Unfaithful Ties (23 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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chapter 12

Kenneth & Lena...Atlanta Georgia

The impact of the tackle nearly knocked the wind out of him.  The hard jab to his ribs felt like someone had just sucked all of the air out of his lungs. He was in pain. A frightening pain that he’d never felt before, as he remain lying there on the grass unable to move. His airways were narrowing and his ability to breathe freely was shortening by the seconds.

“Mckhi Gibson, is down on the carry” The commentator announced over the stadium speakers. “It looks like he’s hurt pretty bad. And the Cardinals have just taken a timeout”

The Cardinals coaching staff were rushing to the center of the field.
Khi was hurt.


Kenneth was sitting as his desk eating a plate of left over fried liver and rice that Lena had cooked the night before when Khi’s school called. He was puzzled. They’d never called him before.

“Hello?” He asked with a mouth full of food.

“Is this Kenneth Gibson?”

“Yes.” He said, then got up and tossed his plate in the small wastebasket beside his desk. “Is everything okay?”

“This is Thomas Trenchen Offensive coordinator at Tattnall Prep your son McKhi suffered some minor injuries in the game today. He’s at Emory hospital. The doctors are ready to release him now but he can only be released by the consent of a parent.”

“My wife is not there?” Kenneth puzzled.

“No she’s not and we haven’t been able to reach her.”

odd, when I talked to her earlier I could have sworn she said she was at Khi’s game
. In fact he was sure that those were her exact words. It was then that he realized he didn’t hear any cheering or chanting in the background when he’d talked to Lena. Why would she lie? 

“I’m on my way. I’ll be there shortly”


Lena looked at her watch, right after she pulled into the parking space.  She was definitely late. Her reason, she thought, was well worth the tardiness. Chris had occupied majority of her time.  Earlier that morning their bodies moved together smoothly, like silk sliding down a bare spine. The reality of their sexual chemistry was damn near frightening. Every time Lena thought she could walk away Chris would always find a way to pull her back in.  That morning was no different. They’d been together since she’d left home and she’d enjoyed every second of it.

They both scurried through the crowded parking lot hoping that they hadn’t missed too much of the game. Before they made it to the field they could hear the rowdy crowd, the chanting of the cheerleaders, and the commentator’s baritone voice roaring through the stadium speakers. The stands were filled and there weren’t many open seats. Chris spotted a small section that seemed big enough to accommodate two people and they clambered up the bleachers until they’d reached what appeared to be the only open section.

Behind the tint of her sunglasses, Lena’s eyes searched for
Khi. She didn’t see him but she was sure that he was out there. It wasn’t until the woman beside her turned to her and asked. “ Aren’t you Mckhi Gibson’s mother?”

“Yes, I am” She said proudly.

“Well since I see you here I’m guessing that Mckhi was okay. It sure didn’t look good from here. Glad he’s okay”

“What do you mean? I’m just getting here.” Lena said panicky. “What happened?”

“Oh, I’m  so sorry? ” The woman said. “McKhi took a really hard hit and he was rushed to the hospital.”

“Oh God” Lena screamed frantically, and jumped up quickly then raced down each row until she reached the concrete. She jumped over the gate that separated the pretty green grass from the seating section and raced down the sideline. “Coach
Hollingshed” She yelled long before she reached him.

“Mrs. Gibson we’ve been trying to reach you.
Mckhi was hit pretty hard in the first quarter. He’s at Emory hospital...----”

Before he could finish Lena was already running back down the sidelines, Chris trailing behind her. The two of them didn’t stop until
there buttocks flopped down into the leather of Lena’s Jag. They strapped on their seatbelts and fled to Emory.

Lena swerved her Jaguar into a space that clearly read NO PARKING but she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to her was rushing to
McKhi’s aid. The fetid smell of sickness and deodorizer plunged into her nostrils as soon as she walked through the glass doors. Phones rang continuously. People-some sad, others relieved, but most just sitting around waiting patiently hoping that their loved ones were going to live to see another day.  The receptionist pushed a button that opened two doubled doors that led to the outpatient center and Lena rushed through, with Chris right by her side. Footsteps surrounding her, hurriedly clicked-clacked, and some even stomped as they all headed in varying directions. “We have a cold blue” She heard over the intercom and immediately felt tears crowding her vision. “God I hope that’s not Khi” She mumbled accelerating her pace.



With a few groans and sighs Kenneth paced back and forth right outside the outpatient room. With another sigh he shoved his phone back in his pant pocket after he’d finished listening to Lena’s voicemail for what felt like the twentieth time. Where in the hell was she? 

He’d just pulled his cellular out again to check his voicemail when he saw Lena rushing towards him with a woman he didn’t recognize following her closely.

“Look who’s decided to show up?” He said sarcastically. “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve been calling you for two hours.”

“Let’s not be caustic right now. I was held up in traffic”

Kenneth grinned. “Sure blame it on the traffic. Earlier when I talked to you, you claimed that you were at
Khi’s game.”

“I don’t have time to deal with your sarcasm or your barrage of questions right now. My concern is
Khi. How is he?”

“Oh now you decide that you need to be with your son. Where were you when his leg was being shattered in two places?” 

Lena’s forehead wrinkled. “How dare you? I’m the one that’s at every damn football, baseball, and basketball game....” She paused midsentence, realizing what Kenneth had said “...Did you just say his leg is broken in two places?”

“Yes, the doctors have informed me that his tibia is broken in two places.” He said extending his hand to Chris. “Forgive my wife. I’m Kenneth and you are?”

She smiled. “Christine”

Christine’s grip was tight, firm,
manly. As far as the eye could see she was a woman. A distractingly beautiful one but if Kenneth was a blind man judging by her handshake he’d have sworn that Christine was a man.

“How is he?”

“He’s going to be fine.”

“Is he in here?” Lena asked, pointing to the door behind Kenneth.


Lena pushed open the door and headed in. “After you” Christine said to Kenneth.

“I’m just going to wait out here. I need to check my messages.”

was sitting on the observation table. His foot was propped up on a few pillows. He looked very uncomfortable. “Are you okay sweetie?” Lena asked rushing to his aid.

“It just looks bad. I’m okay. My chest just hurts a little.”

“What’s going on? Why is he having chest pain?”

“His ribs are also bruised. There could be a number of things that triggered this.
In football, the injury could happen when a player is hit or when he falls on his side with the ball or a helmet between his body and the ground. His tibia is also broken in two places.”

“How long will the healing process take?”

“It could be anywhere from six to nine weeks” The doctor explained. “For the first couple of days you have to make sure that he stays off of his leg and make sure that he keeps it elevated.” The nurse said. “And he’ll also need to be on the crutches for at least six to nine weeks.”

“What about school?”

“He can return to school in about a week.”


After Kenneth listened to Malik’s voicemail his entire mood changed. He couldn’t imagine what Jason must’ve been going through. He opened the door and slid back into the room. The nurse was writing on a chart. “I’ll have these for you out front.” She said and walked out of the outpatient room.

“Lena I need to talk to you.”

“Can’t it wait?” She said irritably.

“It’s about Vanessa”

“What about Vanessa?”

“Baby” He hesitated. “She’s” He stuttered. “Baby, she’s been in an accident”

“What kind of an accident?”

“Her car went off the road sometime last month.”

“Last month? Why am I just now finding out about this?”

“I guess Jason really hasn’t had the time to communicate this with any of us”

“Is she okay?”

“She woke up out of the coma earlier today.”

“Coma?” She gasped. She caught the tears rolling from her eyes. “Vanessa’s been a coma?”

“She’s also had some memory lost. And Jason thinks that a visit from all of us will help her get her memory back. He wants us to fly out there for Thanksgiving.”

Lena rushed into Kenneth’s arms burying her head into his chest. “Oh Kenneth, I hope she recovers from this. I hope she gets her memory back.”

“She will baby, everything is going to work out just fine.”

chapter 13

Malik...Jacksonville Florida

The Furniture company had come and gone by now, and Malik still hadn’t contacted Stacy. Instead he was out back on the deck stretched out lazily on a lounge chair rehearsing, for the millionth time, what he was going to say to her when he called.

The blistering sun uncomfortably bathed his bare chest saturating his masculine upper body with sticky perspiration. His feet were bare; the blue jean shorts he wore were clinging to his thighs, and the ball cap on his head was pulled to his brows protecting his eyes from the flare of the sun. Although it was late October the heat felt more like July.

He couldn’t make up his
mind; nothing he’d rehearsed was good enough.  “Uuuuggghh” He sighed heavily as he eased up the back of the lounge chair. “I should just get this over with. This is just a phone call about visiting a friend who’s lost their memory for Christ Sake.” He stood, stretched his long arms and legs then headed into the house. Stacy had the poor man’s mind going in fifty different directions.

Now he was standing by the built in aquarium in his living room admiring his new oversized recliner. He sank down into the cushioned seat and enjoyed the plush comfort of the interior. It was the softest leather he’d ever felt. “Now this is a man’s couch
” He mumbled to himself as he pulled the recline handle and drifted off to sleep. He could’ve really used another shower but he was drained.


Malik was pouring Cognac into the pan of Coq au Riesling that was simmering on the cooktop when he glanced up at the digital clock on the microwave and noticed that seven o’clock was only ten minutes away. Kim would be arriving soon. He sprinkled a little garlic on the thigh fillets, covered the pan and preheated the oven to three hundred and fifty degrees. The main course meal was seasoned delectably and according to the recipe it would be ready in thirty minutes. He’d chosen the French entre because he wanted to prepare his date a meal unlike any other meal she’d ever tasted. A few skinned potatoes were on the center island, alongside a few spices and herbs, a slicer knife, a cutting board, and two aprons so that Kim could join him in preparing their feast. He’d learned from experience that women loved it when a man could cook. And something that they loved even more is a man whose idea of a perfect date is having casual conservation while preparing dinner together. They think it’s romantic. He’d learned that from experience too. Yeah, Malik had gotten plenty of pussy with his little “I would love for you to join me in the kitchen” Line. When were the women ever going to learn that it was only a man’s ploy? A ploy, that landed Malik right in the center of their deep wet valley.

He glanced around the kitchen surveying his new appliances that he’d had delivered from Lowes yesterday morning and felt a smile curving his lips. The stainless steel refrigerator, cooktop, and microwave: everything was brand spanking new. The only thing that he had to do now was fill in that hole where the old dishwasher use to be.
That can wait
, he mumbled as he pulled two champagne flutes out of the cabinet.

The house was spic and span. Rich scented cologne lingered through the air. It was the bottle of Chrome Legend that Malik had sprayed on after he’d gotten out of the shower. On the other side of the wall, the top of a bottle of imported wine poking out of an ice chiller was the centerpiece on a brand new, very elegant, cherry oak pub table. Tapered ivory candles inside a glass candleholder added light to the dimly lit dining area. The setting was one that you’d see in a love flick. When the doorbell rang Malik, straightened the collar on his shirt, turned his cellular on silent and headed for the front door. “Hello Gorgeous” He said, stepping aside.

“Well hello there handsome” Kim said while stepping through the door frame. She walked over to the end table and dropped the silver evening clutch she was carrying on top of it “It’s nice in here”

“Thanks! For the compliment! And for wearing that dress! Come join me in the kitchen?” Malik suggested. The scent of fresh ginger floated past Malik’s nostrils as he ushered her to walk ahead of him so that he could get a better look at her curves. “Just walk straight ahead.”

Kim was wearing a fitted black dress that curved to her curvaceous hips and thick thighs. It was strapless and stopped right above her knee. Black stilettos made her look three inches taller than her five/four frame. Black hair fell below her shoulders.

“You are wearing that dress”

“Thanks” she said, and cornered the L that landed them into the kitchen. “The food sure smells good. Exactly what is it?”

“It’s Coq au Riesling”

“A man that cooks for a woman and French at that. Impressive!” Just as soon as she’d complimented him the two aprons on the center island caught her eye and she started giggling. “Why are there two aprons? Was your mother helping you cook this food?” She joked.

“No” He laughed. “The other apron is for you”

“Oh, nooooo…I don’t cook”

“Come on it’ll be fun” He insisted and grabbed the apron from the island and slid it over Kim’s dress.

“Okay but only on one condition”

“What’s that?”

“You have to promise that you won’t get mad at me when we end up having to order take out because I’m warning you that I cannot cook”

“It’ll be fine” He said “I want you to do two things for me”

“Which is?”

“First I want you to take off your shoes. I don’t want your feet to start killing you”

“They already are” She laughed and stepped out of her shoes. “What else do you want me to do?”

“Oh there is plenty that I want you to do for me. But for right now you can start dicing those potatoes.”

“I think that I can manage that”

Malik smiled. “Good”


Kim was stuffed as she poked her fork into the dish and forced herself to eat the last bite. “That was delicious” She said, then wiped the corners of her mouth.

“I told you it would be”

“I’ll get the dishes” She offered, then pulled up from the table and piled the plates.

“No, you don’t have to worry about it.” Malik insisted, getting to his feet “What I want you to do is wait for me in the living room. I’ll put these away.”

“You sure do know how to appease a woman. Your mother has done a great job with you”

Malik chuckled. “There are some candles on the mantle, will you take that candle lighter and light them for me?” he asked pointing to the candle lighter beside the wine chiller.

“Sure” She agreed.

After she’d headed to her destination Malik put the dishes in the sink, grabbed their champagne flutes, and the bottle of wine then headed to join Kim in the living room. “I brought us some more wine” He said, entering the room. He set the glasses on the coffee table, poured some in both the flutes and handed Kim a glass.

“More wine?” She asked. “I’m not going to be able to drive home”

“I won’t complain if you stay”

“I bet you won’t” She joked.

Malik turned off the lights, with the extension of a lamp on top of an end table over by the door, then pressed play on his iPod. Climax by R&B singer Usher blasted through the surround system. “Wrong song” Malik mumbled and changed the track. Now,
Whenever, wherever, whatever
was playing “Care to dance?”
Malik asked.

Kim put her glass down on the table, walked closer to where Malik was standing and they slow danced. “This is probably the best date I’ve ever been on.”

“Is that right?”

In her sexiest voice, she looked into Malik’s eyes and said, “Yes. This is a perfect date” then snuggled the right side of her face in his masculine chest.

They slow danced through three more of Maxwell’s tracks before the doorbell stunned them both. “Let me get that” Malik said.

Kim sat down on the buttercream leather sofa.

Malik opened the door and peeped his head out the crack of it. “Regina” Malik said, completely surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“I know it’s unannounced. I’ve tried calling but your phone is going straight to the voicemail.”

“I told you I’d be busy tonight”

“I know I just feel so bad about the way I acted this morning and I just wanted to apologize.” She explained “I wanted to make it up to you”

Malik’s eyebrows grew closer together. He was aggravated. “I told you that tonight wasn’t going to be a good time. We can talk about this tomorrow.”

He tried to close the door on her.

Regina stopped him by sticking her shoe between the crack. “That’s too bad. I was hoping that I could make it up to you tonight”

Malik looked over at Kim who was becoming a little ruffled, then glanced back at Regina “It’s late and I’ve had a long day.”

“Why do I feel like you’re rushing me away? Do you have another bitch in here?” She yelled pushing through the door. “Unbelievable”

“Maybe I should leave” Kim suggested.

“No, you don’t have to leave” Malik ordered.

Regina bombarded Kim with questions. “Let me guess! He cooked you a meal? French? And he even let you help him huh?”

Kim glanced at Malik, then back at Regina.

“Fine you don’t have to answer me” Regina yelled. “Let me tell you what’s going to happen next.”

“It’s time for you to go” Malik demanded.

“He’s going to ask you to light the candles while he gets the dishes but since I see that the candles are already lit you’re probably past that point already.”

“That’s enough Regina”

“He’s going to ask you to dance with him. And he’s going to pour you glass after glass of fine wine.”

“Kim don’t listen to her”

“Then he’s going to suggest that you spend the night. And he’s going to claim that it’s because you’ve had too much to drink and he doesn’t want you to drive.”

“Alright I’ve had enough” Malik said and grabbed Regina by the arm.

“Let go of my damn arm before”

“Before what?” Malik yells. He was clearly about to lose his cool.

“Is this really what you want sweetie.
A man that will yell at you? And treat you like this?” Regina asked Kim.

Malik was doing the best he could to get her to leave. But she wasn’t going to willingly walk out of the house. And she knew that he wasn’t going to physically force her out. Not with Kim standing there. It would make him look bad.

“He’s not the perfect gentlemen that you thought he was, is he?” She asked while looking over her shoulder as Malik lightly shoved her to the door.

After Kim realized that Regina wasn’t going to leave at least not as long as she knew that Malik had another woman up in his house she decided that she’d leave. “I’m going to head home
” She said, grabbing her clutch”

“Just be glad that you drove because otherwise he’d call you a cab.”

“Ooookayyyy” Kim sighed. “The date was nice but I think it’s time for me to go home. Now!”

“Girl that’s your best bet. Getting you in his bed has been his plan since the moment you walked through that door.”

“You’ve really had too much to drink. I think it would be best if you just wait for the taxi” Malik insisted.

“Obviously you two have a lot to work out so, thanks! But no thanks!” and she stepped out of the door, leaving the two of them inside the house, hopped into her car and sped off.

When Kim’s taillights disappeared into the darkness Malik pushed Regina out of the door like she was a damn man, then walked out behind her. “What the fuck is your problem?” he yelled.

“What’s my problem? No…what’s your problem disrespecting me like this?”

“Disrespecting you?” He asked, standing with both his hands on his hips. His jawbone was jumping. He was pissed. “What in the hell do you mean? This is my fucking house”

“You’re just like all the other men. Do you think that it’s fair for you to fuck me all night, through the morning, send me home in a taxi and then kick me to the curve so that you can romance another bitch”

“First of all let’s get something straight. We’re not a couple okay. And because we’re not a couple I can romance or sleep with whoever I want to.”

“If I were you I wouldn’t talk to me that way”

“You know what I haven’t know you that long to be arguing with you. Don’t text are call me ever again. As a matter of fact tomorrow my number will be changed”

“You forget I know where you live.  You men should really think before you just go around putting your dick in every woman you meet. You never know, one just might turn out to be your worst fucking night mare”

“Get the fuck off of my porch” Malik said, and walked back in the house. “I’ve gotten too old for this shit” He sighed and sank into his recliner.


Late that night Malik finally did what he’d dreaded doing all that day. He dialed Stacy.

This voicemail box is full

Good thing he had the contact information to the firm where she worked. He dialed the number, listened to the extension directory, and left her message. “Stacy this is Malik. Listen I know that I’m the last person you want to hear from. But I need to talk to you it’s important. Please call me back. My number is 904-468-2201. Hope to hear from you soon.”

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