Unyielding (Tortured Love Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Unyielding (Tortured Love Book 1)
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He followed her gaze then chuckled softly. “It happens.” He led her out of the room and into the main hallway. Lynda glanced right and left as they walked.

“If the staff see us, they see us,” he said.

He must have sensed her hesitation because he picked her up around the waist and tossed her over his shoulder with no more effort than he’d fling a towel over it. She was too stunned to react. He walked toward the stairs, and she merely tried to keep breathing as hot desire raced through her again.

“Lynda, you’re my wife. We will both walk around this apartment naked every day if we want to. I assure you the staff will simply deal with it.” He climbed the stairs with her over his shoulder, and he barely sounded out of breath. His stamina amazed her. “I will fuck you in every room if I choose, and if they see us, I don’t give a shit.”

When they reached his room, he placed her on her feet so he could open the door, then he took her hand and led her to a large armchair. “Wait here a second.”

She watched him cross the room to an armoire, and bit her lip when he retrieved a box of condoms and a bottle of lube. “What do you plan on doing with those?”

He walked back to where she stood with a grin on his face that sent more shivers down her spine. “What do you think? I’m going to fuck your gorgeous ass.”

He placed the condoms and lube on a table next to the chair, then turned her around and smacked each ass cheek, hard. “But first I’m going to spank you, so you know who’s in charge around here.”


Chapter Twelve


Merrick sat in the chair, and before Lynda could process what he’d done, she was lying over his left thigh. He pinned her legs with his right thigh, and placed one hand across her lower back.

She gasped in shock as he gave each ass cheek five forceful smacks, alternating without stopping. She yelled in pain and surprise. It stung like crazy, but at the same time, her arousal went through the roof.

He caressed her ass cheeks. “Tell me you liked that. I know you did.”

She couldn’t lie. “I loved it.”

He made a satisfied noise deep in his throat, then brushed his hands over her ass and down her legs. “I love your ass. It’s so round and plump. And you have very nice legs.”

The way he worshiped her body was heavenly. Lynda couldn’t help but want more from this man.

“I’m not done with you yet, but tell me if it becomes too painful, understood?”


He spanked her again, ten more on each side, and Lynda wished she could take more, but she’d reached her limit. It had become more hurtful than pleasurable. “I’ve had enough.”

“Good girl. You need to tell me that every time. I don’t want to push you past your limits.”

She swallowed hard against the sudden lump in her throat. “I will. Promise. Thank you.”

He caressed her lower back tenderly. “This isn’t about hurting you. It’s about erotic new heights for both of us.”

She had to ask. “Have you done this with other women?”

“Yes, but not everyone likes it. Did the man who betrayed you ever spank you?”

She was glad he’d asked before she volunteered the information. It was good that they could talk like this. “Only playing around. Not like this.”

He reached around and caressed the side of her breast, forcing soft whimpers from her. “But you’ve wanted it like this, haven’t you?”

How the fuck did he know? “Yes. I never told anyone that.”

“Why not?”

Answering that question honestly would require a whole lot of explanation, and this was not the time for it. “I don’t know. Afraid I’d sound like a freak, I guess.” It was partially true.

“I understand that. You’re not, you know.”

“I know that now.”

He sighed. “Lynda, there are so many things I want to show you.”

And there are so many things I should be telling you.

He spread her ass cheeks, and she held her breath. She and Rey had done anal quite a bit, but it had been a while since anything except Merrick’s finger had been inside there. She heard the lube bottle and then grunted as what felt like two fingers slipped inside. He had put plenty of lube on them, so they were wet and warm, but it was the anticipation that it might hurt causing her to be hesitant.

“You okay?”

“Yes.” She forced her muscles to relax as he slowly moved his fingers in and out, gently stretching the walls. After a moment, it felt nice.
nice, and she began to moan softly as her desire built once more.

“You’re ready for my dick in there.” His voice was low and rough, and the tone of it sent shivers down her spine.

He placed her on her feet and told her to lean over the chair, with her arms and torso on the seat. She did as he asked, and then she watched him walk back to the armoire and take out some type of toy.

When he returned to where she stood, he caressed her ass cheeks, then reached underneath to rub her clit. Lynda groaned loudly, wanting him inside her now in the worst way.

“You’re impatient for me. I like that.”

Merrick gave each ass cheek a couple of hard smacks, and then slipped a strap around her hips. A small egg-shaped vibrator rested against her clit, and Lynda moaned louder as she realized what he intended to do.

He reached underneath to caress her breasts. “When I’ve had enough back door action, I’ll take off the condom and finish inside your hot pussy.”

Oh yes! Yes! Yes!
How could she say “no” to that? What was this power he held over her? She didn’t understand it, but she loved it.

He flipped on the vibrator, and Lynda cried out as tiny contractions spread throughout groin. By the time he put on the condom and put more lube into her ass with his fingers, she was well on her way to another climax. He slid his dick into her ass, and there was no pain. Only the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt.

! Baby, you are so goddamn
in there!”

She didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. All she could do was let it happen. He thrust slowly at first, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d pounded into her. She wanted it rough and hard. Her pussy continued contracting in intense spasms that spread out to her entire body. She felt nothing but the most exquisite pleasure as he increased his speed.

“Jesus Christ, Lynda. This is fucking mind-blowing. Please tell me you’re enjoying this.”

“Oh God, yes!”

He grasped her left breast with one hand and hung onto her hip with the other, pushing harder now, his own groans as loud as hers. When he pulled out, she was disappointed, but not for long. She heard him take off the condom, and then he shoved his cock roughly into her pussy.

Lynda yelled in pleasure as he fucked her deep and rough.
was what she craved from this man. She lost count of the individual orgasms. They simply coalesced into an endless array of wave after wave of contractions. Her arms brushed against the leather chair, which was damp now from her sweat.

Her pussy was sore and her legs shook from balancing like this, but Lynda didn’t want him to stop. It was so raw, but also the most erotic sex she’d ever had. She’d give this man anything he wanted for the rest of her life.

When he came, he stayed inside for long, luscious moments, thrusting slowly to squeeze out every drop. He switched off the vibrator and moved her so he could sit in the chair, and then he shocked the hell out of her by cradling her in his arms.

Their bodies were damp and both were still breathing heavily. Lynda closed her eyes and snuggled closer, drinking in everything about Merrick. His warmth, that hard body, and the musky scent of him.

She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that because she kept drifting off to sleep. When they finally stood, she had to pee, and started to leave the room.

“Are you coming back here afterward?”

She turned and stared at him, certain she’d misunderstood. “Do you want me to?”


Lynda nodded, too surprised to do anything else. She watched him walk into his bathroom and didn’t leave the room until she heard the tub emptying. She hurried to her room, took care of her needs, and then grabbed another robe to put on before returning to Merrick’s room.

He chuckled softly when he saw her in a robe again. “I’ll hide all your damn clothes and make you walk around here naked for a week straight, if that’s what it takes to convince you.”

She shrugged off the robe and tossed it onto a chair. “Be patient with me. This is new.”

“It shouldn’t be. Didn’t you have staff growing up?”

“Yes, but I didn’t walk around naked in front of them.”

He pulled back the covers on his bed and crawled under them, then patted the mattress. “Sleep with me.”

She didn’t need to be asked twice. Lynda climbed under the covers next to him, and he wrapped his arms around her. It felt so damn nice to be here, instead of sleeping alone. What had changed his mind?

So much had happened in the past day and a half that her head was spinning. She felt as if weeks had passed since she’d walked down the aisle on her father’s arm, as opposed to less than forty-eight hours.

Her family’s company had belonged to her for less than a day, and now it belonged to this man breathing softly next to her. This man who was her legal husband. This man who made love to her like no one ever had.

Lynda corrected her thoughts. Merrick had
her, not made love to her. There was no love involved here. Only one man had ever made love to her, and that was Rey. But now, looking back, Lynda had to question whether
was ever part of that relationship at all. He’d lied about everything else, so he’d probably lied about that, too.

Merrick’s breathing changed, leading her to realize he was already asleep. She should be, too, considering what they’d just done together. Everything ached, but was a sweet pain that brought delicious memories with it. As soon as the thoughts took shape, her body responded and Lynda’s mind finally quieted.

She didn’t want to think about Rey, or anyone else from her past. She only wanted to move forward from here, and sleep in her husband’s arms.


Merrick was up before the sun rose, as usual, but declined to work out after the events of last night. He watched Lynda sleeping next to him, resisting the urge to fuck her again. If he did, he’d never make it into the office today, and unfortunately he had to go.

He leaned over and kissed her hair, then took a quick shower so he didn’t linger in there and change his mind about staying in bed with his wife all day. She still wasn’t awake when he was dressed and ready to leave.

He was about to ask Chloe to let her know he was at the office, when he remembered how she’d come in search of him last night. He didn’t want her waking up and not knowing where he was again.

She’d gone out of her way to find him, and then had forgiven him for leaving her waiting in his bathroom like that. The least he could do was not repeat the behavior, so he left her a note, thanking her for last night, and assuring her he’d be home in time for dinner. Then he instructed Chloe to check on her and make sure she had everything she needed during the day, and that she knew how to reach him if necessary.

He was so absorbed in work all morning that it was noon before he was able to check his email and voice mail. Reporters had been calling all morning. Merrick deleted all the messages. That’s what he paid a PR staff to do.

He also found dozens of emails from acquaintances, asking why none of them had known he was getting married. Merrick put them in a folder to answer later. He didn’t have time right now.

Lynda hadn’t called, but he wasn’t disturbed by that. He hadn’t expected her to. His staff would take care of her. All morning his mind had played back memories from last night, and Merrick had to push them away each time, only because he had work that couldn’t wait. But now, as he ate his lunch at his desk, he allowed them to fill his consciousness.

His wife was the most incredible lover he’d ever had. No doubt about it. And he had the feeling he’d only scratched the surface of her passion and adventurous spirit. Merrick’s cock twitched as he recalled fucking her from behind, her ass nice and pink from the spanking he delivered beforehand.

He would love to repeat that, only this time he’d use a paddle on her and make those perfect round cheeks puffy and red. He wanted tears from his beautiful wife while he paddled her. He wanted to push her as far as she could go, and then some.

The only thing he hadn’t yet asked her to do was give him a blowjob. After what she’d told him about the teens at the party, he wanted to first make sure she’d be okay with it. He didn’t want to ask her to do something that might cause her further trauma. She’d been with the man she said had betrayed her for a long time, so it’s possible she had given him blowjobs, but until Merrick found out for certain, he’d have to live without them.

Merrick was both surprised and delighted that Lynda had accepted his lovemaking so quickly, and that she enjoyed it so much. He’d envisioned this marriage as a cold, distant, and uncomfortable period during which they might learn to tolerate each other’s presence in time. He couldn’t have asked for anything better from this situation, and he hoped she was pleased with how it had turned out as well.

His thoughts turned toward what he’d learned the prior afternoon, and just as he was about to call Alan and ask if he’d made any progress, an email from him came through. Merrick opened it immediately.

No luck on the teenage party issue yet, but I have complete info on the boyfriend of seven years. Call when you can. Would rather not put this in writing.

. That didn’t sound good at all, but at least it confirmed his suspicion that there was more to the story than she’d told him. Merrick’s appetite was gone now so he pushed aside the sandwich and called Alan.


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