Unexpected (12 page)

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Authors: J.J. Lore

BOOK: Unexpected
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I would beg your leave. We could do with a walk in the fresh air.”

glared like he wanted to tear another strip of
hide from Mikel, but he finally relented and nodded agreement.

I hope my
initial assessment of you as men with potential was not in error. Take some
time to consider what your hasty actions have endangered.”

with the unreleased desire to destroy his commander, Mikel allowed Felix to
guide him from the office and out into the hallway. When they’d walked a fair
distance away from Ivar’s door, Felix pushed him up against the wall and leaned
in, staring at him with concern.

you really almost strike our superior officer? Mikel, we need to retain our
rank in order to protect Alisa when we return to Alpha. How will we fare in a
challenge if we are deprived of our comrades’ support?”

a rush of shame, Mikel realized his bondmate was entirely correct. Without the
support of their cohort at the claiming ceremony, it would be easy for ranking
officers of a rival house to overwhelm him and Felix in a challenge or steal
Alisa away in the night. How would any man be able to resist the urge to have
her once they spied her?

wish for Alisa to be bonded to respected officers and enjoy the privileges that
entails. I know she would love us even if we were shiftless
but we have to give her every opportunity. Give our child, if we are so
blessed, every advantage a good reputation can provide.”

nodded agreement, shaken to his core by the idea of a baby. They needed to
provide for her and would do that best by staying the course in their career.
That welcome obligation burned in him like a miniature sun. He would act with utter
subservience to their commanding officer in all their future encounters.

are right, Felix. I will behave better in the future.”

that you do,” his bondmate said with a quick smile, peace restored. “Now, let
us go. I wish to stop in a few shops before we return to her.”


am I supposed to do with this?” Alisa knew her tone was bordering on annoyed,
but hoped the smile she couldn’t keep from her lips would soften it. She was
sitting in the middle of the bed, surrounded by opened bags and boxes that had
contained all sorts of gifts from Felix and Mikel. A fur cape, several soft
dresses, stockings, an extravagant bouquet of bright yellow chrysanthemums, a
set of brushes, combs, and manicure tools, and now several flimsy items of
lingerie in vivid colors she never would have chosen for herself. In fact, the
undergarments were so complicated by tiny straps and clasps she wasn’t feigning
her confusion in that regard. The men had arrived a few minutes before, laden
with the purchases and full of excited anticipation.

both lounged around her as she opened the wealth of gifts, their delight in
giving pretty things to her apparent in their grins and quick descriptions of
how they’d selected each item.

wear it, of course,” Felix replied in apparent surprise as he snagged a tiny
pair of panties and stretched them on his fingers, the scarlet lace stretching
against his golden skin. “We described you to the salesclerk and she assured us
these would fit, but of course we can return them.”

also wished to buy you some boots, but you will have to try those on,” Mikel
added as he reached out for the underwear’s matching tank. “Will this be too
loose, I wonder? Alisa, you are so small, we worried they wouldn’t have
anything to fit you properly.”

these men for real? They thought she was small? Alisa considered them anew.
Compared to the tall and muscular
, she was of
course petite, but her full hips and thighs, combined with a generous rear and
breasts, had always tipped her into the overly-endowed category.

these on for us,” Felix said, his voice lowering into a throaty purr as he
extended the red lace her way. A sudden flare of warm arousal rushed through
her veins and gathered in her pussy. They’d been gone for hours, and she’d stayed
in their apartment at their invitation, knowing she was waiting for them to
return and fuck her again, no matter how she tried to tell herself she was
merely tired and wanted to rest. Mikel handed his contribution over to her with
a knowing quirk of his full lips. Flushing, she scrambled from the bed, well
aware they were watching her. Seduction wasn’t her strong suit, but even she
knew that she should retire to the bathroom to slip on the lingerie and emerge
with the provocative clothes already in place rather than strip and shimmy into
them in plain sight.

she was concealed in the bathroom, she took a quick look at herself in the
bathroom mirror. Her hair was mussed, her cheeks flaming red, and her eyes were
bright. Not for the first time, she wondered what Mikel and Felix had seen in
saw in
her even after her flaws and awkwardness had been revealed. Taking in a deep
breath, she turned away from her reflection. It didn’t matter what she thought.
They wanted her, and she wanted them, a desire that went deeper than any eye
color or curve of jaw.

a quick shuffle, she had her dress off and hung on a hook by the door, to be
joined by her bra. When she pulled off her panties she flushed anew when she
found they were wet, her body already anxious for their attention. The lace on
the tank was soft but still managed to snag and pull at her distended nipples
as she pulled it down her torso. The matching underwear barely covered her
curls and definitely allowed more of her ass to show than any of her other
panties ever had. Everything was see-through, and she pulled at the stretchy
material, wondering if they’d like what she was so frankly displaying. Of
course they’d like it. They’d bought these things for that express purpose.
Another flush of arousal and trepidation bloomed on her skin as she opened the

men were seated on the bed, feet on the floor and elbows braced on their knees
as they watched her emerge. Their eyes narrowed simultaneously, and she was
again reminded of the stories about bondmates thinking and reacting as one. Was
she bonding with them? Would that explain her willingness to join them in bed?
Her growing need to be near them and interact with them outside it?

you are perfect,” Felix breathed out as he held out a hand to beckon her
closer. She stepped his way, halting a meter from them. Mikel sighed and ran
his gaze up and down her body.

are going back to that store tomorrow and buying more of these.
And the other ones with the leather laces.
Felix wasn’t sure
if you’d like them, but I know I will. They also had little mechanical devices
intended to vibrate and stimulate.” Mikel slid to his knees at her feet and
cupped one hand around her ass as he kissed her hip, then caught up the edge of
the panty in his teeth. Her pussy clenched. “Would you like us to purchase some
of those as well?”

swallowed past a suddenly thick throat. They’d had no trouble bringing her to
amazing orgasms before, but who was she to deprive them of the opportunity to
experiment with some new tools? “Sure.”

nodded his head and leaned back on the bed all while keeping his molten gold
eyes on her and his bondmate. Mikel bit at the stretchy fabric, then suddenly
released it from his mouth, and it contracted with a snap back to her flesh.
She jumped and reached out to press her hand on his head for balance. His hair
was warm, thick, and surprisingly soft to the touch, and she dug her fingertips

his horns,” Felix said in a low voice, “especially around the base.”

feels good?” Alisa searched around Mikel’s scalp with both hands and was soon
circling her fingers around the fold of skin that ringed each horn. He shivered
and growled into her belly. Clenching his fingers into the curves of her ass,
he knelt lower and pressed his hot mouth to her pussy, his lips and tongue
pushing at the material that separated him from his target. Her legs wobbled,
and she closed her eyes, relishing the feel of skin, hair, and horn, accepting
the thrusts of a warm tongue to her quivering clit.

to bed,” Felix commanded, and she groggily regarded him. He’d shed his clothes,
and she stared at his thick cock, swollen and reddened with desire for her.
With a few stumbles, she made her way to him, and he reached out to cup her
breasts, his fingers pulling the material tight over her, making her engorged
nipples prod through the lace. He guided her over his body until she was
straddling his head. He stared up at her and traced his fingers along the edge
of the elastic.

a slight frown, he pulled at the underwear, stretching the material to the side
to reveal her pussy. He sucked in a deep breath through his nose and opened his
mouth as she watched him. His fangs were revealed, sharp and white, and she
trembled, wondering if he was going to bite her labia, pierce her clit in some
Alphan sex-marking tradition. Instead, Felix leaned his head up and pressed his
mouth to the sensitive skin where her inner thigh met her groin. His fangs
scraped against the vein that pulsed there, and she sighed out a groan. Warm
hands met her shoulders, and she leaned back into Mikel’s bulging arms as he
kissed her neck from behind.

you going to bite me again?”

we?” Felix punctuated his request with a long, decadent lick of her soaked
pussy. She jolted, and would have lost her perch atop him without the support
of his bondmate.

not required, but I find myself yearning for it,” Mikel said against her throat,
and she reached back to thread her fingers into his hair, again finding a horn
to stroke. “It’s difficult to suppress when my
have descended, just as it is hard to stay away from you when my staff is so

bumped his hips against her, and his thick cock slid along her back. Yes, she
wanted that, she wanted
she wanted their fangs
in her body as much as she wanted their tongues, fingers, and cocks. With their
every touch she was falling further and faster into complete affinity with
them. It was both frightening and wonderful.

do it.” She’d barely wheezed out permission before they both latched on, their
warm and wet mouths framing the twin tearing of teeth into her pulse points.
They drew in her blood, their fingers clutching at her flesh and holding her
immobile to their need. Her muscles shuddered as if she’d been running for
miles. As Felix kissed the mark he’d made, he rubbed his fingertips along her
pussy, sliding them along, barely penetrating her and then withdrawing to run
them along the sides of her quivering clit. She tensed, close to climax, and
strained back, gripping Mikel’s horn hard enough to twist his head and make him
grunt into her neck.

yet,” he huffed against her damp skin. Mikel wrapped his hands around her waist
and lifted her away from Felix, who had also pulled away from the tiny bite
marks on her thigh. He kept easing his fingers against her as his bondmate
positioned her over Felix’s hips. Felix tore the panties to the side. His
cockhead slid along her slippery flesh, and she gave herself over to it, to
them. Closing her eyes and relaxing, she reveled in the sensation of all those
big hands on her thighs, between her legs, the press and sudden give of her
body as the warm, thick cock penetrated her. A loud sigh escaped her, and she
rocked her hips, angling herself so her clit was bumping against Felix.
Fingertips stroked her cheek, and she looked up to see Mikel kneeling at her
side, his erect cock mere centimeters from her mouth. He had a question in his
eyes, one she was happy to answer.


for a moment in the exquisite sensation of being enveloped inside Alisa, Felix
reclined on the bed, her slight weight welcome especially once she began to
circle her hips against him, the movement mimicking the strokes of a hand
against his aching staff. He was close to crisis, and with a tickle of
awareness, he knew Alisa was, too, her heavy panting as much of a clue as their
emotional connection. Her breasts swelled under the tight lace, and the sight
of her glowing skin and tight
ever so slightly
concealed fascinated him.

was riveted by the sight of her in profile staring up at Mikel, her pink lips
slightly parted as he offered himself to her. She gave a slight smile and
extended her tongue, running it along his corona. Felix remembered how that
felt, and his body responded by tensing even closer to release, his arms and
legs tightening even as heat built in his groin. Mikel grasped the base of his
staff with one hand and ran the fingertips of the other under her chin, angling
her to accept him as he rocked into her willing mouth. Once they were joined,
he cupped her cheeks and began to push and pull his staff in and out of her
mouth. Alisa’s eyes fluttered, and she reached one hand down to flatten on his
chest to steady
. Felix covered it with his
own, willing his body to wait until both Mikel and she were ready.

climaxed first, startling him with her rapid shudders and muffled cries.
Knowing she was satisfied sent him on his way, and Felix surrendered to the
light cascading through every nerve as he poured his seed into his woman, his
culls contracting against his body as he joined heart and soul to her. He
rocked up into her so hard she lost her connection to Mikel, and he reached for
her hips to hold her tight. Mikel groaned and stroked at his wet staff, and
Alisa twisted her head to find him again. She gathered him back into her mouth,
her lips sucking and cheeks hollowing. Felix’s staff
a few faint echoes of pleasure, and he kept her joined to him, unwilling to
slide out of her heat just yet. Mikel moaned, and his muscles twitched in waves
as he, too, reached climax, his pleasure rippling through Felix as they shared
this moment.

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