Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) (21 page)

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Authors: J.D. Hollyfield,Skeleton Key

Tags: #Skeleton Key Book

BOOK: Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key)
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We lay there, Locke’s heavy weight still on top of me until we’re able to catch our breath. Too soon, Locke flips us so I’m now on top. As my face lies on his heaving chest, a smile breaks across it. “I feel ye smiling, was that okay for ye?”

I giggle, feeling more than okay. “Yeah, I was just wondering why I haven’t done that before. If I knew it was going to feel so—”

Locke flips us once again, now towering over me. His eyes suddenly change, the fire replacing his sated ones, from just a moment ago. “Ye will not speak of anyone else, do ye hear me? Ye are mine, Adeline. I will gut any man who looks at ye, do ye hear me?” He’s furious; the thought of me being with someone else angers him.

I’m not sure whether to find it romantic or scary, but I fight the smile either way. “Got it,” I respond through my breached lips. He wipes away the runaway hair sticking to my cheek, a gesture I’m beginning to love from him.

“Now that we have that out of the way, how do ye feel? Are ye sore?” he asks, skimming his fingers down my side.

I feel a little sore, but nothing crazy. I feel more bliss than anything. Happiness. “I feel like maybe we should do all that again, and then you should ask me.”

His eyes light up instantly. My sexy ogre deep into lust. “I will accept yer challenge.” He smiles mischievously, and we start from the very beginning.

e ride back to Wren in the early morning, the sun seeming a little brighter than before. As I snuggle into Locke’s hold on me, I can’t stop thinking about what happened last night. The way he consumed me. Took every part of my body and demanded I submit to his touch. His words were like scorching lyrics that will forever be embedded into my mind. But what did that all mean? As Wren comes into view, another feeling brews to the top of my mind. What happens from here? Locke must feel me tense because he squeezes me tighter, placing a small kiss to the base of my neck.

“It will be fine. Don’t think about it.”

I lift my head, turning to face him. “What will be fine, Locke? What happens from here?” We took a big step last night.
took a big step. With me giving myself to Locke, does that mean that I chose to stay? Does it mean he has chosen to take up a wife? I think about how we didn’t use any protection, and we may have done exactly what I was throwing my hands in the air yelling no way to, and that’s get pregnant.

I mildly panic. I never asked Locke if he was going to marry me. I let my heart lead the way last night, and without thinking, I allowed him to do so many things without asking if it meant that he wanted me. Wanted
. We were so lost in the moment, the ale intensifying the emotions brewing between us. The way the townspeople brought us together, as if we were the most dazzling couple they’d seen since the king and queen themselves.

Last night, he vowed that I was his. But what did that mean? When I looked into his eyes, his telling eyes, they didn’t scream any promises to me. Even before he laid me down, he didn’t promise me anything but pleasure, which he certainly gave me. In those eyes I got lost. Lost in a thought. A hope. A dream that he was letting me in. But now, as we hit the last mile marker before entering back into Wren, I realize he vocally promised me nothing.

“Locke, I think we should talk about—”

“Locke! Locke!” We both turn, spotting a woman coming into view, her slender frame running toward us, breaking what I was going to ask. It’s then I feel Locke tense behind me.

“Who is that?” I ask, as the woman makes her way closer to us. Wearing a royal blue empire dress, making her look perfect in just the right places as her hair flows around her face. It’s when she is close enough into view that I notice how beautiful she is. Her perfect her hair as blonde as the sun, and her eyes, a shade of green only the lucky ones are born with. Locke doesn’t answer my question, but kicks the horse for us to meet the woman sooner.

“What is it, Farah?”

The story from Ellie comes back to me and a knot tightens in my gut. This is Farah. Locke’s, in not so many words, girl.

“Tis my home, please ye must come and help me. The piping has cracked and Mother cannot get it to stop. The house is being flooded.”

I’m not sure why she needs Locke specifically. “Don’t you guys have a plumber you can call?” I don’t realize I even spoke out loud until they both turn to me. “Oh, I mean, I was just saying that most people have plumbers.” Great, now I look rude in front of her. Locke’s scowl is slowly growing back.
Is he mad at me?
I suddenly become agitated. Is he mad I was not nicer to his girlfriend?

He jumps down from the horse and lifts his hand to escort me down. “Hurry, Locke, ye must come now,” Farah pleads again, wrapping her hand around his bicep, while he’s still holding onto mine. I pray that he tells her to find that damn plumber. He wouldn’t just leave me for her would he?

“Adeline. Go up. I will go see what I can do for Farah. We will meet at lunch to finish our conversation.” As he practically dismisses me, Farah takes his hand and they walk off toward the village cottages.

My heart sinks. I want to yell out that he can finish his discussion on his own, but I won’t release my lip, that I’m biting so hard, to expel any words.
He didn’t promise you anything, Addie,
the working part of my brain reminds me. My brain’s right. He didn’t. As I watch them until they are out of sight into her home, I turn with my head low.

I go to kick a stone in my path and, “Ouch,” I whine as the stone doesn’t move at all, but my toe does. I lean down to massage the poor thing, when I hear footsteps coming my way. I lift my head hoping it’s Locke.

“Ah, there ye are! The whole castle thinks ye have run off.” Christof approaches me. He’s wearing his typical attire. His dark slacks with his white shirt, covered by his slick coat.

“Why, did you miss me?” I respond, at least happy to see his face.

“I certainly did. Now that I know ye weren’t kidnapped by bandits or escaped our trudges.” He makes it to me, and as always, takes my hand, placing a kiss to my palm. “How are ye fairing today, milady? Would ye like to go for a walk?”

I turn my head toward the direction of Farah’s home then sigh, turning back to Christof. “You know what? Yes, I would love that.” He offers his approval with a smile and tends to my arm, wrapping it around his. We walk for some time, without talking. He takes me into the berry fields, plucking a berry here and there, and placing them into my mouth.

“These are very good. Much better than any berry I’ve had at home.”

“Well, yes, it’s because we use a wee bit of magic in our crops,” he says, plucking a raspberry and placing it on my tongue.

“Magic? And how does magic make your berries taste better?” I ask unbelieving.

“It’s simple. We crop with love. And love can be a magical thing.” He smiles, and I stare at him. Then I laugh. And laugh some more.

“You are ridiculous, Christof MacCowen.”

“Ahh yes, I have heard that before. So, how was yer night away? Did ye enjoy yerself?” he asks, mischievously. He knows I was with Locke, so he must be curious.

“Well, it was amazing actually.” I shrug my shoulders. His eyebrows go up, fighting a smile. “Shut up. I know, that sounded really lame.”

“No, I just didn’t know my brother had it in him. Then can I assume he broke? My work here is done?” I remember the fury in Locke as he questioned me about his brother. His anger thinking I had been with him. He didn’t want anyone else to have what was rightfully his.

I match his smile. “I guess he did.”

Christof picks me up and swings me. “Fantastic! So when is the wedding?” I’m giggling as he twirls me, finally placing me back down on my feet.

Then my smile fades. “No wedding. I’m not sure what happened between us changes anything. There were no promises discussed.”

“Oh my silly princess, if Locke shared himself with ye, that was his promise. Haven’t ye realized by now he is a man of few words? Plus, the sun was shining extra bright today. It’s a sign. It means our future king and queen have come together.” He looks at me, and I’m unsure if he is messing with me
. I mean the sun did look particularly bright today.

“You’re messing with me, right?”

“That, I do not. The book knows. And when it knows, the kingdom knows.” That is ridiculous. I just roll my eyes at him. I go to swat at him, and he laughs, putting his hands up claiming truth.

“So since you are off the hook, why don’t you spill who you’re in love with, Christof MacCowen of Wren? Maids talk. I know you’re not living like a monk,” I tease. He looks at me, testing the sincerity in my question.

“Are ye choosing to stay then? Do ye choose Locke?”

I smile, the warmth in my heart knowing that I am. “I do,” I reply, not that it was ever a true question of who I would, in the end, chose.

He matches my happiness. “Is that yer final answer?”

I hit him in the chest beginning to giggle. “It is. I’m sure. Now answer me, before I change my mind and choose you just out of plain torture.”

“Lady Maria,” he states calmly.

I stumble over my own two feet. “Wait, as in Lady Maria, from the school in Ferrow, Lady Maria?”

“That shall be her.” He smiles.

“But she was so kind to me. Sweet. She didn’t give any indication that she wanted to rip my head off, knowing I might take you from her.”

“Ahh yes, the selfless Maria. That’s why I love her so. Her heart is as big as the sky. She would give her own life and soul if it meant someone in this world found happiness.” My heart swells, hearing the joy in his voice as he speaks of her.

“I hope I don’t offend ye when I confess that I am madly in love. We have been since we were small children. She makes me feel whole. And when the time comes when ye, my princess, choose, I shall whisk her off her feet and marry her.”

I’m staring at Christof, the smile so big on my face as my eyes gloss over, allowing a tear to slowly slide down my face. “Oh heavens, I have upset ye, I am so sorry—”

I jump into his arms, giving him the biggest hug my arms will allow. As I begin to laugh, Christof mistake’s my laughing for crying. “Oh goodness, please do not cry, It was not meant to upset ye, we can remedy this—”

I pull away and we catch eyes. “Christof MacCowen I am so happy for you.”

“Ye are?”

“Yes. If anyone in this land deserves to be in love and happy, it’s you. You have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me, and I thank you for that. I release you and give you my blessing to go and marry that girl.” I watch as my words set in. He goes down to one knee, bringing my hand into his, offering the kindest kiss to the top of my hand, he looks up. “Ye are an amazing lass, Princess Adeline of Wren. And as much as I will show my gratitude till times end, I will also be thankful that my grump of a brother has found someone like ye. He deserves happiness more than us all, and I cannot imagine anyone else putting him in his place as best as ye do.”

My lips begin to quiver at his kind words. “Oh get up, you big oaf, before I make a mess of myself.” He stands, and I embrace him in the biggest hug. “Thank you,” I whisper into his shoulder.

“I think a thanks goes both ways. Now,” releasing me, “why don’t ye go find that irritable brother of mine and let him now he’s stuck with ye.” At that I smile big. I lean up and offer him a kiss to his cheek. I say no more as I turn and race back down the hill. I want to confess things I never knew I felt. Somehow, Christof made me conjure them up. I’m going to tell Locke how I feel, whether he wants to hear it or not. And I am going force that stubborn man to see what is right in front of him. I make it past the water hole, not falling for that trick this time, and head toward the stables. I bet Locke will be there putting his horse away. I make it back to the center of the village, where I last saw Locke and I’m out of breath.

The thought of Farah skims my mind. Just the memory of her touching Locke gets my blood boiling. I’ve never been a jealous person, well because I never really had anything that I felt I needed to protect, until Locke. Since the moment we’ve crossed paths, he’s been under my skin. I hope I’m making the right decision. If they say this is where I am meant to be, maybe it is. Maybe that’s why life at home never felt right. Why I always felt like I didn’t belong. Because my true calling was here, in Wren. I can’t believe I am actually agreeing with this silly life. I laugh again. 
Oh, screw it. 
I take slight look at Farah’s cottage, in hopes that she’s outside stapling a for sale sign in the ground. Just as I make eye contact the door opens.

Inside stands Locke. He is shirtless. I almost trip over my own feet as I stop, in shock, to witness Farah standing in front of him, giving just enough room as he lifts his arms up to place his shirt over his head. It’s when I see her place her hands around his waist that I feel the pain inside.
That bastard.
Like a bad accident I can’t look away as he adjusts his shirt. She leans in; offering him a kiss on his cheek, him not stopping to fight her off.

“How could he?” I whisper, not realizing the tears falling down my cheek. Before he is able to turn and see me, I take off. I run back to the castle, up the stairs taking two steps at a time. I make it to my room just in time to slam the door, fall to my knees, and break down.

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