Unfaithful Ties (31 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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“You didn’t believe me? I told you that I’ve been starving for you since yesterday?” He said, shutting the bedroom door with his foot.

Veronica forced him against his bedroom door, dropped to her knees, pulled his boxers to his feet, rolled the protection on his hard dick and slowly suckled the head of it. “Mmmmm. Malik moaned. “Aggressiveness I love it.”




“That’s it. That’s it.”






ahhhh, that’s it.”




“Shit woman. You trying to make me cum?”

Awhh shit...Mmm”

“Slow it back down”


“That’s it.”

“Grip it tighter”


“Use both hands”

“That’s it”




“I don’t want you to cum. Not yet” Veronica said and pulled herself off her knees then forced Malik to the bed.

“Shit girl. You ain’ playing are you?”

“When it comes to your dick do I ever play?” She smiled and slid down on his cock. Gyrating her hips she rocked back and forth- up and down- round and round until her legs weakened. “
Mmmm. Malik your dick is so good. Mmmm. Sweet Jesus thank you”

“Ride me Veronica, Ride me good”

She eased up on her feet and rode him good, balancing her weight by the tip of her toes. “Is it good daddy?”

“It’s toe curling good.” Malik murmured. “Good and tight” He
rolled her over to her back, placed both of her legs over his shoulders and penetrated deep and hard. “You blow my mind, you know that? Your pussy blows my fucking mind.”

“Hearing that does something to me. Say it again” She demanded.

“Your pussy blows my fucking mind”

Mmmm I want to feel you inside me doggy style” She moaned.

Roughly Malik flipped her on all fours, shoved an arch in her back and lifted her ass.  “
Mmmm it’s so wet” He said, sliding his manhood deep inside her pudding. He pounded her hard and quick with every inch of his dick. “This is what you want right?”

“Yes. Yes.
Yesssssss” She screamed exotically.

He chuckled.  “Damn baby I know it’s good but I don’t want my baby girl to hear you”

“I can’t help it
” She moaned. “Shit. It’s just that damn good. I’m about to cum. I’m about cum.” She said trembling.  “I’m cummmmiiinnnggg” She sang.

Malik slowed down his thrusts. His eyes were slipping towards the back of his head. It was getting too good. She was so wet. He couldn’t take it. He was going to explode any minute. He stiffened and froze, and could no longer contain himself. “
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” He growled as the warm liquid oozed into the rubber. Collapsing on the side of her he sighed. “Damn, you’re incredible.” He breathed.

After lying there for several minutes he emerged from the bed. “Come shower with me”

“Only if you promise to wash me. I’m tired” She joked.

“The way you just put it on me. I’ll do anything you want
” He said pulling her from the bed. “Damn woman, you got some good stuff.”


Silence and darkness cloaked her like a thick blanket. The darkness protected her. Convinced her that she was unstoppable. This was getting way to easy and even if she wanted to, she couldn’t stop herself. Hurt, had stimulated the mentally unstable thoughts manifesting in her wicked mind, prompting her to make her next move.

For three hours she’d remained unobtrusive while sitting in the back seat of an unmarked rental watching, plotting, scheming, contemplating the perfect moment to go in. It was time: time for her to haunt him. Slowly she pushed open the driver door and slid out of the car then cautiously lurked across the grass like a thief in the night, careful not to be caught. Masked with black gloves, black tights, and black boots she blended extensively with the midnight hour.

Tiptoeing up the first step she moved stiffly. Stopped. Listened. Waited. A pattern she practiced until she reached the porch. Hopefully he hadn’t changed the locks because she wouldn’t be able to use the spare key she’d found when she burglarized his home. Carefully she removed the thin piece of metal from her bra and slid it in the lock. It fit. She listened for the lock to click. When it clicked a strong force of adrenaline rushed through her. She knew it wouldn’t be long now. In a matter of seconds she’d be closer to him, and she’d drown herself in the fragrance of his skin, revel in his beauty, and be near him. She cracked the door open inch by inch slowly.  Then paused and waited before squeezing through the tight opening.

She silently listened for footsteps, sudden movements and any sign that signaled that she’d been caught. Realizing that no one in the house was aware of her presence, she smiled diabolically and tiptoed down the hall and didn’t stop moving until she was standing at the doorway of Malik’s bedroom. This was going to be risky. How was she going to twist the lock without alarming Malik?  She couldn’t get sloppy now. But she wasn’t going to turn around she was to close. Dauntlessly she twisted the doorknob and eased the door open, praying that it didn’t squeal
,  it didn’t.

She watched the two of them as the woman breathed steadily and Malik snored loudly. Her head nestled on his bare chest, his right arm blanketing her nude upper body, the sheets covering them from the waist down as they slept. She gloated over him. Reveled every inch of him lying naked with another woman, wishing that it
were her being held by him. She needed him. She wanted him. Desired him. If only he would love her half as much as she loved him.  But he didn’t. And never would.
Why couldn’t you just love me

She’d rather see him dead than be with another woman. For each second she stood there glaring at the view in front of her, her flagitious way of thinking increased to the tenth power. She hated seeing him with someone else. He was supposed to be hers. So, she just stood there watching him like he was her prey imagining the desperation in his voice, his cry, and his scream for her to spare him his life.

She warred with all the demented thoughts in her head. “We could have been good together,” She mouthed. She wanted to smother the woman with a pillow that had been tossed to the floor but she knew it would blow her cover. So she continued to watch them, longingly wishing that things didn’t have to be this way. She knew that moment that if she couldn’t have him she had to kill him. It was the only way she’d be able to move on with her life. He was going to pay for hurting her. 

Standing right in front of the doorway, with an empty condemn rapper underneath her boot she came up with a psychopathic plan. In her crazy little world she believed it would work.  She’d torment him until he came back to her and if he didn’t she’d watch him die. Tonight wasn’t the right time. She had to give him time to realize that they were made for each other. He was worth the wait. With a little patience she’d wait for him to come back to her. And if he didn’t, she’d wait for the perfect moment to take his life.
My love has no boundaries
, she thought and moved back into the hallway.

With a pen and pad in her hand she sat down on the ripped sofa in the living room and wrote.


my love has no boundaries; I won’t stop until you’ve realized that we belong together!

Love Regina,


I’m surprised that you haven’t

ran out of these with all the

around you do.


She put the condemn wrapper along with the note on the coffee table, tiptoed across the room, slid out the front door and closed it quietly behind her. Next she discreetly flashed across the grass and hopped into the rental. She felt unstoppable because she’d gotten away with it again. “He’s going to realize that he can’t escape me and he’ll be with me. I know he will” She said with a confident smile and drove forward.

chapter 22

Brandi & Trae...San Antonio Texas

Brandi had just gotten out of the shower. A plastic cap covered her hair and a towel that barely wrapped halfway around her oversized frame cling tightly against her bare skin as she stepped into her bedroom. When she heard the doorbell ring she slid on her cloth robe and headed downstairs.

“I’m coming. I’m coming” She sang when the doorbell rang a second time. When she got to the door she looked through the peephole and pulled the door open. She didn’t know the light-skinned boney woman standing on her porch.

“Hi, Are you
Tremaine’s mother?” The woman asked.

“Yes, I’m
Tremaine’s mother…who are you?”

“My name is
Lenise. I’m Chelsea’s mom.” The woman extended her hand. “I don’t know whether or not you’re aware but I recently found out that my daughter is pregnant by your son Tremaine”

Brandi was speechless.

“She’s six weeks.” The woman informed her.

From that moment, it felt like someone had stabbed a knife into what was left of Brandi’s heart, and it wasn’t much to begin with.
Tremaine was only a child himself. What in the world was he going to do with a baby?

Brandi ushered the woman inside and they headed to the living room. “Please have a seat
” She offered.

“Thanks. You have a nice home
” Lenise said glancing around the room before she sat down. She crossed her legs and set her purse beside her.

“Thanks. Can I get you anything? Tea…water…
coke… anything?”

“I’m fine, thank you. Were you aware that they were sexually active?”

“I suspected it” Brandi answered, and sat down on the other couch. “I found a condemn not too long ago but he told me that he was not active and if it ever happened he’d always use protection”

“Apparently they weren’t always careful”
Lenise said, with a stern tone.

“Are maybe your daughter wasn’t careful with someone else”

“What are you implying? That my daughter is trying to put this baby on your son? That she may be unsure who’s the father?” The woman snapped, bringing herself to a stand. “I came here thinking that you and I could talk woman to woman. I didn’t come here to hear your daddy’s maybe mama’s baby Laws”

“I’m not saying that it’s not a possibility that
Tremaine is the father. What I am saying is before I jump to conclusions, I need to be sure.” Brandi said getting up. “I’ve seen situations where a young girl claims that one guy is the father and the paternity test proves he’s not”

The woman cocked her head to the side and pushed her fist into her hip. She was in dismay and couldn't believe what she was hearing. “I understand that you don’t want your son to become a parent at such a young age, neither do I want that for my daughter.” She said fishing around in her purse. She stepped closer to Brandi and handed her the ultrasound photo. “But the reality is, there is a living, breathing, human being growing inside of my daughter and it’s not going away.”

Brandi took a deep breath, handed the photo back to Lenise, watched her walk back to the sofa “You’re not actually suggesting that she should keep the baby, are you?”

“Of course she’s going to keep the baby. My husband and I don’t believe in abortions.”

“Are you guys crazy! An abortion is the best option for both of them. A baby is going to mess up their lives.”

This time
Lenise sprang up from the sofa and tossed her purse straps over her shoulder, gripping it tightly. “I’ve had enough. There is no way I’m going to allow my sixteen year old daughter to lie on some table while some doctor performs an operation that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Trust me  I should know. My parents did that to me when I was seventeen. Tremaine helped Chelsea make this bed and he’s going to lie in it with her because she’s not getting an abortion.” She stormed out of the living room.

Brandi followed dead on her heels. “Since you insist on destroying their lives I think you should know that when the baby is born a DNA test is definitely in order.”

Lenise stopped in her tracks right in front of the door, turned to Brandi and rolled her neck. “I wouldn’t have it other way” 

Snatching the door open for
Lenise, Brandi hissed. “I’m glad that we can agree on something”

stepped onto the porch. “I can’t wait to see your face, when you get the results of the DNA test. My daughter isn’t a whore. She knows exactly who the father of her child is”

“Let’s just hope she does. You have a good day” Brandi said and slammed the door.


It was noisy, a constant barrage of different sound effects. Slot machines were spinning, games ding and dong,
coins hit metal. There was dice being rolled, bets placed, cards dealt, the pitter-patter from players winning or running the games, and wheels being spun all in a constant continuing rhythm. People seemed to be having the best time of their life. They craved the adrenaline rush of winning.

was sitting at a deluxe table in the (Royal Grande Casino, Hotel) in Las Vegas, where he’d been vacationing all week, playing a game of Blackjack. He’d just grabbed a free glass of booze from a waitress in skimpy clothing when his phone rang again for the fifth time. It was Jason.

“Jason can I call you right back man?”
Trae said loudly into the speaker. He was trying to talk over the loud noise.

“It’s important man”

“I’m in Biloxi Mississippi and I’m in the middle of a game right now”

“It’s urgent man. It’s about Brandi”

Trae repeated the question irritably “It’s about Brandi? That’s what’s so important? I’ll call you back”

“Damn are you really that damn cold hearted? What did that woman ever do besides be a good woman to you? You need to get your head together and get your priorities straight”

Trae excused himself from the table and headed outside of the Casino, walking hurriedly and furiously. “I’m a grown ass man. I don’t need you calling me trying to give me a goddamn lecture.”

I had to stop Brandi from Killing herself the other day man. What’s wrong with you? Don’t you care about anybody other than yourself?”

“I’m no longer with Brandi. And what Brandi does is no longer my business. I’m about to marry a woman that has the money to take me around the world and back and I don’t have time to be worrying about Brandi’s deranged ass. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and stay the hell out of my business.”

“How can you do that to a woman that’s had your back since we were kids? How could you leave her for the woman next door? What’s going on with you man? You haven’t even tried to call and I know that you know about my wife’s accident?’

“Your wife can’t stand my ass. I don’t even know why it shocks you that I haven’t called.”

“It’s not about Vanessa. You and Vanessa aren’t friends and I get that. But you and I are best friends and you haven’t even shown one ounce of concern. I almost lost my wife.”

“Well you didn’t”

“You’re never going to grow up. You’re still the same inconsiderate asshole you’ve been since we were kids. You’re not a kid anymore. What kind of example do you think that you’re setting for your boys?”

“You have kids of your own first before you try and school me about parenthood. Owe I forgot you must be shooting blanks since you been trying for the last six years and you still haven’t knocked Vanessa up yet. That’s why she had an abortion. Because it wasn’t yours.”

“What in the hell are you talking about? My wife has never had an abortion”

“Maybe you should ask
her girlfriends all about it.”

“I don’t believe you. This is what you do. You get some sick kind of adrenaline rush off of making other people’s life miserable. Your little game is not going to work. Vanessa loves kids and I know her better than you. She’d never have an abortion. Furthermore she’d never cheat.” Jason said. “From now on I’m dead to you,
you selfish son of a bitch. If you dropped dead tomorrow it wouldn’t bother me at all. I hope you rot in hell”

“Well I’m going to enjoy my life before I get there”
Trae giggled and hung up. Without an ounce of concern for Brandi he headed back into the Casino.


Love, hate, hurt, humiliation, exhaustion and depression. What a hell of a combination. Brandi was battling so many different emotions as she lay there across the foot of her bed, that she didn’t know what to feel, or what to do to eliminate them. She felt like she was losing her mind.

She sat up on the bed and asked herself, where do I go from here? What’s next? Who do you turn to when you have a head full of questions and no answers?

“Lord if I’ve never needed your help before, I need it now” She said out loud and walked over to the chest drawer. She fished around her purse, pulled out her cellular and powered it on. The first few text messages that caught her eye were from her mother. So she called her. “Hey ma” She said.

look who finally decided to call”

“You busy?”

“No. I’m just out here digging in my garden. I must’ve left you a million messages. I been worried sick. Stacy called and told me about your little episode. They been worrying bout’ cha’ like crazy.  They just called me a few minutes ago but I was out here on my hands and knees digging in dirt so I told em’ I’d call em’ back.”

“Mama you’re supposed to maintain your garden during the spring and summer months, not the winter.”

“It feels like summer out here to me. How com’ you just now picking up the phone to call me chile?”

”I’ve just been busy mama”

“Too busy for me?”

“No. That’s not what I meant. I’ve been busy with life ma.” Brandi sighed. “My life is a disaster.”

“Life can’t be that bad. You breathing ain’ cha? I tell you, if you quit worrying bout’ Trae your life will be a whole lot betta’ ”

Trae left me ma” Brandi’s voice started to tremble. She looked at her hands. They were trembling too. “He’s been cheating on me with the woman next door. He says that he’s going to marry her.”

ain’ she a fool. I’m just glad it ain’ chu he marrying.”

“Ma. I’m devastated. How can you be so happy when this is tearing me apart?”

“You oughta’ be glad it ain’ chu that’s gotta’ deal with that headache no more.” Mrs. Bette said. “You act like it’s the end of the world. Trae ain’ never meant you no good. I’m glad he left. Cause’ you never would’ve had sense enough to leave him.”

“Mama what do I do now? Where do I go from here? My life is so screwed up I don’t know where to start to fix it.
Trae is all I know”

Trae ain’ the only man in the world. Your life shouldn’t revolve around him. He ain’ God. You fix it with prayer. By learning how to be strong. I didn’t raise you to be weak. You’ve let that man control you for so long that you don’t know how to stand on your own two feet. He don’ drained everything out cha’ and now you ain’ got nothin’ left to give nobody. Not even your children. How are my grandchildren anyway?”

“Trent is spoiled. He’s going to throw a fit when he finds out that he has to quit Karate class because I can’t afford it.
Trevon is doing good…getting straight A’s. And Tremaine, I don’t even know where to begin with him.”

“That boy’s problem is, he didn’t get enough spankings. You didn’t never
wanna’ whip him. Now you paying for it. The bible says spare the rod spoil the child. But anyway I ain’ gon’ preach to you today. What that chile don’ did now?”

“Some girl claiming she’s pregnant”


“Um…hmmm. She’s six weeks”

“What’s that boy gonna’ do with a baby. He’s just a baby himself”

“Hopefully the DNA test proves it’s not his”

“Well he betta’ hope so. Babies ain’ cheap.” She said “What are you going to do about a place to stay? Ya’ll still living in that rich white folks neighborhood ain’ cha? I know you can’t afford that high rent by yourself.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Trae offered to pay the rent for the next three months but I’m sure he’s changed his mind since I drove his car into our private lake.”

Mrs. Betty chuckled. “You did what? As a Christian woman I should say that you don’t fight fire with fire. But I know what he’s taken you through and I almost
wanna’ say, that’s what his behind gets.”

“It was funny to me at first. But it’s not so funny now that it has dawned on me that me and my kids might not have a place to stay soon”

“You can always apply for some government assistance. That’s what it’s there for. I’m not saying that you have to stay on it forever but it wouldn’t hurt to have until you can get on your feet”

“I never thought that this is what my life would amount to ma. Absolutely nothing”

“Sweetie life is full of surprises. Full of ups and downs. But the good thing about life is, it’s never too late to turn it around. It’s never too late to turn your life into something worth bragging about sugga’.”

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