Unsuitable Obsession - Part One (22 page)

Read Unsuitable Obsession - Part One Online

Authors: Trisha Fuentes

Tags: #romance, #love, #love story, #obsession, #divorce, #sad story, #great read, #unsuitable, #trisha, #fuentes, #gorgeous man, #romantic story, #easy read

BOOK: Unsuitable Obsession - Part One
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“You all right?”

Under some kind of spell, Amber wandered over to the
balcony area; she thought she heard waves crashing against a
current. “Are we by the ocean?”

“Yah, we’re in Malibu,” Eduardo stated, pressing a
button on the wall to light the automatic fireplace. The hearth lit
up like a miniature bonfire.

Seeing the waves continuously crunch up against the
rocks down below confirmed that she really was in a hotel room and
she looked beyond the balcony and noticed impressions of tiny
little lights twinkling beyond the horizon. “How pretty,” she
managed to say.

“Come back inside,” he coaxed behind her.

Amber blinked out of her trance and eyed Eduardo
slowly approaching. With one simple move, he smoothed down her
shoulders and took her hand and led her back into the room. She
tried to focus on only him and concentrated on his calmness and
unaffectedness as he gently caressed her cheek, the soft dimple on
her chin and circled his eyes around her face soaking up her stance
and uncertainty. “Now that it’s happening, I don’t know what to

Eduardo remained composed and resumed touching her
face. Amber took in every detail of his features so close up to
hers. His verdant stare, the few waves of hair sticking up and
around his earlobe, the tiny little scratch alongside his jaw line
and his velvety lips, oh those lips...she wanted to kiss those

“I’ll show the way,” he coerced, bringing his hands
up to her head.

Amber’s heart dropped,
Good Lord...what comes

He gently pulled out the clip that held up her hair;
the length of her mane fell decoratively around her shoulders.
Amber’s eyes remained with his as she watched Eduardo’s face change
from tender to beguiling.

Eduardo ran his fingers tenderly through the soft
duration. “I promise you,” he uttered while ravishing her long
hair, “You won’t regret it.”

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
“I won’t,

“You won’t,” he gruffly replied, “You may even like

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Amber whispered,
entranced; she wanted him just to take her already.

Eduardo entwined his fingers with hers and held her
hands for a moment. He absorbed her posture and felt her shivering.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he reassured her, “Unless, you want me

, the man was naughty. The
indecency in his eyes, followed by his perseverance smashed Amber’s
resistance to smithereens. Rapidly, she realized the man had walked
her backwards and cornered her into a wall, his ample frame
possessing her, she couldn’t think straight; she definitely
couldn’t breathe, Eduardo’s solid body had compressed against hers
suddenly in a delicious, untamed way. Pressed against her
privately, his leg parted hers and his erection teased her

“Relax. Don’t think...explore.”

Amber continued to hold both his hands when Eduardo
guided her arms behind his backside. Her chest moved up and down
sporadically, she wanted him to just hurry up. She allowed her arms
to extend behind his back to feel the tightness of his shoulders,
oh God, he was amazing
...His lower hind,
dear God and he
was so solid
...she was allowed to handle him, but he wasn’t
permitting himself to touch her?

Eduardo didn’t kiss her immediately, but gradually
skimmed her neck with feather-like kisses. Closing her eyes, Amber
tilted her head sideways to welcome the thrilling bewitchment.
Catching her breath barely, his lips brushed hers slightly, not
kissing her, but teasing her, then across her face emerging towards
the back of her ear, kissing her there instead.

What a mischievous little taunt he was
, she
thought as she straightened out her head as he successively
withdrew. Amber gleamed purposely into his eyes, lost in the deep
green of them, he wanted her—she wanted him as well, she waited so

Amber bent forward and glided her lips across his
obligingly. Eduardo wavered, held off from devouring her until he
knew for certain she would surrender fully without any remorse. Her
body was still trembling from nervousness; he would have to calm
her down first. “Be mine,” he asked compassionately, his lips back
on the crux of her neck. “Just once...be mine.”

His body motionless, heart pounding against heart,
still hadn’t allowed his hands to touch her. Instead, Eduardo left
them flat on the wall behind her head and permitted Amber to roam
his body at will, allowing his warmth to comfort her, his mouth
trailed sensuously alongside her neck.

With Amber’s gentle fondle, she proceeded to wander
his physique; up his chest, down his legs, every caress increased
her sensitivity. She rested on his erection and lightly outlined
the shaft with her fingers; he didn’t even flinch but rather, let
out a throaty groan and allowed her to handle his awakening.
Hastily, Amber pulled his shirt from within his tucked trousers,
anxious to feel more of him.

Feeling Amber’s hands trying to nudge at his belt,
Eduardo all the same set aside his arms and brought his mouth up
and around her ear allowing the heat of his breath to dive inside
her earlobe, twirling, infiltrating simultaneously and transporting
Amber into a depth of proficient bliss.

He’s an expert,
Amber decided, as he left her
ear for her wide-open mouth. Again, that sensational tongue of his,
calling out for hers to dance, igniting sensuous fires within, she
held his body tightly, why hadn’t he touched her yet?

So much confidence in the way one arm remained level
behind her head, while the other slid across her bottom without
hesitation. Responding naturally to his commands, she spread her
legs further apart while Eduardo lifted up her skirt and his hand
slid beneath her underwear and caressed her bare skin, bringing her
buttocks fully into him subsequently kissing and grinding her

Finally yes, oh finally,
Eduardo’s hands were
entirely on her breasts now, kneading and tweaking her nipples
through her blouse. Without breaking his connection with her lips,
he anxiously unbuttoned the silky fabric grasping to get to the
skin underneath her bra. Amber assisted his hands and watched in
awe as her camisole and bra escaped her upper body in one clever
effortless flow.

Eduardo brought his eyes down to her bosom. No
longer nervous, Amber had arched her back slightly to display her
tantalizing crest. Stunning even a female aficionado like him, her
points were marvelous and proportionately perfect. Impulsive and oh
so interested, he touched the soft under belly of her satiny mounds
with his knuckles.

“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” he
quietly mouthed. “I’m so attracted to you.”

“You are?”

“Can’t you tell?” He commented in jest, bringing her
hand down to grope his heightened erection.

Amber blushed and bit down on her lower lip. That
did it, hook, line and sinker. Amber had never been more aroused,
her heat quickly swelled to a torrid point. He was that

Sampling her kiss repeatedly, with the palms of his
hands, Eduardo delicately glided over her hardened nipples. With
his thumb and forefinger, he began to play with the tips of her
nubs, rubbing and tweaking them in pure awe of their form and
texture. The thunderous sensation caused Amber to moan as she
lightly eased his face away from her mouth and down to her

Amber was enthralled. His words, his manner, they
were just too much to adopt...
and oh
...his tongue, so savage and animalistic, licked and kissed
without inhibition. She gazed down at his head and ran her fingers
through his nut-brown locks and watched him trying to devour every
dimension of her upper body.
Oh...dear God
...her husband
never exploited his tongue the way her brother-in-law pleasurably
demonstrated. Her restraint set aside; she pulled down his pants at
length. Never in her life had she felt so completely willing to
pleasure someone in return. She wanted to consume him—his mouth,
his wonderful fingers, his enormous formation.

Eduardo’s never been this stimulated by a female
before. His heart raced—never been this high strung. He’s usually
invariant, regulating every sensation, but with Amber, Good God his
sensitivity over powered him and he was out of control. He was on
the brink of absolute rapture when Amber held him off for a moment.
Did she lose her fucking mind? “What—what’s wrong?”

Both breathing rapidly, her eyes lock with his.
“Allow me,” Amber confessed, placing space between them, “
know all of you,”
she revealed in a soothing timbre. Amber
unraveled his tie, tugged at the button of his collar and
unbuttoned his shirt—exposing that firm sexy chest of his—and
—that gold chain she remembered seeing the very first
day they met. A crucifix, she realized, brushing her fingers above
the cross and straightening it so it hung directly in the center of
his ribs. How many times had she dreamt of doing that very same
thing? Hundreds upon hundreds of restless nights, tossing and
turning until she woke up in a cold sweat? Amber’s never desired
someone as much as she did this man. She bent forward and kissed
the cross, kissed his chest. Her heart was about burst as she ran
her fingers up and around his muscles...
Oh God…HE was
...his chest hair, his shoulders. She gradually shed
his shirt from his upper body, trying to memorize every ruffle of
his rigid bronzed skin. Grazed his flat stomach first then
progressively ran her fingers towards his groin, leisurely
withdrawing his boxers.

Amber brought her eyes down to all the glory between
his legs. She didn’t know what to expect (or even believe Leticia’s
comment about Eduardo being large) but as soon as she witnessed his
grandeur firsthand, she knew instantly that he was bigger than
Victor...greater by far.

“You’re,” Amber whispered, bringing her eyes up from
his incredible body, “Magnificent.”

Eduardo was about to detonate. Amber’s examination
of his manhood and what he was about to extend only increased his
urge to please her.

“You’re the one who’s beautiful Amber,” he tenderly
expressed, running his hand through her tresses to the base of her
neck, deeply kissing her. He guided their bodies towards the bed.
Amber laid down first, allowing Eduardo to kick off the rest of his
clothes and pull down Amber’s skirt and underwear and lie across
her at last.

Eduardo pulled up on his arms and awarded Amber a
sensuous kiss, delving deeper and earnest with every twist and turn
of his tongue and hunger.

Her breasts throbbed, her stomach churned, the heat
between her legs burned with an uncomfortable pang—all this from
one incredible kiss. Within closing her eyes, Amber felt the
sensitive graze of his rare expertise. Eduardo Sanchez was hers for
one night, and Amber required every sensation, each and every
delectable touch of his mouth, his solid muscles, the sweet taste
of his skin, his masculine aroma and openly welcomed the intrusion
of his ingenuity. On the verge of lunacy she desired his
domination. Opening her legs wider, she awaited his invasion—where
was it? Instead, Eduardo allowed his stiff cock to brush against
her inner thigh, teasing and tormenting her as he continued to
feast on her midriff, legs and bare side.

“My condom,” he spoke short of breath.

“You don’t need it,” Amber quietly affirmed roaming
his sinewy buttocks.

“I don’t?”

His hesitancy alerted her conscious, “Unless there’s
something you don’t want me to have,” she voiced, continuing to
revel at his uncommon virility and glorious pressure against her

“The only thing I want you to have dear girl is a
blissful expression.”

Amber caressed the stubble on his cheeks and kissed
his velvety soft lips, “Then trust me, you don’t.”

Eduardo does trust her. There shouldn’t be a reason
not to trust her, Amber was in the same predicament as he was. If
they got pregnant, she would be as much to blame, but he didn’t
want to even think about such an outcome when all that revolved in
his brain was this one opportunity of being with her. Her humor,
her allure, her friendship, her incredible body, he’s never been
more certain of a woman. He loved everything about her. Good God,
what was missing?

Without variation, Amber tried desperately to entice
him into her silky warmth. She bounced her hips up, she arched her
back, she grabbed and pawed at his buttocks, but he didn’t budge.
“Eduardo,” she pleaded, noticing he was ignoring her

Eduardo leaned in and consistently fluttered over
her skin with agonizing gratifying action. “Not yet.”

Amber grabbed his face within her hands, “Please,”
she begged, looking down at him continuing to feed her

With both hands fully cupping her breasts, Eduardo
positioned his mouth between her legs, blowing and tonguing the
sides of her thighs. He didn’t rush in, but rather unbalanced her
with the sensation of a possible attack. Each subtle impact coiled
her stomach causing her buttocks to buck with anticipation.

“Oh God, you don’t have to do that,” Amber cried,
bringing her hands up to her forehead disbelieving how
knowledgeable he was of the female anatomy. “Eduardo, please.”

Eduardo pulled up slightly and swirled his tongue in
and around her navel, leaving a wake of moisture towards the tips
of her rosy peaks then engulfed them fully with his wet heat.

Wound up and scorched, Amber pulled his head away
from her bosom and urged her tongue inside his mouth. Eduardo met
her swallow with enthusiasm, wild and anxious, grabbed the small of
her back and lifted her hips up nudging her legs wider with his
knee and independently impelled his solid flesh into her.
Astonished from the surprise blockade, Amber fathomed how bulky he
was and let out a pleasurable moan, adjusting to meet him rhythm
for rhythm. Eduardo remained pressing his tongue-wet inside her
mouth, dynamic gratification; it only makes her groan for more.
Feeling him practically buried to her womb, she clutched his tail
end and wrapped both hands around his rear, meshing them

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