Vampire King of New York (26 page)

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Authors: Susan Hanniford Crowley

BOOK: Vampire King of New York
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He didn’t expect her to giggle. “Max, your pants are on.”

Shaking his head, he leaned up to ease out of them. She did the same with the skirt.

“No stockings?”

“I decided not to wear them.”

He took off his red boxers. When he emerged, she glanced away although Max knew she really watched. He was naked now and she was not.

Lowering his face to her breasts, he nuzzled her plump silkiness, nibbling his way down the straps. Revealing one nipple, he used his tongue to roll the rosy peak in his mouth. She moaned, clawing at his back. Oh, he liked that. Really liked that. Then he moved the other strap down, pulling down the cup. He kissed that nipple into his mouth. Evelyn cried out. He liked the sounds she made when she was helpless in his arms. He wasn’t sure whether it was in her nature to keep her control or just a bad habit caused by a man that didn’t appreciate her. Tonight she would learn that he worshipped her, that he was a different kind of man.

After suckling at her, he released her. She sounded disappointed. When exposed to the air the nipple tightened from the momentary pause.

“You didn’t have to stop,” she whispered.

He helped her up, reaching behind her to free her of the bra and tossing it with their growing pile of clothes.

“Wait.” Evelyn shimmied out from under him and took off her panties. Then flung them behind her. The fire sizzled. She turned to see them up in flames on the hearth. “Oh, no.”

Max was beside himself with laughter. He’d never seen anything so funny in the heat of passion. He fell against her chuckling.

“Well, at least I didn’t rip it off you this time.” He burst out laughing again.

She shook her head, but giggled. “Okay. Okay. Where were we?” Evelyn lay against the rug, and Max leaned over her admiring the view.

Then he started laughing again. “I can’t help it.”

“That’s it.” In frustration, she grabbed him by the hair and pulling him to her, kissed him. Between each hot, searing kiss, she said, “You are my Max. You are mine.”

He enjoyed this very much, her being in charge. He repeated, “You are mine.” She kissed him harder, almost biting him. If only she would. “You are my Evelyn.”

Finally she was his. Relaxing beneath her touch, he relished her being in charge. He repeated, “You are mine.” Finally he had her, and even though the truce was for one night, he never intended on letting her go.

Being feverish in his conquest, Max nibbled and caressed every part of her body. She was satin to his fingers, and he couldn’t stop touching, exploring the firm milk-white peaks, the soft curve of her waist, the silken gold curls that formed a small vee just where her legs closed. He pushed her legs apart, and lowered his face to taste her. Like honey mead, she made him dizzy.

“Max, I was supposed to be in charge.”

He peered up at her. “Not happening, my Evelyn.”

She giggled. Then his face disappeared again. She squirmed and moaned as he sought entrance with his tongue and pushed into her.

Evelyn tingled all over with what he was touching and caressing with his tongue. Her first inclination was to pull away, but she had done that all her life. Oh, whatever Max’s tongue was touching made her quiver all over. She gasped and then relaxed, every part of her sinking into that soft white rug. Evelyn had lost all control and she didn’t care.

She closed her eyes. He pushed further and she clawed the rug. “Max, more.”

He stopped and peered up at her again. “How much more?”

“You’re being wicked.”

“I hope so.” He chuckled and the sound rolled through her with delicious heat. Then they were face-to-face. Max brushed his lips against hers, softly, barely touching.

“Are you teasing me?”

“Am I?”

She reached up and touched his face. “Sometimes I think you would look amazing in a beard, but then I think that would be going backward in time for you.”

“It would. But if you’d prefer a beard, I’d grow one for you.” He kissed her again but this time with more fire.

It caught her off-guard. She thought she had been ready for all his moves. He didn’t close his eyes but instead looked deeply into hers when he kissed her. All her reasons for not being with him disintegrated into ash. He was seeing into her. There were a billion things she would hide. Things she was ashamed of. Things she had put aside in order to live each day. He looked into her and saw her raw, exposed. In a knowing way, he moved back.

With a small smile curving his lips, he said, “Evelyn, I need you to listen.”

“Yes, Max.”

“I love you. If you want to stay a human, that’s fine. I can accept that. I can accept anything about you. I want to be with you.”

“Max, we said for tonight …”

“I know that, my Evelyn. But you are my dream, and I want more than the dream of you forever.” He embraced her at the same time, plunging into her. Taking her mouth in a deep kiss, he pushed and retreated slightly, before pushing again.

Evelyn closed her eyes. She pushed against him, wanting every inch of him. It was happening again—more than a joining—his blood was her blood. She felt his emotions rise like a tiger on the prowl. Instinctively, she curled her body to form with his. Max protectively covered her. The whole protective vibe washed over her, melding with her feelings, but she knew it was his. She giggled.

He paused. “Am I doing something funny?”

With eyes half closed, she gazed up at him. “No, it’s grander than I expected.”

“But I made you laugh.”

“You’re in protective mode.”

He leaned back on his knees and brought her with him. This made him plunge deeper, and she gasped trying to catch her breath. Max fully embraced her. The soft blond hair on his chest against her breasts caressed like a hundred tiny fingers. She shivered uncontrollably.

“My Evelyn,” he growled seductively in her ear. “You are my lifemate, and I would protect you with my life. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to please you.”

Then their bodies went into hyperdrive, completely out of control. Evelyn arched her back. Pleasure roared in her veins, pulsing, pushing. Then like a thousand stars twinkling, they settled into the blanket of the dark, contentment covering her.

Max lowered her to the floor.

“My Max,” she whispered.

He started moving in and out again. Evelyn realized he had pushed her to the brink but not for himself. Max was still unfulfilled, and she was going to do something about it.

She tried to flip him. Okay, that didn’t work.

“My Max, I want to be on top.”

He grinned. “No.” Max kissed her lips, then her jawline, then her neck.

“You said just seconds ago that there is nothing you wouldn’t do to please me.”

Max leaned up on his elbows and narrowed his eyes. Evelyn almost laughed again but kept it in. That was his look when he was skeptical.

“I want to be on top. I want to please

This was the second time she had said this during their sexual play. No one had wanted to please him out of love for over a thousand years. When she said it, he knew she loved him. He rolled onto his back, carefully keeping them joined. Now on top, Evelyn squeezed him from the inside. He moaned; she lay down against him moving seductively like a jungle cat. Max closed his mouth when he realized it had dropped open.

Evelyn touched his lips with her fingers. “Ah, ah, ah, open that mouth.” He did and she stroked his fangs. He closed his eyes, trying to hide the feelings she aroused.

She giggled. “I’m getting to you, aren’t I?”

“No,” he gasped.

“Yeah, right. You said that lifemates feel each others’ feelings.”

In a blur, he flipped her on her back.

She glared at him. “No, Max. Put me back.”

He sighed. Secretly he chuckled. This was all a game.

With her on top again, she began a dance moving up and down his body. Her hot wet core brushed along his shaft but denied him entrance. She did this several times, kissing and nipping at his shoulders, his chest, his tight abdomen.

“You’re not fair, my Evelyn.”

“You’re complaining?”

“I need you. I never deny your need.”

She brushed her shoulder length blond hair over his long, swollen manhood. Then she licked him like a Popsicle.

He was just about to shout, enough, when Evelyn rose up on her knees and lowered herself inch by inch by inch onto him.

Max sat up and grabbed her around the waist, pulling their bodies more tightly together. He growled, “My love, I need you to go faster and have no mercy on me.”

Evelyn grew more aggressive in her dance, slamming into him with vigor. He rammed into her over and over. Then it hit, slamming him down with the release. She collapsed on top of him. Better than salmon blood was all he could think. He had to keep her. Sooner or later, she would profess her love for him. He was willing to wait as long as she demonstrated her love through passion.

She dozed for a while and he let her. Max enjoyed touching her. He enjoyed that they were still connected. He had to appreciate that he had exercised caution with her human body, and although she might try to keep up with him, that was a physical impossibility. While she slept, he explored. Her breasts were so delectable. He loved her feet too. They were on the small side. What he loved best were the sensual curve of her hips. He placed both hands on her hips. All Max could think about was how wonderful it would be to be a father again. To have a child with Evelyn would make him happy.

Evelyn moaned and moved. She lifted herself up, her eyes still half closed. “Stop what you’re doing, Max.”

“What’s that?”

“Taking inventory of my body.”

“I’m just admiring you.”

She giggled, but before she could speak again. He had her on her back then turned on her stomach.

“Max, what are you doing?”

He tucked a pillow under her hips. “I’m just having a little fun.” Max reached around her and fondled her breasts.

“You’re starting something.”

“Not really. I’m hoping to finish something, so you’ll sleep the day away with me.”

“Why don’t you just ask if I’ll spend the day with you in bed?” She tried to turn over but he had her effectively pinned. Max grinned. He had anticipated that move.

“Will you stay with me, my Evelyn?”

“I would love to. Now let me up.”

“Not until I have given you more pleasure.” He nibbled at the back of her neck.

She swooned, falling almost unconscious. With her breathing shallow, she said, “Max, what are you doing?”

His fingers massaged her core into a slick, inviting channel. Evelyn moaned and writhed beneath him. With one easily movement, he slid into her again. She cried out in surprise melting into ecstasy. He explored and caressed every bit of her.

Closing her eyes and relaxing into his touch, she took a deep breath and released it. Wave after wave of bliss flowed into her and spread out to every finger and toe. His fangs grazed the back of her neck, and she moaned for release.

“Please, finish. Please.”

“Yes, my love.” He pushed them to frantic limits, entwining their bodies. Each movement elevated desire, countless echoes of passion. Again and again they joined, each perfect orgasm shattering the one before.

Evelyn didn’t know when she passed out, but she was having the time of her life. How could she ever give up Max?

She had to be dreaming.

Evelyn couldn’t remember how she’s gotten to this cliff in Norway. She was dressed as Svenna. On her knees, she wept and begged for Reynard’s return. The sunset behind the mountains was the only glimmer of light striping the dark. The air turned cold and shimmered on her breath. Svenna shivered and turned back to her village. A wolf stood in her way.

Evelyn sat up in bed. Gasping she turned to Max. He was adorable; he slept with his mouth partially open. The fangs were clearly visible. She was tempted to touch them, but if she did she would awaken him which would arouse him, and she needed her rest.

Laying her head back down, she closed her eyes to sleep, but it wasn’t any good.

“Trouble sleeping, my love?”

“Yes, a little.” She rolled over facing away from him.

“Something is worrying you?”

“Max, we’re so different. How are we going to make this work?”

“We will, Evie. Stop worrying.”

She turned back to face him. “And when did I give you permission to use my family nickname?”

Now he was worried. He didn’t want to offend her. “I just thought …”

“I don’t know,” she said. “If you’re going to use my nickname, I will have to come up with one for you.” Evelyn had a mischievous glint in her eye. “How about Maxie?”

He made a face. “No.”

The smile softly curved her lips, as her hand reached under the sheet and grasped his fully awakened shaft. “What about Maximum?”

He chuckled and leaned over to kiss her. So close they shared the same breath. “Only between you and me in private. I don’t want your sister calling me that.”

Evelyn laughed, her eyes half closing in that seductive gaze he had come to recognize. “And of course, you’re ready to play again.” She danced her fingers up and down his length.

Max leaned over her until she was beneath him. “I am ready, Evie, whenever you are.” He kissed her again.

She was trembling again, and he couldn’t figure out what the emotion he was reading meant.

“Why are you afraid of me?”

Evelyn reached up and tousled his hair. “No, Maximum.” Her smile warmed his blood. “I tremble with excitement, with the anticipation of you.”

Max wanted to take her right then, but he held off. Instead he turned and opened the drawer of the nightstand and took out a small brown paper wrapped package. It was heavily taped with clear cellophane. He faced her and gave her the box.

Evelyn sat up confused. She had been looking forward to another bout of fierce lovemaking. Taking the small box, she rolled it around in her hands.

“Isn’t this the box that fell into the sea?”

“Yes and no.”

“Oh.” She tried to open it, but the tape was too extreme. “I’m going to have to get some scissors. Perhaps I should open it later.”

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