Unknown (9 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: Unknown
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‘You touch me and I’ll ’ She would what? Scream? What use would that do, except bring Liz flying back, and she had no desire to upset the other girl unnecessarily.

‘I’m waiting,’ he said softly. ‘What would you do, I wonder? Kick, bite, struggle? Or would you decide that fighting was unladylike and take what was being offered? Who knows, you might even enjoy it.’

‘Enjoy—kissing you?’ Debra strove to sound disdainful. ‘When I let a man kiss me it’s because I want him to.’

‘I was not suggesting that I force my attentions,’ he replied steadily, moving slowly nearer, his magnetic eyes holding her own so that she could not have moved had she wanted to.

She had never met anyone with quite such a dynamic personality. His virility was overpowering, sapping her strength, making her almost wish he would kiss her.

Slightly breathless, she said, ‘There’s no other way that I would let you touch me. I’m sorry, Vane, if I don't conform. It must come as something of a shock.’ She had to keep talking, anything to take her mind off the hypnotic messages he was sending her.

It was easy to understand how Liz felt. Vane Oliver had an undeniable charm that no woman in her right mind could resist—and to someone as inexperienced as Liz he must seem like Prince Charming himself.

‘Actually,’ she continued, her voice shaky with suppressed emotion, ‘you disgust me. You make no secret of your desires, and the fact that you’ve turned your attentions on an innocent girl like Liz makes it a thousand times worse.'

Anger replaced his amusement, deep dark anger that turned his face into stone. ‘I'd be careful what I was saying if I were you, Debra.’

Apprehension tingled her awareness, but she lifted her chin determinedly. ‘Does the truth hurt? Can't you take it? What’s the matter, has no one ever told you what they think of you before? Perhaps they were all too frightened. But I’m not, I couldn’t give a damn what you think, my main concern is for that young girl whose life you’re corrupting, I ’

Her words were halted as he took her roughly by the shoulders and shook her so vigorously that her teeth rattled. ‘That will do, Debra. I won’t have any more of this, do you hear?’

‘You can’t stop me talking,’ she blazed, more angry than ever. ‘If you don’t want to listen then go out of the room, because I’m far from finished. There’s a whole lot more I want to tell you, things that should have been said a long time ago. It’s about time somebody pricked your precious male ego, and I shall take great delight in doing it!’

He had stopped shaking her, but his hands still clamped her shoulders and she felt limp despite her brave talk. Her eyes, however, flashed fire as she lifted her head to see what effect her words were having.

The shock of his mouth on hers was like something she had never felt before. It was nothing compared to the kiss he had given her last night. Then he had been experimenting, testing her reaction, and had stopped when he got no response.

Now, though, he was taking her in anger, his lips bruising and punishing, assaulting her senses in a way that only he knew how. Almost involuntarily her lips parted beneath the pressure of his mouth.

There was something physically exciting about this kiss and there was no way that she could resist. Without her knowing it her arms snaked behind his head, holding him even closer, their passions fusing as one.

The virile strength of his body against her own aroused her, the hard lean length of thigh, muscled chest crushing her breasts, the intoxicating male smell of him. It was as though they were both hungry for each other, as though this coming together was something that they had both wanted for a long time. She was imprisoned against him, his hands moving with expertise over her body, and she strained even closer, wanting this moment to go on and on.

Punishment it might be, but never before had she felt such exquisite pleasure. She wanted Vane to hurt her, indeed enjoyed the pain as her lips were ground against her teeth.

He lifted his head momentarily to grate, ‘Have you finished? Is there anything else you want to say? Because if so ’

She shook her head mutely, surprised to find her anger had disappeared.

Suspicion darkened his eyes and his mouth clamped on hers for another long second before he abruptly let her go. ‘Now you know what to expect the next time. Let me give you a little advice— keep your opinions to yourself in future, or you might be sorry you ever opened your mouth!’ Debra dropped into a chair, wanting to speak, but she couldn’t, and with a hand that trembled she picked up her drink.

The amber liquid did nothing to steady her jangled nerves, and to make matters worse Vane stood over her, watching, fully aware of the effect he had had on her.

His lips twisted mirthlessly. ‘Think you can manage to drag yourself to bed, or would you like me to carry you?’

His sarcasm injected her with new life and she shot up. ‘I can manage, thank you,’ she said stiffly, and walked unsteadily towards the door, aware that his eyes were upon her all the time.

Quite how she opened it and walked through without her legs crumpling beneath her she did not know. But somehow she got to her room, closing the door thankfully behind her and switching on the light.

She wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. He had somehow managed to drain every ounce of feeling from her, leaving her exhausted and a little ashamed. She ought to have struggled, denied him the satisfaction of meting out his punishment. God, what must he be thinking?

Her face flamed and she began to cross the room. It was only then that she saw Liz sitting on her bed, apparently waiting for her.

‘What do you want?’ she demanded crossly. Now was not the time for a confrontation with the other girl. In the morning would be soon enough, when she had had time to gather her senses. She felt too weak to think straight at the moment.

‘What’s the matter?’ demanded Liz suddenly. ‘What have you been doing? Look at your lips! Have you been kissing Vane?’ Jealousy blazed in her blue eyes.

Glancing into the dressing table mirror, Debra was aghast to see her bruised and swollen mouth. But perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. ‘He kissed me against my will,’ she said tightly. ‘That’s the type of man he is, Liz. Perhaps now you’ll realise that he’s not the sort of person you ought to be associating with.’

‘You might have done something to make him do that,’ cried the younger girl, jumping up from the bed to stand in front of Debra. ‘Did you invite his attentions, did you provoke him? He wouldn’t do that just for nothing.’

Debra shook her head and attempted to take Liz into her arms. ‘No, no, it was nothing like that.’

But Liz shrugged away, a look of hatred on her face that Debra had never seen before. ‘I know what your game is!’ she yelled. ‘You’re trying to take him from me. You’re jealous, jealous because he pays me more attention than you!’

‘Liz, please ’

But the other girl would not be quietened. ‘It won’t work, you know. He loves me, he says I’m different from other girls. And he treats me with respect. He wouldn’t do
to me,’ indicating with disgust Debra’s reddened lips.

At least that was something, thought Debra, but she did not like to hear that Vane loved Liz. ‘Has he said he loves you?’ she asked anxiously, her eyes searching Liz’s face for the truth.

The blonde girl tossed her head lightly. ‘Not in so many words, but he does, I can tell.’

‘You can tell no such thing,’ returned Debra harshly. ‘He’s kind to you because he feels sorry for you, but that’s all. It’s not love, nor ever will be—you’re too young for the likes of Vane Oliver.’

‘What are you trying to tell me?’ queried Liz in a voice that shook. ‘That he prefers someone like you?’

Debra shook her head passionately. ‘Not in the least. I know I don’t fall into his category—and he doesn’t appeal to me either, in case you’re wondering. He’s my boss, full stop, and there’s nothing between us, nor will there ever be.’

Slightly appeased, Liz said, ‘Then why did he kiss you?’

‘I goaded him into it,’ explained Debra patiently. ‘I was trying to tell him what I thought of him for encouraging a girl like you. I suppose I told him a few home truths and he didn’t like it.’

‘I still don’t see why he kissed you,’ persisted Liz with childlike curiosity.

‘Men are funny creatures,’ said Debra. ‘They do strange things. It was his way of shutting me up.’

Liz looked hurt. ‘Did you enjoy it?’

‘Does it look as if I did?’ Debra glanced again at her reflection, touching her lips experimentally with her fingertips. ‘I like my men gentle, not like bulldozers.’

She gained the smile she had hoped for and this time the other girl let her gently gather her into her arms. ‘Please be careful, Liz. Don’t mistake Vane’s kindness for anything else.’

But she knew that her words fell on deaf ears. Liz was completely smitten by Vane Oliver and would only learn the hard way that he did not return her feelings.

Debra was very unhappy when she climbed into bed a short time later. She did not want Liz hurt again, could not bear the thought of that haunted expression that had followed her parents’ death coming back into her eyes. She was too young for such emotional traumas; she did not know how to cope with them. But like all young people she would not be told.

The fact that Debra herself was only five years older did not occur to her. She felt like a mother to Liz and in the same way wanted to protect her from the hard knocks of life.

The next morning Debra was almost afraid to face her employer, she had lain awake far into the night reliving their passionate embrace, mortified at her own reaction, wondering how she could possibly have enjoyed something that was intended as punishment.

Worst of all was the fact that Vane must have known how she felt. He was far too experienced not to know. Had he gloated over his victory? Would there be a self-satisfied smile on his face when they met?

Before going in to breakfast she popped her head round Liz’s door and gave a smile when she saw the girl asleep, her blonde hair in charming disarray on the pillow, her lips curved happily. She looked as innocent as a babe—and that was all she was, thought Debra. God help Vane Oliver if he hurt her!

To her relief the breakfast room was empty. There was evidence that he had eaten, but of the man himself there was no sign. Debra had almost finished her toast when he came in, dressed for the office.

‘Good morning, Debra are you ready?’

She gulped down her coffee and stood up. ‘Quite ready, Mr Oliver.’

In one way it was a relief to see that he did not intend to carry on their battle of the previous evening, but on the other hand she had no desire to become too friendly. So far as she was concerned he was in the wrong, and nothing would make her change her mind.

It was difficult, in the close confines of his car, not to be aware of his physical attraction. There emanated from him an almost tangible sensuality and it took all her willpower to convince herself that he meant nothing to her.

His kiss last night had opened her eyes, there was an indefinable something that drew her to him, that must draw all women to him. She must push it from her mind, continually tell herself that he was a womaniser, that he flitted from woman to woman like a butterfly to a flower.

Besides, he had not kissed her because he felt attracted. He had been angry, and seen it as the only way to shut her up.

Even so there was a definite awareness on her part and she shuffled in her seat, edging as near to the door as possible.

When she glanced across at Vane he was smiling, as though knowing exactly what was going through her mind, and this angered her so that she clamped her lips tightly and stared straight ahead through the windscreen.

It did not take them long to reach the busy streets of Hong Kong’s Central District, as Victoria is more commonly called, and here Vane’s attention was taken by cyclists weaving in front, the slower moving rickshaws, and the many children who used the streets as their playground.

Just before they reached the office he said, ‘Liz and I are going to one of the floating restaurants in Aberdeen tonight, would you like to come?’

Debra froze. ‘Not particularly. I have no wish to play gooseberry, even if I don’t approve of your association with my friend.’

He brought the car to a halt in front of the towering building, laying a detaining hand on her arm as she made to scramble out.

An uncontrollable shiver ran through her, annoying her. The power of this man was incredible.

‘By joining Liz and me,’ he said, ‘you’ll see for yourself that we’re no more than friends.’

She glanced at him icily. ‘That’s not what Liz thinks.’

He sighed deeply, impatiently. ‘All the more reason for you to join us. Is it a date?’

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, a kiss so fleeting it felt no more than the brush of a butterfly’s wing, yet the turmoil it created was like nothing she had ever felt before.

He was a tough, virile man, fully aware of his sexual magnetism, and he was using it on her now. He cupped her chin in his hand, his thumb moving sensuously across her lips. ‘Say you’ll come.’

His voice was deep velvet and at that precise moment if he had asked her to jump into a lake she would have agreed.

Was this how it was with Liz? Had she no control over her senses when this man blatantly used his animal magnetism to get his own way?

She nodded briefly, unable to tear her eyes away from his face. He smiled, a warm smile that reached through to her heart, softening it, making her realise how easy it was to give in.

In the lift he stood unnecessarily close, making Debra even more uncomfortably aware of his fatal charm. She could be in danger of making a fool of herself, she realised worriedly, and wondered why Vane had suddenly changed his attitude.

Fu Ju Wen met them agitatedly at the door, wringing his hands, his lined face even more deeply furrowed than usual.

'Yaw mi yeh see?’
asked Debra at once.

‘There’s trouble at Chung Yin,’ he replied, ‘you must get out there straight away.’

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