Unicorn Vengeance (31 page)

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Authors: Claire Delacroix

BOOK: Unicorn Vengeance
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“Ah, but the only one who makes me feel safe is you.”

There, she had said it. Genevieve held her breath as she waited. Wolfram's lips quirked but he was leisurely in meeting her eyes. When he did, she saw that mischief danced unchecked in those silver depths.

“Well it seems that a proposal might be in order,” he purred. Genevieve flushed, and Wolfram chuckled in response. He swung Genevieve so high that she squealed, then let her drop back into his embrace. His features suddenly sobered when she was trapped against his chest, her feet dangling in the air.

“I love you, Genevieve de Pereille,” he murmured as his gaze danced over her features. “Will you be my bride, my love and my partner for all my days?”

Genevieve smiled and reached down to frame his strong face within her hands. “Will you be mine?” she whispered hopefully in response. Wolfram smiled broadly then and let her slide down his chest so that their noses were almost touching.

“‘Twould be my utmost pleasure,” he whispered. Genevieve's heart thumped in her chest so loudly that she was certain Wolfram could not miss its pounding.

“As ‘twould be mine,” Genevieve accepted with a shy smile. She caught but a glimpse of the exuberance that lit Wolfram's features before his lips closed over hers purposefully. His hands braced her back and lifted her against him as she locked her arms around his neck and surrendered wholeheartedly to his kiss.

Bride, love and partner. Aye, there was a role she was more than willing to fulfill for this man. Genevieve's heart sang with the certainty that here Wolfram would find the home he had lost and sought all these years. She closed her eyes and let his happiness flood into her, its warmth capturing her heart in an endless embrace.

Genevieve had helped Wolfram to heal and, together, they would seek out the greater mysteries of her legacy. Her blood rose to his touch and she leaned fully against him, her thoughts fading to one as sensation took the reins.

Wolfram was no longer alone.

And neither was Genevieve.

She fancied her grandsire would have been pleased with her choice.

* * * * *

ISBN: 9781408987889

Unicorn Vengeance

© Deborah A. Cooke 1995

First Published in Great Britain in 1995
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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