Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (23 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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“Open your mouth and don’t swallow,” I ordered as I held in my hand the other glass of wine. As he opened his mouth, I poured a small amount into his mouth and then put the glass down. I then began to lap and suck the wine out of his mouth while sucking seductively on his tongue. He then grabbed me and kissed me with deep desire. As I began to speed up with motion, he gripped me tighter and began to guide me in an up and down motion. I could tell he was about to reach his peak so I placed my mouth over his to stifle his moans of pleasure. His grip became tighter as he exploded with intensity. He continued his release as I rode him up and down to bring forth my orgasm. I threw my head back to enjoy the silent ecstasy that was riveting through my body. He placed his fingers in my mouth and I began to suck on them to help bring me back to reality. When I moved my head back in an upright position, he kissed me.

“We never have a dull moment do we?” he said.

“No, we don’t, ever.” I lay on his chest as our heart rates began to return to normal to enjoy this moment. I could feel that we were both starting to doze off so I got out of the whirlpool and turned on the shower on the other side of the bathroom. I washed my body while Nicholas looked on like a lion about to pounce his prey.

“Did you want me to leave the water running for you?” I asked.

“Yes, please and I need help washing, do you mind?” A sly grin spread across his mouth.

“Not this time, Mr. Hansen. You shower and I’ll go get us a movie ready, with snacks.” He smiled and conceded defeat. I grabbed a towel, wrapped myself in it, and headed out to the room. As I was getting dressed, I heard his phone ring. I glanced at the name on the phone thinking that it could be his dad, but it read Tabitha. My nerves jumped slightly and I was startled more as Nicholas walked into the room.

“What are you doing?” he asked, my body language obviously expressing my concern.

“Oh, I was checking to see what time it was since my phone is in the living room. I just wasn’t expecting you to be out this soon.” He walked over toward me, looking quizzically at me.

“Okay, no need to be startled. You can look at my phone. I have nothing to hide from you. You can trust me.” He grabbed my face and began kissing me.

“I know I can trust you. My mind was running a marathon when I looked at the time and when you walked into the room. I’m a little off, that’s all. Come on, let’s go watch a movie.” I detoured from the obvious questions I wanted to ask out of fear of the answer or the anger. He went into his family room to prepare our movie. I stopped by the kitchen to grab popcorn with butter, hot sauce, and water. I placed them all on a tray and headed to the family room. Nicholas had grabbed a throw blanket and was sitting there patting the couch with a come-hither look in his eyes.

“Your seat awaits you, my love,” he said with his eyebrows raised. I laughed at his attempt at humor. He was adorable when being goofy and extremely sexy at the same time. I walked over toward the couch and he took the tray from me, placed it on the table, and held my hand.

“Why do you like me as much as you do?” I asked. “I am not model perfect. I do have great attributes about me but nothing that most men would go for.

“Why do you like me?” he retorted. “I am not what you would call a boy toy; I do work for what I have. I don’t splurge my family’s wealth and, trust me, my parents have plenty of it. I prefer to do things and have things that I can be proud of and say I did that. So why me, Maya? Or better yet, why not me?” He had a look of seriousness on his face and it demanded an answer.

“I don’t know, Nicholas. I know that I do like the way you take care of me and tend to my needs. You felt that you had to protect me when Michael approached me at the party. I have never had a man stand up for me like that, not that I had many men falling at my feet. I like what I feel when we are alone or with others. You respect me and don’t try to make me stand down in a man’s world. Those are a few of the things I like about you.”

“You don’t think I’m pretty?” he asked with a goofy grin. I rolled my eyes at him because he had to know hot fucking hot he was.

“Let’s watch the movie,” I said, laughing at him. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, wrapped his blanket around us and pressed play on the DVR.

“It’s you,” he said. I turned to look at him as he offered an answer to my question.

“You embody the qualities I want in a woman. You are smart, headstrong, independent, confident, most of the time, and can hold your own. The times that your confidence wanes is usually when you think about your past. I want to help you through that so you don’t have that to hold you back anymore. I love your shape, those hips and legs mesmerize me, your breasts are nice and supple and I love holding them and tasting them. You know what else I love to taste? Your lips, both sets.” He had a devilish grin on his face with that comment. “You’re a natural beauty and that makes me hot as hell for you. All I can do is think about being with you when we are not together. I want to drink you in, all of you.” I leaned over, kissed him, and lay on his chest. The movie was already playing when we settled to watch it. I had a feeling neither of us was interested in what was on the screen. I heard his phone ring and he looked at it, but did not answer. Immediately I wondered if that was her. Tabitha. He hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead. I then took a deep breath to relax my fears as we continued to watch the movie and slowly drifted to sleep.

Chapter 17


Wednesday morning felt as if it was Monday all over again. Nicholas dropped me off on his way into his office and we said that we would play the day by ear. I walked into our new space and I could hear the phones ringing and the click-clacking of keyboards. The office printer was going and I could hear Samantha from her office telling someone that the print was off; I think that was about our stationary. I walked by her office and waved as I headed to mine. As soon as I opened the door, a big Mylar balloon that said congratulations greeted me. The card attached said
To: Samantha and Maya. Love Gabby and Tia
. Those girls are so sweet. I looked over at my desk and there seemed to be a mountain of mail. I turned on my laptop and all I could hear was the sound of incoming emails. It was just one day, I thought to myself. I put down my purse, took a sip of my Frappuccino, and started to work.

“Maya, so where are we going this weekend and for how long?” Samantha said as she slowly glided into my office with her hands full of letters. I peeked up at her shortly then went back to reading my emails.

“Uh, I am not sure if I will be going anywhere,” I replied

“Why not? The girls said that it was a done deal.” Her tone was confused and high-pitched, which meant upset.

“I don’t know. I mean, look at this office. There is a lot going on and this is just one day of missing work. What would it look like if we missed a week?” I made an excuse that she could not debate because she knew I was right. The truth is, that’s a big step in my book even if friends were coming along. I would still be with Nicholas for a week straight. I wondered what if we discover things or hear stories about each other that would make us think twice about a relationship?

“Maya, I think our covers would be able to communicate with us via email and phone calls if really important. I know you will have your laptop with you in case of urgency. We could really use a vacation and besides, I hear that Nicholas has business there anyway.” She found an actual rebuttal that made sense. I thought about what business he had there. Is that what he and his dad were arguing about yesterday? I thought back to how frustrated he was out on his balcony and his explanation about how his decisions are undermined.

“Maya, did you hear me? Why are you daydreaming already?” I totally tuned Samantha out while she was going on about how we should take this trip.

“Sorry, Samantha. I was thinking about a project for the little league teams and how we could expose Hansen Construction even further. When you mentioned that Nicholas and Jason had business to tend to, I had a thought. You know how I am when an idea springs to mind.” I backpedaled out of that one as fast as I jumped in. I did not want to broadcast my insecurities, not now. I don’t want to deal with this now.

“Samantha, let’s get to work. I’ll think about the trip and will let all of you know. Okay?”

“Ugh. Amaya Elaine Davis, you really fucking annoy me sometimes!” Samantha slammed my door as she walked out. “I’m sorry didn’t mean for it to slam,” she said as she opened the door back.

“Yes, you did,” I said to her while reading my mail stack without looking up toward her direction. “Bye, Red.” Samantha closed the door. I leaned back in my chair and started to think about the fun that we would have if I said yes. The eight of us paired off and enjoying each other’s company, that could be fun. A knock on the door disrupted my thought.

“Hi, Ms. Davis. You have a courier package just delivered. I thought it was important so I rushed it right in here instead of leaving it out in the mailroom.”

“Thank you, Jonathan.”

“Yes, Ms. Davis.”

I think Jonathan had a little crush on me. He is always flustered around me. I opened the letter delivered by FedEx and started to read the letter:


Carmen Watkins

National Football League

280 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10017


Amaya Davis

Senior Vice President, Sporting

Binnings Market

200 S. Biscayne Blvd.

Miami, FL


Dear Amaya Davis:


We are pleased to inform you that we have reached a decision on the bid to perform architectural design and build contract services for the new NFL facility in Miami, FL. We wanted to thank you for a wonderful presentation and the great hospitality shown to us during our visits to the potential cities. We will notify the owner of the winning bid by this Friday. Thank you again.



Carmen Watkins 

NFL Stadium Committee VP


My stomach filled with butterflies at the hopes that it would be Hansen Construction selected to build the new stadium. I looked at my cell phone and I wanted to call Nicholas, but I didn’t want to give him any false pretense. I leaned back in my chair and thought for a minute. Maybe a week away would be a good idea. I carefully placed the letter in their communications file along with my thoughts. We had a few of our new flyers for the little league baseball teams to come in and I had called our street team into my office to give them the materials and locations of where they needed to be distributed. I then went to our web team and had them to scan a copy for email distribution, and to start working on the sponsorship presentation. It felt different directing instead of doing, but I still had creative control.

“Are you ready for lunch, Maya? I need a break.” Samantha came into my office and threw herself on the floor. It was one p.m. and we had been working nonstop.

“Oh, I didn’t realize how late it was,” I said. “Sure, let’s go grab a bite.” I let our new receptionist, Amy, know that we were leaving. We decided to go to Area 31 for a little lunchtime seafood. Seated immediately, we placed our order with the waiter, Javier.

“This day has been busy. I said. I am glad that we have a big team to support us. Those guys are doing great.”

“Yeah, yeah. Are we going or not?” Samantha had a look of total frustration on her face along with that
I won’t take no for an answer

“Samantha, I don’t know yet. I mean, if you wanna go, go. Don’t wait on me.”

“I don’t get it, Maya. This wonderful guy is taking you on a free vacation to a nice destination and you are debating on whether you want to go or not? Come off it, what’s up?” Samantha had a way of seeing past bullshit.

“Samantha, I don’t know. I do not want to ruin this between us.”

“Is it the sex?” Samantha asked with a puzzled look.

“No!” I became flustered when I thought about the sex we had last night after moving from the couch back to the bed. He had me tied, literally, to his bed while using my body as a sundae dish, pouring various toppings on my body and slowly licking them off me.

“Maya, what did he do to you?” Samantha said. She had a smile as wide as the Gulf of Mexico.

“What do you mean what did he do?” I tried to play like I didn’t know what she was talking about, but it was obvious that she was referring to the redness of my face.

“Okay. Whatever. Just know it’s all on your face.”

“What’s on my face?” I probably should not have asked that question.

“Really, Maya? You are going there?” Samantha had a serious look on her face like I did something wrong.

“Samantha, I know I am all kinds of relationship fucked up and that Nicholas is not Michael, but I can’t let that hurt and humiliation go like that. I’m sorry. I can’t do it. He knows that.”

“So you can fuck him at will with no or little emotion, but when he wants to get inside you, the emotional you, the internal you, you can’t comply? Seriously, Maya, you are losing out. That will drive him away.” Our waiter bought our lunch and I had lost my appetite. Samantha had crushed me. Actually, she didn’t, but I felt like it. To hear the words echo my inner feelings come at me face to face is a hard pill to swallow. He offered to help heal me and I still shut down. I pushed my plate away from me and waved for the waiter.

“Maya, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have...”

“No, Samantha, it’s okay. I say that to myself all the time. It’s different when you actually hear it.” The waiter approached the table and I asked for a container for my food and the check. My cell phone began to ring. I looked at the ID and it displayed private caller. Thinking about the letter I read earlier from the NFL Stadium Committee, I figured this may be an important call.

“Maya Davis speaking.”

“This is Jaimie, Nicky’s sister. I hope you don’t mind, I twisted my dad’s arm to get your number.”

“That’s fine, Jaimie. How are you doing?”

“That’s why I am calling you. I need help with my party I am planning and I heard that you might know a person that could help. My party planner scammed me and took off with my money and I don’t know what to do.” Her voice began to crack and I could hear the tears in her voice.

“Of course I will, Jaimie. I will get in contact with my friend Gabrielle and have her call you. Text me your details and contact information and I will pass it along. I’m sure she will be happy to help.”

“Thank you. I feel awful. I can’t believe that this is happening to me.” The tears broke and I felt sad. She is a sweet girl. I just can’t believe someone took advantage of her.

“Jaimie it will be okay. If you need anything else, let me know.” The tears stopped and she began to sniffle.

“My brother is lucky to have you. Thank you.” I smiled at her sentiments.

“Don’t forget to send me your information. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye, Jaimie” I called Gabrielle to throw this her way. I told her I would forward Jaimie’s information and for her to call in about ten minutes and how important it would be to Nicholas. She accepted with the “you owe me one” tone.

“So what was that all about?” Samantha asked as she handed the waiter her credit card.

“Jaimie is having a party and her party planner skipped out on her and she needs help pronto.” I forwarded Gabrielle the text Jaimie had sent me as I paid for my meal that was now looking like leftovers.

“What kind of party is she having?” Samantha asked.

“I’m not sure. That weekend we went up to his parents' place, I remember his mom telling him not to forget about it and then his sister telling him to bring me. I never did ask what party she was referring to.”

“How old is his sister?” Samantha asked

“I think she is twenty-three. She’s five years younger than Nicholas is and I know he is twenty-eight and Lance is thirty-one. She’s a sweet young lady. It may be a graduation party as I think she is graduating this year.”

“Another graduation party.” Samantha laughed at the thought of us being at our graduation party, where this all started for us.

“It was a great night,” I replied. We got up from the table and headed back to the office. Once we arrived back, I had a bouquet of white roses waiting for me on my desk. They were beautiful. There was a card attached and I couldn’t wait to read it.


Sorry I have been busy all day, but I wanted

You to know that I am thinking about you.

See you tonight, your place



I blushed at the thought of being with him. I thought back to Samantha’s words from lunch and how she was blunt and truthful. I did need to stop putting my guard up every time Nicholas got close to me on the inside. I enjoyed the time I spent with him yesterday doing absolutely nothing. We did have sex a few times. He does things to my body that I do not understand. I am his completely to command, to dominate and control and I like it. At the same time, he allows me to control and he obeys well. I ran my hands through my hair thinking about us together and it was starting to excite me. I needed to stop thinking about it before I ended up pleasuring myself right at my desk, but I couldn’t. I felt my nipples get pert as I thought about his smile when he looks at me. Or, that feeling of his breath on my neck while we were standing in the kitchen cleaning up. Now I am the one thinking about him. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes thinking about how his tongue felt going up and down my body as he licked the caramel and chocolate sauce off me, or the warmth of his mouth as he took in my whipped cream covered nipples and suckled at them until I was near orgasm. I felt my hand began to twist and pull at my nipples through my blouse as my desire for Nicholas was getting stronger and my clit began to ache. I remembered that I had a lipstick-shaped vibrator in my box, a gag gift from the girls after I had been celibate for six months. I pulled it out, hit the privacy glass, and locked the door. I called Samantha, told her that I was on a conference call and put on my DND for the phone calls. I called Nicholas to see if he had time for a little phone sex.

“You get my flowers?” he answered. Caller ID must have given me away.

“I did, they are beautiful,” I replied. “I called to say thank you.”

“No, you didn’t. Something else is on your mind. The tone of your voice is soft, sexy. You must be thinking of me.” His voice also grew softer and I could hear the background noise fade out.

“I am thinking about you, psychic,” I replied. “About how you command my body and how it answers you. The things you do to me when we are together and when we are apart. How I need to feel you inside me right now.”

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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