Unrequited (Fallen Aces MC #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Unrequited (Fallen Aces MC #1)
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“I’ll ring you the night before if I know I can’t make it.” I smile as he holds out his hand to help me up.

“Done deal.” He gives me a tug that sends me crashing into his hard body.

I place my hands on his shoulders to brace myself and try to back away when his hands on my hips hold me firmly in place.

“You’re a pretty woman, Elena.” He reaches up to sweep my bangs out of my face. “Real pretty.”

My cheeks are on fire. It’s going to happen, I can feel it. “You’re not so hard on the eyes yourself.”

He devours me with his gaze and leans a little closer. “Take it you wouldn’t mind if I kissed you then?”

I shake my head as a smile plays on my lips. “Not at all.”

He slips a hand to the side of my neck and guides my head as he leans in to close the space between us. His lips play mine, teasing and testing how far I’ll let him take this. I open my mouth to him, angling my head a little to let him in deeper as his free hand roams the curve of my back.

I’m cocooned in him, safe and secure in his hold. His taste is bitter from the coffee, but the gentle sweep of his tongue across mine, the soft caress of his lips over mine before he widens his mouth again to take me harder . . . it’s everything I didn’t realize I was missing. I can’t decide if that’s a good or bad thing while he’s so close.

King grumbles as I pull back. I’d lost myself in our moment and hadn’t given a single thought to the fact any one of these people around us may be on Carlos’s pay roll. “Can I meet up with you again?” I can’t bring myself to let him go yet, even though I know that would be the wise thing to do.

“You name the place, babe, I’ll be there.”

“Here then.”
Our place.
Somewhere that holds only the memory of King, myself, and a relationship that holds no hope of ever being more than friends—no matter how perfect that kiss was.

King leans down to pull my bottom lip between his, letting it go to dot a small kiss on the point of my nose. “You better go.”

More than he knows.
Everything about this is wrong, but I’m selfish, too weak to call a spade a spade and walk away. I’m too smitten with King’s attention.

“I’ll see you again next week.” I step away with my hand lingering on his chest. “Friday.”

He throws a tip on the table, and gives me a pat on the ass to send me on my way. “Get goin’, baby, before I decide to come after you for more.”




five weeks later

Elena and I meet the following Friday, and the one after, and then two more, simply because neither of us can get enough. And we talk. She’s careful not to let on much about her family, but aside from that, I learn every intricate detail about her: stories about her childhood friends, that she’d love to have a dog one day, right down to her preference of Coke over Pepsi.

And every time, she leaves me with a scorching fucking kiss. But they’re more than just kisses—they’re a taste of what’s to come.

Callum’s the only brother who knows I’m heading out to see a woman, but I’ve got him convinced I’ve managed to shack up with someone local. A lie I can live with. I get to keep Elena for myself without the pressure from the others to bring her in to ‘meet’ the guys, and without the ridicule that would surely follow when they found out how tame our meet-ups have been. But I like them like that. I like how easy she is to talk to, how she makes me laugh with her innocent questions about what life in an MC is like. I wish I could ask her more about where she comes from, about what it was like growing up in another country, but every time I try to steer the conversation in that direction she freezes up. Enough subtle questions over time and hopefully I’ll figure out why—what it is that she doesn’t want to tell me. Until then, I’m relatively content with what I get.


I get her.

The clouds cover the sun while I wait on Elena to show up for our sixth get-together. But who’s counting, right? I light another smoke and take a pull on the stick as I think over what Twig told me last night. Our contacts intercepted another planned ambush during the week. A few of our lifers rode over to check out the drop-off point for the run an hour before our guys were due to arrive—our demolition crew, we call them. Came back with word of Blood Eagles waiting two miles down the road at a shopping center, lined up in the car park, nearly out of view.

Fair to say, they pulled out of that exact run and reorganized the drop-off point with ten minutes to spare—close enough that whoever the rat was wouldn’t have time to relocate the Eagles.

Twig tells me that the suspects are narrowed down to four members, but he won’t elaborate any further. I guess there’s every chance they think I’m one of them.

My coffee’s half gone, and like clockwork, Elena jogs up those steps in her short fucking shorts and tight tank. She keeps a good body, but I honestly think I wouldn’t give a fuck if she didn’t. I like her for more than physical attraction. I like her mostly because when I’m with her it’s so easy to forget about the shit going down at the club. She makes it effortless to get lost in a daydream world where we’re just two lonely souls, looking for love. Makes the slap back to reality when I leave each time that much harder, too.

“Hey!” Elena’s eager greeting breaks me from my thoughts.

I stand and take her in my arms, holding her to me, despite the fact she’s tacky with sweat—I couldn’t care less. She’s beautiful, funny, and smart, and once a week I get to hold her and kiss her like nothing else matters. I’ll take her however I can get her.

She meets my lips with a surprised hum. Until now we’ve only kissed when she’s left, but after this last week’s shit with the Blood Eagles, I’m in the mood for more of her special brand of distraction than usual today.

“That was unexpected,” she says, pressing her fingertips to her lips as she takes a seat.

“Nice though.”

She smiles and fidgets with a sugar pack—a habit I’ve noticed over all our Fridays together. “Yeah, it was nice.” Her rich cocoa eyes find mine. “Tell me about your week then. What’s new?”

I wish I could share these things with her; it’d certainly alleviate the fucking burden. “Can’t, baby. Sorry.”

“What now then?” She cocks an eyebrow at me.

You can do it.
“You tell me.” I gesture to her running shorts and fitted tank. “You had enough for one day?” I tried to do this last week, but choked.
Just run with it.

“Ugh.” Elena pulls the sticky material from her stomach. “Yes. Definitely had enough.”

“Want to join me for a shower then?” My heart seizes, waiting on her reaction.

Her eyes go wide. “What?”

“Asked if you wanted to share a shower with me. Been ridin’ for hours before I was sittin’ here.” It’s hardly the best pick-up line, but it’s got to be streaks ahead of ‘Want to go back to a motel and fuck?’ I was aiming for funny, hoping she’d laugh . . . and then agree.

Not working so well, though.

“Are you staying somewhere?” she asks.

I normally ride home after our catch-ups, getting in around midnight. “Thought it might be a nice change. Any recommendations?”

She giggles and hides her face in her arms.

“What?” Her chuckle is contagious; I’m about to laugh, even though I have no idea what about. Certainly beats the sick feeling I had in my throat a minute ago.

“I can’t believe I sat down and you asked me to get naked with you.”

I smirk. “So? Worked, didn’t it?” She peers out from under her lashes when I duck my head to meet her eyes. “Didn’t it?”

“Yes.” Elena laughs, shaking her head. “Do
ask me why.” She twists in her seat to point west. “There’s a motel two blocks over that way. Hear they have a pool.”

“Fancy a ride, then?”

She grins and nods. “You don’t normally do this kind of thing, do you?” Elena stands to indicate she’s ready to go.

I down the last of my coffee, adjust myself under the table, and shake my head as I join her. “Nope. I’m not very good at talkin’ to women I like.”

Elena feigns shock, placing a hand to her chest. “Do you mean . . . that you don’t like me?”

Fuck, I love how she makes me laugh. I take her by the hand and lead us across the road. “Complete opposite, actually.” Looking down at our hands as we walk to my bike, I admit, “I think I like you a little too much.”

Yeah, I don’t miss that sharp intake of breath.

My heart still hasn’t slowed since I asked her to join me. I take my fill of Elena, of the way she stands with one knee slightly bent, popping that curvy ass of hers.

“You can use my helmet.” I lift the open-facer up and go to place it on her head when she grabs me by the wrists.

“It’s not that far, honestly.”

“Baby,” I say, frowning at her relaxed attitude. “I ain’t damaging any of this.” She stills as I reach out and drag my left thumb across her lips.

“Okay.” Her answer is a breathless whisper. “But first.”

I take a step back to avoid the flying elbows as she adjusts her ponytail so it sits at the nape of her neck. Her eyes never leave mine.

“Better?” I ask, when she drops her arms.


I pop the helmet on and then get her situated on the seat before I climb on. My bike doesn’t have any space for a pillion, so the tank it is for me. She pats my shoulder as I settle my nuts against the unrelenting metal.

“I can walk. Honestly, it’s not far.”

I tap the side of my nose. She doesn’t know it yet, but I saw a place on the way into town that had separate units, all with their own private courtyards. If I’m going to take this lady somewhere, it’s going to have more than an ounce of class, not just the row on row of small units stacked on top of one another I think she means.

She settles her hands around my middle as I turn the key and push start. The bike comes to life beneath us. I can’t help it. I look over my shoulder and grin. I know how bad that sprung seat vibrates.

She grins back, and then laughs when I twist the throttle to give her a bit more of a buzz.

“Tuck your legs over mine.” I point to the pipes and then slide my hand around her calf to demonstrate what I mean.
Wrong move, old boy. Lifting her lower right leg and wrapping her foot on my shin, I let go and take a breath. She doesn’t move, leaving her other foot hanging, and I glance back to find her watching me as I try to get my shit together.

Her left heel hits my shin with a bang. “Ready.”

I kick the stand up and after checking the traffic, give a twist of the wrist to get us going. Her thighs clamp down over mine, and her hands grip my abs painfully tight.
Guess it’s her first ride, then.

It’s the best ride I’ve had since building the beast.

It seems as though she’s only just settled when I spot the driveway of the cabins I’d sighted earlier. Elena’s hands rest lightly on my sides, and she leans into every corner as if she’s an old pro. We cruise to a stop outside the office and I kill the engine.

She doesn’t move.

“You’re okay to get off,” I reassure her.

She sighs first, slowly dragging her hands away and over the tops of my thighs—
close to my convoy cock. Turns out the tank vibrates just as bad as the seat when you’re pressed up against it.

I dismount and readjust myself with my back to her while she fiddles with the helmet and straps and eventually gets them undone.

Ten minutes later, and a hundred dollars less in my back pocket, I open the door to our cabin. “M’lady?”

She chuckles and walks past where I stand with my left arm outstretched, right tucked at the small of my back. The door slams shut with a kick of my boot, and before I can even come up with a half-decent line to give her, she takes the floor.

Her shoes come off first, toe to heel as she walks. The tight-as-fuck tank goes next, landing on the foot of the bed. I’m in awe, watching her brazenly undress on her way to the shower. The sports bra narrowly misses collecting my head as she hurls it over her shoulder, rounding the corner to the bathroom with a cheeky smirk.

I kick my boots off—both of them landing on opposite sides of the room—and shirk my cut, placing it carefully over the back of the chair. My hands are still on my belt when her running shorts hit the wall opposite the bathroom door.

“You coming, or what?”

I’ve never undressed so fast in my life.

The water’s running when I do my best to act casual as I round the doorway. But damn, when I’m confronted with her lithe body, I fucking lose all reasoning.

Her nostrils flare as she drinks me in—all of me. “The water should be warm now.” Elena steps in the shower and leaves the door to the cubicle open.

I follow. Fuck, I’d follow this woman anywhere—I know it already.

The water drags her hair down over her back as she lets it cascade over her face and neck. “Oh, that’s good.”

Yep, it sure is.

I’m naked, in the shower with one sexy-as-hell woman, and I think I’m already in love with her.

My hands look enormous on her slim waist, my rough skin contrasting against her smooth, almond flesh. I stroke my thumbs in the small of her back and she arches, pressing her butt against my cock.

Game on.

Sliding my arm around her waist, I cup my right hand to her left breast, pulling her up against me and out of the water. She gasps, and wraps her arm around my hip to grab hold of my butt.

“You want me to clean you,” I whisper in her ear, “or make you dirty first?”

“Filthy dirty.”

This woman—she never stops taking me by surprise.

Keeping my right arm wrapped tightly around her, I move my left hand down to the junction of her thighs and slip my hand over the wet skin to the swollen folds of her pussy.
Her feet slide over the tile floor, widening her stance so I’ve got better access. I run my index and middle finger in slow strokes either side of her pussy, bracing my thumb against her clit to make her buck.

She drops her head against my shoulder, and sighs. I taste the exposed flesh of her neck, running my teeth in a graze that starts at the point of her collarbone and ends below her ear.

“Fuck yes,” she whispers, her hand on my butt squeezing.

I take her lobe between my teeth and bite gently, giving it a little tug before I let go, all while my fingers continue their slow exploration of her.

“Why did you say yes?” I ask, nipping at the line of her jaw.

“Why did you come looking for me?”

Well played.

I spin her in my hold and back her up against the side wall of the shower, out of the way of the water spray. She’s dripping wet, and even more beautiful than I could have thought. The woman could turn up to our dates in a paper fucking bag and she’d have a hard time keeping my hands off her. Her lips meet mine in a frenzy, our heads tilting to deepen the kiss. Elena lifts a leg to my side, and I take it, hoisting the other as well, and pin her against the wall by my hips. Her hands tangle in my hair, damp from the spray, and tug.

Oh, hell yes.
I lean back and look her in the eye. “Harder.”

She obeys, and yanks on my hair painfully hard to pull my head back to hers. Her tongue slides across my lips, coaxing me to let her in. She didn’t have to ask. I open and slant my mouth to taste her again, fascinated by the mix of mint and spice on her breath.

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