Unfriendly Competition (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burkhart

BOOK: Unfriendly Competition
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I glanced at her, unsure if I'd heard her right. “Of course,” I said. I had no clue what this was about. Paige and I weren't enemies anymore, and our relationship had never been
that, even after the Callie thing, but we'd been sort of frozen and hadn't moved forward to repairing our past friendship.

Our past BFF-ness.

And it still hurt.

Paige's green eyes focused on mine. She took a deep breath and twisted a lock of red-gold hair around her finger. I shifted in my seat, hating the discomfort between us.

“Sasha, I wanted to know—”

Paige closed her mouth when the door to the classroom burst open with such force that we both jumped. Vanessa, a girl in our class, walked inside laughing with Alison. Behind them came a few other students and Mr. Davidson.

I looked at Paige, desperate to know what she'd wanted. But it was obviously something Paige didn't want to discuss in front of everyone. She gave me a
look and opened her notebook.

Mr. Davidson went to his desk and started taking attendance.

I'm going to have to sit through this entire class and be tortured,
I thought. I'd have to wait until the end to see if Paige wanted to finish what she'd started saying. What if she said nothing at all—like it had never happened?

I felt something being pressed into my hand. I looked down, under the table, and a tiny folded up piece of paper was in my hand. On the ripped up piece of notebook paper, in purple pen, was a note in Paige's handwriting.

Can we meet up and talk? Pls?

For a long minute, I stared at the note, reading Paige's familiar handwriting over and over.

I finally wrote back.


Paige read my note and handed me another.

Absolutely. Text me whenever.

For the rest of English class, I tried to focus on the lesson and not think about whatever Paige wanted to talk to me about. I wasn't too nervous—the way we'd just talked hadn't been contentious. Paige didn't seem like she was asking to meet with me just to fight. Or, at least, I hoped not.

Later that afternoon, I was heading to free period when I saw Eric looking at a handout from one of his classes.

“Hey,” I said, walking up to him.

He looked up smiled. “Hey, Sasha. How's everything?”

“Good,” I said. “Busy, obviously. But good.”

He adjusted the math textbook and notebook in his hand. “I'm glad. I'm happy you're doing okay.”

“Actually, I'm doing more than okay,” I said, my tone soft. “And it's partly because of you.”

Eric leaned his shoulder back against the wall, looking at me with his intense dark eyes. “What did

“What you did with Jacob—the riding lessons—I can't thank you enough. That was the best Halloween surprise ever. I knew you were my friend, but what you did was beyond amazing.” I swallowed. “It couldn't have
been easy for you to be around Jacob. You did it because we're friends, and I really,
appreciate it.”

Eric looked at me with soft eyes. “It was kind of awkward at times, sure. But Jacob cares about you and when he asked me, there was no way I would have said no. We
friends, Sash.”

I watched. Standing there in his navy T-shirt and jeans, Eric looked like a guy I was lucky to have as my friend.

“I'm so happy we're able to be friends. We should definitely hang out sometime, if you want.”

Eric nodded. “Definitely. I'm sure you're going to be practicing like crazy for Huntington. We could work in the arena sometime, if you want.”

“You're on. I'd like that.”

We both smiled at each other.

“See you later,” Eric said. “I've got to get to class.”


I felt good as we split up in the hallway. I headed to free period and sat in the back, so I could BBM Jacob before I started homework. Keeping one eye on Ms. Utz, who was monitoring this free period, I took out my phone.

Sasha Silver:

Just wanted 2 tell u that I talked 2 Eric a sec ago.

I got a few questions on my English worksheet answered before I felt my phone vibrate.

Jacob Schwartz:

Oh, yeah?

Sasha Silver:

I saw him and wanted 2 thank him for giving u riding lessons.

Jacob Schwartz:

That was cool of u. I'm glad u guys r friends.

As if it wasn't already official, I had THE best boyfriend.

Sasha Silver:

Me too. I'm glad you're cool w/it. We're going 2 practice 2gether sometime since I have lots of work 4 Huntington.

Jacob Schwartz:

That's a good idea. Prob will make u less nervous since he's not your competition like Heather or even Brit.

Sasha Silver:

Yeah, I think so too. I don't feel competitive w/Brit or H, but it'll def b a nice break to

“Sasha? Do you not have enough homework to keep you busy?”

I yanked my head up, and Ms. Utz was standing over me, her arms crossed.

“No, I mean, yes,” I said, flustered. “Sorry.”

Ms. Utz held out an open hand. “I'll hold onto your phone until the period is over.”

Blushing, I handed her my BlackBerry.

After a stern look, she turned away and walked up the aisle to the front of the classroom. I put my eyes on my paper, not looking up at what I was sure was a classroom of people staring at me.

After class Ms. Utz gave me back my phone, and I dashed out of the classroom. I had two BBMs from Jacob time-stamped after Ms. Utz took away my phone.

Jacob Schwartz:

U ok?

A few minutes later . . .

Jacob Schwartz:

Did something happen 2 ur phone?

As I left the history building, I barely watched where I was going as I typed him a message.

Sasha Silver:

Ugggh! Sorry!! Got caught by Utz and she took my phone.
But BBM me whenever u want. TTYL.

I weaved through the students hurrying—like always—to sports or other after-school activities. It felt like a rush of relief when I stepped inside Orchard and closed the door behind me.



I walked down the now fully-decorated fall hallway. Stephanie had decorated each hall table, put a wreath of real-looking leaves on her door, and had lit battery-powered candles at the end of the hall to make things feel cozy.

I opened my door and the room was empty. Brit would be back any second, though, since we both had to get ready for our riding lesson.

My phone buzzed and I pushed it on, expecting a BBM or text. Instead, it was an e-mail alert. All I had to do was read the subject of the e-mail before I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed my laptop.

My finger pressed the on button hard, and I ran my hand over the mouse, back and forth, to try and wake the sleeping computer faster.

The subject of the e-mail kept running through my brain.


My computer finally came on and I went to the blog. The latest post, dated only minutes ago, had a photo of Eric and me standing in the hallway, smiling at each
other. I could barely make myself read the text that was under the picture.

Look at who was spotted in the hall today! Small-town Sasha Silver with her former boy toy and total hottie Eric Rodriguez. But didn't they break up? Didn't mousy Sasha manage (ummm, how, seriously?) to snag *Jacob*? If they're as together as they've looked, I wonder how Jacob will feel that his GF is flirting with her old BF. Come on, Sasha. If you're going to do that, at least be smart and do it in private.


“Are you
me?” I half screamed to no one.

This was beyond ridiculous. The gossip blogger had to be stopped. Or we were going to be expelled. I couldn't even start to think about that.

My door opened and Brit walked inside as I was rubbing my temples.

“Hey!” Brit said, grinning until she saw my face. Her smile disappeared. “What's wrong?”

“Oh, just a little something that the stupid gossip blogger just posted! Look.” I shoved my laptop at Brit and picked up my phone. Even though I'd already talked to Jacob and hadn't done anything wrong, I still wanted to talk about it.

Brit read the post in seconds. “Oh, Sasha. I'm so
sorry! But you didn't do anything, and Jacob's
going to think you want to be back with Eric.”

“I know he won't,” I said. “But this is so wrong. And a photo? Really? Was that necessary?”

I needed gloss
. I grabbed one from my special gloss bag that I only used for dates and going out. But this was an emergency. I applied a coat of peachy pink Dior gloss. That made me feel a little better.

Brit looked at the phone in my hand. “Go ahead and call Jacob. It'll make you feel better. We'll go to our lesson when you're done, okay? Just know that you're allowed to talk to whomever you want and the gossip blogger
going to be stopped.”

I took a shaky breath. “Thanks, Brit. I won't be long on the phone—promise. We won't be late to our lesson.”

Brit waved her hand. “Take your time. We can tack up two horses faster than anyone.”

I smiled. “Now that's something that actually is true.”

I hit Jacob's speed dial number, taking deep breaths while the phone rang.

“Hey,” Jacob said. His voice was upbeat, and it sounded like he was walking somewhere—I could hear the wind.

“Hi,” I said. “You might have already heard or read about it, but we got attacked by the gossip blogger today.”

“What? What did it say?”

I paused. I knew Jacob would believe me, especially since I'd already told him about talking to Eric, but I was still a little scared.

“It said I was flirting with Eric in the hallway. There's a picture of us smiling at each other.”

“Sasha, I'm so sorry. I know you didn't flirt with Eric—I wouldn't have said anything about if you hadn't brought it up. I trust you.”

“I know you do. I just wanted to call you and make sure you knew that the post was up. I didn't want you to be surprised.”

“That was sweet,” Jacob said. “But I don't care what the gossip blogger said.”

“I don't either. It hurt my feelings a little, though, that the blogger couldn't believe
was with you.”

“What do you mean?” Jacob's tone dropped.

“It basically said that I was no one and how crazy it was that someone like me was dating you.”

“Sasha, I can't even tell you how untrue that is. Whoever wrote that is obviously jealous of you. The
blogger should have written the opposite—that I'm lucky to have someone like
interested in me.”


He couldn't have said anything else that could have made me feel that good.

“I mean it. When the gossip blogger is caught, I'll definitely have something to say.”

“Defending my honor, huh?” I laughed.

Jacob joined me. “Most definitely.”

I checked the time on the pool-colored wall clock. “I've got to go or I'll be late for my lesson. But I'll talk to you later.”

“Have a good ride.”

We hung up, and I raced to throw on the cleanest pair of breeches I could find. Brit had dressed while I was on the phone. She stood in front of our full-length mirror and pulled her hair into a low ponytail.

“Tell me again that the gossip blogger doesn't matter,” I said to Brit.

She turned, finishing putting up her hair. “The gossip blogger does
matter. What does, is our lesson. Shake it off and focus.” Brit's eyes met mine. “The blogger isn't going to help you at Huntington.”

I pulled on my boots, knowing Brit was right. There
hadn't been a more important time to focus since I'd come to Canterwood. As Brit and I walked to the stable, I couldn't help but wonder—what if the blogger was a rider, too? What if it was a total bonus if the blogs distracted the targeted riders to cause them to be unprepared for Huntington?


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