Vampire Trinity (9 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Vampire Trinity
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She read that swirl of thoughts, realized he was struggling with that cloud over their relationship, just as she was, but she decided she wouldn’t allow that conflict to affect this moment. Laying her hands on his jaw, she brought his gaze to her face.
You cannot disappoint me in this, Gideon. Give yourself to me and Debra, and let your mind go. Simply be mine, and let me handle everything else. I promise Brian will not touch you.
He nodded, and she lifted up enough to brush her lips over his, holding his face steady so she controlled the movement. As she did, she angled her hips, brushed the edge of her gathered skirt against his cock. She could feel the heat of it emanating toward what it wanted most. Lying back on the couch again, she reached down, gripped him. His lips pressed together, those fine muscles quivering in reaction and barely leashed restraint that only drove her own desires higher. “Keep your hands on the couch where you have them,” she commanded, watching his face tighten further as she levered his cock downward, fitted the head in the wet and welcoming gateway of her sex. Contracting her stomach muscles, she drew him in, lifting her hips to slide up his length, then back down again, her body rolling with the motion.
It drew his hungry gaze to her breasts, thrusting up against her blouse, the roll of her abdomen and the rock of her hips. She parted her lips, let out a sigh as his thick length filled her, creating unspeakable pleasure that only heightened his need to take over as he saw it in her face, felt it from her body. But though the leash of restraint was taut, he didn’t try to yank it away. Not yet. And she wondered if he knew, intuitively, how that fired her own need to raging.
“Debra,” she said. “Please join us.”
Debra glanced at Brian. She’d moved to stand next to him, lubricating herself with the oil Gideon had left on the table. Brian was watching her glistening hands work the shaft. Now he picked up a towel, took each of her hands and wiped them clean. Reaching down, he caught two fingers in the top strap of the harness, tugged it, working the clit stimulator against her. Her lips parted, her hand closing over his biceps for balance.
“You heard the Mistress,” the scientist said, low. “Do as she commands.”
Debra nodded, moved toward Anwyn and Gideon. Anwyn knew that walking in a strap-on for the first time could be a very powerful experience, and she enjoyed seeing the pleasure and wonder cross Debra’s face as she adjusted her pace accordingly.
Gideon had turned his head, but now Anwyn directed his eyes back down. “Keep your attention here.” She placed her fingers at her collarbone, ran them down her sternum, into the folds of her shirt. “Don’t look up until I say you can.”
Do you want me to bark and roll over, too?
We might play fetch later, if you’re very good.
Curling her hand in his hair, she tugged, not gently. He held his position, enduring the discomfort, his blue eyes intently studying the rise of her breasts, the valley in between. He was a breast man, she knew, and he liked hers exceedingly well. He’d quickly learned her ability to read his mind could be turned against her, so that he showed her in painstaking detail how he would run his tongue down that valley, tease in between, scrape the pale skin with the rough shadow of his beard, move over to take the nipple deep, suckle her hard . . .
Her pussy contracted around his head, and his gaze flickered in triumph, his lips pressing together, for of course his thoughts stoked his own arousal.
Keep pushing, Gideon, and I’ll have her change out that dildo for something much larger and thicker. Something far more like Daegan’s cock.
His gaze snapped to hers. The recoil in his mind from such a threat was far more volatile and emotion-driven than his flat rejection of Brian or any other man touching him. But she doubted Gideon realized the significance of that difference in reaction, or what it told her.
Eyes back down, Gideon. If you want to please me. And so Brian can get his readings.
He hasn’t gotten any for a near-death experience yet.
But his gaze left hers, returned to her breasts.
Arching a brow, she ran a hand up his flank, nails digging in a little.
You don’t seem to have any wooden stakes on you, vampire hunter. But impaling me on this would be quite a way to go.
She lifted her hips, taking him deep again, clamping her muscles so it was a slow, tight drag back down to the head that made him grimace, mutter a quiet oath.
She missed the razor tips she used to wear beneath her nails, but until she learned control over the seizures, they were a tiny pleasure she couldn’t risk. She liked the way his body reacted when she left cuts on his flesh. He was particularly sensitive around the nipple area.
Debra had arrived behind him, and Anwyn glanced toward her, her gaze traveling over the woman’s breasts, the slope of abdomen, the well-greased dildo bobbing gently between her legs. When she met Debra’s gray eyes, the servant acknowledged her, then swept her gaze down, acknowledging her dominance. It was similar to working with Janet, Ella or Charlene, her Atlantis staff submissives, except this woman never had an end of shift. Her life was devoted to serving Brian, in whatever way necessary.
The type of slave almost impossible for a human Dominant to obtain in a civilized society. Feeling that familiar yearning return, she also remembered Daegan’s words to her before he left.
I wanted you as my servant, but in truth, perhaps what drew me to you was that you were a vampire in every other way but blood.
The desire to own someone down to the soul was a human sin, the desire of a god. She shied away from the thought, even as her vampire blood eagerly embraced it. Perhaps that was why the gods had given her Gideon temporarily. The humbling reminder that even a vampire couldn’t always have what she wanted.
But she did have this moment. “Debra,” she said, her voice low so it wouldn’t break over the tiny storms of sensation emanating from that provocative joining point between her and Gideon. “Touch him in whatever manner you wish before you put that inside him. I want to see you enjoy him.”
It was like giving a child free run of a candy store, she thought, watching Debra’s gaze travel from Gideon’s tense broad shoulders, down the length of spine to the rise of muscular buttocks, powerful thighs. He had one foot on the floor, so the spread of his legs would give her a nice view of the heavy testicle sac, a portion of his cock, before it disappeared into Anwyn where she still held the head in stasis, her tissues quivering around it, wanting more.
I can give you more, Mistress.
Shhh. Give Debra this. Remain still and prove that you’re mine. At least right now.
A muscle twitched in his jaw at the poignant note she couldn’t keep from her tone. But of course he didn’t deny it. Then they didn’t have to think at all, because Debra moved closer. Her slim hand cupped Gideon’s shoulder, her fingers whispering over his hair, threading through and stroking the strands downward, so she straightened and pressed them against the upper edge of his shoulder blade. She did it again, surprising Anwyn with her interest in a less sexual caress at first. Perhaps the woman was reassuring him, understanding he was new to this. Or perhaps she was doing something she wasn’t often permitted to do. At least not to the man Anwyn suspected she was imagining.
At length, though, she seemed to recall that, for all Anwyn’s open invitation, there was a practical reason she was doing this, serving the needs of her Master and a Mistress. Letting her fingers drift down along his spine, that shallow valley, Debra fanned out over the ribs, curving around and whispering down his side, stopping above Anwyn’s hands, low on his hips. A shudder ran through Gideon, a twitch, and a slight smile curved the servant’s lips. “Ticklish,” Debra murmured.
“A little.” Gideon didn’t change his focus, following Anwyn’s direction, but there was an easing to his features at the small teasing exchange. It tightened the bond between the three of them, made Anwyn settle into it further as well. She was cognizant of Brian monitoring his machines, making his notes on his mini-laptop, but also of the way he was watching every minute physical and emotional exchange. She expected it was for more than data collection.
Debra turned her hand over, slid her knuckles over one buttock, down to the top of the thigh, and then across, to the testicles. When her hand closed over them, Anwyn knew it, from Gideon’s mind and his reaction, his cock convulsing in her channel, his biceps hardening at the stimulation. Debra apparently had some very clever fingers, and Brian hadn’t cleaned all the oil off them. Gideon’s breath whistled through his teeth as she painted his rim, making his body jerk in tiny motions. Then down again, teasing the scrotum, another thorough fondling and kneading of the area that Anwyn knew from personal experience filled up the hand with a nice rounded weight. Then she reached under, and Anwyn felt the pressure as Debra wrapped her hand around his base.
“Would you like me to guide him deeper into you, Mistress?” she asked, her eyes focused and intent, mouth wet where she’d licked her lips. “Make him move in and out of you with the motion of my hand?”
“I’d like that, yes.”
Debra tightened her grip, her other hand falling to rest on his buttock, applying pressure, giving him direction. Slow, guiding him in deep, at least until the ring of Debra’s fingers pressed between them, and Anwyn felt the slim knuckles against her labia. Then Debra changed her direction and Gideon came out, just as gradually. Watching it, the struggle in his face to obey their direction, she knew he was going crazy caught between two sexually aroused women. The male need to rut was growing hard and fierce as the heat in his cock. It made Anwyn’s own desires rise. Debra wasn’t detached, but she was as controlled as a Mistress right now, holding her desires back, channeling them through what she was doing to Gideon.
On the fifth withdrawal, a groan escaped Gideon’s lips, and his head fell a little lower, the hair on his brow brushing Anwyn’s jaw. Tightening her fingers on his hips, she dug into the upper rise of those muscular buttocks.
“Don’t you come, Gideon,” she whispered. “That’s for your Mistress to decide. The longer you hold it, the hotter you’ll make me. Feel how wet my pussy is now?”
“I want to taste it,” he muttered. “Love eating your pussy, Mistress. Sucking your tits. Fucking you, hard and long.”
Oh yeah, he was headed into pure, primitive need and leaving everything civilized behind. “Five more times,” she managed. “Then I want you inside him.”
Debra gave a nod. Her hand had slipped from an innocuous pressure to a solid grip of his buttock, and when he gave a strangled oath, she knew the girl had slipped a thumb partially inside him, getting him ready, teasing him some more.
“Count it out for her, Gideon,” Anwyn said, letting that ruthless edge into her voice that she knew caught his attention, and sliced him even sharper than her razor nails. “Or I’ll make her start over.”
A muffled cough came from Brian, and even Debra was startled into a flash of a smile. Anwyn managed to suppress hers, but caught Gideon’s hair in hard fingers, jerking his head back up so he was looking directly into her face. “Gideon. Count. From the beginning.”
She cupped her breast with her other hand, the fingers teasing aside the cloth and pushing the bra down to reveal an aroused nipple that she began manipulating with her fingers before his avid gaze.
“Two,” he growled, as Debra pulled him out for the second time. The muscles in his face strained, his lips peeling back, as he went back down into her. Anwyn tightened her own muscles, at a lower level, making sure she squeezed him tight.
“Fuck. Mistress. Three. Goddamn it.”
“Don’t curse at me, Gideon Green. Two more.”
“Not . . . going to . . . make it.”
“Yes, you are.” She flicked her gaze at Debra. The woman understood, tightening her grip on him. A third mark had even greater strength, so she knew the constriction of her fingers would serve the same purpose as a cock harness. “Your seed is mine to command. You release it when I say.”
“Four.” His eyes couldn’t leave her exposed breast now. His lips were parted, tongue making a quick swipe over them that felt as though he’d licked the hard nipple. She shuddered, and his eyes darkened. He was in her mind as she was in his now. No need for curtains during this, because the mutual desires and rough demands wrapped them together even more tightly. He knew what she wanted, what would give her the most pleasure, and she knew there would be no more jokes now, because at this level, pleasure was all he wanted to give her, past his fears or shields.
Debra released him, maneuvering over his legs to kneel on the long couch behind him. She made a provocative and pretty picture in just her heels and stockings. Glancing at Anwyn to confirm she was still following her direction, the woman took the sleek black dildo in hand, and began to guide it into him.
Anal penetration was still something he resisted, such that she needed to hold the reins over him tight when it happened. This was the first time during these difficult weeks she’d had the courage to do that, and she’d only just broken him into it before she’d been turned. But his reaction to this, and the other things she knew, that he couldn’t admit, told her it was time to start doing more of it. It broke him down, took his mind past everything, into pure, wild desire.

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