Read Untouchable Lover Online

Authors: Rosalie Redd

Untouchable Lover (15 page)

BOOK: Untouchable Lover
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“Meet me at the porte stanen at nightfall.” Noeh’s chest tightened. Waiting until sunset irked him, but they couldn’t go out during the day. The sunlight would burn them to a crisp, killing them in a matter of minutes.

Saar rose from his chair and as he headed for the door, he gave Noeh a curt nod. “We’ll be ready, Your Majesty.”

Gaetan didn’t say a word, but a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.

“What?” Noeh asked.

“Do you want to tell me what else is bothering you?”

He couldn’t hide his emotions from Gaetan. His longtime friend knew him like no one else, and for that, Noeh was forever grateful. Noeh sighed, exhaling a long breath. “I know you mean well, but this is something I have to work through on my own.”

“This is about the queen, then. I suspected as much.” Gaetan stood from his chair and placed a hand on Noeh’s shoulder. “I don’t envy your position, my friend, but trust in the gods. They know what they’re doing.”

“I have little faith in the gods, as you well know. Where were they during the great scourge?” Noeh’s anger simmered beneath his skin. “They ignored us for hundreds of years, and now they force us to take in new inhabitants, telling us to treat them as kin. To top it all off, they tell me to take a queen. I don’t like being told what to do.”

“I’m sure you don’t, but I trust you.”

Noeh’s recent outburst was uncalled for and Gaetan’s faith drained Noeh’s anger away in an instant. He rolled his shoulders and tried to forget about his commitment. What he couldn’t get out of his mind, and what was really bothering him, was the picture he drew, the one of Melissa wearing the queen’s necklace.


Noeh came to the training center to burn off some of his frustration. So far, it wasn’t working. Sweat ran from his shoulders down his back, the wetness a sign that at least his body was getting some benefit from the exertion.

His sword swooped down toward the target, the movement smooth and fluid, shaving inches off the sparring dummy. The feel of the weapon in his hands drove him forward as he cut the air again and again, shredding the form into piles of straw and material.

“I figured you’d show up here sooner or later.” Saar held the point of his sword down in deference to his king. “Let me know if you want to spar with someone who will hit back.”

“Count on it.”

Other warriors filled the training facility, the sound of their maces and short swords ringing in the air.
Noeh stopped to drink water from his pouch, quenching his parched throat.

Ginnia’s soft laughter caught his attention.

In one of the corners, away from the males honing their battle skills, she played with one of the dummies. The mannequin wore a pink and yellow polka dot dress. She patted the figure on the head, stepped back, and scrutinized her work.

Noeh chuckled to himself. Ginnia was like a daughter to him. His heart expanded, and he longed for something he would never have.

A hand clasped his shoulder, making him jump.

“A bit touchy, aren’t you?” Mauree traced her hand down his arm, her eyes bright and mischievous. “I thought you might like a massage.”

Noeh backed up, out of her reach. “No massage.”

His mood changed, darkened just by her presence. The beginning of a headache pounded in his skull, and he rubbed his temples with his fingers.

Creases appeared around Mauree’s eyes, and their brightness dimmed. “I’d hoped we’d get a chance to talk. About the ceremony.”

Noeh stiffened. The sweat on his back turned ice cold, and his hair stood on end. His stomach roiled at the idea of Mauree as his queen.

“What do you want, Mauree?”

“Time alone with you, for one. I’ve been planning for the ceremony, even if you haven’t.”

“You’re wasting your time. I told you before, I choose my queen, not you.”

“Are you telling me it won’t be me?” She smiled, but there was no joy in her features. “Tell me, Noeh. Look me in the eye and tell me I’m not your best option, your best hope for a queen.”

She was right, and that burned him. The other females didn’t have the internal strength needed to be queen.

When he didn’t respond, she raised her eyebrows. “That’s what I thought.” Reaching up, she placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Don’t worry, Noeh, I’ll do my best to please you.”

Deep inside, Noeh’s beast roared. His marking for justice pulsed over his right eye.
I curse you, Alora. May you rot on Lemuria.
He’d never felt so trapped in his life. Knowing he would bond to the female despite his feelings, he cringed at the prospect of spending night after night in bed with Mauree. Sick to his stomach, he turned to watch her leave the training facility. Her ass swung back and forth with confidence, her heeled shoes clicking on the stone floor.

Ginnia stopped in front of Mauree, halting her departure. She wagged her finger back and forth in front of Mauree’s face. “You’re a meany, too mean to be the queen.”

“Get away from me, you fool.” Raising her chin, Mauree stormed from the room.

Ginnia shrugged and smiled. She hummed and skipped away, back to the dummy with the polka dotted dress.

Although Noeh yearned for Ginnia to be right, he didn’t see any other ending to his nightmare. He gripped his sword with renewed vigor and purpose.

“Saar, let’s spar.”

Chapter Twenty-One

After a long soak in the bath, Melissa dressed and spent extra time brushing her long hair. She scanned the room where Noeh’s grandfather had stayed and was now her temporary lodging. The green and blue comforter over the large bed beckoned. Uninvited images of Noeh invaded her mind, and her pulse picked up.

As much as she wished she hadn’t fed from him, she could never forget she had. Her fingers tingled at the memory of her hands caressing his broad chest and strong arms. A chill ran over her skin, and she shivered.

Stay here.
His words from their earlier conversation reverberated in her head. She fisted her hands. It wasn’t in her nature to take orders. She inhaled, letting her agitation build.

Her stomach rumbled. She hadn’t had a chance to eat anything at the welcome banquet. Her mouth watered at the thought of something tasty to staunch the ache.

She peered at the door. Her resolve set in. She’d show him.

As she gripped the door handle, the knob turned in her palm. The soft click of the latch sounded loud to her sensitive ears. She glanced down the hallway—no one. The Keep was quiet, most of the residents asleep in their chambers. She wanted to sleep, too, but her need for food and her desire to go against Noeh’s orders moved her forward.

The aroma of the leftovers from last evening’s banquet drew her to the kitchen as sure as any ant following a trail. An arrangement of apples, plums, and bananas sat on a small table. Shelves and cabinets made of the finest oak lined the walls. The counters, carved from the natural lava stone, were short so as to accommodate the small stature of the Jixies. The tops were spotless from the constant polishing and gleamed in the low glow from the sunstones placed over the cooking surfaces.

Her stomach growled. Where had they put all the food?

Against the far wall was a large stone structure with a wooden door. She pulled on the handle. A cool breeze caressed the exposed skin on her face and arms. The stone cavity was full of the meats, cheeses, and desserts from the welcome feast.

An apple tart sat front and center on a shelf within easy reach, a note on top bearing the single word ‘Noeh.’ A smile curled at the corner of her mouth. Adrenaline hit her in the chest as she snatched up the tasty dessert. It served him right.

She found a fork in a nearby drawer and dug into the food. As the sweetness touched her tongue, she shivered with delight. The act of lashing out at him, even in this tiny way, eased the ache in her chest.

Licking the last of the syrupy sauce from her utensil, she turned on the faucet and cleaned the dish in the sink. As she washed the plate, her mind wandered to Noeh.
The memory of his scent, and the feel of his warm skin, made her fingers tingle. She ached to touch him again.
Stop thinking about him.

She opened cabinet after cabinet. Her movements were fast and jerky, evidence of her flustered state. She found the right cupboard and put the dish back on the shelf. As the cabinet door closed, her reflection glinted off the glass. Red cheeks and an engorged mouth were sure signs of her desire. She stared at herself for a long moment, trying to understand her hunger for a male she couldn’t have.

A likeness of Demir appeared above hers in the glass. She closed her eyes and tried to shut the image out of her mind.

“At last, we are alone.” It was
voice, the one she knew all too well.

Melissa stiffened and held her breath. She fought the urge to flee and turned around to face him.

He stood in front of her, palms up, as if she were a timid animal. His gaze focused on her mouth, then pulled up to her eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Yet, that’s exactly what he’d done. Her stomach clenched into a ball.

He grabbed a lock of her hair and caressed the fine strands between his fingers. “You remind me so much of her.”

Her body trembled. Fueled by the blood coursing through her veins, she retreated from him. The back of her legs hit the edge of the countertop. She lost her balance. Momentum forced her to sit, and her knees splayed apart.

Demir placed himself between her legs, spreading them further. Setting his hands on the cupboards, he caged her between his arms. His scent of rich musk and incense made her head spin.

“My sweet Eleanor.” Demir closed the small gap between them, and his arousal pushed against her mound. He leaned in, his fangs grazing the delicate skin next to her ear. “Come back to me.”

Melissa tried to swallow, but her mouth was like sandpaper. She pushed against his chest, trying to force him back. “I-I’m not…your Eleanor.” The words tripped over her tongue. Her adrenaline spiked as fear of his retribution spread through her body.

He stilled for a brief moment before he curled his arm around her waist. Although his movements were slow and sensual, she cringed at his touch. His scent clung to her skin, marking her as his.

“Melissssssa.” He purred her name, his breath sending shivers of dread down her spine. “I will pamper you, treat you like a princess. All I ask is that you become my concubine.” He licked her earlobe, pulling the soft flesh into his mouth, nipping at it with his teeth.

She squirmed under his onslaught. Her hands strained against his shirt, his pecs rock hard through the thin fabric.

“I saved you when you were human. You owe me. Why do you resist?”

With the bitter tang of disgust in her mouth, she turned her face away from him.

“I could force you. Would you like that?” He gripped her arms and shook her.

Her pulse raced.

“Answer me!” His yell echoed in the kitchen, the sound ringing in Melissa’s mind.

“I-I-please—” She struggled, not wanting to put him into a full-blown rage.

He bared his fangs in a show of dominance.

His display of authority lit her hatred, and a knot formed in her stomach. Fear and anger battled within, but anger won out. Words escaped her mouth before she could think better of it. “I despise you. I could never be your concubine.”

Demir winced, and she caught the pained expression in his eyes. His downturned mouth indicated the depth of anguish he carried for his lost Eleanor.

“You remind me so much of her. Don’t you understand?” He pulled back but didn’t release her from his grasp. From her hair to her eyes to her mouth, he studied every detail of her face.

She cringed at the sadness in his eyes, and her anger evaporated.

A low growl echoed in the room, and the hair on Melissa’s arms stood on end. Over Demir’s shoulder the outline of a large male Stiyaha was backlit from the light shining in from the corridor. Noeh!

Demir released his hold on Melissa and peered behind him. A snarl pulled at the corner of his mouth.

Noeh lunged at Demir, grabbing him from behind and throwing him across the room. Demir crashed into the cupboards, pots and pans of all sizes raining down on him.

Noeh rushed toward Melissa, his gaze tracing over her body, as if looking for any signs of injury. He pulled her close and stared into her eyes. Relief emanated from his body in waves. His protectiveness sent a shiver of delight into her chest.

A snarl emitted from across the room. Noeh tensed, his grip around Melissa tightening to the point she couldn’t breathe.

Demir had transformed into his beast form, a large black panther. His eyes glowed a fluorescent shade of yellow. He jumped onto the countertop, baring his sharp teeth.

Noeh released her and turned to face the large cat. He pulled his sword out of its sheath, slow and steady, liked a skilled warrior.
. The blade let out a shrill cry.

Using her skill as a dancer, Melissa slipped around Noeh and placed herself between the two males. Anxiety shot through her heart. “No, stop!”

A low growl rumbled from Noeh’s throat. He lunged forward to pull her out of the way.

“Noeh, stop, please.” With slow, cautious steps, she circled the middle of the room, doing her best to keep the two males from fighting.

BOOK: Untouchable Lover
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