Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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Chapter 5


The girls were more than thrilled to go out for an evening of fun. We decided to meet at my place to get dressed and, of course, Tia had brought over a bottle of wine for us to drink.

“So where are we going?” Gabrielle asked.

“I am not sure. Nicholas is supposed to call me when he has the plans finalized.”

“I know where there are a few parties going on tonight. I can get us in VIP if I knew where we were going.” Gabrielle loved flexing her connection muscle.

“As soon as he calls, I will let you know so you can work your magic.” Gabrielle shook her hips like a waving magic wand at that statement.

“Are you wearing this, Amaya?” Tia asked, looking at a dress I had on my bed.

“I am not sure what I am going to wear.”

“I think you should put the girls on display and show off those legs, girl. You know Nicholas would go nuts if he saw you like that,” Samantha said. “

“Yeah, what’s the deal with you two anyway?” asked Tia.

“Did she tell you guys about the multitude of flowers he sent?” Samantha interjected. I rolled my eyes to the heavens above as I prepared myself for the barrage of questions that was sure to come.

“Maya, what is going on, mami?” Gabrielle had a look of impatience on her face.

“Nothing is going on guys. We started to get close, then Tabitha interfered, and I stayed away. Then he worked his way back in.”

“Who the fuck is Tabitha?” said Tia.

“His secretary slash fling?” Samantha answered.

“His secretary? Maya, you have been holding out on us for some time now. Speak woman!” Tia demanded and all eyes were on me.

“Nicholas and I went out on that light date and we enjoyed each other’s company. The next day, he sent me flowers…

“… And not just any flowers, but fifty white calla lilies,” interrupted Samantha.

I continued to explain the chain of events that led up to the interaction between Tabitha and me. “I was just about to leave when Tabitha started up with me. I checked her ass and then went back to work. When I got home, an envelope was given to me that contained a picture of them kissing and a letter saying that he belonged to her.”

“That fucking bitch. Esa estúpida, maldita perra. ¿Cómo se atreve?” screamed Gabrielle.

“English, Gabby, English,” I said.

“Maya, you already know what I am saying. Don’t start with me.” I laughed at Gabrielle. She already had a short fuse, add a glass or two of wine and it’s a powder keg explosion.

“Did you tell Nicholas?” Tia inquired.

“Not at first, but after the conference, we did speak about it and he did tell me that he dated Tabitha previously.”

My phone chimed, indicating that I had a message. It was a text from Nicholas.

Nicholas: Hey beautiful. Are you guys ready?

Amaya: Not really. Trying to figure out what to wear. It would help if we knew where we are going

Nicholas: We are running a little late. I was thinking 15th and Vine inside the Viceroy.

Amaya: Sounds great. What time shall we meet?

Nicholas: Let's shoot for 7:45 pm.

Amaya: Okay, I’m sure we can do that.

Nicholas: Great. Can’t wait to see you

I couldn't tell if it was the anticipation of what could happen or the wine getting to me, but I wanted to see him too. I needed to feel his touch, his breath, taste his mouth. I shook off my unfolding desires and told the girls about the plans to do 15th and Vine inside the Viceroy.

“Good choice,” Gabrielle said. “My friend Marco said that they are doing an Old School night tonight at Fifty so maybe we should go there afterward,” she continued.

“I like the choice. I don’t have to get overdressed,” Samantha said.

“Should I make a call?” quizzed Gabrielle.

“No, it sounds like Nicholas has it all worked out,” I replied

“Oh, okay. I’m sure whatever he plans will be okay.” Her lips were pouty and eyes sad. She always loved to be in control of events.

“Gabrielle, it’s dinner, mami. Calm down. It’s not a grand soiree,” I said.

After about five changes and another bottle of wine, we were finally ready. Gabrielle and Tia both wore form-fitting dresses. Gabrielle’s dress was red and she paired it with gold strappy heels and a gold clutch. Tia’s dress had one shoulder, was black and she paired it with a chunky red necklace, earrings, stilettos and a clutch to match. Samantha wore black high-waist shorts, white lace tank top with a deep V-neck that was backless, white buckled gladiator wedges. I wore faux leather white leggings with a black, backless chiffon top and black heels, paired with a black clutch and black accessories. When we get together to go out, we make sure that we all look damn good. My phone rang as we headed to Tia’s car.

“Hello, Amaya Davis speaking.”

“Hi, Amaya. How are you doing?”

“I’m good, Mom. How are you?” I loved getting calls from my mom. She likes to check in from time to time to make sure I’m okay, but I think it is her letting me know that she is okay.

“Well, dear, I am good. I thought I’d call to tell you I saw you on TV today with that handsome young man.” She also had this thing for me dating, didn’t want me to be alone.

“Oh, you saw the press conference. Well, we are representing that construction company for the build of the new stadium. They announced changes today within the structure of the company.”

“Uh-huh. So what are you doing?” I could hear the fishing line being cast as we spoke.

“The girls and I are headed out for a little celebration for today.”

“Okay, have fun dear. I’ll chat with you later. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mom.” Guess she decided to go fishing another day.




15th and Vine was located inside the beautiful Viceroy Hotel and Resorts. The food in this place was magnificent. This isn’t our first time visiting since we usually come twice a year as a tradition. We would get a suite and spend the weekend here relaxing and unwinding from the year on New Year’s Day. The host asked for the reservation name.

“Nicholas Hansen,” I replied.

“Oh yes, Mr. Hansen. He has been expecting you,” our host replied with a smile. He escorted us to our table on the terrace where we found Nicholas and the guys. It felt like graduation night all over again, kind of. I’d seen Chris’s face in the paper and on TV when he was speaking about his career in the NFL. I’m not sure what Rick and Jason were up to, but I could tell a workout must be included. They stood and we all hugged it out. Then they pulled out our seats and took their place right beside us.

“Damn, you ladies look abso-fucking-lutely amazing. I am around cheerleaders three days a week, but man they have nothing on you girls.” Chris spoke like a teenager who had just seen tits and ass for the first time.

“Really, Chris?” Tia said as she stood and twirled around flaunting her figure. “I wasn’t sure if my dress was fitting right.”

“Yes, Tia, it fits perfectly.” Chris smiled.

“So, Rick, how have you been?” Gabrielle asked.

“I’ve been good. Business is going well for me at my firm and I am about to partner up with buddies of mine for a side adventure.” Rick graduated from law school with us. He was equally determined to complete school like me.

“Jason, what have you been up to?” Tia asked. Once again, Samantha was too shy to speak.

He chuckled a little when he looked over at Nicholas.

“I um, was actually promoted today to general manager at Hansen Construction by my new boss, Nicholas Hansen. Have you guys ever heard of him?” We all laughed at that reply.

“Congratulations! I didn’t know you worked with Nicholas,” I said. “I didn’t see you today at the conference.”

“I was on a site today closing up a contract with the electric company. What about you ladies?”

“I‘m still planning parties and events, in fact, that’s how Nicholas ran into Maya again,” Gabrielle said boastfully.

“I’m still doing real estate,” Tia chimed in.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” Chris said.

“I am known as the closer,” Tia said.

“Is that so? Uh, I am looking for new digs,” he replied with a flirty tone.

“Here’s my card. Please be sure to call me so I can um, hook you up. No commission for you.”

“Aye, I think I threw up a little in my mouth.” Gabrielle laughed.

“Do you like your position over at Binnings?” Rick asked.

“It has its moments,” I said, smiling at Nicholas.

“All I know is that you must be pretty fucking amazing if John signed up with you,” Jason said.

“Look at what she's done for us already,” chimed Nicholas. “We have a meeting with the selection committee Monday and this was made possible by this beautiful, smart, talented, and sexy woman right here.” I held my head down, shying away from his comments. I looked up at him and he was staring at me. He reached out and gently caressed my face. I looked away for a second and noticed the others looking at us. I felt awkward, as I’m not one for compliments. I finally spoke and told him thank you when the server brought our drinks and appetizers.

  The evening continued with a lot of laughter and conversation. We were as comfortable as old friends were. Samantha started to open up.

“I am having a great time,” Tia said.

“Oh, let's go up to Fifty,” Gabrielle said excitedly.

“Sure,” Nicholas said. “Let me make a call.” He took out his cell phone, dialed a number, and said to the person on the other end “eight” and “two,” then hung up.

“Cryptic, Mr. Hansen.” Chris joked. Nicholas laughed and asked if we were ready.

“What about the bill?” I asked.

“It’s been taken care of,” Nicholas said.

“Nicholas, you didn't have to get the bill.”

“I didn't, Chris did.” I looked over at Chris, who was holding hands with Tia, smiling and laughing. Enjoying each other’s company.

“Come on, Maya. Let’s go,” he said.

  We all piled in the elevator and rode up to the rooftop where Fifty was located. Fifty was one of the most advantageous points for looking at the skyline. They had a pool lined with cabanas and a few select VIP spots. The phone call Nicholas made reserved us one of those VIP spots and two bottles of chilled champagne. The host escorted us to our seats.

Nicholas, you have good connections,” Gabrielle said.

“We were called in to do the renovations when they relocated. I get VIP treatment.”

“Hmm, I’m impressed,” said Gabrielle. Nicholas smiled and raised his glass for a toast.

“I want to stop and thank Amaya for the wonderful work she has done for Hansen Construction. Today the NHL asked us to build a new arena to use not only as a practice arena for the Panthers but home to a semi-pro team also. I do not know what was in that letter to the NFL committee, but word travels fast in the sports entertainment industry. Thank you, Amaya. Cheers.” Everyone raised their glass and said cheers.
Good Kisser
by Usher came on and we got excited.

“Let’s go dance!” Samantha suggested. The girls and I went out to the dance floor and started dancing. Dancing was the one thing that I loved to do. It made me feel free on the inside. I started moving to the rhythm, hips swaying side-to-side and winding as the music carried me away from the stress of the week. Rick moved in on Gabrielle and started grinding with her and she loved it, maybe a little too much. She turned to face Rick and he placed his hands on her hips and held her closer. We watched as they began to heat up the dance floor desperately needing a room. I looked up and saw Nicholas staring at me watching my every move as I danced. Girls tried to persuade him to come to the dance floor, but he politely declined the invitation. I had a few admirers myself, but I could see he wasn’t happy with another man being near me so I turned them away. For a moment, I thought I was the only one on the dance floor and he was my audience.

The DJ gave a shout out to Ms. Gabby, as he called her, as he talked about an upcoming party in which she was responsible.

“Now we are going to keep the party going with this dance classic from 2006.” We all patiently waited to hear the beat drop, then it happened.
Get Me Bodied
by Beyoncé was one of our favorite dance songs. The girls and I spent countless hours learning all the dance moves from the video while adding our own touches. Tia, Samantha, Gabrielle, and I immediately went to the center of the floor. I looked for Nicholas, but he was no longer in my view. As we continued to dance, I found myself looking for him, especially since we were showing off some of the hottest moves the song had to offer and I needed a partner. The girls and their partners were heating the dance floor up. Guys continued to step to me, but I showed no interest. I was only interested in one person. We continued to dance and sing along to the beat and music. I felt a person press up against me and I turned to push them off when I realized it was Nicholas. He smiled at me as he led me to the middle of the dance floor. He either paid others to move as we walked to the center of the dance floor or he carried that much in confidence. I followed the commands Yonce was now calling out, much to his delight, as he appeared mesmerized by the way my body was moving. He found himself in the groove with me and soon we were dancing so close not even light was able to get between us. We finished dancing out the song and were hot, sweaty, and in need of a break with a side of a drink. “Let’s slow things down a bit,” the DJ announced. The smooth and sexy sounds of Jon B’s
Pretty Girl
sweetened the air surrounding us. I tried to make a ninja-like escape, but he tugged me back to where we stood, pulling me close to him, real close. I could definitely feel his bulge against my thigh as he positioned his leg between mine. With his arm wrapped around my waist, he dipped me into a deep back bend and then pulled me back into an upright position. I was mesmerized and completely in a trance. All I could do at that moment was think about how many positions he could have me in tonight.

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