trent,” he said. “You call me Trent when I'm fucking you.”

She cocked a brow. “Sure thing. But you're not fucking me yet, hot shot.”

“Phoenix,” he warned.

She smiled. He was so easy. “Come on,
, let’s have some fun already.”

In one quick move, he ripped her panties clean off, making her gasp in surprise.

“I aim to please,” he said darkly.

“I hope so,” she replied with a giggle as he lifted her up again and brought them to the bed. He dropped her back on the mattress before inserting himself between her thighs, his head hovering over her belly button. Those broad shoulders of his made it impossible for her move, completely splayed out for him.

“You look good down there,” she teased. “I can't tell you how often I've imagined just what you'd look like there.”

He chuckled. “That makes two of us. Let's see if you taste as good as I've imagined.”

Phoenix sucked in a breath at the first stroke of his tongue over her center. Like his kiss, he went hard and fast at her, torturing her in the best way. She tossed her head back and forth, the sensation almost too much. Slowly he added his fingers, dipping them into her folds, rubbing her with just enough pressure to set her off. She screamed out her release, her entire body shaking from it.

Phoenix couldn't remember the last time she'd climaxed, but she was sure it was nothing compared to this. She felt boneless as she lay there. Trent crawled up her, a smirk tipping one side of his mouth.

“There's no gloating in here,” she said, pointing a finger at him.

He laughed. “I wouldn't dream of it.”

Her hand fell back beside her, useless. Trent stood up off the bed to push his pants and boxers down. As he straightened, Phoenix got her first good look at him.

“Good God man,” she said, unable to stop herself. “Never mind, you can gloat. Gloat away.”

The man was huge. Part of her was actually scared. Ah, who was she kidding? Every girlie part of her was fucking thrilled.

He laughed, placing a knee on the end of the bed as he leaned forward. “I'll gloat when I'm inside you. Now open your legs wider.”

And damn if she didn't do what he said without argument.



Trent was intoxicated by everything about her - her scent, her taste, the feel of her soft flesh beneath him, the sounds that escaped her mouth. Even if he’d wanted to go slow, he wouldn't have been able to, so insane with his need for her was he.

Phoenix linked her hands around his neck as he positioned himself between her legs. In one hard thrust, he sheathed himself to the hilt, her warmth surrounding him. She cried out, throwing her head back. He growled, not moving. She was tighter than he'd expected, and it felt amazing.

As soon as he felt her muscles relax again, he began to move. She hiked her legs further up his hips, letting him sink in further.

“You feel amazing,” he said, holding himself above her so he could watch the way she writhed beneath him.

“So do you,” she said. “Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't. Stop.”

“I'm not planning on it.” He increased his pace, angling differently to hit the spot he knew would drive her crazy. Hooking a hand around one of her calves, he lifted her leg, resting her ankle on his shoulder, then doing the same to the other. He pumped harder, his hands reaching out to cup her breast through the thin fabric of the top she still wore. Frustrated with not being able to feel her skin to skin, he used both hands to rip the fabric apart, baring her perfect, round breasts to his eyes.

“Stop ruining my clothes,” she said, not appearing to really care as she smiled up at him.

“I need to taste more of you,” he said, his mouth watering at the sight of her. Lowering her legs, he lifted her and moved them while keeping their connection so that she straddled him.

Her nipples were now right in front of his face where he wanted them.

Phoenix moaned as he sank even deeper in this new position. She started to ride him as he leaned forward to capture one of those tantalizing nipples in his mouth. She gripped his hair, pulling it as she moved. He growled against her, reaching around to grip her ass in both hands.

Her breathing picked up and then he felt her insides grip him as she climaxed again. Rolling, he pinned her beneath him again and started to move fast and hard as she orgasmed around him, the quivers of her walls going on and on.

A warm, tingling sensation ran up his spine as his own release neared. Reaching down between them, he circled her clit with his thumb, never slowing down until he felt her climax once more before letting himself fall over the edge. He shouted out his release before collapsing, careful not to crush her.

BOOK: Underground 4
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