Unfortunate Son (20 page)

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Authors: Shae Connor

BOOK: Unfortunate Son
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Trevor bobbed his head and sucked, tongue working the full length of Adam’s dick. The flavor of precum filled his mouth, salty-bitter like sweat and skin, and he moaned, sending vibrations into Adam’s body. Adam groaned and jerked, and Trevor pulled off, giving that beautiful cock one last lick before moving back up to Adam’s mouth.

Adam’s kiss was voracious. He brought both hands to hold
Trevor in place as soft sighs and moans worked their way out of his mouth. Adam rolled them over, and Trevor let himself fall back against the mattress, Adam on top, their cocks rubbing together between their bodies. Trevor lost himself in their kiss, forgetting for a few moments that he was in the middle of a scene, until Adam pulled away and dove for his waist, pushing his shorts and underwear out of the way so he could get his mouth around Trevor’s cock.

Trevor nearly shouted in surprise, a sound that fell off into a moan as Adam went to work, bobbing his head fast and sucking hard. Trevor got his hands onto Adam’s head and held on for the ride, glad for the reprieve. He liked his blowjobs slower and with more buildup, so Adam’s technique, while not lacking in sensation—or in appearance, for the cameras—actually made it easier for Trevor to keep his body under control.

Adam soon slowed down, though, working Trevor’s cock with more deliberation, lifting his gaze to meet Trevor’s. The spark of mischief underlying the lust caught Trevor’s attention. Adam gave the impression of a man who knew how to have fun with this business of sex, and Trevor found himself wondering how Adam would be in private—one-on-one, without the crew and the cameras.

But that idea just brought Riley right back into his mind, so he pulled himself out of that line of thinking in a hurry. Besides, he never had slept with scene partners off camera, and he wasn’t about to start now.

He reached for Adam’s arms, pulling him up and off his cock, and shifted away long enough to get his shorts and underwear out of the picture. Adam took the moment to lose the jock that was still hooked on one of his legs before coming back toward Trevor, pressing him into the mattress and kissing him again. This kiss was slow, deep, mouths open wide. Adam pulled back to tease with his tongue before diving back in. Trevor followed Adam’s lead, letting his hands wander the expanse of Adam’s back, feeling those muscles shift and bunch under his skin. Trevor got a handful of one firm asscheek and squeezed, smiling into the kiss as Adam moaned.

“Not just a top, hmmm?” Trevor murmured against Adam’s lips, and Adam laughed just as softly.

“Not even mostly,” he admitted. “But that’s what he wanted….”

Trevor knew all about that. Personal preference had little to do with on-camera work. But as Adam said, he was the top today, so Trevor went with it. He spread his legs, bringing them up to hook his thighs over Adam’s hips, and thrust his pelvis up into Adam’s.

Adam pulled out of their kiss and laughed softly again. “Okay, then.” He started working his way down Trevor’s body again, more slowly this time, pausing to suck at his nipples and even nose into his armpits. Trevor moaned as Adam licked there, swirling his tongue in the clean hair, scented only with Trevor’s natural musk.

Distracted by the unusual sensation in a spot that didn’t usually get much attention, Trevor jumped when Adam closed one large hand around his dick. He didn’t stroke, just squeezed gently, fingers working in time with his tongue. Trevor shifted on the mattress and moaned again as Adam licked his way across his chest to his other nipple, where Adam latched on and sucked hard, in contrast to the light brush of his thumb across the tip of Trevor’s dick.

Oh, holy shit
. The contrasting sensations nearly drove Trevor right over the edge, and dammit, it was way too soon for that. Hell, even if they hadn’t been on camera, it would’ve been way too soon.
What is this guy doing to me?

Trevor bucked up again, knocking Adam’s mouth loose, and pushed at his shoulder. “Come up here so I can….”

Adam took the hint and flipped around, planting his knees on the mattress on either side of Trevor’s head, his cock dangling enticingly an inch from Trevor’s mouth. Trevor licked the drop of precum off the tip before cupping Adam’s ass in both hands and drawing his dick inside. Adam hummed out a low sound as he lowered his own mouth around Trevor’s dick, and they both went to work.

Trevor arched his back and lifted his head from the mattress so Adam wouldn’t need to push farther down and risk blocking the camera’s view as he sucked Adam deeper. Better for a sixty-nine would be lying on their sides with the camera above them, but that would mean stopping and restarting, and Jordan had said he didn’t want that. Trevor shifted instead, bringing his camera-side arm down to prop himself against the mattress and using his other hand to wrap around the base of Adam’s cock. That gave him room to work Adam over with his mouth and tongue without their bodies getting too close for a clear shot.

More settled into the position, Trevor let his mind soak in the parts of his job he loved best. Adam’s skin smelled fresh and clean, overlaid with the enticing musk of his arousal and the dark places between his legs. His sounds were muffled with his mouth full, of course, but he moaned deep in his chest whenever Trevor hit a particularly sensitive spot, and Trevor felt the vibrations against his tongue.

Adam slid his mouth, hot and wet, over Trevor’s cock, snaking his tongue along the bottom side, flicking the tip against his frenulum. Trevor let out a moan of his own and sucked Adam harder, but not deeper, letting his fist cover the ground his mouth wasn’t reaching. He backed off, stretching things out, the professional in the back of his mind reminding him that Jordan needed as much film as he could get.

Adam moved then, planting both of his ripped arms on the mattress and dipping his head all the way down until his mouth hit Trevor’s pubic hair. Trevor grunted in surprise and nearly choked on his mouthful before he pulled off and let out a groan. “Fuck,” he called out, hand still working Adam’s dick while Adam deep-throated him.
, this guy knew what he was doing. Trevor could hear Adam’s breath rasp in and out through his nose and then stop as Adam swallowed around the head of Trevor’s cock.

“Fuck!” He yelled it that time, holding onto his last shred of control to keep from erupting right down Adam’s throat. Adam took the shout as warning, though, and backed off, though Trevor felt him smile. Trevor leaned up to nip at the crease between Adam’s groin and thigh, getting a flinch and chuckle from his partner, before he went back to suckling at the head of Adam’s dick.

They kept up the sixty-nine a little while longer, neither of them going for anything strong, a silent agreement to let Jordan get in some extra film before they moved on. Soon, though, Adam slid his mouth off Trevor’s cock and licked it all over like an ice cream cone before pulling away and turning his head to look up at Trevor.

“Flip over,” he murmured, and Trevor’s ass clenched. He nodded and followed orders, quickly settling onto his hands and knees. Adam draped himself over his back, knees between Trevor’s, and reached out both hands to tangle their fingers together where Trevor had braced himself on the mattress. Trevor could feel Adam’s cock rubbing against the back of his balls, and he let himself moan at the sensation.

“You smell good.” Adam spoke louder that time, clearly for the cameras, though from the nose nuzzling behind his ear, Trevor guessed it probably wasn’t just for show. Adam ran his tongue along the shell of Trevor’s ear, drawing out another shiver, and then licked his way down Trevor’s neck. He shifted back, tongue still in motion, drawing lazy patterns along Trevor’s spine. Trevor let his head drop on another moan, breath coming quicker in anticipation as Adam’s mouth continued moving lower.

Adam gave him a thorough rimming, dividing his efforts between licking across and around Trevor’s hole and sliding his tongue in deep, fluttering inside Trevor’s body. Trevor gasped and twitched under Adam’s assault, pushing his hips back, begging for more. By the time Adam pulled free and reached for the lube on the nightstand, Trevor’s arms had given out, and he lowered himself to rest on his elbows instead, hips tilted up high.

Adam took his time prepping Trevor for his cock, longer than Trevor needed by far, but he reminded himself that the vibe for the shoot was different, and slower was better. He let himself relax into it, focusing on each sensation as it happened, rather than anticipating the next, and trying to find the balance between enjoyment and professionalism.

He knew Jordan would stop them if anything went too off course, so that wasn’t a concern, but for the first time since he’d started in the business, he was having difficulty remembering that this was work, not personal. Adam stroked his fingers inside him like a lover, not a coworker, seeking out every delicious spot, prolonging his pleasure until he was nothing but shivering need. By the time Adam slid on a condom and pressed his cock against Trevor’s hole, Trevor was ready to beg to be fucked.

Adam didn’t do that, either. He pushed inside slowly, so slowly that Trevor thought he would scream, and once he was all the way in, he started to rock gently. He didn’t pull out, didn’t slam in hard, just shifted his hips in tiny movements that sent shockwaves through Trevor. It wasn’t until Trevor whimpered and started to shake that Adam pulled back, slowly, before slamming in so hard he nearly knocked Trevor off his knees.

Trevor’s mind shut off. He couldn’t think about cameras, or what might come next, or anything but the delicious feel of Adam’s beautiful prick pounding his hungry hole. His fingers curled into the comforter, as if that could keep him from falling apart. His cock bounced with every thrust of Adam’s hips, touching nothing but air, but Trevor couldn’t even collect himself enough to grab it. He couldn’t do anything but feel.

“God, you’ve got a sweet hole.” Adam’s voice came from just behind Trevor’s ear. “Sucks me in so good. Are you gonna come like this? Just from my cock?”

Trevor groaned and nodded. He was. Another few minutes of Adam fucking him, dragging his cock over Trevor’s prostate on every thrust, and he would spray all over the bed.

“Good.” Adam leaned away and grabbed Trevor’s hips with both hands. Then he must have hit a hidden turbo button, because suddenly he was pounding in so hard that Trevor danced on a knife’s edge between pleasure and pain. Trevor let out a shout and dropped his cheek to the mattress, vibrating from sensation, so close that he could taste his climax in the back of his throat. Adam dug his fingertips in harder, nails cutting into Trevor’s skin, and that extra bite of pain was just enough to send Trevor flying.

When he came back to his senses, Adam was stretched out over him, half lying across Trevor’s back, kissing across Trevor’s shoulders. “Mmmmm.” Trevor smiled into the pillow and was a breath away from reaching back to run his fingers along whatever skin he could reach when the slice of heaven he’d fallen into shattered around him.

“Cut! That was amazing, guys. So fucking hot.”

Jordan’s voice sliced through Trevor like a razor. He jerked as he realized he’d thoroughly forgotten what he was doing, had lost the thread so completely that he didn’t even know if his scene partner had finished. He shifted and felt wetness on his back, so he assumed Adam had pulled out and jerked off to finish, but he didn’t remember it.

remember how totally he’d fallen under the spell of intimacy the scene had woven. He’d
lost track of himself before, never let his professional shell crack like that. He felt exposed in a way that had nothing to do with his nudity and everything to do with

The memory of the last few seconds before his climax played back, and neither Adam nor Trevor were there. He’d been Evan, and the body pounding into his had belonged to Riley.

Oh shit.
tell me I didn’t yell out Riley’s name.

He jerked upright on the bed, pulling away from Adam and refusing to look at Jordan. “So, that’s it?” His voice wavered, so he didn’t say anything else.

“Yeah, it’s a short scene, so we’re done. I’ll loop some of the best parts.”

“Great.” Trevor climbed off the bed and grabbed a towel off the chair in the corner to wipe himself down. “Great job, guys,” he added, though he still wouldn’t look at them.

There was a long pause, but even though he could feel them staring, Trevor didn’t look up. He needed to get out of there, the faster the better.

“Okay, well.” The bed squeaked, and Trevor assumed Adam was climbing off too. “That was pretty awesome. Glad to work with you, Trevor.”

Trevor nodded, still not looking at them. “You too. Thanks.” His clothes lay on the floor nearby, so he started pulling them on.

After another long pause, Jordan spoke again. “Let me get my checkbook, and I’ll take care of the fees. Meet me in the living room when you’re dressed, guys.”

Trevor’s stomach plummeted into his feet.
Holy shit
, he’d totally forgotten about getting paid. If Jordan hadn’t said something, Trevor would’ve been dressed and out the door without payment.

What the fuck is
with me?

He held it together long enough to get dressed and even managed to look Adam and Jordan in the eyes as he shook their hands. Check in hand, he jumped into his car and headed for his apartment.

A few blocks from home, though, he changed his route.

Chapter 14

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