Vampires Never Cry Wolf (19 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Vampires Never Cry Wolf
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Once over the threshold, Sadie stopped short. Killian hadn't been kidding. It was a mess. As she let out a low whistle, the door clanked shut behind them with a sound that echoed through the cavernous space of the club. At the moment, actually, it wasn't a club. It was a construction site that would eventually be a club. The most unique feature of the large, open space was the balcony that ran all the way around the massive room.

“Are you going to have VIP tables up there?” Sadie asked, pointing up to the balcony. “Or will it be solely for dancing and observing other dancers?”

“Both.” Killian went to a table at the center of the room that was laden with papers. He waved her over and opened the blueprints before showing her the club concept. “The bar will be over here along the far right wall, and tables will be sprinkled throughout the club, essentially surrounding the dance floor. The DJ booth will be up there, at the center of the balcony and directly across from the main entrance. There are four stairways that lead up to the balcony, as well as two emergency exits that lead out to back stairwells. They empty out into the alleys on either side of the building.”

Sadie nodded and inched closer to him. His large hands splayed out on the paper, and she tried not to think about those strong, talented fingers of his. Watching him run his forefinger along the blueprints, she couldn't help but recall how it felt to have those fingers running over her.

While he spoke, Sadie stole a peek at Killian's strong profile. She didn't think she could find him any more attractive than she already did. With the stubble-covered chin and the wavy hair that barely brushed the collar of his blazer, the guy was hot. Add the intense passion and focus he exhibited when talking about his business, and he was downright irresistible. Killian was driven, intense, intelligent, and passionate, and he possessed a confidence that was just a hair shy of arrogant.

“My office is back here,” he said, jutting a thumb to his left. Sadie tried not to pay attention to the enticing heat that radiated from his body, but good luck with that. Clearing her throat, she nodded and turned her focus back to his blueprints. “The entrance to the kitchen is in that far left corner. Even though a bank of tables will surround the dance floor, I'm going to have a cluster of tables on the left side. The tables and chairs will be from my family's furniture company. It's all rustic wood and handmade. The walls will be a similar design to the front of the club. I want people to feel like they're in the Alaskan woods at night.” Taking a deep breath, he turned and peered at her intently. “So, what do you think?”

“I have to hand it to you.” Sadie made a sweeping gesture with one hand and smiled. “This place is going to be unique.”

“Unique?” Killian narrowed his eyes and pointed at her. “That's not code for crappy, is it?”

“No.” Sadie laughed. “Definitely not. Unique is good. Listen, Killian, there are hundreds of joints in this city, and it's really tough to find a new spin on an old business. You just may have done it.”

“So I've impressed you, Ms. Pemberton?” he asked with a lopsided grin. Lowering his head, he murmured, “I'd say that bodes well for the rest of our evening.”

David cleared his throat from his position by the door, reminding them both of his presence. Sadie stepped back, increasing the distance between her and Killian, who shot an irritated look at his friend. Killian opened his mouth to say something, but they were interrupted when three humans emerged from the swinging door that led to the kitchen.

“The kitchen is just about done, Mr. Bane.” A rotund fellow hitched up his pants while he approached. Since the other two men followed, Sadie assumed the big guy in front was the foreman. “The appliances are installed and in working order.”

“Thank you.” Killian shot a glance at Sadie
. This is the one.
“Before you leave, I'd like to ask you a question about something. Join me in my office.”

“Sure thing.” Mike wiped his sweaty brow with a filthy-looking handkerchief from his back pocket. “You guys go on. I'll see you back here tomorrow morning.”

The two other men, dirty and clearly exhausted, waved wordlessly before leaving. Sadie didn't miss the nervous energy that exuded from the humans as they went past David and out the door. Perhaps they simply sensed something different about him.

Leaving David to guard the front door, Sadie followed Killian and Mike to the back of the club and into Killian's office. Shutting the door tightly behind her, Sadie turned around and caught Killian's eye as he gave her a slight nod.
He's all yours.

“So, what's up?” Mike asked. Sweat beaded on his upper lip as he stood in the unfurnished office in between Killian and Sadie. He fiddled with the clipboard in his hands and thrummed his fingers on it nervously. “You're happy with the paint job and the carpeting, aren't you?”

A swirl of excitement curled in Sadie's belly as she moved closer to the human. Some vampires—Olivia, for example—weren't fond of glamouring humans, but Sadie had to admit that she loved it. It was an intense experience to push her way into someone's mind and peel away the bullshit to get to the core of who they were.

Once she was about a foot away, she met Mike's pale gray stare with hers and pushed her mind into his. Like a hot knife through butter, Sadie entered the human's feeble consciousness with her far stronger one. The instant she linked her mind to his, the man's rotund body went limp. Swaying on his feet and with his mouth hanging open like a fish out of water, Mike drifted into the coma-like state of the glamour.

“You're safe, Mike.” Sadie continued talking, keeping her voice soft and melodic, while she removed the specimen bag and tube from her back pockets. “I just need to get some of your hair. Can you pull out some strands and put them in this bag for me? It's okay. You won't feel any pain.”

Mike nodded wordlessly and did as Sadie asked. She held the bag open for him and flicked her gaze to Killian, standing silently behind the human. Looming large, he watched with rapt fascination as Sadie worked her magic.

“Thank you, Mike.” Sadie sealed the bag and stuck it in her back pocket. “Now open your mouth.” Making quick work of getting a saliva sample, she tucked the swab back in the tube and secured it. “That's wonderful, thank you.”

“You're welcome,” Mike mumbled. The faraway look in his eyes didn't waver, and the man's breathing remained calm and steady.

“I want to ask you a question, Mike.” Sadie lowered her voice further and looked past him, her gaze latching with Killian's. A smile curved her lips and that swirl of excitement in her belly ratcheted up a notch as she stared into Killian's heated gaze. “Do you believe in vampires or werewolves? Are you a familiar?”

“No.” Mike let out a snort of derision and his meaty body swayed toward Sadie. “That's a lot of crap.”

“Good.” Sadie winked at Killian.
He's definitely not a familiar.
Placing both hands on the human's shoulders, Sadie met his gaze and pushed further into his mind. “When the door opens, you'll remember being in the office with Mr. Bane. He told you what a fine job you've been doing and that he loves the way his office came out.”

“Fine job.” Mike sighed, and half a smile cracked his pudgy red face.

Sadie walked backward toward the door, with her eyes set on Killian's. Curling her fingers around the brass knob, she opened the door and said, “Time to wake up, Mike.”

The foreman woke from the glamour with a huge grin and spun around to face Killian.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Bane.” Mike grabbed Killian's hand and gave him an enthusiastic handshake. The expression on Killian's face was nothing short of amused. “I am so happy that you're pleased. I promise you we are on track to open one month from today. We just have to finish up the main room and the balcony.”

“That's fantastic news.” Killian clapped the man on the shoulder and gestured toward the door. “Come on, Mike. I'll walk you out.”

you're the one who's impressed
. Sadie couldn't help but feel completely satisfied with herself, and there was no stopping the smile on her face as she followed them back out to the front. She wasn't sure which she enjoyed more: the way Killian had looked at her while she glamoured the human, or the fact that she had done something that only a vampire could do. Being a vampire might have certain limitations, but there was no denying the perks.

Killian spoke quietly with David near the door after Mike left, and Sadie lingered by the table with the blueprints. She heard the front door open and close and didn't have to look up to know that David was gone, which meant she and Killian were alone.

“Where'd your friend go?” Her stomach fluttered in anticipation as she heard Killian approach with slow, sure steps. “Did you give him the rest of the night off?”

“Yes.” His heavy steps echoed through the room, and he removed his jacket as he strode toward her. He draped it over the folding chair at the end of the table, and that cheeky grin spread across his handsome face. “I believe he has plans to meet up with your DJ.”

“So you know about him and Justine?” She pushed aside the papers before hoisting herself onto the table, nibbling her lower lip. “You don't have a problem with it?”

“Why would I?” Killian tilted his head and cast her a confused look. “What he does with his personal life is his own business. I don't care who he sleeps with.”

“What about that Ivan guy?” Sadie challenged.

Two steps closer.

“I don't care who he sleeps with either,” Killian countered.

“Very funny.” Holding Killian's burning stare, Sadie swung her combat-boot-clad feet back and forth and braced her hands on the table on either side of her hips. She gripped the edge of the table in an effort to retain control. She was afraid she'd strip off her clothes and beg him to take her right there on the table. She might be his bloodmate, but shouldn't she play a little hard to get?

“What I meant was, is Ivan as willing to look the other way as David? One of your security team members is banging a vampire. I can't imagine that's following protocol.”

While Sadie tried to keep her fangs at bay, Killian walked over and stood in between her legs. She sat up taller but didn't let go of the table, even though the heat of his enticing body was wickedly inviting. She wasn't sure what to do or say, other than hold his stare, so she decided to let him make the next move.

“I don't care about protocol either.”

“What do you care about?” Sadie asked bluntly. Arching one eyebrow, she studied him closely and watched for his reactions. “I mean aside from this club. You don't seem to care about much. Not your parents' approval. Not the throne. So tell me, Killian Bane.” Sadie lowered her voice to just above a whisper. “What do you care about? What matters?”

“You,” Killian murmured. Inching closer, he curled his large, warm hands over her jean-covered thighs. Pulling her legs farther apart, he tugged her butt to the edge of the table. The sudden movement made her gasp. Her hands flew to his waist and clung to him for dear life. Killian's eyes widened in response and his fingers gripped her thighs tighter. Dipping his head low, he brushed his stubbly cheek over hers and kissed her earlobe, his warm breath puffing over her neck. “Getting to know you, Sadie. That's what matters.”

A lock of his hair drifted against her forehead, his mouth hovering an inch from hers. The steadily thrumming beat of his heart called to her like a beacon. With the pace of his breathing increasing and the heat of his body surrounding her, Sadie's last ounce of restraint evaporated. In a blur, she captured his lips with hers and held on. Killian's tongue slid between the seam, and Sadie opened to him eagerly. He lifted her legs and tugged her against him as he suckled and plundered.

Breaking the kiss, Killian trailed his lips down her throat. Sadie wrapped her legs around him, holding him to her. A desperate moan escaped her parted lips as her head fell back, giving him unfettered access. Needing to get closer and wanting to feel his flesh against hers, Sadie tugged his shirttails free from his pants and groaned when her fingertips met the skin of his lower back. Cradling her neck with one hand, he lifted his head and kissed her deeply. He rocked his hips against her, and Sadie moaned as the rigid length of his cock found her most sensitive spot.

Heat fired over her skin, sending her desire for Killian over the edge and her bloodlust into overdrive. Her fangs burst free and Sadie gasped, immediately breaking the kiss with Killian. Movement across the room captured her attention and brought everything to a screeching halt. With the fog of lust clouding her senses, it took her a moment to realize they were no longer alone.

Three figures loomed in the shadow of the doorway, along with three pairs of glowing amber eyes. She recognized two of them instantly—the smaller one was Christina and the man to her right was Ivan. The taller figure in the back, however, the one whose face was hidden in the shadows, wasn't completely clear.

At least…not at first.

Panic swelled in her chest and she immediately stiffened in Killian's arms when she realized who the other man was. Sensing the sudden change in her demeanor, Killian stopped nuzzling her breast and lifted his head, giving her a quizzical look. Trapped somewhere between horrified and mortified, Sadie swallowed the urge to shrink into a corner and vanish. She jutted her chin toward the door as she dropped her legs from around Killian's waist and tugged her hands from beneath his shirt.

Breathless and looking entirely disheveled by lust, Killian snapped his head toward the door, a growl rumbling in his chest. Standing to his full height, he released Sadie and turned around to face the intruders. Sadie smoothed her hair and straightened out her shirt while Killian remained in a protective stance in front of her.

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