Unplanned Love (Savage Love) (6 page)

BOOK: Unplanned Love (Savage Love)
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     “Wow, no pressure,” she laughed. “I’d feel better if you had a professional.”

     “We wouldn’t though,” assured Samantha. “Besides we also grabbed some cheap disposable ones for everyone to take pictures afterward for our party. I can’t call it a reception…it’s more like a get-together of family and friends.”

“Oh, pooh. We are going to have food and music in the open dining hall and I for one intend to do a little dancing!” said Sally.

     “I think it sound great,” said Alyssa.
“I’m glad I get to be here…”

     “So are we! How did you and my daughter hit it off?” asked Samantha.

     “Like we’ve known each other for years,” answered Alyssa with a smile.

     “Well, then it is official,” said Samantha.

     “What’s that?” asked Alyssa.

     “That’s how we all felt about one another when we all first met, so that makes you one of the
family!” Samantha explained.

     “If you can handle this crazy bunch,” laughed Lucille.

     “Amen!” joined in Sally.













hapter 6

A Snake
in Paradise

     As Seanna drew near to Kevin’s cabana she could hear him talking to someone.
Good…maybe he won’t be mad if Bryce is hanging out with him. I should have paid attention to what time it was, but I’m glad Alyssa felt comfortable enough with me to share.
Coming around the corner she spotted Kevin on his veranda swinging in the hammock. He was facing the building so he didn’t spot her right away.

     “Ok, we’re all set then
?...This will be a great wedding surprise!...” Kevin wasn’t visiting with Bryce, but was on his cell phone. When Seanna stepped up the steps he caught her out of the corner of his eye and quickly cut the call short.

     “A wedding surprise…what are you up to Mr.?” she teased.

     He grabbed her and pulled her into the hammock managing to keep them from flipping. “How much did you hear?”

     “The word’s ‘wedding’ and ‘surprise’,” she said kissing him.

     “Well, it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” he said kissing her back.

     “Sorry I’m so late. Alyssa and I were getting to know each other,” she explained.

     “What’s up with her anyway?” he asked.

     “What do you mean,” she said defensively.

     “She’s not very affectionate to Bryce,” he said.

     “Why would she be?” Seanna asked confused.

     “Didn’t she come with him?” asked Kevin beginning to feel confused himself.    

     “Oh, you thought she was a friend of Daffyd’s. Actually she came with his grandparents. She was having some issues…and Lucille and Bryson are helping her out
. She’s living with them right now,” Seanna said like it was no big deal.

     “Are they ‘saving’ her,” he teased.

     “If you’re asking if she is saved, then yes,” she said irritated.

     “Don’t get all balled up, I’m just teasing,” he laughed.

     “I just don’t think it’s funny, Kevin. My relationship with God isn’t a joke and Bryson and Lucille have done a lot to help Alyssa. She’s been through some junk lately,” she tried to explain.

Who hasn’t,” he snorted.

     “That’s just the point, we all need Him,” she said looking him in the eyes.

     “Look, just forget I said anything. I think it’s great that people find something that helps them through the tough stuff. I’m just not sure that I can buy into it all,” said Kevin looking away.

     “That’s what Daffyd used to say…” Seanna replied.

     “Well, I say, let’s go eat. All that snorkeling has burned up breakfast and lunch!” he said as he tipped her out of the hammock.

     “Hey!” she laughed.
I just had a hard time staying mad at that man.

     “Let’s go beautiful,” he said taking her hand and leading her down the stairs.


     Thursday at sunset they all were sitting on the beach with blankets and lounge chairs. Daffyd had brought a guitar and soon they were singing all those goofy camp fire songs. Alyssa taught them a new one about slimy fish and itchy rash. Sally
laughed so hard she was crying. Even Kevin joined in on the ones he knew. Seanna was surprised that he sang rather well. Between Daffyd and Kevin you could hardly notice her off key voice and Bryce’s scratchy one. Needing to catch their breath, Daffyd started playing just some random melodies on the guitar. By the time the sun was down and it was fully dark, staff had lit some torches and Daffyd was playing “How He Love Me”.

     “Can you sing that one for us Daffyd?” asked Seanna.

     Daffyd played slow and soft and sang the lyrics to Seanna’s favorite Christian song. By the time he was done singing everyone was quiet. Alyssa had tears in her eyes and Kevin sat uncomfortably next to Seanna. Seeing how the song had affected Alyssa, Bryce reached over patted her leg, giving her an encouraging smile.

     “Wow, you can sing, Daffyd,” said Kevin breaking the peaceful silence.

     “Thank you,” Daffyd replied.

     “Have you ever thought about doing it for a living?” Kevin asked.

     “Kevin, why don’t we go and see if we can rummage up something to snack on,” said Seanna pulling him up off of the sand by his arm.

     “Ok!” he laughed, “Gotta feed the beast.”


     “You can’t really be hungry again,” Kevin demanded as they were far enough away not to be overheard.

     “You’re right,” she said pulling him along.

     “So what’s up?” he asked.

     “I just wanted us to have some alone time. We’ve hardly been able to get a few minutes since we got here,” she said covering her tracks, besides now that she’d mentioned it, she really did want some time just the two of them.

     “What did you have in mind,” he asked stopping her and turning her around to face him.

     “We can take a walk on the beach, the moon is bright tonight,” she suggested.

     “Or you can come back to my cabana and we can talk,” he countered.

     “If you’re content to lie in the hammock and not go inside,” she replied.

     “Ok…hammock it is,” he chuckled.


As soon as Seanna had dragged Kevin away glances were exchanged and several people heaved relieved sighs.

     “Did I miss something?” asked Alyssa.

     “Do you mind, Uncle Daffyd?” asked Bryce.

     Daffyd shot a questioning look towards his parents and Lucille smiled
and gave a small nod.

     “Well, let’s just say that up until recently I was in the music industry,” said Daffyd vaguely.

     “Oh…I’m thinking you don’t want people to know that,” she ventured.

     “Not especially,” he replied.

     “Is that why I’m taking pictures tomorrow?” she said finally understanding his reluctance to have a professional photographer.

     “Yep!” said Bryce.

     “I’m just not sure I can trust Seanna’s boyfriend yet,” said Daffyd. “So if you could keep it to yourself…”

     “Sure…but why trust me?” she asked.

     “Well, my Mom and Dad do and Bryce and Seanna both have good things to say about you,” explained Daffyd.

     “Thanks,” she said humbly. “I’ll do my best with the pictures tomorrow!”


     “As much fun as this has been, and it has been fun, I think I am taking this old body to bed,” said Sally as she stood up out of her chair. ‘

     “We’ll walk with you,” suggested Bryson giving his arm to his wife.

“Alyssa, would you like to take a walk along the beach,” asked Bryce.

     “I’d love to,” she said hopping up off of the blanket.

     As soon as they were gone, Daffyd grabbed Samantha and gave her a big sloppy kiss. “Are you ready for the big day?”

     “I’ve been ready, remember I was willing to have Pastor Bill marry us the day after Christmas,” she reminded him.

     “Do you regret waiting?” he asked concerned.

“Oh, Daffyd, no! Tomorrow will be wonderful and tomorrow night will be even better. Our first night in the same bed…” she said wistfully.

     “So you’ve forgotten already…” he said dramatically.

     “Forgotten what?” she asked smiling at his theatrics.

     “The night we spent together at Mountain home…”

     “Do you mean the night that you were so sick that you could barely move and used that for an excuse for me to stay in your room?” she said shaking her head.

     “Yeah, that wonderful night,” he said kissing her again.

     “I have a suspicion that our wedding night will be a little more special,” she said kissing him back.


     Seanna had taken Kevin at his word and had tried to have a meaningful conversation with him. Obviously he had something else in mind when he had suggested ‘talking’. Not that she minded kissing him, he was a good kisser. But this was the most secluded they had been since they started dating. She had always refused to go to his apartment and made it a point of not allowing him into her dorm room. She forgot how far away his cabana was from all the others. Now with nobody around he was getting a little aggressive in his affection. Finally out of breath and feeling a little uncomfortable, she pushed away from him, causing the hammock to sway.

     “Kevin…” she said breathlessly.

     “What’s the matter, Babe?” he asked as he pulled the strap of her sundress down off of her shoulder.

     “Stop,” she said and pulled the strap back up.

     “I’ve been pretty patient, Seanna,” he said quietly, rubbing her upper arm.

     “I know you have, but I’ve been honest with you. I am not going to sleep with you,” she reminded him.

     “Who said anything about sleeping?” he asked in a husky voice.

please,” she tried again.

“Fine.” He let go of her and got out of the hammock so fast that he dumped her out on the veranda.

     “Ow,” she said. “What the heck, Kevin.”

     “I think you should go,” he said angrily. “I’m going to bed,
to sleep
.” He slammed into his cabana leaving Seanna sitting under the hammock.

      She couldn’t hold back the tears and crying picked
herself up and began walking in the moonlit night.  She was still crying when Alyssa came in. Alyssa didn’t say anything and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed, but when she came out Seanna was sitting up and blowing her nose loudly.

     “Do you want to talk about it?” asked Alyssa sitting on the bed next to the pile of wet Kleenex.

     “Kevin can be such a jerk,” she said between blows.

     “What happened?” Alyssa prompted.

     “You mean what didn’t happen,” she snorted.

     “So…he wanted sex,” Alyssa said getting right to the point.

     “Normally, he’s pretty understanding. I explained to him early on that I was a virgin and was waiting until I got married. It helps that I make sure we aren’t alone anywhere in private, to cut down on the temptation. But tonight I went to his cabana…he said he wanted to talk…” she explained.

     “And you had to tell him ‘no’,” Alyssa stated.

     “He didn’t take it very well. He literally dumped me out of the hammock and slammed into his cabana.”

     “And you’re hurt,” said Alyssa.

     “Just a bruised behind,” answered Seanna.

     “That’s not what I meant…”

     Seanna started crying again. “I guess I’m not really surprised. I’ve known for some time that he isn’t who I want him to be, who I
him to be. But it’s been nice having someone that made me feel special.”

     “Do you feel special now?” Alyssa asked softly.

     “No,” she said wiping her eyes angrily.

     “Do you love him?” asked Alyssa.

     Seanna dried her eyes, took in a big breath, let it out slowly and said, “No, I guess I don’t. Why can’t he be more like Bryce?”

     “Why can’t Bryce be Bryce?” asked Alyssa.

     “What do you mean?” Seanna inquired.

     “Well, it seems to me that if you want Kevin to be more like Bryce, that maybe you should be looking at Bryce.”

     “That’s crazy! Bryce is like my big brother. Just because I like his character doesn’t mean I could ever think about him that way,” she replied, thinking that the whole idea was a little crazy.

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