Unleashed (28 page)

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Authors: David Rosenfelt

Tags: #Mystery

BOOK: Unleashed
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Cover design by David Baldeosingh Rotstein

Cover photograph by Masterfile

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Rosenfelt, David.

    Unleashed / David Rosenfelt.—1st ed.

        p. cm.

    ISBN 978-1-250-02472-5 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-250-02473-2 (e-book)

    1.  Carpenter, Andy (Fictitious character)—Fiction.   2.  Attorneys—Fiction.   3.  Murder—Investigation—Fiction.   I.  Title.

      PS3618.O838U55 2013



e-ISBN 9781250024732

First Edition: July 2013

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