United (The Ushers) (9 page)

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Authors: Vanessa North

BOOK: United (The Ushers)
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“Yes, I’m vulnerable. But only to you.”
She reached out to his mind, feeling how the sensation had changed since he had taken her as a wolf. She’d always loved the way he felt in her head, but now, fully mated, he was in her heart, too, and the touch of mind to mind was warm and intimate, a mental kiss.

“I can’t promise I’ll never hurt you.”

She felt a touch of the darkness that stole over his face, and she seized his face between her hands.

,” she ordered.
“Remember what I said? That voice, that one that tears you down, she’s a lying bitch. Don’t let her touch this.”
She sent a wave of love through their link. “
Being vulnerable to each other is a good thing. You cannot trust someone without giving them the power to hurt you. I choose to give myself to you, to let you be the one wolf who can hold that power over me. Just because you can hurt me doesn’t mean you will. Have faith in yourself.”

“I’m not good at this.”
She was struck at the raw honesty in his eyes. She could feel his fear, his difficulty trusting himself.

“Follow my lead. You’ll learn how to love yourself the way I love you,”
she reassured him, stroking his beard with her delicate fingers, smiling into his eyes.

“I hope I’m half as wise as you when I’m your age.” He smiled.

“Oh, nice. Bring up my age.” She rolled her eyes on a laugh.

“Honey, your age is part of your appeal. That two-hundred-fifty-year-old brain of yours lives inside the hottest fucking body I’ve ever seen. It’s insanity. You should be illegal in most of the lower forty-eight.”

“Oooh, such sweet words. You’re forgiven.” She grinned.

With a sigh, she pulled herself off his lap and stood, reaching a hand down to him. He stood and pressed a tender kiss upon her lips, a chaste kiss that spoke of storms of the soul, to be weathered together. Wordlessly, they shifted into wolves, and she howled her joy before leading him back to their home at a full-speed run.

Chapter Nine

, J
, A
walked into Monica’s office in the morning, Starbucks cups in hand, Monica and Fionn were already hard at work, faces pressed close as they pored over the information they had found on their laptops.

?” Angelo asked. Fionn watched as Angelo’s eyes widened, noting the way his best friend’s hand stroked languidly over the Usher’s forearm.

“Hi, Angelo. Jack, Bee, c’mon in. Fionn and I mated last night.”

Fionn smiled behind a hand. His mate was as direct and abrupt as ever. He watched as his pregnant sister-in-law enfolded Monica in a heartfelt embrace—he wouldn’t say the Albina waddled, exactly, but she no longer moved with the liquid grace of a fighter.

“Oh, Mon, sweetie, I’m so happy for you!” Bee exploded in an effusive crowing that seemed barely this side of human.

“Congrats, bro.” Jack’s voice was quiet. He shook his brother’s hand, a look of pride and friendship fierce upon his face. “You deserve every happiness life can throw your way.”

“Thanks, all.” Monica grinned before turning to Angelo, who stood silent, his hands in his pockets. “What of business? Can we spare Fionn and me for a few weeks?”

“We can.” Angelo smiled warmly to see his friend so happy. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it? This is not a honeymoon?”

“No, you’re right.” Monica’s face sobered. “Bianca, are you prepared to take over as Alpha of Amazon?”

“What?” Bianca’s face was startled. Fionn watched his mate reassure her, sending the knowledge that she was ready, she was capable.

“Well, c’mon, Bee, it’s a simple question,” Monica teased.

“Yes, I’m ready. Jack will serve as Guardian. Angelo, you’ll stay on as my Third and continue to oversee the business interests of the pack?” Bianca looked from Jack to Angelo, who both nodded.

“Very well.” Monica swallowed hard. “Bianca Murphy, I sever myself and my wolf from Amazon.”

Fionn felt Monica’s hand clutching his beneath the desk, and he gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“Monica, you and your wolf are severed from Amazon. Go in peace.” Bianca touched her former Alpha’s face with a questioning hand. Fionn knew that through her bond with him, Monica could still sense her, like she could all of Fionn’s wolves—their wolves.

“I’m still here, Bee.”
She pushed the thought to her friend with a gentle smile, happy to see relief and joy spread on Bianca’s face. She turned to Angelo. “Can you take a look at what Fionn and I have found?” she asked him.

He nodded, reaching for the laptop. As Angelo read over what was on the screen, he let out a low whistle.

“You’re going south again, then?” He looked from Monica to Fionn, who nodded.

“What’s up, Mon?” Bianca asked quietly.

“We’ve been played.” Monica grimaced. “Manipulated by a one-legged wolf. Tavis Kirk is not just a lonely old wolf missing a leg. He really is Alpha to a lot of wolves. We couldn’t sense them before because his religious fervor doesn’t leave much room for his wolves in his head.” She shook her head. “He is trying to accomplish something very similar to what we are. Unification. But Kirk’s real goal is to convert all wolves to Christianity. He has a few religious tracts to the effect of reuniting us with our true God, rendering false Goddesses inert.”

“Ooh boy. This should be fun.” Annie strode into Monica’s office. She looked smugly at Fionn and Monica before taking her seat. Fionn half expected her to start preening.

“I’m just happy for you, that’s all.”
Annie’s voice was a thick purr in his mind.

“Okay, so, here’s the deal,” Annie began. “Monica told you all about Kirk’s goal to convert wolves to Christianity. He’s an evangelical. Under his bizarre exterior, he’s actually very charismatic, as is Jonny. The third brother seems to work behind the scenes. They hold old-school tent revival-style events across the southeast, and they’ve started moving in on Mid-Atlantic and over into the gulf states.”

Jack and Fionn both growled when Annie referenced Mid-Atlantic, their former pack, their childhood home. She held up a hand.

“They aren’t making huge inroads outside of the southeast and the gulf states just yet. We’ve got some concerns about some areas of Tennessee and Kentucky, especially those that are geographically close to Asheville, and even little snippets of West Virginia. As far as I can tell, most of Mid-Atlantic and the midwest packs haven’t really been approached.” Annie frowned.

Fionn nodded his head. “I’m thinking we need a show of power in the border states. Angelo, can you spare Graham? He’s a solid tactician; I’d like him with us.”

Angelo nodded thoughtfully.

“You should take Ellen or Kathy, as well,” Jack suggested. “Ellen would be good in a fight, but Kathy’s skills could also be useful.”

“We’ll take Ellen. As much as I’d love to see Kathy work her mojo on these guys, it’s too risky when they’re already accusing us of witchcraft.” Fionn’s voice was decisive.

“Good point.” Jack picked up his cellphone and dialed Ellen’s number. After directing her to join them in Monica’s office, he returned to the conversation.

“So, Monica and Fionn, Annie, Ellen, and Graham. Four wolves and a panther?” Bianca frowned. “Is that enough muscle? I feel uneasy.”

“Yes. We are showcasing our metaphysical strength, not brute force. We can’t win this one with our teeth.” Monica smiled at Bianca—they could all feel Bianca’s uneasiness, her desire to protect her friends and family. “But we appreciate the concern.”

“Okay.” Bianca finally nodded her agreement. “I think we can handle that just fine. One other thing—there were a lot of ghosts from the southeast. Those wolves may be willing to consider leaving Amazon and returning to their home territories as we Unify. It could be a good bargaining point. I don’t want our wolves to feel we’re turning them out, but I’ll start gauging interest and see if anyone is tired of the cold New England winters.”

Bianca stood.

“Thank you, Monica. For everything you’ve done for this pack. And thank you both for what you’re doing in efforts for the Goddess.” Bianca smiled at Fionn and Annie. “Sara would have been really proud of you guys.” A sadness flitted across her face. “When are you leaving?”

“In a few days. Something has to happen first,” Annie interrupted, a puzzled expression on her face.

“What?” Fionn asked her.

She shook her head. “I’m not sure, but I’ll know when it’s time to go.”

“Oh, you Guides, always so mysterious.” Bianca grinned at Annie. “That used to drive me up the wall when Sara would do it.”

“Sorry. I would share if I knew.” The Guide’s face was sheepish. “I’m not as prescient as Raven was.”

“Don’t apologize! I actually like being reminded of her. I miss her so much.” Bianca’s smile was wistful. “We’re naming the baby ‘Sarita,’ for her.”

Fionn felt a wave of love running from Annie to the new Alpha of Amazon Pack. He knew that after years of Sara’s gentle spirit and her teasing humor, Annie’s more aggressive presence would take some getting used to. It had been difficult for Monica to learn to trust Annie the way she had Sara, but he could feel that she was trying. Feeling Annie’s genuine affection for Sara’s Usher would go a long way toward building that trust.

The next few days passed in a blur, with the Usher’s small crew packing and plotting. Fionn and Monica spent their days poring over the internet for information and allusions to Tavis Kirk and his bizarre werewolf cult. They spent their nights making love, strengthening their bond as they made up for lost time. Monica awoke suddenly one night, sitting bolt upright in bed.

“Fionn,” she whispered, shaking his shoulder.

He sat up next to her, disoriented. “Mo?” He looked in her eyes, searching.

“Whatever Annie was waiting for…” she began.

“It’s happened.” He grinned. “Where is she?” They both closed their eyes for a moment, feeling along the connection.

“At the gate. Let’s go.”

Monica threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, not bothering with underwear, sliding her feet into her shoes. As she pulled her hair back in a loose knot at her nape, Fionn was getting dressed just as quickly. He leaned in and planted a kiss on the skin behind her ear, causing her to shiver and smile over her shoulder. Both dressed, they hurried for the front gate.

Annie was pacing in her panther form just inside the gate, a low whine coming from her throat. As always, Monica was taken aback by Annie’s sheer bulk. Huge, black-furred muscles flexed in the moonlight as she paced. As Monica and Fionn approached, she sat on her haunches and let out a sound that reminded Monica of a super-sized “Mee-ow!” Monica and Fionn both stroked her gigantic head, caressing the velvety ears. Purrs resonated from her, so loud they felt like a car idling nearby.

“He’s here. My brother is here.”
The joy she felt came pouring through their link with the image of the big Bear. The sensation of the projection was sharply feline, rough like a cat tongue, and Monica was taken aback by the almost painful feeling of having another species project so strongly into her head.

“Bear is here, where?” Fionn looked around, as though he would see the man in front of them.

Annie shifted, standing naked by the front gate. Monica felt a tiny surge of jealousy as she realized that her mate had made love to that perfect body. Fionn arched a brow at her, shaking his head.

Ignoring the unpleasant undercurrents that her nudity had provoked, Annie pointed through the gate. “Out there. He’s in the woods. I have to get Bianca and Jack.”

“Why?” Monica turned, but Annie was already gone, sprinting toward the building where Bianca and Jack lived. Moments later, they returned, Annie dressed in a blue sundress that Monica suspected had come from Bianca’s closet. She smiled her thanks to the cat, who winked back at her.

“What’s going on?” Bianca asked groggily. Jack rubbed her shoulders and stared at Annie for an explanation.

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