Untamed Force (Force of Nature Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Untamed Force (Force of Nature Series)
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“Tell me how you found them. I’m
assuming they weren’t on our property when you came across them,” Austin asked
her. “And what do you know of this alpha?”

“I was…I can tell you all you want to
know about him. He was my pack leader.” She looked around the room and then
dropped her head. “He’s also my father.”

Dallas felt his wolf stir to protect
her. When Stacy looked up at him she growled low. She was the prickliest person
he knew. He let a little of his wolf go to show her that he was bigger and
badder. She did the same and soon it went from a pissing contest to need.

“Behave, both of you. Damn it all to
hell, the two of you act like teenagers in heat. Either fuck it out of your
systems or stay away from each other.” Austin got up to pace. “Your father? You
said your last name is O’Brien. I thought you said his name was Sterling.”

“He is. I am…I’m his child because he
and my mother were mates before he became pack leader. When she had me, he
noticed that…that I wasn’t quite right. And not being a son had him turn on me
and her. My mother died the night he was given the pack. I never knew what
happened, but I think he might have murdered her.”

No one spoke. No one asked. Dallas
wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her. He looked up at his mom and saw
her staring at him. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking, so he got up to
hold her. She hit him with her ever present wooden spoon.

“What the hell was that for?” She hit
him again then walked into the other room. And of course, like a fool, he
followed her. “Mom, as soon as you put that thing down I’m going to smash it to
splinters. What are you hitting me for?”

“You are not my son if you are that
dense.” She turned back to the table where the plates and bottled water had
been stacked. “Men are…I can’t believe your father and I raised such a…do you
not know comfort?”

He looked at her then toward the kitchen
where Stacy still was. “Her? She’d as soon rip my head off as let me touch her.
I’ve tried.”

She turned on him then. And he took
several steps back when she lifted the spoon again. “Try harder.”

When she left the room he stood there
for several minutes. Try harder? Try harder at what? Getting her to tear him up
or… Dallas looked back at the kitchen, then at the table where she’d been
standing. Was she telling him to take her to his bed? No, that couldn’t be
right. She had to know the woman hated him. Then he saw the spoon.

Picking it up, he was very tempted to do
just what he said he was going to do, but he thought maybe that would get him
in more trouble than it was worth. He knew she more than likely had a crate of
them somewhere and was tempting him with this one. He put the spoon in his back
pocket and went to his office. He had to think and the others had this under


Rich watched the house burn. He’d come
back tonight to get the bitch, but found not only the house empty of them, but
it seemed that others, wolves he’d not smelled before, had been here too.

He could smell death and smiled that he’d
killed the babe. He wasn’t going to have another man’s cub come for him
someday. He had been disappointed that he’d not been able to do more than beat
the woman a little, but when a wolf had come out of nowhere and attacked him he’d
had to leave. Now he had another second and he was ready for the fucking wolf
to come again. Then he’d found the stupid woman gone and her brats as well and
he wasn’t happy about it.

“There’s no trace of them here. It’s
like someone came back and marked the area so we couldn’t find them.”

Rich didn’t even glance at the man
beside him. Moron, he already had figured that out.

“I’m sending pack out to see where she’s

“No, don’t. She’s not within the…wait. Yes,
go ahead. And though you won’t find her or any trace of her, make an example of
a few of the others you come across simply because we can’t find her. Tell them
we think she’s hiding with them. Tell them we can smell her on them and we know
that they’re harboring her. Then burn down their homes.” He could feel the man
hesitate, but he said that he would.

Rich didn’t just run a large pack of
wolves like he was a leader. He ruled them because they were terrified of him. And
none of the families in his pack would run because they knew that he’d hunt
them down and kill them. So they stayed. But this bitch hadn’t. She’d run and
he’d find her and kill her along with her cubs, as well as whoever had her. He
looked to the north and wondered if she had gone that way to the little pack in
Canada. Rich was going to have her and the rest of them by week’s end or else.

He shifted and ran back to his home. He
had to bathe to try and get the stench of the hovel he’d just left off him
before dinner. He let them have homes; the very least they could do was to keep
them clean. He knew there was no electricity. He didn’t think it necessary for
staying in a house long enough to eat, sleep, and fuck. There were other means
of getting hot water when there was none in the house. Build a fucking fire and
clean the place up.

He was in the shower when he heard
someone in the outer room. Smiling, he waited for her to come to him. He’d left
word at the house that he wanted a female and they knew better than to not do
as he asked. When he opened the door to the shower she stood there naked.

“Come here,” he commanded. She took
small steps to get to him so he reached out and yanked her to him. When she
fell into the shower, landing on her knees, he shoved his cock in her mouth. “Perfect.”

She wasn’t very good at blowing him, he
discovered, or she just didn’t care to service her alpha. Grabbing a handful of
her hair he yanked her head up. “Do it or die. It’s up to you.”

After that she started to do it
correctly. And after a few minutes, she began to moan. Rich leaned back against
the tile and watched her through hooded eyes. This was what he needed, a good
blow job. Pumping into her mouth, she reached between her legs to service
herself. He was too far gone to stop her. Normally he didn’t allow it, but
right now he needed release more than he needed her to behave. When he came
with a growl she did as well and he nearly came again when she rammed her
finger up his ass.

“Christ,” he hissed at her as she
swallowed him down the back of her throat, and he fucked her harder. His balls
tightened as she moved her finger in and out of him and before he could stop
it, he came again.

He couldn’t move. He’d not had that kind
of orgasm in years. He looked down at the bitch as she sat staring up at him. She
had cum on her chin and the look of hunger in her eyes as she eyed his semi-hard

“You want me again?” She nodded. “Go to
the bedroom and lay there and wait for me. As soon as I get your smell off me I’m
going to fuck your ass until you bleed.”

She nodded again and stood. He
backhanded her. “I didn’t tell you to go yet, did I?”

When he allowed her to leave he finished
his shower and got dressed. He would fuck her, but on his terms, not hers. When
he went into the bedroom he nearly changed his mind. She was standing next to
the bed with her legs wide and her pussy dripping with need. Walking up behind
her he slapped her ass and she moaned.

“I want you to be here when I return. Naked
and waiting whenever I want to fuck you.” He ran his finger through her cream
and took it to his mouth. “And when you fail to satisfy me even one time, you’ll

He left the room and smiled. She’d be
there when he returned, he had no doubt. And even if she had to work for hours,
he knew that he’d never leave this room without being fully sated. Rich loved
his life as an alpha.

Chapter 2


The mood around the compound made her
nervous. It was necessary, but no less nerve-racking. Stacy moved along the
fence, trying to avoid all the others, and watched for her mistress. She was
supposed to meet her here in half an hour. She heard her coming, shifted to
human, and dressed.

“I swear to you it’s a real pleasure
some days to get out of the studio. Today being one of them.” Alexis moved with
the grace of a queen and Stacy found herself wanting to try and emulate her. “I
came when I got your message. Is it Dallas again?”

“No…yes. But not all. I need you to help
me, mistress. There is a man in the pack that should not be here. He is…he is a
sadist and has taken to hurting the females.” This was not the first time that
she had gone to Alexis about a pack member. And probably would not be the last.
“He is now, as we speak, with a woman that is not his.”

“Tell me where and I’ll have Gordon
catch him.” Stacy told her and she knew when her mistress contacted her mate. “He’s
on his way now. And not alone this time.”

A month ago Gordon had gone where Stacy
had told him when something almost as bad was going on. But that time he had
gone alone. He had been hurt badly, but the wolf he had gone after had died. Gordon
was swift and final in his protection of his brother’s pack. It was the only
reason she stayed. Well, that and Dallas, the stupid jerk.

“Dallas has said that he wants me. I do
not know how to tell him again I am not worthy.”

Alexis snorted.

“I am without scent, my lady, and will
not be a good mate to him.”

“The only person that cares you have no
scent is you. Go to him. Let him mate with you. You couldn’t find a better man.”
She paused. “Gordon is at the house. He said he would tell me later what
happens. Austin is with him.”

This would not end well and she knew it.
Austin was a very good alpha, but he demanded respect. Not just to him, but to
his pack as well. Anyone caught hitting another without just cause was banned
from the pack and, if severe enough, he would kill them. The law had been
around for centuries, but few followed it like Austin did.

“Tell me about Dallas. What makes you
afraid of him?”

Stacy started to say she was not afraid
of anyone, but Alexis continued.

“I know you are afraid of something
about him. Tell me what it is, Stacy. The man practically drools when you’re in
the same room as him.”

“He is just in need of release.” She
flushed when she realized what she had said. “He is a man and has needs. I will
not…I do not think I can…I am a woman who has had little experience with men.”

“You’ve had no experience with men
except for the kind that beat you. Dallas would rather die than to harm you, or
any person for that matter. I don’t understand why you don’t just speak to him
about it.”

Because she was terrified he would take
her out of pity. She would rather die than have a mate that felt sorry for her.
She looked away when she felt Alexis probe her mind. “It will do you no good,
my lady. You have not enough experience to get what you want and I am not
giving you what I share with no one. Dallas is a good man and I will not allow
him to be shunned because I wanted him to take me. If you would give me
permission I would leave your pack and join another.”

“You do that and I will hunt you down

Stacy looked at the woman who never even
raised her voice to her children, but just had to her.

“I mean it. You leave me and I’ll have
you hunted down and brought back. What kind of shame do you think you’d do to
me? And my children would be hurt too.”

Stacy nodded. She loved the children
that Alexis had brought to this pack. Even humans, as these were. They made her
feel there was some good in the world. And she especially liked the younger boy
Jake. He was a thinker and she loved him. “I will not leave, but you will
please not bring up Dallas to me again. He is going to find a mate soon and
things with him and me will no longer be an issue.” She put out her hand to
shake on it. Alexis smiled and Stacy thought the woman had something else up
her sleeve, but could not think what it would be.

“I will not bring Dallas up to you
again. You will not hear another word from me about him unless you bring him up
first. Deal?”

They shook, but Stacy thought she had
missed something. But Alexis changed the subject.

“They have the man. Austin is taking him
to the cells now. There will be a trial on the next moon phase.”

Alexis went back to her studio to make
more of her pretty things for her shop. She envied the woman and her talent. Stacy
could fight well and could do anything a man could do, but she could not be a
girly girl. Alexis had been kind to her and she thought it was not because she
felt sorry for her either. But Stacy still felt the best course of action was
to leave. She shifted to wolf and followed her mistress just far enough back so
as not to alarm her. Alexis thought no one would come after her and Stacy made
sure no one did.

She thought about Dallas when she saw
her mistress enter the building. He was a beautiful man. She wondered briefly
if men were beautiful and decided it did not matter. To her, he was. His hair
was dark as night and his eyes made her think things about him she had never
thought before about a man. Things like his eyes looked like the summer sky. His
skin, dark from working outdoors, made her want to touch him, run her fingers
over him, and taste at him.

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