Vampire World (23 page)

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Authors: Rich Douglas

Tags: #vampires

BOOK: Vampire World
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Following instructions, I
loaded the distance-attacker. It was much heavier than I thought and
challenging to wield. Trying to take aim felt like I was holding a heavy snake
that was pulling away from me all the time. Only with much effort did I finally
manage to hold it straight and steady enough to fire.

I didn’t even come close to
hitting the target. The stake bounced loudly off the steel wall behind it.

After twenty more attempts
and twenty more misses my arms were really feeling the pressure. I grew
irritated. So far, I hadn’t even come close to hitting the target. One more
time I loaded the gun, peered through the slit in front of me to adjust my aim,
and fired. Flying at rocket speed, the stake still didn’t hit the heart, but I
did score a shoulder hit. Finally!

I was proud but also
exhausted. After flinging one of the knives at the dummy and hitting it in the
leg, I decided to call it quits. I had to get up early tomorrow to start my new

I gathered up some of the
stakes for protection and added them to my belt, along with some of the more
potent grain bottles that I clicked to my necklace. I also picked up a few
reserve blood tubes and some Bloodstop ointments that were in a box close to
the weapons. My guide had told me that Bloodstop ointment caused instant blood
clotting on major wounds and could save a vampire’s life.

Checking to make sure no one
was following me, I locked the door and reset the combination. Then I
cautiously made my way to the train station.



The next morning
I prepared for my big day by dressing in some sexy work pants and a hip button
down shirt imprinted with twisted vampire bones. Passing through the
Supermarket entrance, I had no idea what to expect. But I was sure of one
thing: Brett was now far from my mind, and that was fine with me.

Mrs. FangCut greeted me at
the door, along with two rather tall female vampires with beautiful hairstyles
and 3-D tattoos splattered across their flawless bodies.

“Good morning, Janice,” Mrs.
FangCut said. “I hope you slept well last night because today you will get your
first stab at manager training. Debra and Susan are from the co-operate office.
You will train under them. Though it will be difficult, I wouldn’t have
selected you if I knew you couldn’t do it. Good luck.”

I said goodbye to the best
boss in Vampire World and hello to Debra and Susan. On first impression they
seemed surprisingly nice, though a little stern when they went on to let me
know of their expectations within the training program.

“Have you been studying the
manual?” Susan asked.

“Yes,” I assured her, worried
that they might be expecting me to know the whole damn thing. Which I certainly
did not.

I was put to the test right
away and asked to locate three items, all of them in the men’s department. The
first two, blood-red jeans with vampire fangs injected into them, and then
skeleton belts made out of pure vampire bones, were not a problem. I knew
exactly where both of them were. But as for the third item, a spiked leather
jacket that changed colors from black to maroon, I hadn’t a clue where to find

Wasting no time, I clambered
up the ladders into unfamiliar territory to collect the belt and jeans, at the
same time hoping to get lucky and stumble on the jacket along the way. But that
didn’t happen, and I felt lost in a store that used to feel like home.

With the belt and jeans in
hand, there was no point in faking it. I trotted back to Debra and Susan
feeling embarrassed, even though I'd found two of the items thanks to some late
night studying. But that was not good enough. I wanted to be perfect!

“The spiked jacket is found
in section 7-E-F5,” Debra instructed.

For the remainder of the
morning I was required to find more items in the men’s section. Though I tried
my best to remember their various locations, I missed a bunch of them. Shame on
me. At the same time, I felt exhausted, kind of like the first few days at work.

“We are impressed with your
speed and hustle, Janice,” Debra told me at lunchtime. “However, you clearly
have not spent enough time learning the manual. If you want to be a manager,
you will need to study it for at least thirty degrees every night. Well, go
enjoy your break now. After lunch, we’ll go over forms and inventory.”

I stumbled to the lunch room,
feeling low, yet at the same time determined to do better. If I wanted to be
the best, I had to start studying that manual more. Not to mention step up my
fireball and weapons practice.

But you can do it, I told
myself. I’d already overcome a whole bunch of challenges, so this should be a
piece of blood cake. Besides, I liked what I was doing. And when you enjoyed
something in this perplexing life, you were usually rewarded with an answer
that made it seem less perplexing.

I wanted to start studying
right now in the break room, but I couldn’t…I didn’t have a manual.

Mira came in holding a
scrumptious tray of blood cookies. The intoxicating smell drew me right to
them. “Looks like someone is thinking about you,” she said.

There was a note attached to
the cookies. It read:
'I heard you’re a manager now, Janice. Congrats. Well,
just remember I’m always thinking of you. It would be great to spend some time
together. I’m available anytime. Yours truly, Michael.'

While licking the enticing
blood from my lips, I appreciated what he had sent me. Michael was sweet,
though also cocky. And I was absolutely one hundred percent not into him. As
friends it was okay, as long as he’d stop smothering me with the irritating
flirts. I had no interest in a serious relationship right now – the only
person I needed was myself. And I felt great about that.

so, as I finished off the last cookie, Brett popped up in my thoughts. It had
been a while since I’d talked to him. Did he ever think to call me? Did he ever
want to kiss me again? Did he even think of me at all?

Luckily, as these thoughts
popped up, break time was over. I didn’t want to get dragged back down into the
sorrows of the past.

The next two weeks were work,
work, work. Every night I hit the fireball squares and improved my skill by
learning how to combat the jolting, dizzying effects of the squares, while at
the same time avoiding the computerized monster attacks. One night I won eight
battles straight. I must admit it felt damn good to be up there alone on the
playing square.

Each time after a long,
rigorous fireball practice, I then headed off to the weapons cache and
practiced my aim with the distance-attacker gun, finally succeeding in driving
a stake directly through the heart of the vampire dummy. I loaded a few empty
bottles into the top of the gun as well, hitting the dummy smack dab in the
face several times. To finish off, I practiced handling and tossing the
numerous blades, vampire stars and other stuff.

Finally, after arriving home,
I skipped out on sleeping and studied the manual until I could literally absorb
no more.

This off-the-job manual
training paid off, with Debra and Susan giving me good reports for finding
clothes in a timely manner. I also tackled paperwork and finance, something
else that required a lot of studying. I don't know how I managed to do so well,
what with getting such little sleep, but I was kicking ass at everything and
loving every degree of it.

During this hectic period I
didn’t hear a word from Brett, although Michael asked me out just about every

One morning I woke up feeling
like I was missing out on something. My social life was now pretty much
non-existent, and that lingered on my mind. Though I was proud of my recent
accomplishments, I was overworked and needed a break.

I checked my phone and
noticed all the missed calls from Michael. On the spur of the moment I decided
to call him back, just for a fun night out. I hoped he would understand that we
were nothing more than friends, and I told him so point blank. He said he was
cool with that and remained particularly excited about us meeting up.

I knew Michael was lying
about the friends part, so I decided to hide a few stakes under the pretty red
dress I was wearing that evening. He was picking me up in his sporty ride, and
that made me think for a moment. I’d already had my fair share of bad memories
in the back seat of a nice car. However, I was pretty sure Michael would never
dare lay a finger on me without my permission.

If he did, I'd lay a stake
right in his heart.



Michael greeted
me at my door, overdressed to impress in a nifty maroon suit and a tie with 3-D
skulls colliding into each other. The serpentine tattoo wrapped around his neck
was alive with scales moving and twisting, the piercings on his ears and nose
were lit up, and his spiky blue hairstyle must have cost a million. For the
Carns spent, he appeared somewhat ridiculous.

“Hello Janice,” he said. “You
look beautiful tonight.”

I thanked him and told him he
looked handsome. Well, though he didn’t set my world on fire, at least he was a
lot nicer than Rob.

He led me to his pretty car.
It was green and flat with multiple skulls on its sleek hood. It was similar to
Rob’s, although bigger and minus the flames. The smooth seats felt great to sit

“So where are you taking me?”
I asked.

“I know this may come as a
shock, but my parents are cooking us a delicious Blood Cabis. You’re going to
love it. I promise it will be the best you ever had.”

“Parents?” I asked, confused.
“They know we're just friends, right?”

He didn’t answer me at first,
almost like he was finding it difficult to admit the inevitable truth.
Eventually, he said: “Who knows what the future holds?”

His reaction made me feel
uncomfortable during the drive. But this was Vampire World, and parents were so
important, even to friends. I remembered the first time I'd met Brett’s Mom and
Dad, and how awkward yet satisfying it felt.

By the time we'd cruised into
the gated community, passed numerous mansions with their tall spirals kissing
the sky and arrived at his castle of a house, my anxiety had not lessened.

“You didn’t give me a
straight answer,” I said, yanking his tie before we stepped inside. “Do they
know we are just friends?”

“Just relax,” he replied
while opening the front door. “Don’t be so damn uptight.”

As we walked through the
impressive dark hallway and splendid living room oozing with Gothic luxury, I
knew it was going to be a long night. Finally we came to the dining room.
Sitting in pride of place at the center of the table was an immense Blood Cabis
head drenched in an ocean of blood. It was truly huge, about the size of a
small boulder. With five yellow eyes and thick brown fur, together with teeth
the size of vampire fingers, it should have scared the crap out of me. But it
didn’t. Instead, the smell of the tempting blood calmed my mind and helped me
to loosen up.

Brett’s parents were sat at
opposite ends of the table, both obviously eager to eat and start asking me
questions. His younger brother and sister were also there.

Feeling shy again, I sat down
and tried to relax. But I couldn’t.

“So what is the lucky girl’s name?” Michael’s father asked him.

Gosh, I just wanted to run
away and never return here.

“The lucky girl’s name is
Janice,” I cut in quickly before Michael could reply. I wondered if the small
edge of irony in my voice had been detected.

“Hello, Janice,” his mother said.
She was very pretty and looked just like Michael’s sister, who sat on the other
side of me.

“So how long have you two
been dating?” the sister asked.

I cringed while waiting for
Michael’s embarrassing response.

“Oh, we’re just friends,” he
told her. “Nothing more than that.”

I blinked. That was not what
I'd expected to hear from him. I began to think that maybe I’d survive the
night after all.

“Well, let’s feast,”
Michael’s father said, drool dripping from his fangs. He grabbed what looked to
be a chainsaw and started the blade running.

“Make sure to open your
mouth,” Michael advised me. “The bloodsplash is always the best part.”

Everyone had their tongues
out and ready as Michael's father began carving. The chainsaw whirred merrily
away, sending Cabis blood splattering all over the place. I managed to catch a
few drops. It was true. They were utterly delicious.

The meat, when it was served,
was melt-in-the-mouth tender and tasted absolutely incredible. It was by far
the best meal I could ever remember eating. I knew I could eat seconds of this.
And most likely thirds and fourths.

“This Cabis cost a good two
thousand Carns,” Michael said, licking every last trace of the blood from his

Damn, that was expensive.
Certainly out of Brett’s league. And Mr. FreeCut’s.

It was so delicious I
finished up devouring three rounds of the mouthwatering meat, enough to make my
pretty frame fat. But I didn’t care.

It was a surprise that I
could make it through an entire meal without Michael saying anything offensive
or embarrassing. He was very polite while complimenting me on my appearance, my
caretaker, and my job. For once, I liked what he said.

“You all have fun tonight,”
Michael’s father said when we headed out the door.

Back inside Michael’s car, I
smiled and giggled. “You were very sweet,” I said.

He smiled. “See, I told you I
was a good guy. I may come off as an ass at times, but inside I have the heart
of a gentle vampire.”

He offered to take me to the
priciest tattoo parlor in town and treat me to whatever I desired. Full body.
3-D. Live action. Anything at all.

I politely turned him down,
knowing that I was independent enough to get my own tattoos. Next, he offered
to buy me clothes. I declined a second time and told him that, since I was a manager
at Vampire Supermarket, I could afford my own clothes.

“You don’t leave me much
wiggle room,” he said.

What the hell was that
supposed to mean, I wondered? But maybe I was being a bitch.

“How about a club?” I
suggested. “I’m kind of in the mood.”

He grinned. “I'll take you to
Club Slice. It’s the best club in the world. I swear you’ll never go to a place
as nice as this.”


“But since I’m going to treat
you, you have to promise to dance with me.”

“Okay,” I said. “But
remember, it's just a friendly dance.”

He was silent for a while, so
I knew he'd got the message.

Club Slice was located at the
top of one of the tallest downtown skyscrapers. We joined a long line of
perfectly dressed vampires waiting in the street below for admission. After
he'd paid a fortune to get into the building, Michael and I took a glass
elevator to the one hundredth floor. Stepping out, I saw several scantily-clad
vampires strutting up and down the carpeted pathway to the club. Some were
wearing eight-inch heels. Wow!

“You’re going to love this
place!” Michael said. He gripped my hand and I allowed him to do so for a few
tenths of degrees. However, once we got to the door of the club, I pulled away.

Inside, the club was
gorgeous. So too were the members, who made me feel completely out of place. I
worked at a clothes store, but damn, most of the clothes being worn here were
not even in our inventory. I also paid attention to the blood everyone was
drinking, which came in a variety of different colors. Odd. I preferred my
blood red. I wondered if blue tasted better.

The floor looked like it was
made out of rubies. Large windows displayed magnificent views of the city. I
could see spiky skyscrapers and thousands of smaller buildings, all bleeding
red under the light of a spectacular Garlic Moon. And at the center of it all
was the capitol building's dominating spike reaching for the heavens.

“It’s so beautiful,” I said.

“And so are you,” Michael
responded, “In a friendly way, I mean.”

I laughed. Still he flirted.
But this time I didn’t mind.

We grabbed some horribly
expensive drinks. Michael paid extra for yellow blood in an elegant glass. Some
kind of fruit and a flower lay on top of it. I ordered plain old red, which
would do me just fine.

“You sure you don’t want some
flavor in your blood?” he said. “Mine tastes tangy. Yum.”

I told him my 200 Carn glass
of blood tasted just dandy, which was true. I downed it and asked him for
another. Then I decided to try the blue-colored variety. This also tasted good,
though kinda funny at the same time.
I was used to the flavor of plain of blood, and the blueberry was a bit
too tangy for me.

For the next few degrees we
talked and drank while sitting on a comfortable couch. He bragged about his
friends and his job. I actually enjoyed being with him, even if he was a bit

“You want another drink
before we go dance?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said, feeling good.

I emptied my glass and then
hit the dance floor. We danced close for ‘just friends,’ but I didn’t mind, maybe
because I’d been stressed out and badly needed a little fun.

While gazing into Michael’s
eyes, I realized that maybe he was pretty cute after all. In fact, the more
time I spent with him, the better he seemed to look. Maybe one day we could
move on to the next level. If we did, I was sure he would take me to the grave
in no time, unlike someone else I knew of.

We danced for more degrees,
laughing and getting pretty close to one another. I hoped I was not giving him
mixed messages, because all I really wanted was to have a fun time with no
drama attached. And of course, no real passion.

I took a bathroom break. I
needed some space.

It was while I was on my way
back to Michael that the bottom of my world dropped out. My jaw sagged open in
a mixture of surprise and horror. It was Brett. He was sat at a table
romantically holding hands with another vampire. She was beautiful and had
everything I lacked: startling tattoos…piercings galore…and a hairstyle that
slayed my tubes. Maybe I had a hot face and body, but damn, so did she.
I couldn’t take my eyes off Brett. He
was still the most gorgeous freakin vampire in the world. I began to sweat,
wishing he would turn my way and concentrate on me instead of Miss Bloodsucking

I hurried back into the bathroom,
on the verge of tears because I was so confused over what to do next. Should I
even try to say hi? No, that would be a disaster. I hated this club. I wanted
to go home. Michael? Who was he?

Somehow I gathered enough
nerve to leave the bathroom, carefully checking my surroundings to make sure
Brett didn’t see me. Yea right! Intentionally or not, I ran straight into him.
We went face to face.

“Janice,” he said, a
dumbfounded look on his flawless face. I was forced to peer into his adorable
eyes. I loved his pureness. His fresh, ivory skin. I’d grown sick of staring at
all those tattoos on Michael’s body. Maybe tats were the in thing. But I didn’t
care. Brett looked incredible.

“Haven’t heard from you in a
while,” I said.

That’s all I could think of to
say. Damn, I missed him. And damn, I still loved him because I felt euphoric
just being in his company again.

“I’ve been meaning to call
you,” he began. “But…”

“You don’t have to call me,”
I said. “I can see I've already been replaced. Go on and enjoy yourself.”

Brett slowly moped past me.
Then he quickly turned around. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Then who is she?” I snapped
with a jealous rage.

“My parents threw her on me.
I swear, I don’t love her. I don’t even like her.”

“That’s hard to believe. Your
hands were all over each other.”

His eyes became fixated on
me. “The only person I still love is you,” he said. “You have to believe me.
Every night I’ve been thinking of you, Janice. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I
miss you so much.”

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