Unexpected Mr. Right (9 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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"What's up?"

"Want to get together today?"

"Sure,” Bri replied. “I just got off the phone with Kaylee and she's busy with her Italian Stud but we can hang. I need to head down to Coffee Hut and check on the new girl but other than that I'm free."

"I'll meet you there. I want one of those blueberry bagels. They're to die for."

"I know I'm good. You don't have to tell me,” she said with a laugh.

"You're so crazy, Bri. I'm going to head out and catch a cab right now. I'll see ya soon.

"Bye, girl."


Tabby arrived at Coffee Hut about forty minutes later. She stepped into the small coffee house to find Bri behind the counter talking to a woman who looked to be about ten years older than them. She was so proud of her friend for starting her business. Her space rent was outrageous but it was her dream so she followed it. Luckily she paid really low apartment rent so the two evened out. Mama Love took a liking to her. Basically she just liked having Bri around. Since she didn't really need the money it worked out perfect for both of them. All her boarders were more for her company than anything.

"What do you want, Tab?” Bri asked.

"Caramel latte and a blueberry bagel.” Tabby sat down on one of the two love seats in the shop. Neither matched but they were comfortable. Besides the couches there were six, small round, black tables with two chairs at each. Coffee Hut was small, cozy. The aroma of coffee permeated the air adding to the relaxed atmosphere.

Out of no where Tabby thought about Nico. She wondered if he ever wanted a place of his own or if Luciano's was his dream. Their family was so close she liked the idea of the two cousins sharing their dream together. Weird how she thought of him for no reason. Seem lately he popped into her head at the strangest times.

"What has you so lost in thought, girl?” Bri asked as she sat down and handed Tabby her drink and plate. Tabby leaned over and set her latte on a side table in between the two couches.

"Nothing important. How's business going?"

"Pretty good. I'm still trying to get things off the ground. I'm so lucky to have Mama Love. She's the one who referred Andrea to me. She's a stay at home mom who was looking for part-time work here and there just to get out of the house. She's willing to work for minimum wage and sometimes she works for me in exchange for babysitting. Otherwise I'm not sure I could afford to have anyone working for me."

Tabby had so much respect for her friend. She was strong, independent, and didn't take shit from anyone. She didn't need anyone but loved to be around people all the same, chatting, joking, and just having a good time. Actually, she reminded her of a female version of Nico. Why does everything make me think of him? “You know if you need help I'm always here for you. I could pick up some weekend hours anytime."

No matter what, she, Bri and Kaylee were always there for each other. They were sisters in every meaning of the word. “Thanks, girl, but I'm doing okay for now. I'll let you know if things change."

Tabby took a bite of her bagel and then swallowed a sip of her latte.

"Want to head back to my place with me? We can hang for a while.” Brianna asked her after she finished her snack.

"Sounds like fun to me.” A few minutes later they were out on the street hailing a cab back to Bri's house.

After visiting for a while at Bri's, her pug, Stud Muffin began to prance in front of the door letting them know it was time for him to go out. Tabby liked going for walks so she decided to join them. She kicked a small rock across the sidewalk making Stud Muffin go crazy barking and jumping. Only Bri would name her dog Stud Muffin. According to her, the dog was the only Stud she would ever keep in her life permanently.

She wouldn't be surprised if that was true. Bri never kept a man in her life. But she seemed to be happy and that's all that mattered. She couldn't help but hope someday Bri would settle though. For some reason, she thought her friend really wanted to but for some reason she just didn't.

"So how did the make-up between you and Nico happen?” her friend asked surprising her with the question from out of the blue.

Tabby chose her words carefully. She really didn't want to lie to her friend. “I realized I'd been a bitch to him. He apologized numerous times and I decided it was time to forgive him."

A curious glimmer sparked in Bri's eyes. “Well I'm glad for that. Is he still hounding you to go out with him?"

"You know, Nic. I don't think he could stop flirting if he had to. I know it comes from inside his pants rather than his heart so we're all good."

"Nic, huh? I don't remember you calling him that before."

Oops. “Nic, Nico. Whatever, it's the same thing to me."

Bri looked at her and smiled just as they approached her house. “Watch your heart, Tab. Nico's not the marrying type.” Her words halted when she turned to face her house. A tall, very built man with dark blond hair stood at the side of the house trying to jimmy a window open. Before Tabby could stop her Bri set out running towards the burglar. Stud Muffin yapped right on her heels.

Brianna jumped on the man's back her arms flew around his neck. “You better leave Mama Love alone! How dare you try to break into her house. Isn't it enough that she was mugged?” Tabby watched in awe as the criminal staggered backwards obviously surprised a woman jumped onto his back. That made two of them. As he struggled to catch himself Stud Muffin barked and bared his teeth while trying to bite at his feet.

The man managed to catch himself without tripping over Stud Muffin but barley. “This is my mother's house,” he yelled, frustration evident on his face as he tried to shake Bri off his back.

Tabby ran forward to try and help her friend.

"Yeah right, Mister. I'm not falling for that,” Bri replied clutching his hair and face to keep from falling. “Stay back, Tabby. Call the cops,” she yelled.

"Yes, Tabby, whoever you are. Call the cops and while your at it tell them to bring a straight jacket for the lunatic on my back,” the burglar yelled. Well maybe he wasn't a burglar if he wanted them to call the police. He almost tripped over Stud Muffin again. “And while you're at it can you call off the rat at my feet."

Tabby didn't know what to do. Call the cops or go help Bri. Something about the man in question told her he wasn't a burglar. He sounded too sophisticated, too pissed off at Bri for someone who should be running like hell if he really had been breaking and entering.

As if in slow motion Tabby watched the next few seconds unfold. Brianna yelling at their “burglar” and pulling backwards, Stud Muffin scurrying behind him trying to find a place to attack, the sophisticated burglar tripping over Stud Muffin and losing his balance. He fell hard to the ground taking Brianna with him. It was just the distraction he needed for Bri to let go. He flipped over, one leg on each side of Brianna, holding her arms above her head.

Burglar or not, Tabby wouldn't sit there while he held her friend. She lunged at him from behind and tried to pull him off of Brianna. “And you seemed like the level headed one,” he said to her trying to shake her off. Her body rocked back and forth sharply.

"Leave my friend alone!” Stud Muffin rejoined the maylay now thinking it was a game and started licking Brianna's face as he pounced.

"She's the one who attacked me,” he shook once more and Tabby lost her grip and fell beside him. Quickly he took one hand from Bri, still holding her wrists but one handed, and wrapped his other arm around Tabby pulling her against him. “Now if you ladies would just calm down for a minute I'll explain to you why I was entering my mother's house through a window."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Six

Tabby relaxed in a hot bath for the second time in one day, her body aching from her tousle with a man they later found was named Jackson and he did in fact turn out to be Mama Love's son. Her police officer son who she expected but forgot to leave a key for so he was trying other avenues to get inside. Leave it to Bri to get her into that kind of mess.

As she let the warm water ease her achy muscles her phone rang. “Hello,” she said into the receiver.

"Hey Slugger. How ya doing?"

Tabby let out a slight laugh. “You know, I really am Slugger today."

Concern laced his words when Nico asked, “What happened? Is everything okay?"

Did she really want to retell this story? She felt foolish. They must have looked like a couple lunatics wrestling around in the front yard. On the other hand it was pretty funny. Well it was pretty funny now. Not earlier.

Tabby started from Mama Love's mugging and then went into the whole story about finding Jackson trying to open her window, to Bri's attack, then her own toward the end. Nico sat quiet on the other end.

"It's okay, you can laugh. I still can't believe it happened,” she told him.

"Naw, I won't laugh at you, Slugger. But you do know you really aren't getting rid of the nickname now, don't you?"

"I kind of figured."

"Are you hurt?"

"My muscles are a little sore. Jackson tried to be careful, I think, but when he tried to shake me off him I think I pulled a muscle."

"Are you relaxing?"

"I'm in the bath as we speak."

He groaned into the phone. “Now there's a visual I'm going to imagine the rest of the night. I'm taking a break at work right now but I could come over after if you'd like. It would be late but I could give you a massage."

A vision of Nico rubbing his strong hands against her body popped into her mind. He'd work her muscles, giving her a deep tissue massage. Yeah. So, not a good idea. “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Valenti?"

"Just being a good friend. Unless that is, you've decided you're seducible."

A laugh escaped her lips. He always seemed to do that to her. Even on the phone she couldn't help but be happy around him. “Why would we want to ruin this wonderful friendship we're building?"

"We wouldn't have to ruin it. Friends make the best lovers,” his tone went an octave lower, seductive.

"You just made that up.” Tabby sank a little lower in the bath, a shiver racing up her spine. “Ouch. I have a serious kink in my neck.” God the thought was so tempting. Her body wanted her to throw caution to the wind and let him come over give her the massage he promised.

"Close your eyes,” he ordered.


"Just humor me, Slugger."

Okay, she had no idea what he had planned but what could hurt to humor him. They were on the phone so it wasn't like anything he said could really get to her, make her attraction for him come to live in ways she didn't want it to. “They're closed."

"I want you to relax and no matter what I say, don't argue with me. I'm going to tell you what I'd do to you if you'd let me."

Oh boy. She didn't know what he had in store for her but an eager ache started to form in the pit of her belly. That couldn't be a good sign.

"Grab a washcloth."

"I can't. You told me to close my eyes."

"Open your eyes and grab washcloth then close them again. And I told you not to argue with me.” He sounded serious, authorative, a tone she wasn't used to hearing in his voice. Tabby did as he said, grabbing a rag and then leaning back in the tub.

"Now whatever goes on Tabby, is just between you and I. It doesn't change anything, we're still only friends, and we still aren't having sex so don't fight it, okay?"

"Okay,” she heard the words come out of her mouth but couldn't believe she let herself utter them.

"Get the washcloth wet and rub it across your shoulder. Lightly, just kind of let it float across your skin. Softly."

She didn't reply but started to do what he said.

"Are you doing it?"


"Good but now I want you to pretend it's me. You're laying in the bath and I'm rubbing your shoulders.” She started to call a halt but he silenced her with his words. “Don't run, Tab. I'm just trying to make you feel better. Your rules are still intact."

She could do this. She wanted to do this. She couldn't ever experience Nico first hand even though her body wanted to. It overstepped the bounds she put in place, it risked her heart with a man who she knew would never want to keep it. But this, this she could do.

"Roll the washcloth and put it behind your neck."

Tabby obeyed.

"Remember it's me. My hands are on your neck, Tabby. Do you feel the heat radiating off my skin?"

"Yes.” Why the hell did her voice sound so breathless?

"You're hot too, Tabby. I feel your warmth as I'm rubbing your neck. My hands are kneading your sore muscles. Does it feel good?"

Goose bumps pebbled on her skin. “Yes,” she replied. The word seemed to be all she could muster the strength to say.

"Good girl. I only want to make you feel better. You're skin is so soft, Tabby. I love the way it feels under my hands. I'm going to work my way up your neck, putting pressure with my thumbs and then I'll travel back down, okay?"

Y-E-S! She couldn't bring herself to reply out loud but knew Nico would understand. Damn he was good. Her body felt so loose, so at ease, so sensitive, like his hands were really caressing her skin. She felt her nipples begin to harden to peaks.

"I'm rubbing out all the tension in your neck, Tabby. Each time I feel a knot, I'll work it until it disappears leaving you feeling nothing but pleasure.” She again didn't reply. “You doing okay there, Slugger?"

"Better than okay.” Good God if this man made her feel this good “rubbing her shoulders” over the phone she couldn't fathom how she could ever handle being with him for real. It's a good thing she never planned to find out.

"Can I take this game a step farther, Tabby? Will you give me that much pleasure since I'll never be able to feel you beneath me?"

Her eyes popped open at his request.

"Close your eyes and relax, Tabitha. Don't think. Don't read too much into this. We're on the phone, playing a little game. Nothing changes. We're still just friends, no dating, no touching, no kissing, just this."

She almost asked him how he knew she'd opened her eyes but didn't. The answer scared her. Nico seemed to read her better than any man she'd ever known. It was probably all his experience, after all, women were his expertise. Stop it. Don't go there. You're just friends so you won't get hurt.

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