UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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"Affirmative." I follow him into the bedroom to the closet. He lays my luggage down and starts to unzip one. I stare past him into a big walk-in closet. His clothes line one whole side. "How did your clothes get in here?"

"The Italian Stallion."

"What?" I crinkle my nose at him and he laughs at me.

"The good looking, son of a bitch...with lips like mine.... That was my cousin, Antonio."

"What? Wow! You're related? Well, that explains the gorgeousness. His ass is 'to die for' too." Aurei starts unpacking and hanging my clothes up. "You don't have to do that for me."

"I've seen your closet. I'll hang them up for you."

"I've seen your closet too. It's way too neat, and organized. I meant to ask you. Are you OCD?"

He chuckles. "No, but an officer learns to be neat, clean and organized, and I like things neat, clean, and organized." He looks at me and smirks. "I'll do this. You, Sweet Thang, bring me my cup, please. Cappuccino is best hot and it's getting cold in there."

"Oh K." I say as I spin around to get it. When I come back, he has finished.
He's efficient too.
He is surveying them and thinking. I hand him his cup. "So...."

"Yes?" He takes it, and takes a sip, then hands it back to me. He turns back to my clothes and takes my Florida State Seminole National Championship "Unconquered" t-shirt down along with a pair of distressed Gucci jeans and walks out to the bed. He lays them down and looks at me with a smirk. "So?"

"So... Antonio was in the right room."

"Yes." He goes back in and gets my Converse sneakers.

"So... does that mean you are Maximus?"

"Yes." He takes his cup and smirks at me over it as he finishes it.

"What? Get out of here! Your name is Maximus too?"

He laughs. "That's affirmative. Maximus Aurelius Moore at your service."

"Sweet Zeus! That's a hot fucking name! Suits you perfectly!"

He chuckles. "My mother named me obviously." He reaches for my cup and I drink the last swallow and hand it to him. "Get dressed. We need to do a little shopping today too."

"Yes sir." I grin at him, seeing Maximus Aurelius Moore at me service.

"And you are to wear both a bra and panties today." He eyes me.

"Umm hmm." I smirk. His eyebrows raise, making me giggle. "Where did you put them, Mr. Neat, Clean and Organized?" I ask, looking past him to the closet.

"Chest of drawers, second drawer from the top, on the right." He points to a chest behind me.

I turn to look as he walks out. "No trickery." He tells me over his shoulder.

"I promise, no trickery." I throw on the clothes and walk out to the living room. He is sitting at the table and stands when I come in.


"Ready." He heads to the door and I slide in next to him. I slip my fingers between his and cinch us together. "I honestly don’t think I can walk next to you without touching you."

"That’s a good thing." He smirks as he closes the door.

"So tell me more about Maximus."

"After we eat. I’m starving."

At the elevator, Aurei hits the up button. "Is the restaurant up?"

"Yes. It's on the sixth floor."


"The view is spectacular. You're gonna love it."

We enter a crowded elevator and squeeze on. Aurei spins me around and hugs me tight in front of him. I feel his cock harden as soon as it touches me. I start to put my hands back there to hold it, but he slides his fingers between mine and holds my hands in front. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "If you start that, we won't eat. We will go right back to the room. I'm always hungry for you, but I'm hungry for food right now. Behave. We need to eat."

"Yes sir." I answer and squeeze his hands. "I’m hungry for both too." I turn my face to his and kiss him on the cheek.

On the top floor, the elevator opens and everyone steps out. Most people walk to the hostess to put their name on the waiting list, but we walk to the entrance. A man walks over to us. "Maximus. It's good to see you."

"You too, Carlo." They shake hands.

"This way." He leads us through the restaurant to a table in the middle of the windows.

"Wow!" I exclaim. "This is ... spectacular!"

Carlo smiles at me and pulls a chair out for me to sit. I do and he pushes it in under me as he talks. "The hotel overlooks the seven hills of ancient Rome." My eyes run along every detail taking in everything. He says to Aurei. "I understand you are staying in the hotel for the week."

"Yes, we are. Maybe longer." Aurei slides his open hand across the table and I automatically lay mine in it. My eyes turn to him as he closes his hand and he strokes me. His tender touch sends goosebumps up my arm. "Carlo, I want you to make sure Siri has whatever she wants or needs while we are here."

"Si, bella signorina." Carlo says and nods.

"Mio bella Signorina." Aurei says. "She is MY beautiful Lady." My eyes soften at the sweet words. "Siri, this is Carlo, the Hotel Manager. Carlo, this is Siri Wright."

I look up into Carlo's face with the same sweet expression. "It's nice to meet you, Carlo." I hold out my hand to shake. He raises his eyebrows then quickly recovers as he takes my hand and shakes it. "Is this your first visit to Rome?" He asks me.

"Yes. I'm so excited too." I beam at him.

"If you need anything, either myself or Franco will assist you."

"Thank you. I mean, Grazie."

"Di niente." His eyes flash genuine, then he looks at Aurei and says, "It is good to see you, Maximus."

"You too, Carlo. We will stop and meet Franco on our way out."

"I'll tell him to expect you."

The waiter comes over and Aurei orders for us. "What are we having?" I ask him.

"I ordered breakfast skewers of peppers and sausage." He grins and lets the innuendo lay.


"These are called cornettos." I watch him as he serves us both a serving. They are croissants with jam. "With Cappuccino and water to drink."

"Yummy." I wink at him as he takes a bite then I do the same. "This is really good. You do know I’m going to expect sausage every morning in some form or another."

He grins that slow sexy smile and my clit thumps. I lean forward, put my forearms on the table and ask. "So, tell me about Maximus Aurelius Moore."

"I'm named after my Italian grandfather, his name is Aurelius. I grew up as Maximus." He pauses as the waiter serves us the cappuccino. It has a flower design in the cream.
Nice touch.
"Until the movie Gladiator came out."

"Oh! The Gladiator's name was Maximus."

"Exactly. At school, in the eyes of the kids, I became the Gladiator. My name translated to challenges, which translated to fights."

"Why didn't you just shorten it to Max?"

"I thought about it when we transferred schools, but I knew as soon as my Italian mother showed up to the school, everyone would know Max was short for Maximus and it would start all over. So, I changed it to Aurei and when my Italian mother showed up, everyone knew it was short for Aurelius and it wasn't a big deal."

"Makes sense. Tell me about yourself. The private chartered jet, this swag Hotel Suite and Antonio all tell me you are very loaded. Not to mention, Cat said you were too. But you don't live this lifestyle in Alabama. I would never have realized it."

Our food arrives and we eat while he explains. "It's easy to live a simple life in Alabama, isn’t it?"

"Yeah. It is." I agree. My Vegas life flashes before my eyes.
We are a lot alike. Maybe that was a part of the instant attraction.

"The name of my business is Maximus Enterprises. I inherited my portion of the Liotine trust fund when I turned 18. I invested it well. I bought a lot of real estate, mostly rental properties. Vegas is only one location. I have properties in multiple States across the country. But I also bought land in the Dakota's and started a fracking company. Let's just say, that I've done very well with what I was given."

"Does everyone know this?"

"Everyone in Italy, but no one in Alabama or the Army. I've been able to keep it quiet. It's part of the complicated secrets I mentioned. My bro's and the locals know I inherited money, but they have no idea how much. And none of them know I own Maximus Enterprises. It's the parent Corporation. The other companies are structured and shielded in LLC's and land trusts."

"Why did you decide to serve in the Army if you knew you were going to inherit a lot of money?"

"I signed up in high school. I wanted to fly helicopters for as long as I can remember. I grew up watching them fly. I wasn't interested in college so it was an easy decision for me. I didn't know about the trust fund until it was too late and I was committed. My Grandfather Aurelius freaked out a little when he found out. He regretted not telling me and Ann, but my mother and father decided when we were young that it would be best if we didn't know as military brats. 'We're just regular folks.' My dad used to say all the time."

We laugh. "How did you end up in Alabama?"

"Every summer Ann and I were sent to Alabama to live with my dad's parents. They were 'regular folks.' I learned an awful lot from that ole man. Grandfather Moore knew a little bit about everything and a lot about most things. I worked with him in his construction business. That's how I learned about remodeling and then the real estate market. And Granny.... She was a trip! She was the cowgirl, golfer, and tennis player. She taught us about the other side of life. The fun things."

"They sound like quite a pair."

"Granny used to tell us that Grandfather Moore was her peanut and she was his butter." I laugh at that and he chuckles. "Only later did I really get what she meant." I laugh out loud at that. "When my dad retired from the Army, he wanted to move back home to Alabama. That's when I started spending my summers in Italy, learning about my Italian family, up close and personal."

"Sometimes a little too personal?"

He smirks. "It was only that one time. After that I started talking the older girls with tits into posing nude for me and one thing usually lead to another." He looks down at my tits and grins.

"Usually?" I squeeze mine together.

"Well, always." He smiles. "Are you finished eating?"

"Yes. It was delicious and I feel a whole lot better too. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. I’m so hyped up and excited."

"Let’s go meet Franco, and head out."

"Sounds like a plan." He puts his napkin in his plate and the waiter appears to clear it. I quickly throw mine on too. When he steps away with our plates in his hands, Aurei stands and leans over to help me with my chair. "You have good training." I tell him.

"Umm hmm. I can’t have Carlo making me look bad."

I smile. "No one can make you look bad."

He rolls his eyes.

As we leave the restaurant, I see Carlo watching us from across the room. I gave him a twinkling wave as Aurei takes my hand and leads me out. Carlo gives me a smile. We wait by the elevator with other people so we stand in silence, holding hands. Aurei strokes my skin absentmindedly, but his touch shoots electricity through me and the longer he strokes the hornier I get. I have always known my sexual libido is cranked up tighter than everyone else’s. I must have tuned into Aurei’s cranked up libido and subconsciously known he shared the cursed gift too. His performance over the last few days.
Staring up into this Golden God of a man’s face, I see in him, what I know to be true for me.
I’m addicted to sex and now I'm addicted to him.
I shift my stance and lean my tits against him, just as the elevator doors open. He glances down and sees the look in my eyes. "Needy?"

"Umm hmm!"

"We'll catch Franco on the way out. Let's stop by the room and take care of you."

I grin at him as we enter the elevator. He spins me around in front of him and pulls me back against him. His hard cock presses into my back as he wraps me in a hug again. He cinches our hands and I lean my head against him. His body heat starts to penetrate my aura and I can feel the wildness in me stirring.
I shift my weight just to feel his cock rub my back and he gives me a gentle knowing squeeze.
I want him to fuck my brains out! Rome can wait!


We get off on our floor with several other people. As we walk to our suite, he puts his arm around me. I slide mine around his small waist and he pulls me close. His body and his musk floods my senses. I inhale deeply, and just want to bury my nose in his armpit, drinking in his deliciousness! I can feel his mounds of muscles moving with each step. He is strong, and powerful, but graceful and fluid. "Aurei, have you always been mounds of muscles?"

He chuckles. "I guess. I started working out as soon as the testosterone started. I needed an outlet and it was something I could do year round. Eventually, I started training with other bodybuilders."

When we reach the door, I stand aside as Aurei enters the security code. He opens the door and pushes it wide for me. The view of him doing such a simple thing as opening the door for me, sends a wave of hot passion through me. I glide through and kick off my shoes. When he comes in, he turns his back to me to bolt the door and in one swift move, I pull my shirt over my head, and fling it at the couch. When the bolt clicks, I've already undone my bra and I toss it on the floor at his feet. When he bends down to pick it up, I wiggle out of my pants. By the time he turns around, I'm completely naked.

"Damn! You look absolutely fuckable standing there, Naked Thang."

"Umm hmm." I tease him. I grab my tits and push them together, then I pull my nipples and they bounce soft then harden. I hang my head then fling my hair. When our eyes meet, it is settling softly around my shoulders.

"Damn! You're a Wild Thang!"

"Umm hmm!" I tease him. I turn around, bend over and slap my ass hard. "Pow!" The sound pops the air. "Would you like to try to tame my tail?" I challenge him.

"Try?" He says convinced that won't be a problem.

"Umm hmm!" I stand back up and give him a Wonder Woman pose. Hands on my hips, chest pushed out.

"Damn! You're hot!"

"I am hot." I touch my pussy with my hand and make a sizzling sound. "Tssssst!"

He takes a step toward me. "Don't!"

"Don't what?" I ask as I retreat, circling to my right towards the desk. He advances slowly, following my trail. Not inserting my finger in my pussy, but tapping it, I grin at him with a truly wicked face and lick my lips. When my ass hits the desk, I pull the small chair out and spin it around between us. He stops, watching. "Would you like a lap dance now?" I ask as I lift my leg high and dramatically swing it wide, over the back of the chair and gently sit my toes down in the seat. "Or later?" I ask as I put my hands under my hair, lift my massive mane up and arch my back, pushing my tits towards him.

"Later." His voice is husky. He advances, closing the distance and I pick my foot up and place it on his chest and push. He stops, but doesn't retreat.

"You're not naked." I tell him.

He smiles as he pulls his shirt over his head in a move as swift as mine and drops it on the floor at my feet. "Better?" He asks grinning.

"Almost." I grin as I push off him and scoot my ass onto the desk and bring my knees up to my chin. He removes the chair from between us, and advances to me. "Unless you want to fuck me with your pants on, these have got to go." I point to his pants. He grins and starts to unbutton them. "That’s better." I tell him as I watch him unzip them. When he puts his hands on his ass, I lean back on the desk, and place my feet on his pecs. I prop on my arms and knead him with my toes as I purr like a kitten. His thunder flashes as he pushes his pants off his perfect fucking muscle. "Nice ass." I wink at him and he grins. He takes a step back and my feet fall back to the desk. As he looks down pushing his pants to his ankles, I spread my legs wide. He glances up and sees my inviting pussy. He stands up, ready to fuck with his cock pointing right at my target. I close my legs and wag my finger at him. "No, no, no. All the way off. I want you completely naked too. Your body should never wear clothes." We smile at each other. When he bends over to step out of his jeans, I do a middle split on the desk and roll my pussy flat on the surface. I lean over the edge and smack his perfect ass. "Pow!" The sound pops the air.

I hear him growl. It sounds like a threat.
He cuts his eyes at me and the blood drains from my face. "Oh!" I say and my eyes grow big as saucers, watching his jaw harden as his teeth clench.
That's a button I don't want to push again.
He is dangerous.

"Careful Wild Thang." He breathes the words.

"Sorry!" I whisper. "I ...." He lifts his face to look at me. When he sees my torso exposed over the edge of the desk, and my tits dangling down for him, he rocks back and squats. He reaches up and grabs hold of my tits. He strokes the nipples and they draw up, pushing out into his hands. He rolls the buttons around his palm, playing, teasing, then he pinches them and pulls. "Oui." I exclaim. He releases them and they bounce back into place. My eyes water as I blink.

"I don’t play fair." He warns me.

"How do you play?" I whisper.

"I don’t get even. I get ahead. Always." He pinches and pulls again. "Be warned. Don’t."

I pause, catching my breath from the panic I felt and now the pain. "Or else?" I whisper.

"Something like that." He pinches a nipple and holds me in place with it as he stands. I watch his perfect body, ripple and flex as it passes inches from my face. I can feel his magnetism turned on high. His body radiating heat and musk as he stands tall over me. He puts his other hand on my back, spreading his fingers wide between my shoulder blades and he runs it down to my ass with a soft, caressing stroke. His hand feels large, dominating, and controlling. At my ass, he slides his middle finger down into my crack. When the tip touches my pussy, he teases me, then backs it out and drags his big hand all the way to my hair. All the while his fingers are twisting, teasing my nipple, while it is captive in his hand. The feeling of being dominated by a Master is overwhelming and I’m in awe that this simple exhibition produces such a strong feeling of submission over me.
I want to be tamed by him!

But when he puts his hand in my hair, wraps his fingers in it, and then jerks my head back, instead of relinquishing control of myself to him, which I know he wants and is expecting, and which I just wanted too, this move has the opposite effect on me. It makes my wild flame burn hot and I'm ready to combust! My pussy soaks the desk and a bead of sweat breaks out on my lip. I desperately fight the urge to flex on the hard surface and massage my throbbing clit to climax. My wildness flashes him.

"You are such a tease." He whispers as he flexes his fingers in my hair, caressing the thickness. "Such a beautiful, naughty tease. I have a feeling I have my work cut out for me taming your tail." He lets my nipple go, and squats again in front of me as he pulls my head up by my hair to look into his eyes. I close them and I feel his breath on my face. The pain, but the pleasure too, is so intense. "Look at me." He commands.

I open my eyes and gaze into his green emerald pools of control. I no longer see the dangerous man. I see the gaze of a dominate Master, who is willing to take me as I am and treat me like his angel. But then his eyes search mine, looking deeper and I sigh, closing them again, shutting out the vision I see of someone who would treat me like a goddess if I will only obey him.
If.... If I can obey.
My wild eyes fill with tears and I drop my face. My clit throbs against the desk while my tits yearn for his touch. My heart and soul hug each other in my chest, knowing my nature is as independent, as controlling and as dominate as his. I know it isn’t a question of if we will battle, but for how long will we battle before one of us wins or both of us lose.

"Ah, My Little Wild Thang." He says. "Look at me." When I raise my eyes to his, he is smiling at me. That beautiful smile accepts me. His hand goes to my throat and he gently forces my face back to his. He kisses me, speaking with his mouth what words cannot say. I try to be passive, but his touch, his mouth, bring my passion roaring to the surface and I seize his head and hold him to me, kissing him as wildly as I feel. He moans as his gentle kiss changes to match mine and he starts to stand. I squeeze my legs together, coming out of the split. With our lips locked, he steps to me and picks my ass off the desk as I wrap my legs around him. The dancer in me pulls my body to his and I glide onto his cock with perfect union. I release our kiss as I lean my head back, pushing his head away as I gasp. "Ah ... Aurei!" I open my eyes and stare into his as his cock hardens and throbs in me. My pussy screams for movement, and my clit demands to explode, but the intensity in his eyes, boring into mine, holds me captive. His look tells my heart and my soul that he will never let me go. Regardless of submission, regardless of taming my tail, I am his. I belong to him.

His phone rings. He stares at me. "I'll turn the ringer off." He sits me on the desk and squats down, reaching for his jeans. As he retrieves his phone from his pocket, his eyes never leave mine. His intense look tells me that he has an uncontrollable need to fuck as great as my own. I blink realizing that
he has been fucking forever.
Then I hear him singing his own words to Lionel Richie's song telling me.
'Do you know you set me free?'
I realize watching him turn his ringer off that he has experienced the haunting feeling I have fought so hard not to have.
What anguish that must have been. Needing to fuck all the time, and
needing to be fulfilled by it, but never finding it
until now ... until he found me.
The thunderous intensity of his eyes telling me I am right pushes a tear down my cheek.

When he stands next to me, and sets his phone on the desk beside me, I put one leg on his shoulder and hang the other off the desk, doing a split on him. He puts his arms around me and pulls my body onto his. He kisses the tear and calls my name. "Siri...."

"Umm. My name sounds so sensual and sexy the way it rolls off your tongue." I purr then whisper in his ear. "Fuck my brains out." His throat moans that sound he doesn't know he does and I put my hands on his shoulders. I pull myself up and hold myself, latching my hands behind his neck. His cock only touches the entrance to my vagina. My thigh keeps us separated. He releases my ass and holds his cock to guide it in. I’m so wet, I soak him as he tries to work it in. He puts one hand back on my ass and grips it tight as he pushes me onto him. His fingers digging into my skin.

I lay my face on my calf muscle and put my mouth on his pec. I lick him, over and over again, while I tease him and purr like a kitten. "Come on, baby. Make me sing." He lets go of my ass and his cock, and takes my waist in both hands. He pushes me down onto him, but only the head goes in. "Come on, baby." I encourage him. He twists my waist but only an inch more goes in. I see the concentration on his face. "Come on, baby. Get your gorgeous Golden God rod in my wild little pussy. I want to purr for you." I tease him as he grabs his rod. My pussy aches for him and I can feel my juice dribbling down the inside of my thigh as he rubs his tip back and forth on my lips and clit. I have saturated his cock and hand. "Stroke your Golden God rod, baby. Get it wet with my nectar." I lick him again, over and over and suck his skin. Mauling his pec, I stalk him.

He moans as he strokes his rod. "Siri."

"Ah!" I moan as he touches me at the top, and I spasm from the need for him. My whole being is screaming to be fucked. "Come on, baby. Do it again." My wildness stalks him. He takes his cock to the entrance and then inserts his fingers. Calling me to cum with their movement, I moan and almost give it up, but I want to be fucked, not fingered. "No, baby. No!" I tell him as I pull myself up. His fingers slide out. "I wanted to be fucked, not fingered." I wrap my fingers in my own hair and arch away. He is forced to grab my legs and hold me onto him to keep me from toppling head first onto the desk. He holds my leg against his chest with one hand, and the other he puts in the small of my back. As I arch away, my tits are exposed to his face and he slides his hand up my back to bring them to his lips. When his magical lips touch them, I purr loud. The sound is not like a kitten, but like a tiger.

His growl matches and he sucks as much as he can in his mouth. He mauls my tit and it drives me fucking wild.
Oh fuck! I can't take it!
I let my hair go, rolling my head up, I grab his head and push him away, trying to release his suction on my tit. He only increases his teasing and my hands slide to his shoulders where I dig my claws into him and push. His head jerks up from the pain. I attack. I bite first my own leg, then his chest.

His roar is stifled but it’s threatening! He spins us around and body slams me into the wall. The force pushes his cock in deep and we both moan, long and loud. His hands are on the wall over my head. I get whiff of his musk and my mind screams. Pinned to the wall, his body is the only thing keeping me there. Neither of us can move.

My stalking starts again. I push my elbows back against the wall and I hear my husky voice taunting him. "Come on, baby. Do it again." His jaw sets hard and his eyes bore into mine. His hands latch onto my elbows and they hold me onto the wall. Pinned perfectly, I hang. His eyes are so full of thunder. I moan at the sight. "Ah! Thunder fuck me!" He grunts as he rears back, withdrawing, then he slams forward, pushing his cock deeper, burying it to the hilt. He holds me there and stares into my eyes. "Again!" I tell him. And again, he grunts as he rears back, withdrawing, then slams forward, pushing his cock deep. All the way to the hilt. "Fuck yeah! Again." He holds me against the wall and I feel his breath, panting on my face. Then he releases my arms and pins my ankle to the wall with one hand. Then he takes his other hand and traces my juggler vein down my throat. My skin crawls from his touch. Spreading out like a red hot flame, it ignites into blue fire.
I didn’t know I could be this turned on.
His eyes bore into mine and I see both a threat and a promise there. His thunder rumbling like sound waves to my heart. The force of his power makes me almost swoon and I whimper from the complete and total need to be dominated by him. When he hears it, he kisses me, forcing his tongue down my throat. I suck him wildly, demanding him to take me. Whatever the cost. When he pulls away, his mouth goes to my ear and I hear his low hum as it starts. As he bites my ear lobe and moves to my neck, it turns into a roar. The sound makes me quiver and I arch my back and try to hunch his cock, but I'm trapped against the wall. I can't move. He nibbles and bites my neck. The quivers turn to shivers that rake my body. My pussy clinches and tightens on him and I can feel him throbbing in me. I open my mouth and moan, and I'm drawing in my breath to speak when his mouth clamps over mine again. His tongue fills my mouth and he fucks it, in and out and in and out. While I fight against him, not to stop but to GO! I groan loud and he releases the kiss. He puts his mouth on my ear again. "Shhh! Wild Thang. I know what you want." Then he is nibbling again and I bite my lip hard, holding all thoughts and sounds, concentrating on him. As he nibbles down my throat, I struggle against him again. He says just loud enough I can hear him. "Don't move." I wrap my fingers in my hair and pull tight, forcing myself to be still. He puts his hand on my hip and pins my pussy to the wall. His eyes look down and watches as he withdraws. My eyes follow his.
The feeling....
The need....
The longing....
I look back up into his face.

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