Unwrapped (6 page)

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Authors: Erin McCarthy,Donna Kauffman,Kate Angell

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #Anthologies

BOOK: Unwrapped
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“Sure. If I win, which I will, you have to promise never to sing that Porky Pig song again.”

“Deal. And if I win, which I will, you have to wear the antlers all night.” He could make it so much worse, but they didn’t know each other well enough yet. He wasn’t sure how far her tolerance of pranks extended.


“Five minutes,” he told her. Reaching over for his cell phone he put it next to her head. “Time starts now.”

Then without waiting for her answer, he moved down the length of her body, pausing just long enough to flick his tongue over her breasts, and trail a line down to her belly button. Christian peeled her bikini bottom off, his mouth watering and cock throbbing. He wanted her so damn bad, more than he could remember wanting anyone in a very long time. He’d never really experienced this sort of instant attraction and it had him a little thrown at the same time he was enjoying every second with her.

Brushing his hands over her inner thighs, just barely touching the warm skin, he murmured, “Open your legs for me.”

She made a sound, maybe of shock, he wasn’t sure, but her gasp was followed by spreading her legs wide for him without hesitation. Christian teased his fingers over her flesh on either side of her sex, blowing on her clitoris at the same time. The tangy scent of her arousal was intoxicating and he closed his eyes briefly, reining in his own throbbing need, before refocusing on her.

It was all about the tease, just barely touching her, skimming over her with first his finger, then his tongue, then back to a finger, barely sinking into her wetness before retreating. Her clitoris was swollen and enticing, but he avoided it initially, just barely flicking his tongue over it. Blue’s breathing had altered, growing heavier, anxious, and her body started to shift restlessly.

Almost time, but not quite. Christian slid his tongue down her inner thighs, while his fingers were just a soft whisper over the small strip of hair she had. He moved to the smooth folds on either side of that perfectly groomed rectangle and licked the soft skin.

“Oh, damn,” she said. “Do something, please.”

That’s what he needed to hear. Shifting, he opened her with his fingers and moved his tongue from top to bottom and back again. The jerk of her thighs and the sudden grip of her hands into his hair were satisfying as hell and he started a quick, smooth rhythm, devoting most of his attention to her clitoris.

Sliding a finger inside her, he sought out the sponginess of her G-spot at the same time he gently sucked on her clitoris.

Blue’s hips bucked and she gave a gasp, her orgasm intense and beautiful, the climax of her inner muscles, the burst of slickness, and her heady cry all surrounding Christian. It was so sexy that as soon as she quieted down he was shoving his jeans and boxers down and digging in his pocket for his wallet, hoping there was still a condom in there.

She rolled her head to the side, gasping for air and picked up his phone. Squinting, she said, “Shit. Four minutes. You win.”

As if he cared at this point.

All he cared about was getting this condom on as fast as possible and burying himself in her.

When Blue started to sit up, he held her down by her hips. “Where are you going?”

Smirking, she said, “To get my antlers.”

“Later. Later I’ll make you dance naked in them.”

Another one of her priceless expressions flashed across her face. “I don’t f—”

He cut her off. “Later. Right now, I just need to be inside you.”

Her mouth fell into an O and her eyes darkened.

Christian took her knees and pushed them up and out, leaning down to give her a hard, demanding kiss. She had him so tight with hot need he suspected his earlier accomplishments getting her to orgasm were probably going to be trampled under his desperate pounding, but hey, she had to know how sexy she was and what that did to a man’s restraint.

Then he lost the ability to form words when he pushed inside her.

Swallowing about a garbage can full of spit, Christian closed his eyes and paused, his cock throbbing inside her slick heat. Shit. Nothing, no woman, had ever felt this good in his entire life. She commanded every ounce of his attention, every nerve ending in him strumming, his thoughts scattered, his senses overwhelmed.

When she said, “Oh, that’s just the best thing ever,” Christian couldn’t have agreed more.

Staring down at her beautiful face, brushing his lips over the softness of hers, Christian began to move inside her. With each slow stroke he took, she gave a soft moan of approval, and he moved a little faster, pushed a little harder. Blue lifted her hips to meet his thrust, and that was all the encouragement he needed. Hands on either side of her head, he braced himself and went at her, taking and pounding and gritting his teeth in agonized ecstasy.

Her moans got louder, her nails dug into his skin. His muscles tensed, his blood rushed past his ears with a buzzing, his body totally focused on that intimate, hot, wet connection with her.

When her inner muscles contracted around his erection and her cries froze and her eyes rolled back as she came for a third time, Christian let go of the tight hold he’d had on himself and crashed completely and totally out of control.

He yelled.

He shuddered.

He lost all rational thought as he came inside Blue.

And when he finally settled back down into his body and could process what he was seeing as hearing as well as feeling, he realized Blue was grinning up at him.

“Wow,” she said and laughed, the sound so free and joyous that Christian laughed breathlessly with her.

“That,” he told her. “Was epic.”

“Epic?” She ran her satin fingertips over his back. “I like.”

Christian sighed, his cock still pulsing a little inside her. “I like, too.”

He liked it, her, all of this, a whole lot.

Chapter Six

lue lay on the bed, legs tangled with Christian’s, lazily running her fingers over his chest. The muscles were addictive, truly. As could be the sex. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d called what had just passed between them epic. She had never been that aroused, that out of herself, yet so completely aware of every molecule in her body.

Amazing. Plain and simple.

Now she just wanted to yawn and laze on the bed like a satiated cat, but somehow she already knew that she had about thirty seconds before Christian started talking. He was a verbal guy, something she wasn’t really used to, but found she liked. There was something about his constant chatter that made her feel like he was a genuinely welladjusted guy happy with his life.

What a concept.

“You know, if you’re really, really nice to me I won’t make you wear the antlers.”

“Well, forget it then. I’ll wear the antlers.” Blue grinned as she nuzzled closer to him.

He chucked softly. “Then you don’t want to make love again in a little while? Because that’s what I meant by being really nice to me. Letting me touch and taste and pleasure you all over again.”

Christian had a way of taking her standard sarcasm and turning it so that she didn’t immediately have a quippy response. She had expected him to make a crack about getting him a drink or the chips and not only hadn’t he done that, he’d referred to sex as making love. She could honestly say never in her entire life had a man said that to her. It was always sex or any wide variety of crude nicknames, and that had never bothered her. In fact, she’d preferred it. Using the term making love had always seemed so cheesy to her, but right now, it seemed . . . natural.

That thing was happening again.

That weird swelling bubbly kind of feeling in her chest, like indigestion, but in a good way.

“Oh,” she said, without an ounce of cool. “I definitely want to do that again later.”

“Good.” He kissed the top of her head and shifted on the bed. “God, I’m starving. I need to eat something. You want a drink, babe?”

“Sure.” Blue leaned down and pulled on her bikini bottoms. For some reason, lounging topless was totally acceptable, but having a margarita on top of the bedspread buck naked was too much for her.

Christian didn’t seem to have the same reservations. He strolled around the room completely bare-assed, which was fine by her, because it was a damn good ass.

While he dug his hand into the Doritos bag and helped himself to a fistful, he said, “I wonder if there’s an ice machine? These margaritas would taste better with ice. I should look.”

“You should probably get dressed first,” Blue said, rolling onto her side and propping her head up with her hand.

He made a face at her at her mock innocent tone. “It’s a good thing I have you around, otherwise I’d be strolling outside into a blizzard naked.”

Blue laughed. “You should try sarcasm more often. That was pretty good.”

“Why, thank you.” Retrieving their cups from the nightstand, he poured more liquor into them, followed by mixer. Then taking the two bottles he opened the motel room door and plunked them down out in the snowdrift that had accumulated outside. “That will cool them down for later.”

Giving an involuntary yelp as the cold air wafted over her, Blue grabbed a bed pillow and plunked it down over her mostly naked body. “Are you crazy? Close the door! It’s cold and you’re naked! Someone will see you!”

He turned his head and shrugged. “Who the hell is going to see me? There is no one else here, Roy is asleep I’m sure, and there isn’t a single car out on the road. Besides, you said this room was too hot.”

All of which made total sense. “Nothing phases you, does it? You’re just chill all the time. That kind of freaks me out.”

Christian cocked a brow and slammed his fists together to crack all his knuckles. “It freaks me out that that freaks you out.”

“So we’re just a couple of freaks?”

“Seems that way.”

“Are you going to close the door?”

“Eventually. After I’ve proved my point that no one will ever see me—”

Christian’s words cut off and he started laughing.

“What?” Blue sat up and tried to look out the open door. Not that she wanted to get too close to it. It was damn cold and the wind was howling, kicking up snow. Christian actually had snowflakes on his feet.

“Someone just drove past. A female cop. She waved.” With that, he shut the door. “That was funny.”

“You’re lucky she didn’t ticket you for indecent exposure.”

He just shrugged, rubbing his arms. “Man, it’s cold out there.”

Really? Men could be just totally baffling. Blue balled up his T-shirt and threw it at him. “No kidding, Einstein.”

Catching the shirt, he said, “I’m not going to wear a shirt with no pants. That would really toss me into the pervert at the door category. Besides, it’s just hard to feel sexy with a shirt on and no boxers.”

“Then put on your boxers,” she drawled. “That seems a little obvious.”

He did step into his boxers then took a swig of his drink. “I’m too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts.” Then he did an impromptu strut, a sort of macho frat boy version of the catwalk, swinging his T-shirt.

Blue didn’t want to laugh. She really didn’t. But by the second pass when he had stuck his hand out and switched to “Do you think I’m sexy?” by Rod Stewart, she totally lost it.

“Oh, my God, you’re ridiculous.” She was laughing so hard it hurt, especially when he morphed into doing the sprinkler dance move, then did some hip thrusting in his boxers. “Stop.”

He did then pulled an innocent expression. “Stop what?” He handed over her drink and took another sip of his. “Want any of this food?”

“Sure. Bring the chips to bed and we can get under the covers since this room is, ahem, freezing now from having the door open for twenty minutes. Maybe there’s something on TV we can watch.”

They settled back into bed, Christian propped up against the headboard, pulling her against him. It was a nice position, all that warm naked man chest behind her, strong enough and broad enough that she just felt relaxed, not like she was crushing the life out of him.

“The temperature’s just right in here,” he told her in a teasing voice as he started channel surfing.

“Uh-huh.” Actually it was, but she wasn’t going to admit it.

It’s a Wonderful Life
is on.” Christian set down the remote on the bed.

Blue sat up and turned to search his face. “Are you
? I am not watching this schmaltzy crap.”

“Of course I’m serious. This is a great flick. I mean, the dude changes his life and gets a grip on what really matters.”

“That never happens in real life.”

The minute the words were out of her mouth, Blue wanted to retrieve them with a fish hook. Damn it. Now he was going to psychoanalyze her. Or worse, not even care that she’d said something so boo-hiss.

But all he said was, “Sure it does. Happens all the time. And the point of the movie is not to make a totally lost soul find himself, but to remind people who are mostly doing it right to keep on doing it right.”

Blue folded her arms over her bare chest as she frowned at the TV, leaning on his chest. “I still don’t want to watch it.”

“Fine. But if
Charlie Brown’s Christmas
is on we’re watching it.”

“You do realize that all those Christmas specials are horrible? I mean, something awful happens in every single one. The island of misfit toys, Charlie Brown’s pathetic little tree, Cindy Lou Who watching the Grinch steal all her presents, Frosty melting . . . they’re depressing.”

“They all have happy endings.”

Blue snorted. “Yeah, after everything sucked, anything even remotely okay seems brilliant.”

“Though I could never figure out why Frosty didn’t just toss a chair through the windows. I mean, he was melting in a glass greenhouse. He totally could have busted himself out.”

“You’ve put a lot of thought into it.” Blue picked up the remote, but somehow found herself not pushing the buttons, just staring blankly at Jimmy Stewart.

“So have you, obviously.” Christian brushed her hair off her shoulder.

She shrugged.

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