Unleashed (3 page)

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Authors: Brittney N.

BOOK: Unleashed
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Chapter Five

Emma woke up with puffy eyes and next to a discombobulated box of Kleenex. The tissues were all over the bed and her little trash can was filled with them as well. All night she sat on the phone with Carly and Sarah, her best friends. They both were sympathetic and the three-way call consisted of them consoling her….

“He did what?!” Carly all but screamed.

“That bastard!” Sarah grumbled.

“Listen to me, don’t you even worry about him. Yes, he is sexy and handsome. But so what? He’s a scum bag who didn’t care if he hurt you. He had no remorse for what he did. Would you want to raise your children with someone like that anyways?” Carly asked.

“I’ll answer for you” Sarah replied “No, no, no and hell no. You deserve so much better than that. Now it’s time for you. You have to examine what you tolerate Emma. You let him get away with too much. You have to change your standards...”

“And yourself!” Carly said. “You can’t let these men get the best of you. Remember in college with Will and Chris? They both had you head over heels in love and treated you like crap. Sometimes love isn’t enough Emma. You have to go and find the confidence you were born with. You’re beautiful, educated, independent, and loving. I know there are plenty of men who would love to get their hands on you.”
“Agreed. But also remember, sometimes things have to fall apart in order for things to start to come together.” Sarah stated….

The whole night they went on just like that. Boosting her confidence and stroking her ego. The very thought of him kissing someone else just made her body cringe though. She couldn’t help that she loved hard. She couldn’t fight the fact that love drained her. But she had to accept the fact that it was partly her fault. Emma had to understand that even though he cheated, she gave him the option when she let him get away with so many things. He was able to get away with so much because she loved him and thought that he wouldn’t see her being a bother. That would therefore make him love her more right? Like the times when he would go out with his buddies and forget to call her and tell her goodnight? Or when he would ignore her phone calls rather than just texting her to tell her he was busy. Or when he would lie about his whereabouts and when she found out he’d make up some heart felt excuse that made her weak to her knees?

This wasn’t fair. “Why are so many good women treated like shit?” she asked herself. Emma couldn’t make it to work today. It would be nearly impossible to function in a mindset like the one she was in right now. She picked up the phone and dialed her office to speak to her boss. Emma was close with her boss Hank and explained to him that she was in no condition to work like this. “Hell no Emma, we need you today. To hell with that man whore anyways. McGiver Steel and Miss Linda Crawford are coming back in today. This situation needs to get handled as soon as possible so we get as much as we can from it. You know this. Now I understand you’re not feeling well, but I promise if you close this deal today I will give you the rest of this week and next week off. You haven’t used any of your sick or vacation days. I’ll give your clients over to Charles and I will tell them it’s for personal reasons if you need me to.” Hank said. Hank Wether is one of the best bosses and lawyers but today he was bribing Emma when she should be bribing him. She couldn’t really complain about the offer he just made, because professionalism was still very much important to Emma. She rubbed her face and nodded her head. “Fine, fine Hank. I’ll be there. I might just be in an hour late. I have to try and make my eyes look less swollen.” “That’s fine with me” he replied. “Just be in by 9. The mediation is at 11 so I want to make sure you have time to settle in.” They said their goodbyes and got off the phone.

Emma went to the bathroom to wash off her face and take a long hot shower. According to Hank she had two hours to get her shit together before she had to go into work. That meant a whole lot of cold compressions on her eyes. She decided another half hour of sleep wouldn’t hurt after she got the cold towel filled with eyes and placed it on her eyes. It was about to be a long day...


When Emma got to work she was not in the playful mood. She couldn’t help but wonder how she was going to pull this off. She placed on as much make up as she could without looking like she was going out partying on her lunch break but she knew her eyes looked sad. The hardest part would be answering people’s questions about her and Daniel. She knew no one necessarily knew about the break up but she wanted to be prepared just in case.

When Emma got to the front of her office she noticed there were flowers on Samantha’s desk. She wasn’t at the desk but she knew she must’ve gone to handle something elsewhere in the building. They were a beautiful arrangement of mixed flowers but mostly consisted of red and pink roses and a few white lilies. She loved the scent of fresh flowers and she smelled them. There was no privacy when it came to the office and receiving romantic gifts. Emma had no idea that Samantha was seeing anybody but it’s probably because they were always too busy talking about Emma and Daniel’s relationship. Emma was a hopeless romantic and she loved when men would do random things such as send flowers. She felt giddy for Samantha as she looked at the little note that was attached to the flowers sent to her. It read:

To: My Cherie Amour

I love every moment I spend with you. Last night was amazing.


Your Anchor

“My Cherie amour?” Emma thought. The words sounded so familiar in her head and she knew it wasn’t because of the song from Stevie Wonder. She kept repeating the words in her head as she walked into her office and closed the door.

Samantha was walking around the office fulfilling her duties when the flowers from him came. Daniel was so sweet. He was so naughty as well, taking such a chance after he just broke up with Emma the night before. She couldn’t help but feel like a naughty school girl. The sex last night had been off the charts amazing. It wasn’t that his techniques got any better, he was still a little predictable in that area, but it was the fact that he didn’t mind breaking up with Emma for her. Plus he was just so gorgeous; it didn’t take much for him to please her. Just looking at him did wonders to her body. She was glad that Emma got what she deserved. Emma always walks around like she has everything but I finally took something that she wanted the most. Love. “I took her man right from out of her fingertips” Samantha thought mischievously. As she walked back to her desk she noticed that Emma’s door was closed. Before she entered she wanted to make sure that she finished most of the paper work and called clients that needed to reschedule or confirm their mediations. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Emma’s face after a long night of crying. She’d feel complete. Today was an amazing day already.

Emma was in the middle of walking around; throwing out old pictures she had in her office of her and Daniel when it clicked. “Reminder: Don’t forget to send roses to My Cherie Amour.”  That’s what the reminder next to Daniel’s bed had said last night! He sent flowers to Samantha? Samantha was the other woman?! Her own secretary? He would stoop that low and mess around with someone who is that close to her? Her business? She deserved this betrayal? Emma had to sit down. She began to feel light headed. This little bitch had been cheating with Daniel this whole time? Whenever she asked about Daniel’s likes and dislikes was really just to get him into her own pants. Emma felt like a complete imbecile. Samantha is a twenty two year old vivacious college graduate, while Emma was only 4 years older acting twice her age. At 26 Emma had to say she was completing a lot in her life but this felt like she was in high school all over again. “How could he?” she thought and the tears welled up again. Emma couldn’t cry. Not here. Not while Samantha was right outside of her door. She had to compose herself again. She got up and powdered her nose in the small mirror that she had hanging up in the corner of her office. “Get it together Emma. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re sexy and you damn sure look better than that little hoe outside of your door. Stay confident.”

That same feeling she felt last night consumed her again. She looked in the mirror and threw on her poker face. Samantha wasn’t even going to know that her break up with Daniel tore her up inside just less than twenty four hours ago. Instead, Samantha would walk into Emma’s office and see that not only was she happier without Daniel, she was going to show that she was ready for the single life as well. “Let the games begin” Emma said aloud as she called Samantha in for a brief go over for the day ahead of them.

Chapter Six

Samantha couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face. She knew she had to though if she wanted to keep her job. But it just felt so freaking good. “I, Samantha, have stolen a celebrity off of my boss’s hands. Damn, I’m good”, she thought. She started to look at her reflection in the monitor of her computer and couldn’t help but realize her beauty. Her beautiful complexion, her perfect hour glass shape, her long hair, and deep hazel eyes were what always won any man over who tried to resist her. In her heart she knew that being with a cheater wasn’t a good idea but it didn’t matter .All that mattered was the moments they have shared together so far. Like the ones when he would lay with her and sent her flowers like he did today. She sniffed the flowers and inhaled with a smile. Her phone rang at her desk and she quickly pulled herself together. “Emma Sanget’s desk” she said professionally. “Hey Samantha, can you please come into my office real quick. I have to go over a few things before I go into my next meeting”, Emma said through the phone solemnly. “Sure Miss Sanget. Coming now.” She hung up the phone and tried to pinch herself to get the smirk off of her face.  She sounded pissed. “Good!” Samantha thought. “I can’t wait to see her face distraught. I wonder if she’s going to use me to vent to.” Samantha got up and fixed her skirt and prepared herself for her boss’s sad face and tear stained eyes. She knew Emma had to be upset and to know that she was the cause? Made it all the better.

Emma did everything she could to remain calm and collected. In just a few moments her ex’s mistress was about to walk through her doors. Just as the thought passed through Emma’s head, Samantha knocked on her door. “Come in” she said aloud. Samantha walked in the doors and looked into Emma’s eyes. “How may I assist you Miss Sanget?” Samantha asked timidly as usual. Emma tried her best not to glare at Samantha. Every vein in her body was yelling at her to wring this girl’s neck. “How dare she? How dare she pretend she doesn’t know what she’s done?” Emma thought angrily. Emma gritted her teeth; it was time to change up on this little girl’s mind. It was time to play this game that Samantha thought she knew. But the real thing that Samantha didn’t understand was that Emma was the coach of these games. She turned on her cheerful attitude and said, “Sit down Sam.  I just want to go over a couple of things with you. I have to head out early today.”

“Is everything ok?” Sam asked sweetly, as if she really cared.

“Yup. Everything is great actually. I have a great vacation coming up with a few people. I can’t wait, I still have to pack.”

Sam looked shocked but bit her lip. She decided to ask but hesitantly, “You’re going away? Aww, you’re so lucky. Is Dan going with you?”

Emma shook her head and smiled. “No, actually Dan and I decided to part ways. We realized it was best for us. We’re both at different stages in our lives. He’s not ready to settle down yet, I am though. And that’s fine. I just need some me time anyways. I was settling for so long”, Emma sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love him still but eventually we would’ve fallen apart. I’m just glad it was sooner than later you know?”

“Yes, of course. I completely understand Miss Sanget. You just seem so happy. I know if I was in love with a guy the way you were with Dan, I’d be distraught right now”, Sam said trying to remain unflustered.

“Of course I was hurt at the moment! But then I had time to think and realized this is for the best. I can’t be mad about that. I just have to wait for Mr. Right to come along. Until then, I’m going to enjoy the single care-free life. Love is going to have to wait for a second.” Emma wanted to cry at the words. Love sucks. Love doesn’t live here anymore.

Sam didn’t know what else to say so she just nodded her head. “Now back to business”, Emma stated in an authoritative tone. “Since I’m going to be gone, I realized that I’m going to have a lot of work to do. But I just want you to send all emails and phone calls to my vacation email box. If it’s urgent then you can ask them to call my cell phone. Otherwise don’t let them talk you into believing that it’s an emergency because most of them like to exaggerate. You can take a couple days off if you’d like. I spoke to the boss and he said it’s ok if you want to take off Friday and Monday. The rest of the days I’m going to probably need you in for half days. The pay won’t be all there but at least you get a break right?” Emma laughed.

Sam nodded; she wasn’t sure how she felt about the situation. She was about to barely get paid for these next couple of weeks because Emma was going on a vacation. That isn’t fair. “I need money too dammit” she thought angrily. But she held in her words so that she didn’t lose her job. “Yes that’s fine Miss Sanget. But is it alright if a couple of those days I get paid in full. I’m a little low on cash because this is my only job.”

“Oh, sure Sam. No problem. The best I can do is half of those days I’m out I’ll pay you you’re full wage.”

“That’ll be fine Miss Sanget.”

“Ok good. Well, let me get into this work and prepare myself for these mediations. I can’t wait to go party. I’ll tell you bye on my way out. Stay nearby.”

Sam rose from the chair and nodded and quickly walked out and closed the door behind her. After the door closed Sam crumpled a piece of paper in her hand trying to disguise her anger. How the hell is she so damn happy? She was supposed to be crying. Asking for my shoulder to lean on! This cannot be happening. Sam’s thought were rushing all over the place. “Stay calm Samantha” she told herself. “Just get through today.” She took out her phone and texted Dan. “Can’t wait to see you later” she texted him. She knew she was supposed to feel happy she had him, but now she wasn’t even as happy as she once was before all because Emma was happy when she was supposed to freaking be a mess right now. “Why the hell does she have to be so damn put together all the time? A damn robot. All business. I hate her.” Samantha got back to work on the computer and tried to push her frustration away.

Emma couldn’t wait for the doors to close. As soon as it did, she put her head in her hands. The tears rolled down her face and her heart ached. How the hell did this little bitch just sit in front of her and act like she actually gave a damn what Emma was feeling? The nerve of her. Emma wanted to punch Samantha in the face. She wanted to make her feel just a little bit of the pain that she felt. Nothing could compare to the feeling that she felt right now. It felt like someone stabbed her in the back. But the pain that hurt the most was the stab she felt in her heart. She needed this vacation. Samantha really just pretended she didn’t know what was going on. She even had the audacity to ask if Dan is going with her?

When Samantha brought up Daniel, it took all of Emma’s strength not to strangle her. Emma knew that if she stayed in this office for too long, she’d choke Samantha with one of the flowers that Daniel had bought for her. She stood up and looked in the mirror again. The tears just wouldn’t stop flowing down her cheeks. It was as if her life had changed in minutes. She could’ve sworn she would one day marry Dan, and now? Now all she could think of was getting as far away from him as possible. “I’m predictable? Routine? Too wife-like?” she thought angrily to herself. “Well you know what? Now is the time for me to stop being so predictable. I’m tired of this shit!” She wiped her tears away forcefully. Thank goodness she was wearing waterproof makeup because she’d look like a clown right about now.

Words couldn’t describe the pain but she was tired of always being there for someone. It was time to show herself what she deserved and what she was made of. It was time for someone to take care of Emma. Though she knew she was always a good woman, maybe it was time for her to be bad. It was time for Emma to unleash her wild side. “Fuck being tamed.” She got her make up back together with the items from her purse and prepared herself for the upcoming mediation. She knew that after she left the doors of her office, she would never come back the same woman. Daniel was who hurt her to her core, but he was also about to be the reason that she became a new woman. For once, Emma decided it was time to do something for her. Emma got her things together as she began to write down notes with a tad bit of a smirk on her face. She actually anticipated being bad.  Emma anticipated letting go of her inhibitions and facing her fears. It was time for Emma to give her life a try and leave some of her fears behind.

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