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Authors: S.K. Derban

Uneven Exchange (26 page)

BOOK: Uneven Exchange
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Kevin’s palms rested on Jake’s vehicle as he leaned through the lowered window. “Thank you for driving Alexandra home,” he spoke to Jake across Alexandra from the passenger’s side.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Jake told him.

Kevin reacted with a broad smile. “Somehow I knew that. If I drove her home, you would have just followed us.”

Alexandra laughed. “You both do realize I’m sitting right here, don’t you?”

“Yes, my dear. How is your head?” Kevin asked.

“It’s still pounding. I can’t wait to soak in a warm bath.” Alexandra held up the plastic prescription bottle, then said, “And to take one of these.”

“Well, don’t take one before the bath,” Kevin spoke firmly. “I don’t want you falling asleep in the tub.”

Alexandra rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

“I’ll take good care of her, Kevin. Besides, I’m planning to camp out on her sofa until she’s feeling better.”

“Oh no you’re not. I’m not going to pull you away from your work. Besides, somebody has to run our business.”

“I know we do, and that’s why we have great help. Now, if you want,” Jake added slyly, “I can always call your mom and dad to come and take care of you.”

“Not on your life, Daniel Jake Taylor. Don’t you even think about it. My mom would want to redecorate, and my father would try and build another addition.”

“Then quit your whining and accept the fact that I have no intention of leaving you alone.”

Alexandra pretended to zip her mouth closed.

“Now I’m definitely not going to worry,” Kevin stated. “Alexandra, my dear, I think you are in very capable hands.”

“Too capable,” she moaned playfully under her breath.

“Are you ready to go home?” Jake asked while turning the key in the ignition.

“I’m more than ready.” Alexandra reached out her hand to Kevin.

“Call me tomorrow, okay?” he asked.

“I will.”

“I don’t want to wake you, so I’m not going to call you.”

Alexandra nodded. “I understand.”

Kevin released her hand with a loving squeeze. “Enjoy your bath, and get a good night’s sleep. Good-bye, Jake, and thanks again.”

“Thank you, Kevin, for everything. I’ll stay in touch.”

As the distance between their vehicle and the Administration increased, Alexandra could feel the tension in her shoulders decrease. Her head felt like exploding, but the fact she was almost home had a calming influence. Alexandra’s spirits lifted even higher when Jake pulled into her driveway. He quickly turned off the engine, rushed to open the passenger-side door, and then walked Alexandra to her front steps.

After opening the door and deactivating her alarm, Alexandra drew a deep breath. “Home at last,” she sighed. She looked around the living room while saying, “I’m not sure what to do first.”

“I bet you’re hungry,” Jake suggested.

Alexandra laughed softly. “I think I am, but you know, I’m not even sure. Unfortunately nothing is thawed, and there isn’t any fresh food. I cleaned out the refrigerator before I left.”

“Not to worry,” Jake said while directing Alexandra toward the sofa. “Sit down and relax for a moment while we work out a plan.”

Alexandra gave him an amused look. “What kind of plan?”

“The kind of plan that will help you to heal.” Jake then pushed Alexandra gently into a sitting position and sat directly across from her on an overly stuffed armchair. “While you are in that hot bath you’re longing to take, how about if I get us dinner from the French bistro?”

“Mushroom crepes?” she smiled. “Oh, Jake, that would be wonderful!”

“Perfect. Then, after your stomach is full, you can finally take your medicine and head off to bed.”

“Then what will you do, Doctor Taylor?”

Jake stretched back into the down-filled chair. “Enjoy your comfortable home, listen to your sound system, and watch television from this luxurious chair. I’ve got to tell you, Alex. Your house is far superior to my bachelor pad!”

“How can you say that?” Alexandra pretended offense. “I decorated your so-called bachelor pad.”

“I know, and it’s wonderful. But your home is still better.”

“I think you’re looking for an excuse to keep an eye on me.”

“I don’t think that, I know it.”

“You do realize you’re welcome for as long as you like, don’t you?” Alexandra asked, moving toward the hallway. “Make yourself at home. I’m going to hit that bath.”

Jake instantly jumped to his feet. “Before you do, can I talk to you for a second?”

“Oh, Jake, is it all right if we talk later? I am having such a hard time focusing right now.”

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to focus,” he quickly announced while rushing to her side. “It’s just that…” Jake hesitated. “Before we do anything else, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“Is everything okay?” Alexandra asked, concerned.

“Yes.” Jake paused. “Well, not exactly.” He paused again. “I—”

Alexandra reached for his hand. “What is it, Jake? You can tell me.”

Jake shifted his weight. “I cannot let another minute go by.”

“Jake, what is it? Now you’re scaring me.”

“I’m scared, Alexandra. I scared of losing you again.”

“But I—”

“No, don’t say anything. Just listen. Alexandra, I’m crazy about you.”

Her chin dropped.

“Don’t you understand? I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes bulged.

“In fact, I think I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met.”

Alexandra placed both hands firmly on her hips. “Jake Taylor, I can’t believe you!”

“What do you mean?” Jake looked shocked.

She motioned aggressively with her hands. “Look at my face. Look at this outfit.” She still wore the now-wrinkled frog logo shorts and shirt. “Let’s not even discuss my hair!”

“It is a little darker than usual,” Jake offered.

“Ha! It’s a little
? It’s also caked with blood, and to top it off, I have hat hair! For years now, I have practically thrown myself at you,” she announced defiantly. “Without fail, every time I got dressed for work, I found myself dressing specifically for you.”

Jake’s eyes were filled with innocence. “You always look great to me,” he said sweetly.

“So why now? Why are you telling me this now?”

“It’s because I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“Are you feeling sorry for me?”

Jake reached for her hands. “It’s not like that, Alex, and it’s not about the way you do, or don’t, look. It’s about the fact that I simply cannot live without you a moment longer.”

Alexandra’s eyes pooled with tears. She swallowed hard and then said, “Jake, do you realize how long I have waited to hear you say that?”

“Alexandra, do you love me too?”

“Jake, I love you more than you could ever imagine. I have loved you for so long now that I don’t even remember when I first fell in love with you.” Alexandra’s tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Oh, baby.” Jake held her tightly. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

Alexandra stepped backward and laughed through her tears. “How could you not know?”

“I’m a guy, what do you expect?”

“If you would have given me a hint, just one little hint, Jake, I might have gotten the nerve to let you know. But all you ever seemed to talk about was your busy social calendar.”

“I spend most nights at home alone or working late at the office. When we both left together, I would grab a bite to eat, then return to work.”

“Are you serious?” Alexandra was shocked.

Jake held up his palm as if taking an oath. “I swear.”

Alexandra stared lovingly into his welcoming eyes. “So what do we do now?”

“We do something I have dreamed about doing for a very long time.” Jake tenderly slid both hands around her waist and pulled Alexandra’s body toward his. He then lowered his mouth to meet hers and allowed their lips to meld.

Alexandra’s emotions peaked as she returned Jake’s passion. She was overcome with the joy of a dream come true.

“I hope these are tears of happiness,” Jake said as he kissed Alexandra gently on the tip of her nose. “Yum, yum,” he teased. “Dirt mixed with slobber.”

“Oh, Jake,” Alexandra muttered, trying to wipe her face with his sleeve.

“Hey, mess up your own shirt!” Jake pulled away while laughing. “I love you, Alexandra Callet, and I can’t wait to tell the world.”

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “I love you too, Jake Taylor.”

“Then my prayers have been answered.”

“He is the maker of miracles,” Alexandra agreed.

“I know. I’m looking at one.”


“Thus says the Lord to you;

‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed

because of this great multitude,

for the battle is not yours,

but God’s.’”

—2 Chronicles 20:15



“You will not need to fight in this battle.

Position yourselves, stand still,

and see the salvation of the Lord...”

—2 Chronicles 20:17














Waikiki Beach, Honolulu

Island of Oahu, Hawaii


On the street-front terrace of the Royal Islander Hotel, Alexandra greeted the tropical morning with a profound sense of contentment. Her left foot rested on the bottom rung of a white, wooden rocker while her right foot lightly touched the porch railing. It was just enough pressure to rock the chair in a slow and steady motion.

Across Kalakaua Boulevard, the International Marketplace was coming to life. Enjoying the moment, she sipped freshly brewed Kona coffee from a white porcelain cup and savored each mouthful. Her thoughts veered to Rico and his rapid departure for Cancun. She wondered about his reunion with Daniela and inwardly prayed for the best.

Only a small adhesive bandage protected her forehead cut from the elements, and the bruises on her face were barely visible. Alexandra could no longer feel their existence, and soon, time would erase the disturbing memories that still crept into each day.

When she sensed a familiar presence, Alexandra peered through the rear slats of her rocking chair and saw Jake standing several yards behind her in the majestic lobby. To his side, an exotic floral arrangement of vibrantly colored blooms provided a dramatic enhancement to his presence. Alexandra watched him affectionately as he approached. Without moving his gaze from hers, he stepped from the lustrous wooden floors onto the painted porch. Jake knelt to one side and turned his face to meet hers. As he spoke, his eyes sparkled with joy.

“I knew I’d find you out here.”

“I knew you would too. You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t have the heart to wake you.” Alexandra’s lips curved into a day-brightening smile. She motioned to the empty rocking chair next to her own. “Care to join me, Mr. Taylor?”

“I would love to join you, Mrs. Taylor.” He leaned in for a passionate kiss before positioning himself on the comfortable rocker. After resting his feet upon the railing, Jake asked, “So do you think our parents will forgive us for eloping?”

“I know my parents are going to be ecstatic about having you as their second son.”

“My mom and dad feel the same way about you. But will they forgive us?”

Alexandra felt a tinge of doubt. “How about if we have a formal wedding when we return?”

“You mean to make everyone happy?”

Alexandra nodded. “Yes, especially for my mother. I think she’s been dreaming about my wedding even before I was born.”

“Does that mean you think we should hold the wedding in Santa Barbara?”

“Maybe. What do you think?” Alexandra asked. “Is that too far for your parents to come?”

“Not in the least. Besides, they’re due for a trip out west. My mom threatens to fly over at least once a week. Plus, that way it won’t be too far for everyone at the office.”

Alexandra’s hands shot to her mouth. “Oh my goodness, Jake,” she exclaimed. “I completely forgot that we haven’t told them. Where on earth do they think we are?”

Jake couldn’t hide his mischievous smile.

“What did you do?” Alexandra asked. “Better yet, who did you tell?”

“I only told Kathryn and Isaiah.”

Alexandra laughed. “You are one funny man. Do you honestly expect them to keep it a secret?”

“Of course I don’t. That’s why I told both of them to tell everyone else we were on our honeymoon.”

“But what if our parents call? We don’t want them to find out before we have the chance to tell them.”

“Then I suggest we call them today.”

“My, my, you’re not very good at keeping secrets, are you, Jake Taylor?”

“Not when it comes to my love for you.” Jake leaned over for another kiss. “We’ve wasted far too much time already, and I don’t intend to waste a moment more.”

Alexandra returned his kiss. “For better or for worse?” she asked.

“To me, being with you will always be for the better.”

“In sickness and in health?”

“Either way,” Jake responded.

“’Til death do us part?” she continued.

Jake tenderly squeezed Alexandra’s hand. “And then some.”


BOOK: Uneven Exchange
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