Urge to Kill (1) (41 page)

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Authors: JJ Franklin

BOOK: Urge to Kill (1)
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‘Mr Draper.’

He gave her only a cursory glance.

‘Mr Draper, talk to me. We’ll try and get you whatever you need.’

‘I need nothing.
“Finish what you have started, Clive.”
That’s what you always say, Mother.’

Jenny moved closer to Clive.

‘Clive, I want you to leave this now.’

Matt could see what she was trying to do, but she was treading a fine line and could antagonise him instead. Clive glanced in her direction again.

‘Shush, Mother is asleep. Asleep with the birds.’ Clive giggled at this. ‘Shush.’

Jenny seemed at a loss. Below Clive the group looked as if they were preparing to move. Matt could see it was going to be difficult to move at any speed with an injured person between them. Clive had picked up on their intentions.

‘No. You must not take her. She is mine.’

Clive had sat himself sideward on the beam. He looked about to throw himself off. It was hard to judge from where Matt was, but he seemed to be over Eppie. The island was small, leaving little option for her and the others. He wanted to shout out for Eppie to throw herself in the water. That would give her the best chance.

Jenny was pacing up and down. She looked angry.

‘Right, I’ve had enough of this. We’ll have to go up and get him.’

‘Wrong move,’ Matt muttered beside himself. The paramedic gave his arm a squeeze in sympathy. Matt heaved himself to his feet again and staggered towards Jenny. This time, the paramedic did not try to stop him.

There was a general gasp as Clive first crouched and then rose to his feet, balancing precariously on the narrow beam. Matt realised he would be able to take better aim from that position. It would be like diving.

Would Eppie, who was injured, be able to move out of his way fast enough? Matt doubted it, even if there was anywhere to go on the small rocky island. He needed to reach Jenny, tell her what to do.

‘It’s me he really wants to hurt. Let me distract him.’

Matt thought at first that Jenny was going to refuse but then she nodded ungraciously and Matt stepped forward. He was trying to recall the details of a basic course on negotiating, taken many years ago. Something about making friends with the hostage taker. He didn’t think that was going to work with Clive. Aware that the paramedic was close behind him, he took a couple of deep breaths and stepped forward.


Clive turned towards him. He tottered and went into a crouch in an effort to regain his balance.

‘Detective Inspector Turrell. I thought I had dispatched you?’ Clive said, giving Matt his attention for the moment.

‘I have to admit, you certainly got the better of me, Clive.’

‘That was a foregone conclusion, Inspector. You didn’t have a chance. I am too clever.’

‘Very clever. I can’t begin to understand how you managed it all, right under my nose, too. I must be really stupid.’

Matt kept his gaze on Clive, although it hurt to keep his head at this angle. He dared not drop his eyes to Eppie for a moment, in case this drew Clive’s attention to her. He hoped the group would realise what he was doing and manage to get away.

Clive was laughing out loud, a strange, almost manic laugh that bounced about until only the lingering echoes remained.

‘You are very, very stupid, Inspector, if you think you can distract me from my task.’

Matt cursed as he watched Clive stand again. He sought for something to hold him.

‘I really would like to know how you managed to outwit me. After all, you wouldn’t want anyone else to take the credit; the fame belongs to you. There’s always a copycat waiting, one who could take your glory away.’

Clive hesitated, and it was as if the room held its breath. Then he turned back towards Matt.

‘No one will follow me. No one has the power.’

Matt watched as Clive lifted up his arms as if speaking to his disciples. The man was raving. Then he stopped, lowered his arms and, for a moment, Matt thought he might forget himself and take a step forward.

But Clive’s attention was focused on something behind Matt. Matt turned to follow his gaze. Standing just inside the swimming pool was Sam. By his side was Ben.

Sending up a silent thanks to Sam, Matt prayed that the young man would agree to help them. Sam had obviously told Ben what was going on as he looked pale and frightened. Sam brought him across to Matt.

‘Ben says he’ll do his best, Guv.’

Matt nodded, feeling his strength fading. From nowhere, the paramedic had procured a folding chair for him to sit on, and he sank down thankfully onto it, nodding for Ben to come closer. The young man bent his head to listen to Matt’s whispered instruction.

‘Thanks for doing this. It won’t be easy, but this could help us save the lives of the people over there. Clive is threatening to jump on them, and I don’t fancy their chances if he jumps from that height. I need you to persuade him to come down to you. Say whatever you think he wants to hear. And remember, he is mentally unbalanced at the moment.’

Ben nodded and Matt was relieved he had caught on fast.

‘Don’t talk to that man, Ben. He is my enemy,’ Clive shouted from above, his voice booming throughout the vast complex.

Ben took a large step away from Matt.

‘I’m here for you. That’s all.’

‘I knew you would come. See, I have them all at my feet.’

‘You sure do, Clive.’

‘I have wanted to tell you all about my powers.’

‘Ha, I already knew you’re special. Come on, how could I forget Sunday?’

Despite being thrown into this bizarre situation, Ben was doing really well, lightening the situation and recalling good moments. Matt watched as Clive sat down on the beam. He was relaxing. That was good.

‘I wanted to tell you all about it then, when you held me,’ Clive said.

‘I’ll hold you now and you can tell me,’ Ben replied.

‘Like mother. Mother, where is mother?’

Clive was looking around and starting to get agitated. Matt whispered across to Ben. ‘Tell him she is sleeping.’

‘Mother is having a nap right now. Clive, come down so we can be together.’

‘Shush. Mother is asleep.’

‘Time for us now.’

‘She wouldn’t hold me.’

‘I’ll hold you.’

This needed to end and quickly. Matt could see Jenny, who had been joined by McRay, was getting restless. He whispered to Ben again.

‘Move closer, but not too close. Encourage him to come down.’

Ben moved along the edge of the main pool. Matt could see Jenny shake her head and move to stop him, but McRay put a hand out to hold her back. Clive had gone quiet, hugging himself and thinking.


‘Is she warm enough?’

Matt thought Ben seemed unsure of what to say, and he was now too far away for Matt to coach him.

‘Well, we could go together and check her out,’ Ben said, which was precisely what Matt would have advised.

Clive giggled. ‘She won’t like that. She won’t like it at all.’

‘Let’s go to my place, then. I just want to hold you, Clive.’

‘Love me?’

‘Love and hold you.’

Matt could imagine how hard it must be for Ben to be saying these things to a person he had just found out was a serial murderer. He had done very well, but now his words were starting to have a hollow ring to them. It might be time to take over, but he was sure it shouldn’t be him.

Matt looked over to Jenny who seemed to have the same idea, and she was walking forward to stand besides Ben. He just hoped she could play it differently and keep the strident tone out of her voice.

‘Clive, do you think it might be a good idea to come down now and join your friend? You have won, and he wants to congratulate you.’

Everyone waited. Then Ben had the inspired idea to hold up his hands to Clive, beginning a clap that was hesitantly picked up around the room. Soon, the whole room was clapping. Up on the beam Clive seemed stunned, then he began to laugh, a mad, fierce sound. The clapping slowed and then petered out. Jenny was prompting Ben.

‘Clive. Please come down to me.’

Still laughing, Clive began moving along the crossbeam. As he reached the junction with the supporting pillar, he swung himself across, then paused, grasping on with one hand while holding the other aloft, a bit like an actor acknowledging his audience, before starting to climb downwards.

It was as if everyone in the area knew this was a crucial moment. No one moved. Clive must be safely on the ground and away from the pillar before he could be arrested.

Jenny was talking to Ben. Matt guessed she was asking if he would move towards Clive as if to greet him. Ben started to move forward, going around the side of the pool, while Jenny’s hand held the others in check. Matt was holding his breath. Could this whole nightmare be over at last?

Clive slid the last few feet to the ground and held his arms out to Ben. Ben backed away in revulsion. Jenny gave a quick signal and Clive found both his arms held securely by two uniformed officers. His face twisted with pain at Ben’s repulse, Clive was led away, screaming nonsense. There was no way he could be tried as a sane man.


att couldn’t remember too much of what happened straight afterwards. He vaguely recalled being moved to a trolley and of it speeding down the corridor to the lobby. The fluorescent lights whizzed by overhead and made his eyes hurt so much that he wanted to shut them, but he forced them to stay open. He needed to see for himself that Eppie was really safe.

The lobby seemed dizzyingly full of people. For a brief moment, he was aware of Mrs Trowbridge hovering over him, while the background was filled with police and paramedics.

He could see Jenny, halfway out the door, trying to get away from McRay. He wanted to ask how Fluff was but no one seemed to be taking any notice of him. He felt invisible, way below everyone’s eyesight. They all seemed intent on their own tasks.

Matt could see an ambulance, drawn up at the entrance, doors open waiting to receive him. He tried to sit up, to protest, only to find that he was tied down in some way. He had to make someone listen to him. Then the trolley stopped and his own friendly paramedic crouched beside him.

‘It’s OK, mate. We’ve just fastened you in for the ride. You’re going to be all right.’

‘Eppie.’ It was all Matt could manage. He was relieved to see the man stand and look around as if searching for her.

Then she was there beside him, smiling and reaching out from her wheelchair to hold his hand. He found himself squeezing her hand, unable to say any of the things he wanted to, like not wanting to face life without her, but it didn’t matter right now.

Matt was annoyed when McRay’s dark bulk bent over him, spoiling the moment.

‘Well done, Matt.’ McRay patted him gingerly on the shoulder, as if afraid he would break. Matt let go of Eppie’s hand and forced himself to ask. ‘Fluff, Grant?’

But from the look on McRay’s face, he knew the news wasn’t good.

‘DC Meadows—touch and go, but she is getting the best care. DI Grant will be fine.’

Matt thought of the debt he owed to them both.

McRay had turned to Eppie.

Afterwards, Matt wasn’t sure he had quite heard what was said, but it sounded like, ‘I hear you played a big part in the apprehension of this murderer. Maybe you should think about joining the force, Mrs Turrell.’

Matt also hoped he had imagined the gleam in Eppie’s’ eye at this suggestion.


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