vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found (20 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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“Lilith saw a vampire psychologist for a while. She may still be seeing her. She is supposed to be very talented and kind. Do you think that is something you would like to do?” I ask. I hope she will because I think it will help her to talk to a neutral party. She has to have all kinds of anger built up inside.

“Yes, I would like that. I’ll ask Lily tonight. Thanks, Aidan. You always take care of me,” she says and her lip quivers. “Maybe we can update that apartment of yours soon. I had a lot of fun today.”

“We can change it every day if you want, my love.”

“I don’t think we have to go to those extremes. But I would love to change the colors a bit.”

“We can start tomorrow. Right now I would like to make love to you. Do you think you’re ready for that? If it’s too soon I can wait as long as you need.”

“Oh, Aidan. I thought you didn’t touch me last night because you didn’t like what I had become. I couldn’t help feeling that way.”

“Manda, I want you more than ever. I never stopped looking for you. I knew immediately what had happened. Lilith and Liam caught your scent in Milan. They were werevamps at the time if you remember. That’s why I had to leave in the first place.” I run my hands through my hair. “If I had any idea that you’d been in any danger I never would have left you alone. I’m so so sorry, my love.”

“Shh… what’s done is done. I’ve never blamed you, Aidan. I just prayed you would find me. And then I was disgusted with what I had become so then I prayed you wouldn’t find me.” Her voice breaks. When she speaks her voice is flat and her back is bowed. Fury fills me but I tamp it down – I don’t want her to worry about my feelings. She has enough to do taking care of her own feelings.

I pull her into my arms while she cries. I gently rub her back with one hand and run my fingers of the other hand through her hair. Goddess thank you for bringing her back before her soul was permanently damaged.

I kiss the top of her head and then her temple and then I kiss her nose which makes her giggle. She is a tall woman but still has to stretch on tiptoes to kiss my lips and it’s like the lights have come on for the first time. My hands are everywhere. Rediscovering her, soaking in her essence. She fumbles with the buttons on my shirt and I glamour our clothes off. She giggles.

“Sometimes it’s nice to be engaged to a Djinn.”

“You have no idea,” I say as I make her orgasm from a simple wish. She becomes jelly in my arms so I pick her up and carry her to the bed.

I lie down on top of her without even hesitating in our kisses. She moans into my mouth and it’s such a turn on. I can’t take it any longer, it’s been too long. I sink into her slowly and she gasps while her cold skin heats up with my fire spirit warmth.

We move in unison, panting, thrusting and finally coming together. Nothing compares to seeing Manda come apart beneath me. I cradle her to me and whisper in her ear, telling her how beautiful she is and how much I love her. Telling her she is safe now. 


We meet Sebastian and Lilith at their house at five after ten. They are just coming out of their room when we get there and I give Sebastian a knuckle bump. He laughs and pulls Lilith in to him. We head out in Sebastian’s Mercedes for You Belong to Me.

The Art Deco theme on the front doors is carried throughout the club. Sebastian works hard to make this a popular place and he has an excellent Zagat rating. A candy girl seats us immediately in the VIP section and takes our orders. I, of course, have nothing from the bar but I am soaking up enough energy off the dancers to last me a week. I can’t eat or drink but I soak up energy from emotions and the best are happy emotions like the people around us are having now.

When everyone has their drinks we make small talk for a while.

“Aidan, I don’t think I thanked you enough for this opportunity to have this child,” Lilith says. Her eyes shine with unshed tears. Sebastian pulls out a linen handkerchief.

“It is my pleasure. I’ve never been good at waiting for something. It must have something to do with my ability of satisfying all my whims instantly. But I’m having a really hard time right now. You know that I need to be a godfather again. I’m really getting the hang of it.” Everybody laughs at me. 

“Oh my goodness.”  Lilith catches her breath before taking a drink of her virgin strawberry daiquiri. She waves her hand in front of her face. “I feel flushed. That can’t be. Sebastian, feel my head.” 

“You are warmer than usual. But you are also essentially a little oven right now for the baby. Do you want me to call the doctor?”

“No, I think you are right. Just think, I won’t be so cold for the next seven weeks.” She sighs contentedly.

Sebastian smiles down at her and kisses the top of her head.

 “What am I missing? And what does Aidan have to do with it?” Manda asks looking confused.

“Aidan gave us the chance to get pregnant for a wedding present. We started practicing right away,” Lilith says. She winks at Manda.

“Does that mean we could get pregnant?” Manda asks immediately. I hadn’t planned on telling her until we got married, on our honeymoon, as a gift.

“Yes, lover, it does. I’ve rarely wished for something for myself. But this I would wish for a million times with you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asks.

“I was waiting until our wedding night. I wanted to surprise you.”

She tugs on the lapels of my Armani coat and gives me a kiss, a long and sweet kiss.

We pull apart and Lilith is clapping and giggling.

“Let’s get married tomorrow,” Manda says.

“Yay! We could be pregnant together,” Lilith says. 

“When are you two going to get married?” Sebastian asks us.

“I was leaving all that up to Manda.”

“I want a quiet ceremony with your family,” she says pointing at Lilith and Sebastian.

“Where would you like to have it? It can be anywhere in the world,” I ask.

“Georgia, now, when the peach blossoms are blooming.”

Lilith claps again. She’s radiating happiness and if I’m not mistaken has a glow about her.

“We have a wedding to plan, Manda. Tomorrow. That way we won’t miss the blossoms. Aidan can get anything we will need. I can’t wait to tell Hannah.”

“I would love your help, Lily. I’m so sorry I missed your wedding,” Manda says. She gets a haunted look in her eyes. Lily quickly reaches over and grabs her hand.

“We have video and pictures. We should have them in about three more weeks. I’ll show you everything,” Lily whispers. “I’m so glad we found you.”

“Thank you. I haven’t thanked you for rescuing me. What were you doing at that terrible place anyway?” Manda is notably cooler.

“The King, Basilio, practically ordered us to go. I had asked for his help in finding you. We had no idea what we were heading into. We were absolutely horrified. We had been trying to get information out of the King for weeks. He said that his enemy wanted us there and that the man was shady. We thought it would be a good place to get more info. Not even the King knew what was going on. Aidan had been scouting. We called him. And well, you saw what he did,” Lilith explains.

“I didn’t think you would have had anything to do with those fights but I was concerned,” Manda admits.

“No. We think what they were doing was beyond unconscionable. It turned our stomachs but if we had tried to leave during a bloodlust of about fifty vicious vampires it would have been our death,” Sebastian explains.

“I understand. I can’t understand why people would find that entertaining,” Manda says and shudders.

“There are just as many sick vampires in the world as there are sick people. That’s the only explanation I have,” Bast says. He takes Manda’s hand and gives it a squeeze.

“Lily, I hope you don’t mind, but Aidan told me about a psychologist you were seeing. I know that it’s private and I apologize for intruding but I wondered if I could get her name?”

“Manda, I think Sophie would really help you work through all this. Do you have a phone yet?” Lilith looks at me and I pull one from thin air and hand it to her. “Thanks, Aidan. I’m programming her info into your phone. Tell her that Helena and I referred you.”

“Thanks, Lily,” Manda says as she takes the phone and slips it in her purse.

“Enough of this for tonight. Let’s go dance away our troubles. Manda? Would you care to dance?” Sebastian asks.

“I’d love to.” She smiles.

I take that as my cue to take Lilith’s hand. I pull it to my lips and give it a kiss. 

“Come, love. Let’s show them how it’s done.”






Aidan and I dance our worries away. After two dances, Sebastian gets restless. He pins me with the look.

      “It is our honeymoon, after all,” he whispers in my ear. 

      We dance the rest of the night together, weaving in and out of the other dancers. Many people come to the club dressed in period clothes. I am wearing a LBD – little black dress and some black Louboutins with rhinestones on the heels and toe. They are quite high so I am the perfect kissing height for Sebastian. He takes complete advantage of this. Squeezing my bottom every once in a while.

      “Get a room,” Aidan hisses as he and Manda float by. He’s laughing so I know he is not upset – just being a pest. Manda is doing exceptionally well and I haven’t seen her stop smiling or laughing all night.

      “Good idea,” Sebastian whispers in my ear.

      “Mmm hmm…” I mumble. He’s kissing and nipping my ear now, it’s hard to concentrate.

      We sit down. Manda and Aidan join us. Manda and I drink more of our drinks while Sebastian plays with my hair.

      “Aidan, I think I’m going to take Lily home. She looks tired,” Bast says with a wicked grin. His eyes are half-lidded and from what I see of them they are smoldering.

      “Right… because vampires get so tired,” Manda says and Aidan snorts.

      “I’m feeling positively bushed,” I counter with a wink. Bast pulls me in closer and nips my neck. It takes everything in me not to moan. I love when he shows fang.

      “Do you want to go somewhere with that? I think the owner would frown on such grand displays of PDA,” Aidan says and laughs.

      “The owner would most definitely be okay with this,” Bast says. “But I would rather take this home.” He picks up Manda’s hand and gives it a kiss and shakes Aidan’s hand. “Bonsoir mes amies.”

      “Bonsoir, Sebastian, Lilith,” Aidan says and kisses my cheek.

      “See ya!” Manda yells above the music. I wince. I think she forgets we can hear so well. She will learn.

      “Bye,” I say and wave as I collect my clutch. Then Bast sweeps me out of the club. A perk of being the owner is having your car close to the door. It takes no time to retrieve and we are on our way.

      We get home. To our home and it is the first night we will be spending away from the family by ourselves. Aidan and Manda aren’t going to be home until bedtime. Something about seeing the sunset somewhere exotic. Sebastian picks me up and carries me across the threshold. I start my assault on his body. Kissing his cheek, his ear and neck. I scrape my fangs across his neck. He shivers.

      “Cherie, you’re going to make me drop you if you keep that up.”

      “Let’s take a swim, Bast. Naked.”

      “Mmm… I think I could do with some exercise.” He carries me to the atrium where the pool is. The blue mosaic tiles remind me of the places we visited on our trip. The pool is a salt water pool so there is no harsh chlorine smell. It’s good because that’s a harsh scent for a vampire.

      I have his shirt half off when he puts me down. He starts unzipping my dress and lets it fall to the floor. I get his shirt the rest of the way off and move in for his pants. He pulls away and looks me up and down, savoring.

      “Bast, you are so naughty.”

      “Not naughty,” he scoffs. “I’m just appreciating a beautiful piece of art. The lingerie, your long legs ending in those great shoes. I want you like this.” He moves in to me and pushes me against the wall and lifts one of my legs around his waist.


      This is so hot. He unbuckles his belt and pants and slips my panties to the side and enters me hard and fast.

      “Yes,” he hisses out. He stays still, buried in me. Then he tilts his hips so he fills me even more and I groan into him. Drawing my nails down his chest. He moans and then he attacks my mouth and starts to move. Fast and hard. 

      I’m having a difficult time staying upright. Sebastian grabs my ass and pulls me up so both legs are around him. Aww it’s so fucking deep this way. He kisses my neck and nips it before sinking his fangs into me and drinking. I come instantly and gloriously, throwing my head back and letting out a jumbled version of his name.

      I feel him lick the wound and smile into my neck. Then he gets serious about pounding into me. I feel an inevitable pull starting and I know I am going to come again. When I get close I know Bast is close too so I pay him back and strike. His blood is so good that it shoots me over the edge and I take him with me.

      Bast slowly lets me back down and my knees buckle so he scoops me up and carries me to a chaise lounge. Holding me close he starts kissing my shoulder and down my arm making me shiver again. He stops at my wedding and engagement rings and smiles.

      “These are very sexy.”

      “Not as sexy as yours, Bast.” I take his ring finger and lick it from tip to base making him groan. 

      “I love you, Lily St. John. You know that, right? More than my own life.”

      “I know it, Bast. And I love my new last name.”

      “My wife.”

      “Your wife.”



      Bast takes off my bra and panties and with a shake of his head he takes off my shoes. I think he likes them. He puts them on the chaise next to him and takes off his pants and boxers, socks and shoes. Then he pulls me to my feet and we descend into the pool.

      Floating in the water feels heavenly. We play for a while and swim together. Then Bast takes me again, from behind while I hold on to the edge of the pool. The water swirls around us and laps over the edge as gentle as our love making.

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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