Vampirium (22 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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The rock is deflected by the gust of air, but as it tumbles past, it strikes your left shoulder with a painful blow: lose 2

To continue,
turn to 339


The squad leader gasps with shock when he sees you come walking into his chamber. He glances to a knotted rope that is hanging beside the blazing fireplace, but it is just beyond reach. You detect that the rope is connected to an alarm bell, and you shake your head as a warning to him not to try to make a grab for it.

‘Where is the Claw?’ you say, raising your Kai Weapon to reinforce your demand. The sallow-skinned man narrows his eyes until they become like slits in his face, and he shakes his head slowly from side to side. He refuses to answer your question.

Suddenly he reaches over the side of his bath tub and attempts to grab something that is lying on the floor, hidden from view.

If you wish to rush forward and strike the squad leader with your Kai Weapon,
turn to 107

If you wish to rush forward and tip him out of his bath tub,
turn to 169

If you wish to throw your Kai Weapon at the squad leader,
turn to 89


Shortly after dark, you make your way towards the stone bridge, keeping close to the river to avoid the enemy encampments on either side of the road which crosses into Zuda. You get to within 6 yards of the bridge itself before you are forced to stop when you see enemy soldiers at the river's edge. They are filling their canteens and washing clothes. If you are to make a successful crossing below the bridge, you will first have to distract them, or lure them away.

Illustration XVI
—Bhanarian soldiers at the river's edge.

If you possess Assimilance and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Master Superior or higher,
turn to 17

If you possess Elementalism and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Defender or higher,
turn to 333

If you possess neither of these skills, or if you have yet to attain the required levels of Kai Mastery,
turn to 79


The squad leader awakes with a start and reaches for his sword but, before he can unsheathe it, you snatch the blanket roll from beneath his head and leap over his prone body.

Your heart is pounding wildly in your chest as you race towards the rangers on the far side of the copse. They have dispersed the Bhanarians' horses and they are waiting anxiously for you to appear. As you rush through the trees, you hear the squad leader screaming at his men to wake up and give chase.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 4 or lower,
turn to 195

If it is 5–7,
turn to 39

If it is 8 or higher,
turn to 275


You recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell
Invisible Fist
and thrust your right arm stiffly towards the lock. A wave of energy surges from your clenched fist and strikes the lockplate, smashing its internal mechanism. The doors shudder and then they swing slowly open.

Turn to 152


You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Curing to numb the pain of the old man's wound before drawing out the arrow. Then you lay your right hand upon his chest and transmit the power of your healing skills into the open wound. You feel some of your energy draining from your body (lose 2
points) as the healing process takes place, but when finally you remove your hand from his chest, you discover that no trace of his wound remains.

To continue,
turn to 76


A chunk of jagged masonry hits you in the neck and knocks you sideways to the ground: lose 4

If you have survived this wounding, you can continue by
turning to 104


You quickly recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell
and make a circle in the air with your right hand. A translucent disc shimmers into existence, and the falling rock slams into it with a loud

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. For every level of Kai rank you have achieved, above that of Kai Grand Sentinel, add an additional 1.

If your total score is now 0–3,
turn to 88

If it is 4 or higher,
turn to 185


You focus the power of your Discipline upon the iron cylinder and you cause a rapid rise in the temperature of the steam. Moments later, the valve fails and the cylinder explodes with devastating effect.

Turn to 157


A fight is on the verge of breaking out when suddenly the innkeeper intervenes to break it up. You hear the distinctive metallic
of crossbows being cocked, and when you look to the taproom bar, you see the innkeeper holding two of these weapons, one in either hand.

Illustration XVII
—The innkeeper holds two cocked crossbows, one in either hand.

‘I'll drop the first man to draw a blade,’ he growls. ‘You!’ he shouts, directing his ire towards your accuser. ‘Get out, and take your friends with you.’

The one-eyed man curses under his breath, and then he turns on his heel and leaves with his motley cohorts following in his wake. You thank the innkeeper for his timely action but he does not reply. You can tell by his stony silence that he would prefer it if you and your companions left as well.

If you possess Telegnosis or Grand Pathsmanship,
turn to 340

If you possess neither of these skills,
turn instead to 37


The rangers are mortified that they came so near to slaying you. They help you to your feet and beg you to forgive their reckless bow-fire. ‘There's no time for reproach,’ you reply, stoically. ‘I have retrieved the Claw of Naar, yet I fear our troubles may have only just begun. We must make a speedy escape. I sense the enemy are closing upon us from every side.’

Your instincts are correct. News of the fight in the mess hall is spreading like wildfire, and groups of armed Bhanarians are rushing towards this corridor from every quarter of the barracks. Your situation is beginning to look increasingly desperate until you suddenly spy a way to escape from the corridor that promises more than just a glimmer of hope.

Turn to 57


The Xanon leader roars with excitement as he comes galloping across the floor of the ancient hall. His amber eyes gleam with murderous intent, for he has set his mind on skewering you upon the tip of his crude wooden lance.

Xanon Leader:

If you win this combat,
turn to 277


From the dense blanket of cloud there descends a host of winged horrors. They have sinewy bodies studded with hundreds of horny spikes, and a cold yellowy light radiates from slits in their faces where one could expect there to be eyes. Bubbling drool streams from their fanged jaws as they circle once around the pass and then come swooping down to attack you and your companions.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 199

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 330

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 23

If you possess neither of these skills, nor a Bow, or if you choose not to use any of them,
turn instead to 126


You are a few leagues to the south of the toll bridge when you pass a signpost that says: BEHNAZ — 70 miles. Beyond this point, the hill road begins to twist like a swimming serpent. You are passing around one of its seemingly endless bends when you hear a loud rumble of thunder echoing through the hills.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel or higher,
turn to 113

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery,
turn to 63


You stable your horses and enter the taproom of the Prairie Princess. As the door creaks open, a gust of ale-soaked air and the jingle of bells interrupt the hubbub. The denizens of this tavern cast your party a suspicious glance or two, and then they return to their conversations. The innkeeper approaches, wending his way nimbly through the closely-packed tables. He is a lean man with dark skin and a shaven head. You ask the cost of stabling and add that you shall not be requiring rooms for the night.

‘Seven Ren each,’ he says, brusquely. ‘You can pay tomorrow when you collect your nags.’

You turn to leave the crowded taproom, but your way to the door is blocked by a stout, one-eyed man with a roughly-trimmed beard. ‘You plains-nomads have got some nerve t'come in here,’ he spits. ‘You swindled me, near on stole all my herd o' stallions. Well, I vowed I'd make you pay and now I'm going to collect!’

With a flick of his hand he signals to his cohorts to bar the tavern door. You tell the man that he is mistaken, that he is confusing you for somebody else, but he pays no heed to your explanation.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 215

If you possess Bardsmanship and wish to use it,
turn to 153

If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them,
turn to 268


You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship to mimic a Yua Tzhanian accent, and boldly you speak to the wary guards. You tell them that you and your companions are delivery drivers who have become lost. Brazenly you ask if they would kindly show you the way out of the barracks so that you can return to your wagons parked in the street outside.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, add 1 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 2.

If your total score is now 7 or lower,
turn to 186

If it is 8 or higher,
turn to 121


The Autarch's men react swiftly to their squad leader's call, but you increase your pace and flee the copse before they can prevent your escape. Gildas and his men are ready to take off the moment you reach them, and, as you jump onto your mount, you hear the anguished screams of the squad leader echoing across the plain. With a cry of triumph on your lips, you dig in your heels and gallop away from the copse as fast as your steed can carry you.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 293

If it is 5–9,
turn to 64


The sinister river beast obeys your mental command. It spits out your rope and then disappears below the surface. You watch, and when you see its trail of bubbles moving rapidly downstream towards the stone bridge, you strike out with renewed vigour for the opposite bank.

Upon reaching the far side, you tie your rope around a sturdy tree trunk and signal to the rangers to begin crossing. All three cross the river safely, and together you approach Zuda under cover of darkness.

The road into the town is heavily patrolled by Bhanarian soldiers. When you nearly collide with one of these patrols, you are forced to seek cover in an empty woodcutter's hut.

To continue,
turn to 3

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