Unrequited (Chosen #3) (5 page)

Read Unrequited (Chosen #3) Online

Authors: Alisa Mullen

BOOK: Unrequited (Chosen #3)
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It was eight o’clock in the morning when the sun streamed into the luxurious suite at Fifteen Beacon. Nick really did have classy taste. This place, centered in the middle of the city, was sleek. Of course, I groaned at the time. I am not an early riser. As a girl out on the town at night and the one hour time change, I felt dreadful.

I threw off my covers and called for breakfast, which consisted of one hardboiled egg, one piece of whole wheat toast, and two carafes of coffee. I should be good by ten. After I ate, showered and primped myself to the nines, I headed out in search of Nick.

Nick’s building, also located in the heart of the city, was an older style Bostonian building. It had history written all over it. When I got to the fourth floor, I was immediately met with a stunning brunette with a broad smile.

“Welcome to Frost, can I help you?” She asked cheerily. I hated her already. Who is that chipper before noon?

“Nicholas Sawyer, please,” I demanded.

She looked at her computer and frowned. “Do you have an appointment with Mr. Sawyer?”

“I don’t need an appointment. If he is free, he will see me. Tell him Samantha Hughes is here to see him,” I stated. I gave her my signature sweet smile and she nodded.

When she placed down the receiver, she looked up with a smile. “Mr. Sawyer’s office is all the way down that hall, last door on the right.”

I nodded and opened the door to the hall. Nick stood at the end of the hall, looking dreadfully tired, but sexy as all get up. He half smiled at me with his hands in his pockets. I slowly swiveled my hips as I made my way down to him and gave him kisses on each side of his cheeks, a bit closely to the corners of his lips. He smiled down at me and waved his hand into his office.

“Samantha,” he stated. He took his chair and I sat across from him at his large cherry wood desk. “What’s going on? I take it you enjoyed the hotel?”

“Oh my, it was just lovely. Thank you so much for taking me there. Their breakfast is very good and the thread count on those sheets, wow.”

He nodded his head and paused, waiting for me to go on.

“Did daddy call you?” I asked.

Nick shook his head and looked confused. He looked at his messages on both of his phones and then shook his head again in confirmation.

“Well, then he must be very busy this morning. He wanted to know if you could help me get settled. I know you have Elizabeth and the baby, but couldn’t you help out an old friend in the meantime?” I smiled.

He hesitated a moment. “How are you really doing, Sam? You seem so put together. It wasn’t even two weeks ago when I couldn’t even get you to string three words together.”

I waved my hand at him and started my practiced lie.

“Conner was important to me. But as you know, we only had those few months together. I had a lot of guilt and I was sad, but I went to a therapist and it is time I moved on with my life. You are the only true friend I have in this whole world. I needed a change from being under Daddy and Momma’s eye.”

He nodded slowly. “So how can I help?”

“Well,” I started, placing my manicured hands on his desk. “I think it’s time that I met Elizabeth. She must be wondering where you were all last night.” He winced. “Also, my apartment seems to be under some renovations that Daddy ordered for me. So, I will need a place to stay for about a month. I know your place is out of the question but isn’t there something you could do to help me get into a place temporarily.”

I watched Nick as he thought about my idea. He was always so slow at making decisions. His actions were never reckless. His words were never impulsive.

“Lizzie did mention that she thought it was time to meet, too,” he approved slowly as he met my eyes. He didn’t look convinced it was a good idea.

“I am skeptical. She and her parents are really having a hard time with Conner’s death and while you were there when he died, it may bring up some anxiety for her. I think we could have dinner…” I barged in on Nick’s rambling.

“That’s wonderful! I heard that the North End is a great place for Italian,” I cut him off. “Shall we meet there at about 7:30?”

“Well, Lizzie is out of the city today on… at… a meeting. I don’t know if she will be back in time, but I will ask, of course,” he conceded. “I will get back to you by five o’clock. As for helping you with a place, I can look to see if there are any places in the city that will do a temporary lease. I should be able to call in some favors.” He smiled and it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I was already a burden.

“Nick, are you okay? You look so tired. I have never seen dark circles under your eyes,” I inquired.
Except that one night we went at it, of course.

His hands scrubbed his face and he sighed heavily. This was not the Nick I remembered. He was always sharp. Today he almost looked like he could fall asleep on his desk.

“Yeah, I am fine. I am worried about my fiancée,” he said, his tired blank eyes found mine. I felt like I was just kicked in the gut. He hadn’t referred to her as his fiancée before to me. I threw up a little in my mouth.

“Oh no! Is she okay?” I asked, trying to sound as concerned as I could.

He shook his head. “She has Niall, he is teething and she won’t let me help,” he started. “She is so damn irritating.”

I clicked my voice recorder on through my purse.

“I mean, the woman won’t even spend our money together. Does she even want to be in a relationship with me if she won’t ever let me help her with my soon to be stepson? She is so focused on keeping herself independent that she won’t let me in to help. Today, she is with her mother and I offered to help out but she is just so stubborn. She just told me to come to work. I can’t work. Not when she is comforting others. Who is comforting her?”

“Wow, that must be straining on your relationship and you,” I said, coaxing him to keep talking.

“I love her. I can’t imagine not having her in my life but sometimes I think she still holds me at arm’s length,” he groaned. “I was hoping that we could begin our wedding preparations but she keeps coming up with these awesome ideas that never come to fruition. I just… I don’t know…sometimes I just can’t keep up.”

I think it was then that he realized he was bitch talking his fiancé and halted. “I’m sorry. I don’t have many girls that are just friends. I don’t want to sound like I am ungrateful. God, I waited forever for her to finally admit she had feelings for me.” He pulled on his tie and looked at the phone on his desk, as though it was ringing.

“It’s fine, cowboy. Relationships can be hard,” I said.

Bull shit. His relationship should be fun and exciting since it was so new. He has just never been in a relationship. It’s like they are already married.

“Yeah. I guess they are,” he chuckled. “I haven’t ever been in one so I guess this is a learning curve.”

Bingo. I will teach him how easy relationships can be.

His receptionist interrupted our talk and I clicked the voice recorder off.

“Mr. Sawyer, Elizabeth is on the phone. Shall I put her through or would you like to call her back?” Nick sickeningly beamed at the phone. “No, Nancy, I will take her call. Thank you.”

“Hey, babe,” he said into the receiver.

“No, I am not busy. Samantha just stopped in and would like to have dinner. Would you like to meet her?” The pause that lasted after he asked her was, I am not kidding, at least five years. He nodded into the phone.

“Okay, well I am glad that she is okay. Your father is back there?” he asked. He sat back in his chair with a crumpled up face.
Was Conner’s mother so messed up that people had to babysit her?
I started to recoil in my seat. I wanted to disappear. I felt the tightening ball in the pit of my stomach, like I always do, when I am about to cry. I ruined that woman’s life.

He laughed a little. “How is our little man?” he asked. He listened for a short time. “Good, good. I am going to take off a little early and come help out, okay? I love you, too, baby.”

When he got off the phone, he sighed heavily in relief. All of the dread in his face left in an instant.

“She is doing alright?” I asked tentatively.

“Yes,” he said proudly. “She isn’t quite sure about dinner. She wants to think about it. We will know more later, okay?”

I nodded my head with a bright smile. “I hope she agrees,” I said. “Nick, I will stay at the hotel but I hope you can help me find a place.  If everything goes well with meeting Lizzie, I would love to get a place near ya’ll.”

He stood up and walked me out. When we got to the elevators, he hugged me and I could smell the wooden musk that was his signature scent. It was like coming home.

I prayed that Lizzie would agree to dinner because she needed to get the boot and fast. Her man would be mine in a blink of an eye. I would never put those tired eyes on his face or make him doubt for a minute that our relationship was anything but peachy. He needed to focus on his work. Babies, weddings, and teething duties should not be on his radar at all. Those details are meant for his wife, a wedding coordinator, and the nanny.



I hadn’t even gotten off the elevator before I heard Lizzie’s thunderous laughter. I don’t think I had ever heard her laugh that hard in forever. Then I heard a male’s laugh and I froze inside the elevator. I was tempted to push the button down but before the elevator began its decent, I put my hand out to stop the doors from closing.

I followed the laughter into the living room where Lizzie was laying on the couch, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. There was a man laughing right along with her.
Who the fuck was this guy?
The man was so heavily tattooed; I could barely see any white skin. He had piercings through his eyebrows, his lips and wore a Megadeth shirt.

Of course
, I thought. This was Sean. She had talked about him before but we had never met. An instant twinge of jealousy overcame me because he was the one that made her laugh that hard. I pushed that thought away and cleared my throat. Lizzie jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck as she continued to laugh. She kissed me softly on the lips and then playfully licked them. She grinned at me and took my hand.

“Nick, this is one of my oldest and dearest friends, Sean. Sean, this is my fiancé, Nick,” she said, bouncing a little. She was clearly so excited for us to meet.

Sean stood and swaggered over to me. He reeked of cigarettes and put out his hand. “So, you are the lucky man that finally won over my Lizzie’s heart,” he said with a smile.
His Lizzie? Hmmm. Okay. Not going to argue that one. Pick your battles, Nick.

“It is so nice to finally meet you, Sean. Lizzie has told me so much about you,” I said, shaking his hand firmly. He threw Lizzie a skeptical look and she shrugged her shoulders. He knew it couldn’t have been all good.

“Sean is in Boston for the night because they are having a tattoo convention. Is it okay if he sleeps in the back bedroom?” she asked excitedly. “I would have called but I lost my flip phone, then I tried to call your office and you weren’t there and…” Sean cut Lizzie off.
Why was she nervous all of a sudden? Did she think I was jealous? Okay, I was a little.

“I don’t want to be any trouble, man. I had a hotel all set with a few buddies, but it would be kick ass if I could spend some time with the little man,” he said
, as he tickled Niall under his arm.

“Yeah, no, that isn’t a problem.” I took off my suit coat and immediately felt way overdressed. I hated Megadeth. How in the world does crunchy Lizzie love this guy? I mean, I have tattoos but not like this guy. I wanted to break out a Harley and tell him to get lost.

“You lost your cell phone again? Jesus, woman. I think we should cut you off. Let me change and I will be right back out,” I said. Lizzie winked at me and went back to speed talking with Sean about Niall and his latest teething issues. Sean was totally entranced in the conversation.

I pulled a v neck black tee shirt on, showing my Celtic wrap around tattoo and a pair of old jeans. I walked back out into the living room barefoot and sat next to Lizzie. Okay, so I basically sat on her. I wanted to beat my chest and claim her like the half naked men in those jungle movies. I didn’t know why I felt territorial because Lizzie told me Sean had been like a big brother to her most of her life and helped her when she made the tough choices with Teagan and Niall.

I think she even mentioned he waited in the waiting room for thirteen hours while she gave birth. The guy obviously had been there and loved her for years. I couldn’t fault him for being a guy who was just her friend. I was Sam’s friend and yes, we did have sex but I had to drink a lot of booze to get with her.

“So what are you guys talking about?” I started to rub the back of Lizzie’s neck. I was petting her like a fucking cat.
Grow some balls, Sawyer. You aren’t her owner.

Lizzie giggled a little and then a huge belly laugh took over. Soon she was practically on my lap, shaking so hard she was gasping for air. It was infectious. I started to laugh, too and I didn’t even know what was so funny. Sometimes a person’s laugh is so much funnier than the joke itself.

“Okay,” Sean placed his hands together and trained his eyes on me. It was obvious that he couldn’t look at Lizzie without starting to laugh either. “Since Lizzie is clearly down for the count, I will tell the story.” He cleared his throat and swallowed a few times.

“One night, Conner, Lizzie, me, and a bunch of other people went out to sing karaoke. Conner decided he wouldn’t even look at the screen while singing. So he chose a Jimmy Hendrix song and made up his own words. His bassist, Jeremy was on stage with him and was totally lost. They were shitfaced so it was funny. Instead of the regular lyrics, Conner sang, “Excuse me while I kiss this guy,” then he pointed at Jeremy and he full on tongue kissed him in front of the whole entire bar.”

I laughed because I could totally picture Conner doing that. Lizzie sat up and beamed at me. She continued to stare at me and wistfully said, “You know what Sean? Without Conner, I don’t know that Nick and I would have ever gotten together.” She started to tear up and I wiped away one falling tear.

“No, baby. We are talking about good memories. Conner wouldn’t want you to be upset,” I soothed.

“Yeah, Nick is right. Conner was all fun and totally loyal. He wants us to laugh at his rendition of “Tiny Dancer” or as he called it “Tony Danza” the whole night.” Sean patted Lizzie on the knee and I instantly liked Sean. I had him totally wrong when I walked in but he was a friend. He may have over the top tattoos, piercings and listens to screaming mad bands that made my ears bleed but he had a heart. He loved her. He adored her.

Niall started to cry from his bedroom and Lizzie instantly popped up.

“No way,” I said. “I have him. I haven’t seen him all day and I need my fix.” As I started to get up, Lizzie grabbed me and kissed me soundly.

Happy as I could be, I went into find Niall covered in shit. He had stuck his hand in his pants and was drawing on the wall with his poop next to his crib. When he saw me, he said “dada” and I melted. He had never called me that before. However, the shit won out and I cringed. I needed reinforcements.

“Lizzie,” I yelled. “Niall is drawing with his shit again.” I heard her run to the bathroom to start a bath and Sean came in.

“Oh god, I think I am going to blow chunks.” He covered his mouth and immediately left.

As Lizzie and I cleaned everything, I told her how he had said dada to me and she laughed.

“Nick, he has been saying that for a few days. When I point out our pictures, I say Mama and Dada.” I sagged with relief.

I didn’t care if she was independent, selfish and stubborn. I didn’t even care that she kept me at arm’s length some days. This woman wanted me in her life. I kissed her forehead and went to take my own shower.

When I started out to the living room, I overheard Sean talking to Lizzie about me. I stayed inside the door and listened. I am a sucker for punishment but this was the only friend she had brought around since she and Niall moved in.

“You really didn’t know he was
successful?” he asked.

“Nope,” she replied.

“Wow, that must have been a shocker,” he said.

“Yes. Yes it was. I was prepared to live in a box with the man,” she laughed.

“He really loves you, Lizzie. You didn’t even seem half this happy when you were at the wedding with Teagan,” he said.
Sean had actually met Teagan? What I would give to have a conversation with him about that guy.

I walked into the room and they both looked up to me and grinned. “So,” I said. “Samantha wants to have dinner tonight.”

I was really dreading this conversation.

“Samantha?” Sean asked, fumbling with a guitar pick on the side table. “Who is that?”

“Sam,” Lizzie spat out. Sean froze with the guitar pick and his gaze dropped to her and then to me.

“Oh,” he said. “So how is that going to work out?”

“Not quite sure there, Seany boy. I am still on the fence. I mean, I have to meet her sometime, right? Nick is friends with her and well, Conner
her boyfriend,” she whimpered as she put her hands over her face.

“We don’t have to go, sweetheart,” I said, pulling Niall off of the floor and into my lap. A few moments passed in silence.

“Yeah, yeah she does,” Sean said adamantly. We both looked at him like he had grown an extra tattoo on his forehead. I really wouldn’t have put it past the guy if he eventually did.

“Why?” Lizzie croaked out.

“Liz. You have to face her. You have to face what happened and she is a part of that,” he said with seriousness. It immediately warmed into love. “Plus, I am in town so what better timing? I can go with you guys. I will be the shock value at dinner. I am sure the high end North End will just love me,” he grinned. “Plus, remember we will be right next to Mike’s Cannolli’s. Holy fuck, Liz. If it all goes to shit, we can buy a dozen of those bad boys and just slam those down.” She laughed but it was empty. She did not want to do this.

I looked at Lizzie and waited for her cue. She looked at Sean and then back to me. She let out a big sigh. “Damn, I need a drink.” She flushed, knowing that she couldn’t have one. A few moments later she slightly nodded at me. I squeezed her hand and gave Niall over to Sean to make the call.

“Hey sexy,” Sam crooned over the phone. Ugh, when had she started calling me that? Normally I would have dismissed it but only one woman in my life could call me that and it was not her.

“Sam,” I stated firmly. “Let’s meet at the North End, Ristorante Saraceno at 7:30. I will call in reservations.”

“Oh, how do I get there?” she asked. Shit, I had forgotten she didn’t have a car.

“Have the concierge get you a taxi. I have a car load tonight.” I rattled off the address and hung up before she could make me feel bad about not picking her up.

The next few hours, Lizzie, Sean and I strummed guitars and talked about a tattoo that Lizzie wanted to get in Conner’s honor. Sean started drawing it up. I had never seen someone so focused. He came up with an amazing looking guitar with the outline of the O’Malley symbol. It wasn’t big but it was beautiful. Lizzie and I talked about where on her body she should put it. I winked at her and she slapped me.

“The only thing I will ever tattoo on my ass is Property of Nick Sawyer”. She said as I grinned at her. I kind of liked that idea. I knew she would do it, too, if I dared her to.

Sean chuckled. “I can’t believe how many tattoos of names that I have to cover up with new ink. I want to ask them why they did it in the first place but it isn’t my business and I have enough drama in my life. I just do my job,” he shrugged. Lizzie threw a pillow at him and he scowled at her with the most terrifying look. She giggled and I just shook my head.

When it was time to go, Lizzie started fidgeting with everything. She wanted to make sure the kitchen was clean. She needed to make sure we packed. She grabbed a tall pile of diapers as though we would be gone for a couple of days. She called her father to make sure her mother was okay.

“You are clearly stalling, O’Malley,” I said. She rolled her eyes and sulked. I put my arms around her and promised that I would be by her side the whole time and I would always look after her. She was my number one girl. She grinned at me as she threw on her boots and grabbed the car seat. Her hands locked with mine and she nuzzled her face into my arm. I kissed her forehead. “I love you,” I said softly so that we could have a private moment without Sean. She smiled brightly up to me and said, “Me, too.”

As we headed down to the car, I talked to Sean as we both eyed her with skeptical looks. I opened her passenger door and when I shut it, Sean said, “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.” I gave a quick nod, threw him a pointed look that translated into
“Holy Shit”
and got into the car.

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