Read Unmasked (Revealed #1) Online

Authors: Alice Raine

Unmasked (Revealed #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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‘An inconvenience?’ He made an almost amused grunting noise. ‘That’s not quite how I’d describe you …’ Sean murmured, but he left the rest of his cryptic sentence unfinished. The sexual tension between us was incredible, seeming to wash over me and causing my skin to ping like a constant series of red hot needles tickling me. Surely I couldn’t be the only one feeling this chemistry?

Still avoiding his eyes I stared down until the temptation to check out his pyjama bottoms became too much for me. They clung to the muscles in his thighs almost indecently, not to mention hugging the bulge that was beginning to form at his groin.
Oh God
. OK, so that clearly indicated that I
the only one feeling this connection. Closing my eyes I tried to ignore his growing erection and stay calm, but for some inexplicable reason that ability seemed to completely escape me whenever Sean was around. Not that his arousal was helping me stay composed, because it was now starting to nudge hopefully against my belly.

I could barely focus as I stood frozen to the spot breathing shallowly and completely unsure as to what would happen. Or what I
to happen. After the cold way he had treated me after our last liaison I should be shoving him away, but as much as my brain yelled at me to do just that, my body was demanding I do the exact opposite and throw myself into his arms.

I did neither. Instead, I just stood there well and truly under his spell. Sean didn’t speak any more, but I watched in fascination as his right hand lifted and began to trail lazily across my T-shirt, circling over and around my body, never fully touching, just brushing over the cotton and teasing me nonetheless. It was as if he was exploring me and silently cataloguing everything he saw, and being well and truly in his thrall I simply stood there and let him.

Finally, his fingers traced the neck of my T-shirt, ran across my collarbone, and skated down the skin of my arm, briefly brushing the side of my breast as he went and causing me to bite back the moan of pleasure that threatened to escape my lips. Such minimal contact, but already I was so aroused and needy that I felt myself getting light-headed as his hand continued its tease and returned to my hip.

I was now throbbing with need and so wet I had to clench my thighs together to try and find some relief. Rationally I knew I shouldn’t be allowing him to touch me like this, not when he’d been so rude to me, but the attraction between us was just so incredible that I seemed to be helpless to resist him.

‘Oh, Allie,’ Sean groaned, as he lowered his head and nuzzled my neck, spreading a trail of kisses across my collarbone and behind the sensitive flesh of my ear. Now
is what I had expected him to do earlier.

If it was possible to die from massive over-arousal – which at this particular moment, it certainly felt like it was – then this man was going to be the death of me. I was all at sea; my head was telling me to push Sean away because he was clearly a jerk, but my body was speaking a whole different language – my flesh was tingling, my nipples had tightened, and there was an empty ache deep inside of me that was crying out to be fulfilled by him.

I was normally so sensible. Would it really matter if I gave in to my body just this once? After all, as soon as the snow cleared I’d be out of here and never have to see him again; perhaps a little selfish pleasure wouldn’t matter. And besides, after the telephone call had interrupted us the other day we technically had some unfinished business to attend to …

Lust finally won out and I gave in to the desires welling within me, as with a moan I allowed my hands to unclench and slide around his bare chest to rub across his firm, warm back. Trailing up his heated skin I sunk my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck where I tugged urgently, encouraging him to raise his head for a kiss. Lifting up, our eyes met and I saw his characteristic frown was gone for once, instead replaced with unshielded desire, and I wondered if perhaps there was a reason he’d been previously guarded with me. But all thoughts were lost as his lips lowered to mine, his tongue lapping at my mouth, demanding entry, which of course I willingly gave with a lusty moan.

Stroking his tongue over mine, our heated breaths mingled desperately as his hands tugged me against him. His naked chest crashed into mine as his hands pulled me toward him so tightly that I almost struggled for breath. Considering the urgency of his actions, his mouth was the complete opposite, moving against mine so tenderly and carefully that I nearly sobbed out loud.

‘You look really sexy wearing my T-shirt …’ he murmured, leaning back far enough to examine my attire. His right hand pulled up the hem of my temporary sleeping shirt, fingering it between forefinger and thumb with a thoughtful hum before gradually beginning to lift it up.

If I hadn’t been almost frozen with anticipation, then I certainly would have giggled at his astonished expression a few seconds later when he discovered that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. His eyes shot to mine, wide and desire-filled, before he growled his approval and bent to kiss me again, his mouth open and hungry as he slid a hand to my nape and held me in place while he explored my mouth with deep, lapping lashes of his skilful tongue. He didn’t need to hold me in place; I wasn’t going anywhere.

A long, garbled moan bubbled in my throat, escaping as a breathy whisper as he trailed a hand over my belly and down to tangle his fingers in the soft curls between my legs. A little sluttishly I found myself parting my legs to give him easier access, but honestly, I was so turned on that I was way beyond caring about how he might view my morals.

One of his fingers slid to my slit, and he began to rub at the warmth with a contented grumble, while his thumb pressed and circled my engorged clit. ‘So wet …’ he muttered, seeming to love how affected by him I was. He might be a virtual stranger, but there really was no point trying to deny the reaction Sean sparked in me. I couldn’t help but moan loudly as he slipped a finger inside me, followed quickly by a second, before he began to rhythmically stroke my core.

Feeling braver – or perhaps he had just truly caused me to lose my mind – I reciprocated the gesture and pushed a hand over his firm stomach and inside the waistband of his pyjama bottoms, tentatively feeling and stroking at the red hot flesh I found there and causing him to thrust against me jerkily.

Groaning loudly, Sean paused for a second, his hand tightening in my hair, and eyes fluttering shut as he absorbed my movements and gently ground himself into my hand. Opening his eyes, I saw that his pupils were so dilated that his eyes looked almost completely black as he began to work a third finger inside me with a groan. This time I could really feel the stretch, but what an amazing sensation it was.

‘See how your body accepts me? You are so fucking receptive,’ he murmured as his fingers stretched me deliciously before he increased the pace of his movements as I writhed shamelessly against his hand.

I spoke before even realising it. ‘Sean … please …’ I whispered against his lips and as he raised his head I shivered at the intensity that glinted in his eyes.

‘What do you want, Allie?’ he asked gruffly against the skin of my neck, before lowering his head to greedily nibble and lick at the lobe of my ear again. God, I had never known that my ear was such an erogenous zone. His touch ignited my skin and caused me to shudder and tremble against him.

He was a whole different person now, caring and attentive, his characteristic frown and bad mood totally evaporated. Perhaps he had been annoyed that he hadn’t got to finish things the other day, I wondered. Maybe that would explain his odd mood swings? I had certainly enjoyed the experience on his desk, but the interruption had meant he had gone unfinished. Pondering this, I wondered that maybe if I gave a little of myself to him he would start to open up to me.

‘Take me. Please,’ I gasped. ‘However you want me.’ He certainly seemed to like being in charge so I was hoping that handing over control might be the key to loosening him up.

At my words, Sean raised his face and moved his hand to grip my chin while staring at me intently. I could see anticipation glinting in the blue depths of his eyes, excitement causing his lips to twitch and cheeks to flush. God, what was I thinking? I’d just offered carte blanche on my body to a stranger. Jeez, he really
scrambled my brain. But before many more thoughts could flood in, Sean stepped back and gripped the hem of my T-shirt suddenly, looking at me purposefully. Without another word, he peeled the material up over my head to reveal my trembling body, and after smiling darkly at my nudeness, he raised his hooded gaze to mine. ‘So beautiful. And so many possibilities …’ he murmured, making my arousal and nerves climb even higher.

Without another word Sean placed his hands on my hips and spun me around, pulling me so I could feel his warmth pressed against my back. His head lowered, lips diving through my hair as I willingly tilted my head to give him better access to my neck. My hands felt useless, but I found myself gripping his fingers where they rested on my hips as he began to grind his erection into the small of my back. He was so hot and hard that I moaned out loud, now completely desperate to have him inside me. Sliding his fingers out from below mine he pushed gently on my shoulders so I bent forwards until I was leaning over the marble kitchen top, the cold of the surface causing me to sigh as it clashed with my heated skin.

Pinning me down, he kept one hand pressed between my shoulder blades so my breasts swelled against the coolness beneath me, making my nipples harden further. Wriggling, I tried to find some relief from my burning arousal, but the almost painful friction of my nipples against the marble only seemed to cause my excitement to spiral higher.

Behind me, Sean spread my legs with a swift push of his foot on my ankle, so he had me splayed, pinned, and completely at his mercy. Logically, I probably shouldn’t have liked this position quite as much as I did – I’d certainly never given over control to a man like this before, but he was so confident and capable that I had no issues doing so with Sean. In fact, I loved it. Biting my lip, I stared out of the window beside me at the moonlit garden and falling snow, and as I felt his fingers exploring my opening I allowed myself a little smile. Perhaps it would be a merry Christmas after all.

All thoughts of Christmas were quickly forced aside as I felt the hard tip of his erection replace his fingers and push against me before I was suddenly filled in one long, deep thrust.

My eyes flew open at the delicious intrusion, but regardless of how turned on he had gotten me, I still found his width hard to accommodate, stretching me almost to the point of discomfort. Almost, but not quite. I was definitely floating just on the pleasurable edge of the stretch. Someone let out a long groan of pleasure, but I was so hazy that I really didn’t know if it was me or him, or perhaps both. All I knew was that I was stretched to capacity and loving it. Sean briefly sagged against my back, breathing heavily, apparently overcome with sensation, before keeping himself completely still inside me as he stood and took hold of my hips with gentle massaging fingers. ‘OK, my gorgeous girl?’

There was that sweet endearment again, and although I’d never been one for pet names, I found that I really rather liked them when they came from Sean’s lips. Pulling in a deep breath I released it slowly and felt my lower muscles relaxing and accommodating him more readily. ‘You’re really big,’ I murmured hoarsely, immediately realising that that was probably the wrong thing to say to a guy like Sean – it would no doubt inflate his already large ego. ‘But yes, I’m OK.’

After gently grinding himself inside me a few times to assist with stretching, he withdrew to the tip and began to thrust more purposefully. Thankfully, his movements weren’t quite as ferocious as they had been in his office when he’d nearly split me in half, but they were certainly hard enough to have me seeing stars as his cock bucked against my G-spot on every thrust. His rhythm quickly became fast and relentless, dragging my body back and forth across the counter so my breasts were feeling well and truly teased by the unforgiving surface.

Keeping a firm hold of my hip with one hand, Sean used his free hand to gather both of my wrists and place them above my head. ‘These stay here,’ he informed me as he thrust into me again, causing me to groan at his easy dominance. Then, when he was happy that I was complying, I felt his hand tangle in the long waves of my hair, tugging gently as if he had wrapped it around his hand.

Looking at our reflection in the illuminated kitchen window I saw that that was exactly what he had done; a large chunk of my blonde hair was firmly wrapped around his wrist and gripped in his hand, stopping me from moving my head very far. To his credit, he wasn’t pulling to the point of pain, merely seeming to enjoy the fact that he had me well and truly at his mercy. And boy, was that the truth. My brain struggled to understand how and why I had so willingly submitted to him, but I came up with no logical answer. Sean was the answer, him and the magnetic draw he had on me.

He was so commanding over the position that I felt myself slicken further, my body apparently loving the power he was demonstrating over me. ‘Fuck, Allie … so good,’ he murmured as he pounded himself against me, now thrusting his hips with short, jerking thrusts.

I had offered him any position, but if I were truthful I felt a little disappointed; I was enjoying myself, yes, but I never climaxed when a man was behind me and after the amazing orgasm of the other day I had been hoping for another to remember him by. Just as this was flitting though my brain, Sean released my hair and seemed to raise his hand. I heard him lick his fingers before they wrapped around my belly and dipped lower to find my clit. He began rubbing small, hard circles with his fingers while keeping up the punishing rhythm with his hips, and I felt my stomach begin to clench with the promise of release. His fingers deftly tugged and circled my clitoris with firmer movements and an ever faster pace, until suddenly I was clutching the work surface and crying out as my body clenched around him in a series of spasms. My orgasm caused Sean’s rhythm to falter, becoming less controlled and far more lurching, before he suddenly let out a roar and exploded inside me, his cock twitching like mad within my tightly clamped muscles.

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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