Vampire King of New York (7 page)

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Authors: Susan Hanniford Crowley

BOOK: Vampire King of New York
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Evelyn slid down the wall and sat on the floor. She didn’t want everyone to see her shaking. Laura inched back from the crowd and joined her against the wall.

Max sat in a chair and the knights sat on the floor. To Evelyn, even though it was not a throne, he appeared every bit the king. She bit her lower lip and trembled inside. His concern, anger, and sadness washed over her. These were not her emotions. She was experiencing the turmoil inside Max, but Evelyn also felt his strength. If anyone could lead the Arnhem Knights to catching the killer, Max could. She was confident of that.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet another Telkhine in our city, Laura’s sister, Evelyn,” Max said.

She immediately stood up, her back against the wall. Nowhere to hide. “But I …”

Laura spoke directly to her mind. Her sister stood beside her.
Say nothing. Only smile

Knights came up to her, bowed, and shook her hand.

Max cleared his throat and was the center of attention again.

“Evelyn was attacked the other night, and I believe the two cases are related.”

The cop opened his notepad. “Ms. Cordelais, a description, please.”

“A woman wearing sunglasses.” The instant the words fell out of Evelyn’s mouth, she felt lame.

“Anything else?”

“Her memory has been tampered with,” Laura said. “Possibly a vampire.”

“But if it were a vampire, she wouldn’t have remembered anything.” The cop jotted more notes in his notepad.

“She’s a Telkhine,” Max intervened. “Erasing her memories would be more difficult, hence the partial memory.”

“Hence?” David chuckled.

Max frowned. “Listen up, everyone. If anyone sees Evelyn alone, it is your responsibility to protect her. She may be attacked again. We have to stop this rogue vampire or whatever it is, before it takes another victim. David, I want only teams of four in the field. One team must always remain at the Arnhem Society.” Looking over the crowd, he paused in thought. “Hatcher, what are you doing here?”

Hatcher stood up. “I came to help, Max. It’s as simple as that. Make me an Arnhem Knight.”

“That is not a simple request. To be an Arnhem Knight is to exist for others. You would have to obey me without question. You would have to put aside your philosophies, your agenda. The Knights come first. Nothing else matters but the work a Knight vows to do.”

“In my existence, I’ve seen my family and my village destroyed, and I could not stop it. Now you risk losing the village of your making and its peace. New York has been a sanctuary for many—human and supernatural. I am finished with avenging my past. I want to hunt down the rogue, before any more humans suffer the same fate.” Hatcher knelt before Max. “Besides, I want to help save your village and make it my permanent home.”

Max grinned “The request has been made. Are there any who would speak against this vampire?”

No one spoke.

“Hatcher, do you acknowledge your past is dead? If you agree, say
I do

“I do.”

“Do you pledge your complete obedience and loyalty to me as your sovereign?”

“I do.”

David handed Max a sword.

“Do you vow never to question my authority? If you agree, say
I do vow

“I do vow.”

“Do you vow to protect humans from death by vampires?”

“I do vow.”

“Do you vow to give your assistance and protection to any supernatural in danger?”

“I do vow.”

Max tapped him on each shoulder with the sword then held it over Hatcher’s head. “This is a symbol of the lives you hold in your hands every time you take to the street.” Lifting the sword higher, he bowed to the new Arnhem Knight. “Rise, Sir Hatcher. Rise and join your brethren. Now there are ninety-seven Arnhem Knights in New York.”

Max returned the sword to David and turned once more to the crowd that congratulated Hatcher with slaps on the back.

“Normally we celebrate the making of a new Knight with one hell of a party. Unfortunately, that will have to wait.”

With clipboard in hand, David rejoined Max’s side.

“Everyone see David for your new assignments.”

“May I speak, sir?” the new knight asked.

“Yes, Hatcher.”

“The scent of myrrh could indicate we’re up against an ancient.”

Max’s mouth drew tight into a line. The room of knights grew silent, as their leader sat down. He rubbed his chin, while all assembled awaited his response. “David, change the assignments. I want an elder or ancient on every team. Put me on a team too.”

Evelyn gasped. She hadn’t meant for it to be audible, but it was. All of her growing feelings for Max gushed out of her like blood in that moment. Being embarrassed was one thing, but fearing for Max was a new and painful experience for her.

He smiled at her. His smile could warm her toes from across the room.

David leaned over to him. “Right. Everyone, line up for your assignments.”

David called out names in groups of four.

Evelyn went into the kitchen. She could still see the living room through the open door, but at least there was more distance between her and the Arnhem Knights. She wanted to be removed from this process; after all, being human, she shouldn’t have been involved. It’s not like she was a real Telkhine.

She couldn’t believe it when Max introduced her as a Telkhine, as if she had powers. On top of that, she was going to be guarded by the Arnhem Knights. Max was one thing, but … she actually didn’t mind being guarded by Max, tall, strong, vampire Viking, Max. Ooh, Max. Sheer lust shuddered through her, when she felt his attention on her. Whenever her thoughts drifted to Max, she sighed. He was hot. Every time he touched her, her reserve melted.

Everything about this situation overwhelmed her. Evelyn wasn’t sure where she was going in life, but she planned on leaving the vampire world behind. Slivers of a nightmare intruded on her thoughts and she shivered. Whatever that woman was terrified her. She could almost hear her damning words again. Almost. Not quite. What did she say again?
Lose your way.
No, that wasn’t really it. There was more. Did Max really think she could be a victim again?

Bewildered, and trying to anchor her thoughts on anything she could feel safe with, Evelyn opened the refrigerator and reached for a quart of orange juice. It was right next to the bottles of blood. Evelyn chuckled to herself.
Yes, I live in a place filled with blood


She dropped the quart. He caught it and replaced it on the shelf. Max was fast. She turned to face him, and he shut the refrigerator door and leaned against her.

“Evelyn, may I kiss …?”

Before he finished asking, she kissed him, standing on her toes. He bent down holding her tightly around the waist, their bodies melded together. Liquid fire rolled through her veins like thunder. Consumed by desire, every part of her demanded him. She flung her arms around his neck. The slightest pressure of his tongue, and she opened her mouth to receive him. The bond between them burned into her soul.

When their lips parted, her eyes were still closed; her hands were shaking. Max kissed her on the forehead.

“Evelyn, I have to go now.”

She opened her eyes, her heart in her throat. “Max, you’re still trying to heal.”

“I’ve recovered enough to join the hunt and fight if necessary.”

“Be careful, Max.” She wanted to say don’t go, but Evelyn already knew Max wouldn’t like that.

The smile that graced his face when he looked at her, his intense gaze of longing, and those generous lips blazed like the sun, warmed her entire body. He turned and with a group of smirking knights, left. Her heart sank with the close of the door.

It felt like her life had walked out never to return and that feeling froze her to her core. She barely knew him. But somehow she had always known him. They hadn’t made love yet, but her body tingled as if they had—many times, and each time unique and earth-moving. Just thinking about it made her tremble with excitement.

“Evie. Snap out of it. I need you.”

Shaking herself from the haze, Evelyn looked around. Laura handed Hatcher a list and a credit card.

“Charge it to VMeer Industries. Be back soon. Take a partner with you.”

Hatcher and another vampire were gone in a blur. You’d think, after living with Laura and David for almost a year, she’d be used to their speed.

Laura thrust a large book covered in gator hide at her. “You’re going to help me make two hundred and twenty-five doses of the cure to those evil little arrows. It’s on page two hundred and forty.”

Once she got the hang of it, Evelyn was amazed how she could make so many single doses of dandelion wine and vinegar. They filled every glass and jar in the place, until Hatcher returned with their supplies which included two hundred and fifty vials, and their caps.

“Just in case, we need to make more,” Laura said.

They quickly poured the doses into the pre-measured packages then set up to make more. It was sunrise before they finished.

Evelyn was thankful it was Sunday and she could sleep in, but her heart ached preventing any peace.

Laura was cleaning up the kitchen, when Evelyn grabbed her by the arm.

“Laura, I need to talk to you without the others overhearing.” Two Arnhem Knights remained in the living room.

They went into Evelyn’s bedroom and shut the door.

“Can Max die?”

Laura waved the incredulous thought away with her hand. “Of course not. What makes you think Max could die?”

“Oh, I don’t know. He got shot by a poison arrow. And if you didn’t have the antidote in that weird voodoo book Mama Joe sent you from New Orleans, he would have. Am I right?”

“Yes, but …”

“Yes, he could. And I’m totally freaked out. Max can’t die!”

Laura hugged her sister to her. “Evie, honey, calm down. Max isn’t going to die. Give him some credit, okay? He is an ancient. To have survived this long takes some smarts.”

“I’m afraid he’s going to get killed because he’s distracted and it’s all my fault.”

David knocked on the door.

Laura got up and then stopped. “It’s David. Should we let him in, or if you need your privacy, I could go out.”

Evelyn waved her hand. “Come on in,” she shouted.

He entered and took a chair. “What’s your fault?”

“How did you know about that?”

“You were a bit loud. I heard you through the door. Tell me why is it your fault?”

Evelyn sat down on the bed; her fingers flattened the bedspread. “I’m developing certain feelings for Max, and I’m afraid I’m giving into those feelings.”

David and Laura didn’t say anything but raised a brow at her expectantly. She sensed it. She was sensing a lot of things lately. Maybe Laura’s saliva was still in her system.

A burn of blush encompassed her body. She gazed up at her sister, purposely avoiding David’s eyes.

“When he kisses me, I almost faint.”

Laura’s mouth fell open.

“I think about him all the time. I told him I wasn’t ready for our relationship to go … And then all he has to do is touch me and, well, you saw when you came in before. All he has to do is enfold me in those warm, strong arms of his, and his desire becomes mine.”

Both their mouths dropped open.

“What is it? Some kind of vampire spell I’ve fallen under? Why is he warm to the touch, when vampires are cold? I know you guys are cold. I’ve hugged you on enough occasions.”

David and Laura looked at each other in such a way that Evelyn believed neither one wanted to answer her.


David sighed and threw up his hands. “You’re going to have to speak to Max about it. I’ll let him know you need to talk to him.” Both vampires were out of there quick as a flash.

Evelyn didn’t know whether to scream or cry. Frustration didn’t do justice to the anguish and confusion tearing at her. She got undressed and started the shower. Using the pounding water to dissolve her anger was an old method Evelyn resorted to whenever she was mad at Jack Beaumont. This time she wasn’t angry, she was frightened. What had she gotten herself into?

Sudsing up, she traced the fragrant foam over her body. It offered soothing relief, until her thoughts drifted to Max. She closed her eyes. Soon it felt like his fingers teasing and making soapy circles around her breasts. Evelyn moaned. Catching her distorted reflection in the half-fogged glass, she broke down and sobbed. She could not bear the idea of another death in her life, especially if it was Max.

Climbing out of the shower, she put on her nightgown and robe. Evelyn slid back the sheets. Maybe her robe made it to the chair, maybe not. The sheets felt cold against her legs. She inched up the blanket. The truth was she was afraid to go back to her house in Connecticut. Evelyn was afraid of going back to an empty life.

Sleep was not always her friend. This time was different. She focused on Max and let her mind play out what would have happened if David hadn’t interrupted them. His touch. The heat of his lips on her skin. The gentle way he coaxed her thighs apart and kissed his way to her core. Evelyn whimpered in her sleep. She wanted more, needed more.

Groggily, she climbed out of bed. The alarm hadn’t gone off. That’s right, it was Sunday. She didn’t need to be up. Evelyn slipped on her blue robe and went out into the kitchen. She was about to open the refrigerator, when she spotted a light in the living room and went to investigate. A man was lying on the sofa holding open a map.

Every fiber in her body immediately went into hyperdrive. His presence was enough. She couldn’t be sure who exactly was on the couch, until he lowered the map revealing a familiar smile and a powerfully built chest. Evelyn pondered the effect of raking her fingernails over his musculature.

“Good morning, Evelyn. When I came back, you were sleeping, so I thought we’d talk this morning. Are you often up early?”

“No. I didn’t sleep well.” Walking over to the chair opposite him, Evelyn sat and folded her legs beneath her. Max, who reclined on the sofa, was barely covered by the crocheted flower afghan with the holes in all the right places.

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