Read Vampires Dead Ahead Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Vampires Dead Ahead (20 page)

BOOK: Vampires Dead Ahead
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Still holding my hand, Colin took us through the transference to his apartment door in Queens.

He let us both in then closed the door. Colin’s place was warm, comfortable, and welcoming and I loved it there.

In the kitchen he took out all of the ingredients for club sandwiches then handed me a beer. Normally my drink of choice was a vodka martini with three green olives, but not with Colin.

I tried not to hear his thoughts, but it was hard. Most of the time he thought about me, how much he loved being with me, having me with him. There were flashes about Volod and the battles he’d fought against Vampires since Rodán was taken.

“It’s getting worse.” I set my bottle down on the countertop as I watched him slice a tomato. “I don’t think we can do this on our own. We need help.”

“What did you have in mind?” Colin asked as he laid down strips of fried bacon over tomato.

I leaned back with my hands braced on the countertop behind me. “More Trackers, of course.” I tilted my head as I voiced thoughts I’d been having. “And I’m wondering about Drow. If my father would allow any of my people to come and fight.”

Colin raised his eyebrows as he finished a sandwich and put it on a plate. “What do you think he’ll say?”

“Honestly?” I sighed and tapped one toe on the kitchen tile. “I don’t know. Father will do just about anything for me, n the’but I don’t know which side of ‘just about anything’ this falls on.”

“That’s a lot to ask of your people, who have nothing to do with the Earth Otherworld.” Colin stacked potato chips next to the sandwich then handed me the plate. “Fighting here would put not only his warriors at risk, but his people back at home as well. It would leave them with fewer reserves.”

With a frown I stopped tapping my toe. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

“On the other hand,” Colin said as he picked up his own sandwich, “if he has plenty of warriors to take on both tasks, then it can’t hurt to ask.”

I nodded. “He does and then some.”

We took our plates and bottles of beer to the kitchen nook table and settled into two of the wooden chairs parked around it.

I said, “Each day that goes by … I just can’t believe Rodán is gone. It seems more and more surreal. Like I’ll run into him at any moment and that everything will be like it used to be.”

Colin studied me with a thoughtful expression. “Obviously I didn’t know him as long or as well as you, but I find it pretty hard to believe, too. I liked him and respected him as our Proctor.”

I picked up my sandwich, looked at it, then back at Colin as I thought about what I was going to say. “I think someone needs to talk with the Great Guardian.”

He paused, then his words echoed what I heard him saying in his mind. “What about the Proctors?”

“Armand said that Rodán and Monique were the liaisons to the GG.” I squeezed my sandwich so hard a slice of tomato shot out onto my plate. “The Proctor Directorate never expected to lose them both before they could find a replacement for Monique. I don’t think there’s anyone else who can travel to Otherworld to the home of the Elves.”

Colin took a drink of his beer then set his bottle down. “Does your father speak with the Great Guardian?”

I gave him a rueful look. “I don’t think they’re necessarily on the best of terms. Father has never returned home in a good mood after a meeting with the GG.”

“And you’ve never been crazy about her.” Colin smiled back before taking a bite of his club sandwich.

“She drives me nuts.” I pushed my hand through my hair in a frustrated motion. “All of her riddles and the fact that she hasn’t gotten us the help we needed when we needed it …” I shook my head. “I’ve never met her, but as irreverent as I’ve been, I’m not sure what kind of welcome I would get. I might do more harm than good.”

Colin swallowed. Thanks to the Witch’s gift, I knew what he was going to say before he said it out loud. “If Armand is right, you might be the only one who can get an audience with her. With your father’s help.”

I looked up at the ceiling and groaned. “There has got to be someone else. Like someone with skills in diplomacy.”

He pointed a finger at me. “You have excellent diplomaell withtic skills. Look how you handle Ice and Joshua. Not to mention Fere and Kelly. You treat everyone with respect and you smooth the waters when they need it. You keep everyone on track and professional. You have more than what it takes, Nyx.”

I didn’t need to read his thoughts to know that he meant what he said. I smiled. “Thanks.”

“Why don’t you finish that sandwich you’ve been playing with for the last five minutes,” he said.

I knew when to shut up and listen to an order, so I did just that.

It wasn’t easy, though. No matter how I tried not to, I could hear Colin’s thoughts. How much he enjoyed club sandwiches and beer. A brief memory of tracking with the new Witch Tracker last night along with the pit bull Shifter and the falcon. But mostly me.

His thoughts were warm, genuine, real. He wasn’t intentionally thinking them for me to hear. He meant them. How beautiful he thought I was and how much he cared for me … what he wanted to do with me.

Those thoughts kept my face warm.

As soon as we had cleaned the plates and put them away, Colin brought me into the circle of his arms. The kitchen light was bright and highlighted his long blond hair. His features were strong, masculine, but next to Rodán he was the most beautiful male specimen I had ever seen.

With my fingertip I traced the scaled serpent tattoo along his arm. It looked almost alive. Flames curled over Colin’s shoulder from the serpent’s mouth as it wound up and around his arm from his wrist to his shoulder. The tattoo almost looked like a living, breathing creature as it moved with the flex of his muscular arm.

I love you, Nyx,
came the strong thought in my mind. I caught my breath.

Heat flushed through my body again and I swallowed as I met his gaze. So much feeling and emotion rose within me. Fear, hope, caring, and love. My heart filled with it, filled with the love that had grown over the months since I’d first met Colin of Campton.

My throat was so dry I thought that I wouldn’t be able to get the words out without them sounding pale and insignificant compared with the strength of what he was telling me.

“I love you, Colin.” It came out clear, and I hope filled with the meaning behind it.

He smiled. “I know.”

I slugged his arm with a teasing punch, the arm without the tattoo. “Cocky, aren’t you?”

With a knee-melting grin, Colin said, “When it comes to you.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him down to kiss me. His lips were firm and warm, his taste masculine and seductive. His kiss was as steady and constant as he was. A male who was confident in who he was and who he loved. I sensed it all.

When he raised his head, I rested my forehead against his chest. My breathing wasn’t steady—it was almost as rough as if I had just fought off a dozen Vamps again. His heart had an even thump to it. His presence warmed me as if his Dragone asis y s fire was reaching out and enveloping me.

“Look at me.” His voice was husky, his tone low and throbbing. “I want to see your eyes.”

I brought my gaze up to meet his. The blazing warmth there melted me.

Then I realized I couldn’t hear his thoughts anymore … I was feeling them.

He kissed me again and this time I felt both lost and found. Lost in the kiss, like I was traveling to some Otherworld I’d never seen before. And found because Colin was with me the entire way.

When he stepped back I ran my tongue along my lips, tasting him. For all the time I’d been seeing Colin, we had never taken our relationship beyond kissing and cuddling.

I knew a part of me had held back because it had been too soon after my breakup with Adam. But now that chapter had had a chance to close and I could move on.

I’d fallen for Colin long ago, but I’d wanted to make sure it wasn’t just a rebound relationship. I found it was possible to love two men even as I let one of them go. Ever since Colin had shared with me who he was, his struggles, his vulnerabilities, it had taken my feelings for him to a different level.

This time I took Colin by the hand and led him into the bedroom, something I’d never done before.

He didn’t seem surprised. He let me draw him close to his enormous, almost Dragon-sized bed.

I don’t know if he kept me out, or if I was able to turn away his thoughts, but I wasn’t hearing them, and for that I was glad. I wanted to know how he felt by him showing me.

His chest was hard, his muscles firm as I slipped my hands under his T-shirt and ran my palms over him. He felt warm and good to my touch. I pushed his shirt up and he helped me pull it over his head before he tossed it over his shoulder.

We kicked off our shoes and then I reached for the button of his jeans. I unfastened it and then slid the denim to the floor. He kicked them aside. I never knew boxer briefs could look so good on a man. I also never thought of a Dragon in them, and that made me smile.

Colin kissed my smile as he rubbed my shoulders through my blouse. His palms felt wonderfully warm, the heat easily transferring through the material. He brought his fingers to the top button of my blouse and hesitated. His gaze seemed to ask me if I wanted him to go on.

I brought my fingers up to his and unfastened the first button myself. When my blouse parted he traced the curves of my body, up and around my breasts and the lacy bra covering them. His callused hands brushed my softer skin, and the pleasant feel of them made me shiver.

He pushed my blouse over my shoulders and I let it drop to the floor. His hands caressed my belly then along the waistband of my slacks before his fingers unfastened them.

With slow, deliberate movements, he pushed my slacks over my hips and panties, running his palms along the curves of my backside until the slacks slid down my thighs.

When I had stepped out of ste cu the material, he brought me close to him, pressing himself against my belly. The feel of him next to my skin was so inviting.

I tugged his boxer briefs over his hips to the floor and shivered at his naked male beauty. All that golden skin, firm muscles. His trim waist and powerful thighs.

Everything about him was beautiful.

“A Dragon,” I said softly. “In the flesh.”

“A princess.” Colin let his palms slide up and down my bare arms. “Almost in the flesh.”

I grinned up at him. “Dragons have a thing for princesses, don’t they.”

He gave a solemn nod and spoke as though he was totally serious. “Especially Drow princesses. Beautiful Dark Elves are our favorite.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body to his. He felt so good and warm against me. “Oh, really.”

“Yes, really.”

“Are you using your mesmerizing power?” I teased. “Because you’ve sure mesmerized me.”

“Have I?” He reached behind me and unfastened my bra. “Mesmerizing is a useful skill, yes?” he said as he pulled my bra straps over my shoulders and bared my breasts.

Happiness rose up inside me as he touched me. A feeling different from anything I’d felt before.

The look in his eyes took my breath away. “You are so beautiful, Nyx.” His gaze met mine. “In every way imaginable. Your heart, your soul, your nature. Everything about you.”

I bit my lower lip. The strength of his belief was obvious in each word.

“Funny,” I said, my voice a little throaty. “I think the same thing about you.”

“That I’m beautiful?” His expression was teasing.

“As a matter of fact, yes,” I said. “You are gorgeous. So much so that I might need some of the elderflower antidote.”

Colin laughed then kissed me again, rocking me from side to side as he kept our bodies flush together.

When he drew away he slid his hands up over my hips and hooked his fingers in the waistband of my panties. Then he slipped the panties down over my hips so they fell to my feet.

He took me by the hand and led me to the bed. I lay back on the soft pillow and looked up at him. He let his gaze drift over my body as if drinking me in from head to toe.

Colin braced his hands to either side of me so that he was above me. The heat of his body intensified, as if Dragon flames were brushing my body. He kissed me deeply and I knew I wanted him.

His words were soft and husky when he spoke. “Let me show you how much I love you, Nyx.” I could see the love in his eyes, feel it in his presence.

As he held himself above me, his muscles bulged and his algeme, his mrms shook, as if he was holding himself back—barely.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. I started kissing him with every bit of passion that was wound inside me.

His lips were firm, his taste so masculine. I clenched my fists in his hair and squirmed beneath him.

“I love how wild you can be.” Colin’s long blond hair brushed my face as he rocked against me, showing me just how turned on he was.

With a harsh groan, Colin dipped his head and licked each nipple with his warm tongue, then gently nipped at them with his teeth. I cried out as wild sensations traveled straight from my breasts to my abdomen.

Colin drew back, his eyes focused on mine. I felt as if I was held in a Dragon spell even though I knew he wasn’t using his magic. No, this was a magic all our own.

He spread my thighs and settled his body between them. I moved beneath him, not wanting to wait, barely controlling my impatience.

And then I felt him against my skin before he slid inside of me.

Colin rocked against me, riding me. I couldn’t help the sounds that came from me. Soft moans and whimpers that grew louder the more he drew it out.

Stars started to spin in my mind as an oncoming orgasm grew and grew inside me. It was so intense that I didn’t know if I’d survive it.

And then I could no longer think, only feel as everything exploded inside me.

I cried out and then realized Colin was shouting his own release.

My body did not want to come down from such heights. Finally it eased and I gave a sigh of exhaustion.

BOOK: Vampires Dead Ahead
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