Unexpected Changes (17 page)

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Authors: A.M. Willard

BOOK: Unexpected Changes
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“What am I going to do with it?”

“I don’t know, send it back or something?”

“You can’t just send it back. It’s not like a shirt that doesn’t fit and you take in the receipt for a new one,” she explains as she grabs it and stuffs it into her bag for now.

“How was your day?” Tabitha asks.

“Laid back. Yours?”

“Good,” she responds and I know she’s waiting for me to comment on the new look. She thinks I haven’t noticed but I have. I might as well let her wonder whether I like it.

“Go and change. Dinner is almost done.”

“Okay …”

Yes, she’s waiting for it, but I’m not giving it to her just yet. After setting the plates down on the counter, I grab some wine from the fridge and pour us both a glass. I set them on the table and watch her stalk back towards me. Tabitha is so laid back; I’m going to have to get used to it. Her hair’s pulled up and she’s wearing those crazy-looking lounge pants she loves.

“Come on, Tabby Cat, let’s eat,” I say as I turn to head back out with our food. Just as I sit down, I lean over and whisper into her ear, “You look great by the way. The darker red, it’s you. Don’t change it.”

notice?” I hear her ask, which causes me to look over at her. Tabitha’s face is beaming with excitement.

“I did, but I was holding out on you. You were beautiful when you left this morning, so I’d like you any way you came back. Just know that, okay?”


Nothing else is said about her beauty adventure today, and we sit and enjoy the dinner I prepared for us. She even goes as far as trying to figure out what I have planned for the two of us. I should’ve known Angela would rat me out. I let Tabitha know that Kelly arrived safe and is getting situated. I also explain that I’m looking at a few office spaces and property.

Tabitha proceeds to go on about her brother and what’s happening with Jessica. She also told me that we have a family function to attend and I’ll be her plus one.

Chapter Twenty-Six


someone live in the same space with me. I haven’t roomed with anyone since college, and that was entirely different than Carter living here. I’m so used to doing my own thing, that I find myself not sure what to say or do. Our sleeping arrangements are not going as planned. He’s stubborn about what side he sleeps on. Of course that ended with me launching a pillow at him last night after dinner.

This morning, I’m trying to gather all my belongings in order to catch my flight. I’m thankful I only have to be gone overnight. Jessica has completed most of the paperwork for me and has done the initial interview. Now, all I have to do is show up, walk around, and observe. Once I’m done, I plan to curl up in bed—on my correct side—and get some much needed sleep.

“Do you need me to drive you?” Carter asks as he scares the shit out of me in my closet.

“Really, for the love of all things holy, stop sneaking up on me.”

“I didn’t sneak. I walked in,” he responds as he plops down on the bed. “So, do you need me to drive you?”

“No … Oh wait, do you need my car? Where’s the bike and truck?”

“I don’t and I sold the bike. Truck will be here this afternoon.”

“Oh, well … Okay. Why’d you sell the bike?” A part of me was excited to ride on the back again; now that’s not going to happen.

“I got it for the wrong reasons and when I look at it, I think of them. I’ll get a new one,” he says, and I turn back into my closet and let a smile spread across my face.

Tossing the clothes onto my bed, I look over at Carter and still question how this all happened. I never thought the two of us would end up here. Now I just have to stop doubting us. Angela reminds me that I have to trust and have faith, which is easier for her to say. She got lucky, and since I threw that rabbit’s foot away years ago, luck’s not been on my side.

I take a look around and I’m satisfied with my packing. I turn towards Carter and notice his playful smile.

“No sir … I do not have time for that,” I say sternly as I drag my luggage into the living room. I know if I stay next to him in that bedroom, I’ll miss my flight.

“What, I can’t smile at my girl?” I hear him yell from the room. All I can do is shake my head. Will it always be this playful? Can we keep this aura around us forever?

“Carter, I’ve got to go,” I say and watch him stalk towards me down the hall.

Just as he gets close to me, he reaches out for my hand. I extend mine to him, and he takes it and pulls me into him. “I’m going to miss you while you’re gone. What am I going to do here all by myself?”

Looking up into those blue eyes that I’ve missed, I respond, “Start by unpacking your stuff and we can figure out space when I get back. I’ll miss you and I should be back tomorrow.”

“Do you like this place?”

“Been living here forever, so yes I do.”

“What if we find a bigger place to share together? Would you be okay with that?”

“Depends on where it’s at. I need to be close to work and it has to have a coffee shop within walking distance or a drive-thru.”

“Those are strange requests. You do know that, right?”

“I do, but that’s me. If I don’t have time to make it, I need to swing in before my day starts.”

“You are something else. Do you mind if I look around?”

“Knock yourself out, but just know I am very picky.”

“Already noted. Now get your ass out of here, before I take you back to bed.”

Saluting him as I pull away, I say, “Yes, sir.”

Keys and purse in hand, I lean up and kiss him softly. Before I know what hits me, Carter’s devouring me as if it’s the last kiss we will ever share.

I pull away to catch my breath and look up at him with hooded eyes. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea what you are referring to. Now go, before I change my mind.”

“I’ll call you later, love you,” I say before I head out.

“Love you, Tabby Cat.”

The drive to the airport was pleasant, and easy. Traffic seemed to part ways as I drove along. Or, it could be the fact that I daydreamed all the way there. Cater asked me if he could look for someplace new for us to share. I should’ve asked when I had the chance, because I still haven’t been told what he did with the house he’s building.

A part of me thought he’d ask me to move and live in it with him. With the new information he received for his company, everything has changed. Now, he’s residing in California. Happy to not have to choose between him and my family, I’m excited to see what he comes up with. I guess we can call this a test of the sexes. Will Carter know what I need in a place? Or will it be a complete disaster?

Thankful my flight was direct and on time, I head towards Model Five. It’s a hotel in Dallas, which opened a few years ago. From Jessica’s notes, they have an issue with the banquet and dining area.

The pictures online show these vast room plans. They bored me and I dread walking into this hotel. All I can think about is how to get in and out fast. Since my flight is scheduled for early tomorrow, I’m going to
to get in and out like Flash Gordon.

Just as I go to step into the foyer, my cell starts blaring, alerting me it’s Angela on the other end.


“What are you doing?”

“Fixing to turn into Flash. What about you?”


“Flash … you know, in and out.”

“You have serious problems, Tabitha.”

“No, it’s just how I roll. Anyway what does little momma need from me today?” I ask in a baby voice.

“Are you in Dallas?

“I am. Why?”

“Oh just got a call from Christopher and he said he saw you.”

“What the hell? Why is douche nozzle calling you and where did he see me?”

“Easy, tiger. He called to see where you were staying. I told you he moved to Dallas, and yes, we talk from time to time.”

“You let that scum bag know it’s none of his business where I’m staying and if he comes near me I will throw a heel at him,” I say, but look down to realize I’m in flats and feel a little down that I don’t have heels on.

“It’s okay, I distracted him and you’re off the hook. Christopher asked if I thought you’d like to have dinner. I closed it down quickly for you.”

“Changing subject now … How’s my prince?” I ask and then slap my forehead realizing I forgot to call my doctor. I hear Angela speaking to me, but for the life of me I don’t know what she just said. I cut her off in mid-conversation, “Look I have to go. I’ll call you later.” I disconnect the call. When I do this, I know I should’ve told her, but I have something important to handle.

I look around and find a spot to sit as I dial my doctor’s office. Setting up an appointment for when I return, I let out all the air I was holding. Satisfied that I finally made it, I head over toward the front desk to check in. After announcing that I need to meet with a Mr. Johnson, I wait.


Tabitha’s been gone for a few hours and I’ve made significant progress. My truck was just delivered, and I have confirmed with Kelly on the office space that we’ll go take a look at today. I forgot to mention the condos on the list also. When Tabitha landed, she sent me a quick text letting me know she was safe and sound and also reminding me that this weekend is the family barbecue, and that it’s mandatory to attend.

Now, I have to call and change our reservations since we’ll have to push them back for now. She’d asked me to invite Kelly, as she doesn’t want her left alone in a new city. Currently, Kelly is the least of my worries.

I’m not sure what Tabitha has told her family about us. Hell, I don’t even know what to call them, or for that matter who’s attending this family dinner. Tabitha left Seth’s and Cory’s numbers on the table for me, just in case I need anything while she’s away.

Sitting here, I debate whether I should call Cory for some insight. I decide to let that thought vanish, as I’m not sure how he will react to me meeting the parents.

I notice the time and grab my keys to go and pick Kelly up. On the drive over I see a few other places that have caught my eye. They aren’t far from our apartment now, and the shopping center across the street has coffee. Hah, Tabitha thinks I can’t do this. Well I plan to surprise her.

“Hey, Carter. How are you?” Kelly asks as she jumps into the truck.

“Good, you?”

“Wonderful. So where are we off to first?”

“Office, then condo, and one other particular stop.”

“Let’s go, boss man. I’m so ready to get back to a schedule.”

Giving Kelly a quick nod, I completely understand what she means. Things haven’t been normal since the fire, and that’s never good for business. I still have to put a new board together and finish looking into the old ones. It’s been too quiet since it all went down, and that causes the flags to go up. Mr. Edwards, my ex-father-in-law, never lets a thing slide by without his approval.

Was Bethany right when she said the past is done, that we can both now have a future? Only time will tell. Until then, I can promise I’ll keep one eye open on them all. Jack is still working for me, just not following Tabitha this time. . He’s currently living in Seattle at one of my condos. He’s been instructed to lay low while keeping a look out on them all.

We park and head over to an open office space. As we get close, Kelly stops and looks over at me. “Isn’t SHI like across the street?”

“Oh look at that. It is, huh?”

“You are going to be in trouble … Does she know?”

“Nope and I’ll show her when she gets back. It’s perfect, plus you and Jessica can have lunch together now.”

“Oh, I didn’t think about that one. I like this idea,” Kelly says as she opens the door to our new office.

Seeing it, I love the location and have already put a deposit down on it. All I need for her to do is figure out what furniture we will need and order it.

Standing in the open floor plan, I take a look around. It’s not the perfect office, but it’ll work for now.

“You like?”

“I do. It could use more windows for the natural light, but other than that it’s nice and open.”

“Good. It’s ours.”

“Carter, I am not surprised,” she says while shaking her head at me, and I just shrug. Kelly has worked with me long enough to not question my choices.

“Come on, we have a few more things to do.”

Being lost in a new town sucks. Kelly has her map application up on her phone directing me to the jeweler. I’ve already called and spoken to him this morning, as I have a unique design in mind for Tabitha. With us pushing back our trip this weekend, it allows him more time to complete it. All I need to do is run in and put the down payment on the piece.

What seems like hours later, Kelly and I pull into the fifth condominium we will be looking at. The first four were not something I would show to Tabitha. They weren’t us, and I’ll know when I find it.

Kelly sets out to find the agent on site while I take a look around the grounds. I notice a sign for a gym, pool, and tennis court. The only one I care about is the gym; I couldn’t play tennis if my life depended on it.

“Ready?” Kelly asks shaking the keys in front of me.

“Lead the way.”

As Kelly opens the front door and I walk in, I know this is going to be the perfect one, with an open floor plan and a huge sliding door that leads out to a lovely patio. The kitchen is small, but has all the top of the line appliances and granite counter tops. The perfection of this place doesn’t entirely set in until I reach the master bedroom. Not only one, but two master closets flank the bathroom.

At this point I turn towards Kelly and say, “Make this one happen.”

“Ah, Carter, don’t you want to show Tabitha first?” she asks me, her voice laced with hesitation.

“After she sees this, it won’t matter,” I say as I point behind me towards the closet.

Kelly steps around me to take a look and then comes out of the massive walk-in. “I stand corrected. She will love it.”

“I know. It’s not about the kitchen or anything with her. Did you see the shoe cabinet in that thing?”

Kelly’s eyes get as big as saucers when she responds. “Yes, and I so need that.”

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