Up Over Down Under

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Authors: Micol Ostow

BOOK: Up Over Down Under
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Table of Contents
Making Waves Down Under
After a few graceless hours in the water, Eliza had managed to lock down a routine of sorts:
Step 1: Paddle your arms really hard when Macca says “Go.”
Step 2: Hop up on the board when Macca yells “Up.”
Step 3: Wave your arms around frantically like a windmill.
Step 4: Careen into the water.
It wasn't quite surfing, but it was something.
Eventually she started getting the hang of it. That was to say, she got the hang of those four steps.
Paddle, hop up, freak out, fall over.
At least she finally stopped looking like she was being attacked by a swarm of bees each time she hopped back up onto the board. Soon she could even stay up on it for a few seconds and, yes, even “feel” the waves carrying her along.
The best part, though, was when they would take a break to catch her breath. She would climb up to sit on the board, and Macca would climb on behind her, resting his palms on her shoulders as their feet drifted in the surf. She would lean back against him until she felt up to another go. They'd wait for the right wave, Eliza lying on the board and Macca floating next to her, his hand on the small of her back until he would yell “Go!”
Eliza would paddle furiously and then hop up onto the board and, once in a while, the wave would catch the board and begin pushing it toward the shore. And there would be Macca, catching her eye, a smile on his face as big as the one on Eliza's.
MICOL would like to thank: Noah Harlan, writing partner, handyman, film buff, best friend; Jodi Reamer, warrior princess; Kathi Appelt, southern gothic mentor-type; Angelle Pilkington, SASS-y editrix and gossip partner; and Kris Gilson, patient Puffin boss-woman.
NOAH would like to thank: Micol Ostow, writing partner, writing guide, and mentor extraordinaire, general inspirer, best friend; Angelle Pilkington, editor-o-rama; Kris Gilson; Clan Harlan (Josh, Trinity, Leonard, Fleur) and, especially, Elizabeth Harlan, the original Harlan family YA author.
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Copyright © Micol Ostow and Noah Harlan, 2010
Up over down under: a super special / Micol Ostow and Noah Harlan. p. cm.—(S.A.S.S.: Students Across the Seven Seas)
Summary: When sixteen-year-olds Eliza of Washington, D.C., and Billie of Melbourne, Australia, participate in a semester-long ecology exchange program, Eliza's plan to “cut loose” out of the public eye goes awry, while Belinda must consider tempering her idealism in order to work within the system.
eISBN : 978-1-101-42735-4
[1. Self-actualization (Psychology)—Fiction. 2. Foreign study—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction. 4. Ecology—Fiction. 5. Washington (D.C.)—Fiction. 6. Melbourne (Vic.)—Fiction. 7. Australia—Fiction.] I. Harlan, Noah. II. Title.
PZ7.08475Up 2010 [Fic]—dc22 2009027241
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