Untamed (11 page)

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Authors: Kate Allenton

BOOK: Untamed
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He pulled his fingers from her and leaned in
to whisper in her ear. “We’re just getting started, baby.

Tara heard him sucking on something and wished away the blindfold in time to see him licking his fingers. “You taste like honey.”

She shimmied off the stool and took his hand, pulling him up the stairs to her room, to her bed, where he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. He followed silently behind her. She pushed him down on the bed and took a second to admire his body. His cock was already covered in a condom. She instinctively wet her lips. The muscles of his chest had indeed been kissed by the sun. The cords of muscles in his arms tightened as he laced his fingers and put them underneath his head. He raised a brow and grinned.

“You have exactly two minutes to play before I toss you on the bed and
thoroughly ravish you.”

He leaned up on his elbows at the exact second an egg time
r appeared on her dresser, and seconds started ticking by. His cock twitched, and she pounced as if she were a wild animal and he was her prey. She didn’t waste time with any preliminaries. She crawled up his body, positioned herself, and slid down on his cock, letting it fill her to perfection. Her hands travelled over his chest as she eased up and down, sliding him in and out of her. If two minutes was all she had, it would be two minutes he wouldn’t forget.

She slid one hand behind her and cupped his balls, squeezing and rolling them around in her palm while she increased the up
-and-down motion, fucking him and taking what she needed.   

Gone was his cocky grin. He latched onto her hips and helped lift her body and slam her back down, harder, faster. She felt his balls pull tight and knew he was close
. His finger came down on her clit, and he circled, faster and harder until she couldn’t take anymore. She came again, screaming his name and drowning out the sound of the buzzer going off. He grunted and slammed his body up into her one last time, finding his release.


Damn she was good. She knew exactly how she liked it and what she needed. Two minutes had been all it had taken for her to have her way. He rolled her underneath him while his cock was still inside of her, growing harder, nowhere near finished. “I’m glad we’ve got all night.”

He placed a tender kiss on her neck.
“Because I am nowhere near done with you. I’m going to make you pass out from pleasure. You’re going to be begging me to stop, and I’m just going to give it to you harder.” He wrapped his fingers in her hair. “All.” He kissed her lips. “Night.” Another kiss. “Long.”

He slid almost all the way out of her and stopped. “I’m going to show you wh
at it means to tease.” He slowly slid back home. She moaned. The sweet sound teased his ears.

“Brody, please don’t stop.

He slowly slid in and out of her.

“Anything for you, baby.” And he meant it. The realization should have shocked him, but it didn’t. He pushed the foreign thoughts out of his head and went back to ravishing her body the way she deserved. He’d leave her boneless and mindless by the time he was through.  


Chapter 12


Brody delivered as he’d promised. He’d left Tara
exhausted. Her muscles ached from the hours of sweat-inducing, body-rocking, orgasm-producing hot sex. She’d fallen asleep in his arms, but the reprieve had been short-lived. She glanced at the bedside clock. It read four in the morning. She let out a sigh. She had less than twenty-four hours to fix everything that had broken in the nine months she’d been gone waiting on Black to attack.

As much as she enjoyed snuggling with Brody, she knew it wouldn’t last. She just never thought that she’d be the one to up and leave after it was over. She slid from beneath his arm and moved throughout the room
, grabbing everything she needed to shower, change, and start a day of trying to deal with her problems before she actually needed his help. She pulled the bedroom door closed behind her and breathed a sigh of relief that the noise didn’t wake him.

An hour later
, after showering in the spare bathroom and leaving a note next to the coffee pot, she was pulling into the restaurant. It was too early for anyone to be there, so there would be fewer distractions to getting some things handled and done before the staff came in and started asking questions for which she wouldn’t have answers.

She started digging through the paperwork
in the drawers of her desk and in the binders on the shelf and really immersed herself back into the business of running her business. Two hours later she glanced up at the clock. She heard the steel door off the kitchen close. Prep staff must be early. She braced herself for the barrage of questions but kept her nose down into the ledger she’d been going through. She heard the door to her office creak open behind her, and she started to turn in her chair. Her finger went to a spot in the journal so she wouldn’t lose her place. 

.” The deep male voice startled her as she spun in her seat. She never made it all the way around before she felt the blow to the back of her head. She was knocked out of the chair, landing on the floor behind her desk. She blinked, and her vision blurred, barely making out the outline of black combat boots as they came to stand in front of her. She blinked again one last time before the black void sucked her under its embrace.

The back of her head throbbed as h
er mind started to wake up, even though she didn’t open her eyes. Unsure whether she was still in danger or if the deranged lunatic was gone, she lay quietly, trying to take in her surroundings. She ran her fingers deeper into the plush carpet she was lying on and almost breathed a sigh of relief. She was still in her office. She could work with that, even if the creep was still around. She slid her eyes open, and a burst of black and white dots flashed in her vision. Her head pounded, and bile rose to her throat as she tried to swallow around the dry cottonmouth feel.

He hadn’t just
hit her hard. He’d knocked the crap out of her. She moaned and touched the back of her neck. Her fingers came away wet and sticky. She squinted through the pain and saw the blood on her fingers.

“Just peachy
,” she whispered as she pushed through the pain and staggered to a sitting position. Her blurred vision adjusted the more she blinked, rapidly bringing everything back into focus. Her office had been ransacked. The papers that had been on her desk now littered the floor. She staggered to her feet and turned in place. An unmistakable scent clung in the air.

“Shit, Shit, Shit.” She inhaled deep breaths of smoke and covered her mouth and nose. Her heart rate raced and threatened to beat from her chest. She covered her
hand with her sleeve and poked at the doorknob. It wasn’t hot, thank god. Relieved to know that she wasn’t trapped inside, she pulled the door open. White smoke filled the entire hallway. Red flames danced at both ends, blocking both of her exits. She slammed her office door shut and moved to the back wall. The windowless room would have been a coffin for anyone else, anyone who didn’t have a superpower that included its very own escape route.  

bit her lip, drawing blood, to try and stave off the teleporting as she tried to figure out what the hell to do. She lifted the phone, on her desk, to call the fire department. No dial tone. She tossed it on the floor and cursed herself for leaving her cell in the SUV. Tara rubbed her temples; the call would have to wait. She nodded, knowing what she had to do. She cleared all panic and thoughts from her mind, concentrating solely on her home, wishing that she’d never left the comfort of her bed and Brody’s arms. She imagined the feel of his arms wrapped around her, holding her and keeping her safe.

.” Her word came out a whisper on her lips. Her body vibrated, blurring her vision. “Home,” she screamed louder as she felt her body and soul compress. As her body caved in on itself, visions of Brody popped behind her eyelids. The molecules pressed against each other, each vying to occupy the same space. Her head fell on her shoulders, and she closed her eyes, knowing that in a matter of seconds she’d end up where she wanted to go, where she needed to go. The place she felt the safest, her home. And because of the last minute images, if she had to guess, it would be wherever the hell Brody was inside her home. The universe didn’t need her to give it directions. She latched onto the familiar frequency of her home and found his tender life frequency, the same frequency she was intimate with. She could find him no matter where he went. She could move her body to his with just a thought of his life force and a push into the universe. She could do that with only a few select people if she concentrated hard enough and had been around them enough to feel the intimate tendrils of the vibrations from their bodies. It worked by willing herself to the exact space in time that his body occupied. Her ears popped, and her body expanded.

A different kind of pressure pressed against her body. Her eyes popped open, quicker t
han she would have normally allowed. There was no time to let her body adjust to the weightlessness of her surroundings. She inhaled water into her nose. She held in the rest of her breath and spun around. She was in a pool, her pool. She saw his body before he saw her. She pushed to the surface, inhaled a deep breath, and sputtered out the pool water.

“What the hell?”

Brody swam over to her and caught her around her waist. His strong muscles held her head above water. His warm breath caressed her cheek as he pulled her closer and kicked them both to the shallow end of the pool. Well, this was a first, the first time she’d almost accidently drowned while going to her so –called safe place.

He lifted
her in his arms and moved out of the pool. He laid her on the concrete, on her side, and patted her back, helping her dislodge the water from her lungs. “Tara, what are you doing? Are you okay?”

She coughed, dispelling more water from her lungs. “Call the fire department.”

He leaned back on his knees. “You aren’t making any sense.”

“Someone hit me on the back of the head and set my restaurant on fire. I need a phone.”

She tried to push herself up and swayed in his arms. “Easy, love.”

He scooped her up in his arms and moved her to l
ie on one of the poolside chairs. He grabbed his phone off the table and handed it to her.

She called in the fire anonymously, knowing that she’d never be able to explain how she knew there was even a fire in the first place since she’d willed herself out of the office.
Even though the SUV was still outside the restaurant, it was parked a little ways down the street, thanks to the early employees at the bakery next door. No one would know that she’d been there. She ran her hands over her arms and down her body and sighed. Two of everything, right where it was supposed to be. The popping in and out of existence always worried her. 

Brody touched her neck
where she’d been struck. A stab of pain shot through her. Her eyes rolled in her head before she clenched them closed. “Owwww.”

He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Sorry. I need to get a better look at that. I ne
ed a first aid kit to dress it. Do you think you can make one appear? If not, just tell me where you keep it, and I’ll go get it.”

Instantly she made the items appear on the table. He grabbed a towel from nearby and wrapped it around her as he gently looked at the wound on her neck. “How bad is it?”

He moved to sit behind her for better access to her neck. She turned to look at him over her shoulder. The quick movement brought black dots to her vision. His brows dipped. “I’ve seen worse. You’ll live, but we should still get it checked out.”

slowly turned back around and leaned against his chest. “Someone tried to kill me.”

I was disappointed that you weren’t here when I woke up. You heard Ridge last night. We were supposed to stick together.” He secured the bandage. “Did you get a look at the asshole’s face? Was it Peter?”

She shook her head, using small movements. “No, it wasn’t his voice. It was a voice I’ve heard before, but I couldn’t place it. It wasn’t Peter’s. I would know his anywhere.”

He scooted out of the chair from behind her and lifted her into his arms. As much as she liked being in his arms and pressed against the warmth of his body, visions of the police showing up and her in dripping wet clothes flashed in her mind. “I need to change before the police show up to break the bad news.”

gave a slow nod, placing her on her feet, and they moved to the bathroom. He grabbed a dry towel and handed it to her. He pulled off her soaked shirt and unhooked her bra. He paused, staring at her chest. He licked his lips before shaking his head and moving farther down to her jeans and unbuttoned those. “I can undress myself, Brody. Don’t you think that you need to change too?” 

   He moved to his duff
el bag, that was now lying by her door. Presumptuous of him to think he’d be spending the rest of his nights in her room. Although she wouldn’t be kicking him out anytime soon. Not that she minded. He pulled out his jeans and a T-shirt and started to change. She turned her back to him and continued to dress. “Tara.”

She glanced over her shoulder and felt the blush on her cheeks. He was standing there in all of his glory
, naked as the day he was born, and even knowing everything that was going on, she wanted nothing more than to jump him again. He was God’s gift to women, not that she’d ever tell him that.

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