Uneven Ground (57 page)

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Authors: Ronald D. Eller

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Lloyd, Alice

Lloyd, B.

loans, venture capital

Logan County (W.Va.)

logging industry

agricultural impact of

clear-cutting practices of

decline of

environmental costs of

impact of WWII mobilization on

mountaintop removal and

outside ownership of

PARC report and

political corruption and

sustainability in

London (Ky.)

longwall machines


Louisville Courier-Journal

Love, George H.

low-wage employment

dependence/powerlessness reinforced by

manufacturing recruitment and

persistence of

in service economy

urbanization and

women and

Luebke, B. H.

lung cancer


MacDonald, Dwight

Madison County (Ky.)

Madison County (N.C.)

Madison County (N.C.) Opportunity Corporation

Maggard, Sally

manpower programs


Appalachian recruitment of

decline of

offshoring of

post-WWII growth of

Marshall Plan

Marshall University

Mars Hill College

Martin County (Ky.)


Maryland Department of Economic Development

Massey Energy

maternal death rates

McClellan, John

McDermott, Ed

McDowell County (W.Va.)

McGeorge, Levi

McKee (Ky.)

McSurely, Alan

McSurely, Margaret


medical helicopters




middle class

Appalachian movement and

Appalachian out-migration and

Appalachian poverty and

AVs and

environmental efforts of

Great Society aimed at

Great Society opposed by

income inequality and

institutions of, in Appalachia

in mountain county seats

in post-WWII economy

values, War on Poverty and acculturation to

Middlesboro (Ky.)

Middlesboro (Ky.) Tanning Company

Mid-South Electronics


Miller, Arnold Ray

mill towns

mineral rights

mineral taxes

Miners for Democracy (MFD)

Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Mingo County (W.Va.)

coal industry; mountaintop removal mining; strip mining

mining camps

missionary antipoverty programs

mission churches

Mississippi Delta Commission

Missouri, Appalachian out-migration to

Mitchell, George

Moore, Arch

Morehead State University


Mountain Life and Work
(CSM magazine)

mountain middle class

mountain professional class

mountaintop removal mining

emergence of

environmental costs of

grassroots activism against

land development promised by

legal loophole allowing

regulation of

social costs of

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick


Mulloy, Joe

Mulloy, Karen

multinational energy conglomerates, Appalachian land owned by

National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement (1950)

National Coalition Against Strip Mining

National Conference of Mayors (1965)

National Conference on Strip Mining (Middlesboro, Ky.; 1972)

National Council of Churches

National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Humanities

national forests, establishment of

National Health Services Corps

National Independent Coal Operators' Association

National Public Radio

National Rural Health Initiative

National Youth Administration

natural gas, as coal competition

Neighborhood Youth Corps


New Deal
See also specific program

New Frontier

Newman, Monroe

New Opportunity School for Women

New Republic

New River Bridge

New River Gorge project

New Yorker

New York Times

Nicholas County (W.Va.)

Night Comes to the Cumberlands

Nixon, Richard M.

nonprofit organizations, venture capital loans offered by

North Carolina

ARA benefits lacking in

CAAs in

college antipoverty programs in

CSM petition for interstate commission

farm population decline in

grassroots activism in

housing quality in

manufacturing recruitment in

out-migration from

poverty in

small business development in

state-initiated development efforts in

WWII industrial mobilization in

North Carolina Fund

Northern Coal Operators' Association

nuclear dump sites

Nunn, Louis

nutrition, PARC proposals for

Oak Ridge (Tenn.), uranium enrichment plant at


Ogle, Milton


added to ARDA jurisdiction

Appalachian out-migration to

ARA benefits lacking in

grassroots activism in

Ohio River, bridge collapse over (1967)

Ohio University

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition


as coal competition

foreign, U.S. dependence on

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Other America, The

outdoor recreation


Appalachian history of

causes of

consequences of, in Appalachia

discrimination faced during

kinship ties and

low-wage economy and


as poverty solution

press coverage of

urban adjustment during

urban destinations

during WWII

Owsley County (Ky.)


Paducah (Ky.), uranium enrichment plant at

Paintsville (Ky.)

President's Appalachian Regional Commission

Parkersburg (W.Va.)

pasture improvement

patronage jobs

Patton, Paul


Peabody Energy

Peace Corps

Pennington, Ray


People's Appalachian Research Collective

Perkins, Carl

Perroux, François

Perry, Huey

Perry County (Ky.)

pesticide contamination

Peterson, Bill

Phantis Corporation

Pigeon Forge (Tenn.)

Pigeon River

Pike County (Ky.)

Pikeville (Ky.)

Pikeville College (Pikeville, Ky.)

Pittsburgh (Pa.)

Pittston Coal Company

Pizzano, Winifred

political corruption

AVs and

as barrier to structural change

CAAs and

coal industry and

grassroots activism against

OEO funds and

persistence of

volunteer radicalization and


Poor Bottom (Ky.)

Potter, David

Pound (Va.), floods in


academic studies of

Appalachian out-migration and

ARC and

causes of, consensus lacking on


corporate greed and

culture of poverty theory

“growth center” strategy and

health disparities and

national misunderstanding of

1960s American view of

patterns of

persistence of

political corruption and

post-WWII affluence vs.

press coverage of

Reagan budget cuts and

reductions in

structural inequities and
See also
antipoverty programs; War on Poverty; War on Poverty, in Appalachia

power plants, coal-fired


prescription drug culture

President's Appalachian Regional Commission (PARC)

academic consultants to

ARDA and

establishment of

Johnson and

lobbying efforts

program recommendations for

proposals made by

report of

working teams organized in

President's Commission on Coal

President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime

Prestonsburg (Ky.)

Program 60 and

progress, vs. change


public services

inadequacy of

patronage jobs in

tourism and demand on

public transportation, lack of

Puritan Coal Company


Quicksand Demonstration Center,


Raleigh County (W.Va.)

ARA benefits in

CAAs in

grassroots activism in

population growth in

transportation corridors and

Randolph, Jennings

Rasmussen, Donald

Ratliff, Thomas

Ray, Jink

Reagan, Ronald

real estate brokers, and political corruption

recession (1981–1982)

Reconstruction Finance Corporation



Reece, Erik

Reed, B. F.

regional development

regional organizations

religion-based activist organizations

Resettlement Administration

retail chains

Reuther, Walter

Rhodes, James

Richmond (Ky.)



Robinson, Craig

Rockcastle County (Ky.) Economic Opportunity Council

Rockcastle Development Association

Rockefeller, Jay

Rogers, Hal

Rogers, Woodrow

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.

row cropping

Rumsfeld, Donald

rural communities

building of

“growth center” strategy and

manufacturing recruitment for

public services relocated out of

rural community centers

Rural Community College Initiative

rural displacement

Appalachian development at cost of

education and

“growth center” strategy and

post-WWII economy and

urbanization and

during WWII

rural empowerment zone (EZ) program

Russell, Donald

Sanders, Carl E.

Sanford, Terry

Saturday Review

Save Our Cumberland Mountains

Save Our Homeplace campaign (1988)

Save Our Kentucky (SOK)

Southern Conference Education Fund

school consolidation

school lunch programs

Schrag, Peter

Schultze, Charles

Schumacher, E. F.

Schwarzweller, Harry

Scott, Hugh

Scott, Robert W.

Scranton (Pa.)

Scranton, William

second-home development


service economy

settlement schools

sewage facilities

shopping malls

Shriver, Sargent

Sierra Club

Silver Bridge collapse (1967)

small business development

Smathers, Michael

Smith, Al

Smith, Carroll


social sciences, post-WWII reorganization of

Social Security

Social Security Administration

soil erosion

South Carolina

Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition

Southern Appalachian Region, The

Southern Bituminous Coal Operators' Association

Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF)

Southern Mountain Project

Southern Regional Education Board

Spadaro, Jack

steel industry


strip mining

absentee land ownership and

AVs and

“broad form” deeds and

environmental costs of

expansion of

grassroots activism against

lobbying efforts against

regulation of

site sabotage

social costs of

TVA cheap-power policy and
See also
mountaintop removal mining

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

student service-learning projects

Stumbo, Grady

Sturgill, Bill


summer children's camps

summer reading programs

Sunshine Valley Farms


Supplemental Security Income

supply-side economics

surface mining.
strip mining

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (1977)

environmentalist opposition to

features of

mountaintop removal as legal loophole in

passage of

surface rights

Sweeney, John L.

ARDA revised by

on Council of Appalachian Governors

on growth center strategy

as PARC executive director

Task Force on Area Redevelopment

Tawes, Millard


absentee land ownership and

coal industry and

coal severance



inadequacy of

manufacturing recruitment and


ARA benefits in

AV program in

CSM petition for interstate commission

farm population decline in

grassroots activism in

grassroots organizations in

mineral rights in

missionary antipoverty programs in

out-migration from

poverty in

unemployment in

WWII industrial mobilization in

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

autonomous power of

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