vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found (30 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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Bast laughs.

“You’ve hardly gotten fat, Lily. You have become incredibly sexy though. There is nothing sexier to a man than his wife swollen with his child – sexist, but I’m old-fashioned. If the babies weren’t here and you felt better I would show you just how sexy you are.”

“This is why I love you.” I snuggle the blankets up around Fin and close my eyes.

When I open them, the sun is setting and Sebastian is holding a sleeping Fiona while watching me. I yawn and stretch as much as I can without disturbing Finn.

“How long was I out for?”

“About an hour. Diel and Hannah have called every fifteen minutes. I finally had to ban them unless it was an emergency so that they wouldn’t wake you guys up.”

“Thanks, Bast. I really needed that last nap. I feel normal again.”

“Good. That’s what we need. Maggie took your IV out while you slept. You finished your transfusions. I sent her home since I didn’t think we needed her anymore.”

“When are Diel and Hannah coming back? I could die for a shower.”

“Why don’t I call Julian and Helena? They can watch the babes while I help you in and out of the shower.” He pulls his phone out and hits a number for speed dial.

“Julian? Would you and Helena be up to watching the twins for a little bit? Diel and Hannah are looking at houses and Lily really wants a shower. Bon.”

Sebastian takes his phone and hits another number.

“Diel? Helena and Julian are going to watch the twins for a little bit while I help Lily with a shower.” He pauses, listening. “No, no need to rush. I just wanted to let you know the plans. Okay, see you in a bit.” Bast shakes his head. “I expect to see them in ten minutes. Diel was just looking for any excuse to be back with his babies.”

“Please tell me we won’t be quite so protective. Our baby will need to fall a few times before it can learn to walk or run. We’ve got to let it make its own mistakes along the way,” I say.

“Cherie, you are so wise. I am humbled that you want to spend your life with me.”

“Sweetheart, I had a good teacher in you.” 

Sebastian leans in to kiss me and we hear a throat clearing.

“None of that. We’re here now. You can go do whatever it is you want to do now,” Helena says. She has a twinkle of mischief in her eye. “Lily, let me take Finn. You go have your shower. I can still smell the blood on you.”

“Sebastian, I’ve got Fiona. Go help your wife,” Julian says and winks at us.

“I expect Diel and Hannah soon. I told them we were switching up and Diel was afraid they were imposing. He just wanted an excuse to hog the babies again,” Sebastian says and chuckles. Julian slaps his back, laughing himself.

After we hand the babies to Helena and Julian, Sebastian slips his arms under my knees and behind my back to carry me to our room. I giggle and see his smile get bigger.

“Ah, I so love it when you do that.”

“Do what, Bast?”

“Giggle. You don’t do it enough. We will work on it though. We have to show our daughter how to giggle.”

“Or our son.”

“Or our son.”

“I know we said we didn’t want to know the sex, but are you sure you don’t have a preference?” I ask as he sets me down in the bathroom.

“I want healthy, Lily. I really don’t care if we have a son or daughter. Both appeal to me in different ways. A little girl like you makes me go soft in the knees. On the other hand a boy to do guy things with would be so cool.”

“So you’re not curious at all?”

“I didn’t say that. It took everything in me to keep from asking the doctor. But I didn’t think it would be fair to know when you didn’t.”

“Too true. I would have killed you.”

Sebastian turns me around and unties the hospital gown, letting it fall to the floor.

“Come, cherie. The doctor said a shower, no hot baths tonight. Are you feeling steady or do you want me to join you?”

“Very subtle, Sebastian. Besides, you have blood all over you. Get undressed and climb in,” I say as I step into the shower. I adjust the shower heads and by the time they are just right, Bast is cozying up behind me.

We wash each other off and then wash our hair. Then Sebastian takes my face in his hands and kisses me a long time. We make sweet, gentle love with water falling all around us. I feel relaxed for the first time in weeks.

I slip into an Irish wool sweater and yoga pants along with my werewolf slippers, a gift from Andrew.

When we meet everyone in the living room I find that Diel and Hannah are back and holding their babies. I smile down at them and rub Fiona’s head. Andrew has made me some herbal tea and hands me a mug. I take a tentative sip and it is divine. A mix of mints. 

“Miss Lily, we have to talk about you getting some domestic help,” Andrew says, hands on hips. He’s giving me a look like he isn’t taking no for an answer.

“Andrew, you know we can’t have just anyone with the baby coming. Not sure what kind of requirements the baby will have. We have to be prepared,” I reply.

“I have the perfect solution. Her name is Annie. She’s a new vampire and was a barista. We met when we were getting your tea. She’s had experience cleaning too and wants to go back to school so needs a flexible gig.”

“Andrew, you just met her. We don’t know anything about her. Who is her maker?” Bast asks.

“Lionne was her lover then maker before he died,” Liam says.

Lionne was a sweet vampire. He surrounded himself with loving people. If Annie was his girlfriend that says a lot about her. Still, we would have to run background checks and interview her.

“I don’t think I want someone living here full time,” I muse.

“Me either,” Bast says, rubbing his chin. “Does she have a place to stay?”

“She’s living in the apartment Lionne bought for her. She has to pay her utilities and taxes and condo fees. Being a barista is not cutting it and she still needs some extra for school too.”

“I would pay for her education if she is a good fit for us in lieu of room and board,” Bast says.

“We’d have to run a background check and interview her. Speaking of background checks… are Matteo and Alessandro still here? I haven’t seen them. I want to thank them,” I say.

“They are in the guest house taking some of the security down. But they insist on staying until the baby is born. Basilio has already given his okay,” Bast says grimacing.

“I suppose it’s going to be a full house til then.”

“Not necessarily,” Aidan says. “I think we both have found houses so we can get out of your hair.”

“What?! Why didn’t you say something sooner? This is awesomesauce!” I shout.

“Is that even a word?” Andrew says, making fun of me with a sardonic grin.

“It is if I say it is. Who chose what?” I ask the two couples.

“We picked the Chesney’s place at the end of the street by the ocean. It has six bedrooms and Diel is threatening to fill them all up,” Hannah says and giggles.

“We chose the Kennedys’. I will be adding an extra bedroom which will bring it up to five. It has an indoor theater and workout room. Manda was excited about those. She wants me to pretty much gut it.” He dodges an elbow to the rib. “It won’t even resemble its original design. Manda wants a pool too.”

“Of course she does. They are awesome. When will you close on the houses and give us a tour?” I ask.

“We close tomorrow. A little more djinn magick,” Diel explains and shakes his head. “I have to say I appreciate it, though. Han’s little house is overflowing with things for the twins.”

“Jules, this is just what we always wanted. Family and babies surrounding us. My life feels complete,” Helena says. Julian wraps his arms around her and kisses the back of her neck.

“Well, I guess we better talk to Annie tomorrow if she can, Andrew. Ask Matteo to run a background check on her. She has good references coming from Lionne but my baby is going to be around her. She has to be perfect,” I say.

“I’ll give her a call, Miss Lily.”


“I’ll go and talk to Matteo about the background check.” Liam offers.

“Thanks, Liam.”






Manda and I had fun looking at houses today. I know she is excited about decorating and remodeling. It’s a good thing we are waiting for the wedding. It’s only a few weeks and I know this will take some of the pressure off Lilith. She deserves to enjoy this time and welcome her new baby in peace. Sebastian will relax about her safety and health, too.

Right now, watching Manda sleep is my favorite time of day. I know Sebastian often says that about Lilith and I now understand why. Manda is so calm and beautiful in her sleep. No worries or burdens to bring a frown to her face. She’s due to wake soon. I can hardly wait. I know it’s pathetic but I treasure every second with her and miss her while she sleeps.

She slowly opens those huge eyes outlined in thick lashes. She smiles when she sees me.

“You stayed.”

“I’ll always stay.”

“I love you,” she says breathily. “I feel safe with you. Never leave me, Aidan.”

“What silly ideas are floating around in your gorgeous head? I found myself when I found you. I’ll never be separated from you again. It’s like being torn in two. I love you, Manda. That will never change.”

“Kiss me?”

“I plan on doing a lot more than kissing,” I say and give my best wicked smile. She giggles and reaches for me. I let her pull me down to her.

I zap our clothes off and make love to her. By the time we are done showering, Lilith is wandering around waiting for Annie to come for an interview. We step out of the room and into the hall just as she does. She’s in a beautiful sheath dress with an empire waist to give room to her expanding belly. This morning she looks about five months pregnant.

“Guess what?” she asks.

“What, love?”

“I felt the baby move! Hurry, come here and see if you can feel it too.” She grabs one of my hands and one of Manda’s and places them on each side of her belly.

We wait for a minute and then I feel it. A little nudge under my hand. I break into the biggest grin. My face feels like it is stretched to the max. I know the exact minute Manda feels it. She squeals and bends down and kisses Lilith’s belly.

“Did you feel it, Aidan?” she asks. She’s glowing.

“I did, lover. It was amazing.” I give Lilith a kiss on the cheek. She has tears running down her face. Her eyes are already puffy and red.

Sebastian joins us and wraps his arm around her waist and then gently wipes the tears away with his thumb. He’s smiling from ear to ear, obviously just as excited as Lilith is. I’m so proud to have been able to give them this. Proud and humbled by their obvious love and excitement.

“Did you feel it?” Sebastian asks me.

“I did. He knows his Uncle Aidan already,” I say.

Manda punches me in the arm. Damn that woman is physical.

“You mean she knows her Auntie Manda.”

“Maybe it’s twins and you’ll have one of each,” Hannah says from behind. We make room for her in the hall. Diel is behind her carrying both babies. This is getting ridiculously crowded.

“Let’s continue our conjecture in the living room or better yet in the kitchen so Diel can eat,” I suggest.

“Amen,” Diel growls. The boy does get hungry. Han leads him through the group and Hades’ head pops up to sniff Lilith. She grins down at him and rubs him behind the ear. We all disentangle and follow Hannah down the hall and into the kitchen where she is already starting to make a sandwich.

“Andrew will be here with Annie in just a little more than fifteen minutes. I want her to meet everyone and then Lily and I will take her into the study to interview her. Her background check and references were favorable and more,” Sebastian says. He has his hands wrapped around Lilith and he has them clasped over her belly. He grins and squeezes her every time the baby moves.

We all chat and watch Diel eat two huge sandwiches, passing the time until Annie arrives. If she works out I will feel better about Manda and me moving out tomorrow. I want to make sure she is taken care of even though I know we are crowding them.

We hear the bell and suddenly Lilith looks anxious.

“What if she doesn’t like us?” she asks. 

“Then we’ll kick her butt,” Hannah says. “Then get her juiced up with a college student to mellow her shit out.”

Lilith looks horror stricken. Sebastian squeezes her shoulders to reassure her. She visibly relaxes and gives Hannah a stern look behind her back making Manda and Diel crack up.

Lilith straightens her dress and looks like she is going to pass out.

“Love, come here and sit down. You don’t look so well,” I say leading her to a loveseat.

“I don’t feel so well, Aidan. Actually, Manda, can you help me to the bathroom? I think I’m going to be sick.”

Manda hurries to her side and scoops her up, running them to the guest bath. I hear Lilith get sick and Manda murmur sweet words to her. Sebastian comes in with a striking young woman. Blonde, long-legged and Nordic looking.

“Where’s Lily,” Sebastian says looking all over the room.

“Manda is with her. She got sick to her stomach,” Hannah says sympathetically.

“I didn’t know vampires could get sick,” Annie says.

“They can’t unless they are pregnant. Excuse me while I check on my wife,” Sebastian says rushing out of the room.

“Pregnant?” Annie’s eyes are huge as she contemplates what Sebastian says.

“I’m a djinn and I gave them the chance to get pregnant as a wedding present,” I explain. She blushes and fidgets.

“I was told about you, Mr. Aidan. Andrew and Liam told me about all of you. You must be Hannah and this is your husband, Diel?”

“Yes, good job. And these are Fiona and Finn, our twins,” Hannah says jovially. She has mellowed since she was pregnant.

“Um, excuse me for asking, but did Mr. Aidan give you a wish too?”

Diel laughs loudly.

“No, I’m a demon. Demons and vampires can have children.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Annie replies, ducking her head to seem smaller. I come to her rescue.

“Don’t worry about it, Annie. Many vamps don’t know about that. It was a surprise to Hannah too. Plus you’re newly turned, right?” I ask.

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 07 - suckers lost and found
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