Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance) (27 page)

BOOK: Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)
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A painful sound came from Kyle’s direction and when she looked at him he grew harder. “Don’t worry Kira. I’ll be shoving my cock deep inside that pretty little mouth of yours very soon.” His large hand fisted his cock and he felt his dick stiffen even more at her gasp and the heated look in her eyes. “You want it, Kira? You want a taste of my cock right now?”

She nodded, mouth still open and salivating over the long flesh now coming closer and closer. Her pussy clenched when Kyle took her wrists in one hand and stuffed his cock in her mouth with the other. The only thing she could do was moan, and savor the earthy salty taste of him as he hit the back of her throat. His strokes were long and deep, and coming faster and faster until he pulled out abruptly. She whined at the emptiness of her mouth.

“Don’t worry, love, your meal isn’t over yet. I’m going to tie you up and fuck your gorgeous face until my come slides down your throat and you’re begging for more.”

She didn’t know whether she was more mortified at the strangled noise that came from her or that knowing smirk that he laid on her, so she said nothing. She just stayed on the bed and let her juices run down her thighs and ass, and onto his bed.

“Nothing to say? You better get it out while you can Kira,” he turned with several leather cuffs laid across his arm, “because your mouth is about to be too full to talk.”

She smiled at the sexy picture he made. All man, all alpha man with a body made for pleasing a woman and that lazy smile hot enough to make her want to do any and every dirty thing he commanded. “I can’t wait.”

Within a minute Kyle had Kira tied up to his bed, leather cuffs tight enough to hold her but not tight enough to hurt. “The more you struggle, the hotter it’ll be,” he told her seconds before sinking his dick deep down her throat. “Fucking heaven,” he groaned when she opened and closed her throat around him. Eyes closed and head thrown back, Kyle lost himself in her wet hot mouth, pounding in and out and enjoying the feel of her supple lips and slick tongue licking and sucking at him. His balls and spine began to tingle and as much as it would kill him he knew he needed to separate himself from her brand of torture before he came too soon. But when he tried to pull out the little minx trapped him, tightened her throat around his tip and formed a hot as fuck vortex with her tongue and lips. “Kira,” he warned and tried to pull out again but she held on to him, eager to drink him in. “Fuck it,” he said and fucked her mouth until every single seed dripped down her throat. “Ah, Kira. Sweet fucking Kira and her dirty little mouth,” he thrust one more time, deep. “That was incredible!”

“Best cock I can remember. High marks for girth, taste and enthusiasm,” she smiled.

Kyle’s laughter thundered in the quiet apartment, bringing a smile to Kira’s face. “Thanks, I think,” he climbed down her body, his big hands gripping her thighs and spreading them wide. He squeezed and he kneaded her soft flesh. “You are so wet and your pussy is glistening for me.” One finger sliced through the moisture gathering between her legs and rubbed it around until she was writhing beneath him. “How much can you take Kira?”

“Whatever you’re dishing out, doctor.” A cheeky grin split her face at the dark look on his face. “Ooh, doctor,” she moaned when two thick fingers slid deep inside her pussy. “Yes, doctor, yes!” She screamed when his thumb grazed her clit, her body bucked off the bed as much as it could.

“Tell me, sweetheart, are you feeling good?” She nodded, her gorgeous face flushed and overheated. “I’m about to make you feel even better,” he promised gruffly.

All she could do was nod as his fingers worked her body, sending her up and up, so close to the precipice only to let her fall back down unsatisfied. She gritted her teeth to keep from saying any of the obscene things on the tip of her tongue. He was doing a fantastic job keeping her dialed to nine so she would let him continue working his magic. “Oh,” She squealed in surprise and delight when he spread her juices down her opening and around that tight forbidden bud.

“Relax Kira, just relax,” he commanded as he eased one finger in her ass, slowly inching it in while she gasped and squirmed under him. “Just relax honey,” he soothed when the first knuckle breached her.

“Kyle!” Her breaths came in quick, panic and nerves competing within her. “Ah,” she hissed and her body slowly began to relax, to allow the pleasure to overtake her. “Yes.”

He looked down at her and she looked like a goddess with her black strands standing up, her lips still swollen from his cock, eyes closed in naked abandon as her body squirmed in pleasure or discomfort, she hadn’t quite figured it out yet. But she would, and soon.

She watched him climb down her body and she knew he was about to put those divine lips to work again. “Dr. Masters,” she whimpered right as his tongue pulled her clit into his mouth. She felt satisfied. And full. So fucking full. His finger slid in out and out of her ass and it felt amazing, more than she could have ever imagined and two fingers were sunk deep in her pussy thrusting quickly, bringing her closer to climax. And his tongue, his sweet hot tongue was sucking and licking and biting her clit, her lips. It was the sweetest kind of torture and she was almost there. “Fuck Dr. Masters that feels so good.” She smiled when his pace picked up and before she could utter another smart ass remark she was falling apart. “Kyle!”

“Yes Kira?” That lazy smirk nearly undid her all over again.

“That was delicious, utterly and supremely spectacular,” she knew she had a big cheesy grin on her face but she’d never felt so good, so boneless. “But Dr. Masters, I need you inside me. Deep inside me.”

He growled from deep in his throat and laid the length of his body over hers. Muscular arms bracketed her head, green eyes bore into her as though he could see straight to her soul and he smiled, that smile that made her pussy clench and in one thrust he was buried deep inside her. That damn lazy smirk flashed again, “Deep enough?”

“I’ll need a thorough analysis of your strokes to make a final determination,” she pulled him deeper and he moaned in her ear.

“Demon woman,” he muttered and then he gave her the thorough analysis she needed.


Chapter Three


“Dr. Masters, do you have a minute?”

If one more resident or nurse stopped him from leaving the hospital he was pretty sure there would be a crime spree in the lobby. “What can I do for you Dr. Janik?”

The blond intern fluffed her hair and batted her eyelashes as she briefed him on young Mona’s condition. “Her BP is a little low but she appears to be stable. Do you want me to call you if anything changes?”

He groaned inwardly at her attempts to get closer to him. “No. Dr. Munson is on duty tonight, contact him. Good night.”

He ignored any further attempts at conversation and he was out of the hospital and in his car in under a minute. Home sweet home. More than ready to go home and clean the hospital stink off after another forty-eight hour shift, he drove faster than he should have to get home. But more than that he was ready to eat some of Kira’s home cooking and then some of Kira. He smiled thinking of the past few weeks with the dynamic beauty. She definitely wasn’t like any of the women in his past. She was bold, passionate, funny and she was very adventurous in the bedroom.

The craziest part was that they spent as much time on the couch watching TV or eating out as they did in bed. Or in the shower, on the sofa, kitchen counter and that one time out on the balcony. She was easy to be with and fun to be around. He didn’t feel any pressure with her, which he needed because his job was nonstop pressure. She didn’t ask for more than he could give her, hell she never really asked anything of him. That thought made him frown because she never had. Never asked if she’d see him again or if he was coming over for dinner. She just went with the flow.

It was different but he liked it. Hell she was different and he liked her.

A lot.

When he opened his door his senses were assaulted with the smells of garlic, basil and fresh tomatoes. “Do I smell prosciutto?” Kira looked up from her laptop, where more sex noises sounded and smiled.

“Yep. Homemade pizzas,” she rolled her eyes, “the dough took forever to rise.”

He stood and waited for her to skip over to him, maybe plant a kiss on him. Something. Anything.
Aren’t you acting like a woman all of a sudden?
He frowned and shook off the thought. He was happy with the way things were, glad she wasn’t pushing for more. The sex was great and she was easy to be with, and that’s all that mattered. Yeah keep telling yourself that, doc. “I’m going to take a shower.”

Eyes wide in surprise at his gruff tone, Kira nodded and turned back to her work.

Twenty minutes later he emerged from his bedroom, freshly showered in comfortable drawstring pants and a fitted white t-shirt. He was feeling more relaxed and better about everything, having rationalized away his brief moment of hysteria by blaming his sex addled brain. “So how long until dinner,” he asked.

She was still bent over her laptop only now she was at the table. “About ten minutes,” she answered without looking up.

Okay so she was a little upset. He could handle it and make it better. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Don’t worry about it Kyle. I should’ve asked if it was alright. Now I know.” Her gaze didn’t linger, it just went right back to whatever was on her computer screen.

He crossed his arms, now frustrated. This was exactly why he didn’t do relationships. Women were crazy, unpredictable. She could just say she was mad but that would be too simple. Dismissing the idea with a shrug, he grabbed a beer and settled in front of the TV. A few minutes later he could hear Kira moving in the kitchen and he knew she’d be next to him on the sofa soon. They would eat, cuddle and hopefully get naked. “Smells good,” he yelled over the TV but she said nothing. Hm.

“Here you go,” she sat a plate with several slices of pizza in front of him. “So look, I’m gonna head home now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Why the hell are you leaving?” She looked confused by his anger and he tried to rein it in a bit. Why was he so upset?

“Because it’s obvious you need some space and this is your apartment so I’m leaving.”

“I said I was sorry! Dammit!” She flinched at his words and that made him feel like the worst kind of asshole. “Sorry,” he said again, this time quieter.

“It’s fine Kyle, I get it. I need more alone time than most so don’t even think about it. I’m sorry for barging in.” She reached out and caressed his cheek before turning to leave.

“Don’t go, Kira. Stay, please.”




She didn’t want to go but she didn’t think she should stay. It was obvious Kyle didn’t want her around by his cold greeting so she didn’t know why he was pushing it. Heaven help her but dammit she wanted to stay, wanted to eat homemade pizza and watch bad crime shows. She wanted to sleep as she had the past few weeks, with his big arms wrapped around her. “Okay I’ll stay,” she said softly.

Kyle swore at himself inwardly for putting that sadness in her eyes. Pulling her in close he kissed her forehead, her nose and then her lips. “Thanks for dinner tonight. I’m sorry about earlier, the past two days have been long and awful. Plus,” he smiled and laid another kiss on her mouth, “you weren’t in my bed to help me sleep.”

Fucking charmer, she smiled up at him and kissed his neck. “It’s fine,” she slipped out of his arms to get her own dinner.
Get a hold of yourself girl, it’s nothing. This is just sex, nothing more so don’t go getting your feelings hurt.
This wasn’t the first time she had to remind herself to check her emotions over the past few weeks and she didn’t think it would be the last. Kyle was arrogant and bossy and the epitome of an alpha male but he was also sweet and kind and caring, funny and sexy. Most of all he was a good man, dammit. That made it hard to keep her feelings on the surface, casual. Uninvolved.

He didn’t make it easy, either. He’d made her breakfast in bed last Sunday, sent flowers with dirty notes several times last week and just yesterday a teddy bear wearing leather and lace lingerie arrived on her doorstep. He really was the sweetest man, despite his arrogance and bossiness, she smiled.

“Hey you coming? Criminal Minds is starting.”

She shook her head and went to claim her seat on the sofa next to her man. For now.

Several hours later Kira lay in bed with Kyle’s arms wrapped tight around her, his breath softly fanning her hair. After dinner they’d made love three times, once in front of the BAU, once in the shower and twice in bed. Okay so four times, she smiled to herself. Then her smile sobered, she had happily spent too many nights like this. In his arms. At her place or his. This casual thing was feeling a lot less casual and Kira was pretty damn sure she was in love with the big domineering alpha. Shit.

This was, without a doubt, the dumbest thing she had ever done.

His phone vibrated on the nightstand closest to her and she leaned over to check the display. It was the hospital. “Kyle, wake up.” She shook him and spoke softly so as not to jar him from his sleep. “Kyle,” she whispered and shook him a bit harder this time. The phone buzzed again. “Dr. Masters,” she said in a seductive whisper.

“Yes Kira,” he groaned still more asleep than awake.

“The hospital has called your phone two times. I think maybe you need to get it.” She had never seen him move so fast. In one swift motion he was up off the bed and on the phone, pacing the foot of the bed.

“Goddammit!” He tossed the phone on the bed with more force than necessary. “I have to go to the hospital.”

She nodded and looked around the room for her clothes. “Sure. I’ll go make you coffee and then head home.” She tried not to take it personally when he ignored her and shut the bathroom door behind him. Obviously something terrible happened so she would ignore the twisting in her chest. He emerged from the bedroom dressed in dark jeans and a grey sweater, hair wet and looking like the best fantasy she ever had. “Here you go,” she handed him the coffee. “Can I do anything else?”

He shook his head. “You’ve done enough.”

She was taken aback, “Excuse me?”

He turned to face her, anger simmering all over his face. “You heard me, dammit. Ever since I met you I can’t focus on anything. I can’t concentrate because I’m always fucking thinking about you! Wondering what you’re doing, what you’re wearing and what sinful delights you have in store for me when I get home.”

If he didn’t sound so dejected about it, she would think that was the sweetest thing she’d ever heard. As it stood now, her heart was breaking into a billion tiny pieces. “I see.”

“Do you Kira, do you see? Do you know how dangerous it is that I can’t think about anything but you all day, every single goddamn day?” Raking both hands through wet hair, she could have cried at the heartbreaking look on his face. “Mona is probably going to die tonight and it’s all because I couldn’t stop thinking about you long enough to help her.”

Tears streamed silently down her face, nothing but her strong will keeping the sobs she knew were coming, at bay. She went to retrieve her clothes and returned fully dressed. Tears continued to stream but she said nothing as she gathered what she could. She’d get the rest once he’d gone. “I’m sorry about your patient Kyle and I’m sorry being with me was such a hardship for you.” She hoisted her laptop bag over her shoulder. “Don’t worry it wasn’t easy for me either. The last thing I ever wanted was to fall in love with a man like you. I hope your patient is okay, I really do.” The door clicked softly behind her.

Inside her apartment she finally let the sobs take over. May as well get the mourning over with.

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