Vamps And The City (24 page)

Read Vamps And The City Online

Authors: Kerrelyn Sparks

Tags: #Humor, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Adult, #Vampire, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Vamps And The City
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“Wow.” He rose to his feet, grinning. “I’ve never seen a lady drop her pants so fast.”

“You rascal.” She planted her hands on her hips and looked him over. “We have a serious problem.”


Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’m completely naked, but here you are, still in a suit and tie.”

“Oh. No problem.” He started to take off his coat, but she stopped him.

“I think I like this.” She circled him slowly, skimming a hand across his chest, over his arm, and across his back. “It makes me feel… wild and wanton.”

He inhaled sharply when her breasts brushed against his arm. His groin tightened. “I have to admit I like the view.”

“So do I.” She lifted the end of his tie and ran the tip down her neck and between her breasts.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her against his erection. “Are you ready to be wanned up?”

“Is that a heating iron or are you just happy to see me?” She wiggled out of his arms. “Come.” She tugged on his tie, leading him like a dog on a leash.

And he went. Gladly. Hell, he felt like howling. After all, the woman he loved was leading him to the bedroom. And watching her swaying rump from behind was an added bonus.

She stopped when she reached the bed. She turned slowly. “Let me undress you.” But he already had his coat and shoes off. Her eyes widened. “You’re certainly in a hurry.”

“Sweetheart, I’m about to explode.”

“Really?” She hooked a leg around him and rubbed her inner thigh against his pants. “Are you suffering?”

“Vixen,” he muttered as he loosened his tie and pulled it over his head.

She began to unbutton his shirt with irritatingly slow patience. With a growl, he unhooked his belt, unzipped his pants, dropped them, and kicked them aside. His underwear followed suit, and she was still unbuttoning his shirt.

“Enough.” He yanked his shirt and undershirt over his head at the same time. He focused on the door, and it swung shut.

“Wow,” she breathed.

With his mind, he pulled the comforter down the bed. Clean white sheets and pillows were revealed. “Climb in, sweetheart.”

She snorted. “Well, that’s a neat trick, but if you really want to impress me, you’ll know how to make the bed, too.”

He grabbed her around the waist and plopped her on the mattress.

“And do the laundry. Not to mention the dirty dishes.”

“I just love it when you talk dirty.” He pushed her down and gave his full attention to her breasts.

With a moan, she splayed her hands into his hair. “I tried to stay away from you. I knew I couldn’t resist you.”

He shoved her knees apart and settled between her thighs. “I’m here to stay.”

She jolted when he tickled her between the legs. She was hot and wet. He spread the moisture around while she trembled and gasped. The scent of her desire lured him in closer. He planted his mouth on her and quickly convinced her that they could indeed find domestic bliss together.

She cried out. He nuzzled close to feel the throbbing spasms. Holy moley. He needed to be inside her fast.

“I love you,” she gasped.

He glanced up and saw her red glowing eyes. He hesitated only a few seconds, but she used that time to push him down and roll on top of him.

“I love you,” she repeated as she trailed kisses down his chest. She teased his nipples with her tongue.

His erection wedged against her bottom, and he almost lost it. “Darcy, I can’t wait.”

She straddled his hips and lowered herself onto him. Each time she wiggled to accommodate his size, he groaned.

“Now.” He grabbed her hips and forced her down. Faster, he told her with his mind. I can’t wait much longer.

She sat up and tossed her hair behind her shoulders. She began to rock slowly, her eyes closed, her mouth slightly open. He’d never seen her so beautiful, so sexy. He cupped her breasts and gently squeezed. With a moan, she fell forward onto his chest. He grabbed her hips to increase the pace. Her breathing grew ragged, her fingers dug into him.

He was pushing up, grinding their hips together. Not much longer. He gritted his teeth, fighting for more time. He’d make her come with him, somehow. He reached between them and tweaked at her slick, hot nubbin. She cried out. He wrapped his arms around her, and they shattered together.

Suddenly, she stiffened and jerked free from his embrace. She sat up, her whole body shaking.

“Darcy, what’s wrong?”

“No!” She slapped both hands over her mouth. Her blue eyes filled with horror.


She scrambled off of him. Her eyes turned red, and she doubled over, crying out in pain.

He couldn’t leave her like this. “What can I do?”

“Go! Run away!”

He jumped back when he saw the white flash of fangs. Holy crap. Her fangs had come out. He tumbled out of bed.

A cry ripped from her throat, a cry so replete with pain and terror, he hesitated. She needed help. But what could he do?

“Run!” She grabbed a pillow and sank her fangs into it.

He shuddered at the sound of ripping fabric. That could have been his neck. Feathers floated around her head.

He ran to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Chocolood, and dashed back to the bedroom. He unscrewed the top. “Here.”

She remained curled in a ball, crying.

“Darcy!” He nudged her arm with the cold bottle.

She sat up with an angry hiss. He jumped back. With her eyes bright red and her fangs distended, she crawled across the bed toward him.

Holy shit. He felt like he was trying to feed a wild animal. He gingerly offered her the bottle.

She seized it and upended it. She guzzled it down so fast, drops of blood escaped and ran down her neck and chest.

Austin gulped. How could he live with this? He turned away to get dressed. He could hear the gulping sounds behind him. Finally, when he was buttoning his shirt, it became quiet.

He turned. She set the empty bottle down on the bedside table. Then, she used the sheet to wipe the blood off her chest.

“Are you all right?”

She shook her head, unable to look at him.

“Have your fangs ever come out before?”

“Only once. After I was transformed. It’s an automatic reaction, then. But that was four years ago. I— I’ve never wanted to bite anyone. I thought I was safe.”

“You were just hungry. We’ll make sure—“

“No!” She looked at him, her eyes glistening with tears. “I’ve already eaten tonight. I’m not that hungry. It was—I don’t know. I lost control.”

“From the sex?”

A tear rolled down her face. “We can’t do this again. I could have killed you.”

“But you didn’t. You attacked a pillow.” The slashed pillow made him wince.

“I had to bite something.” More tears slid down her cheeks. “I can’t let you live with me. I’m too dangerous.”

His heart plummeted. “We’ll figure out something.” This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t lose her now.

“No.” She turned her head away. “I want you to leave. Now.”

It felt like his heart had fallen into a vat of acid, and he was left with nothing but shriveling, gnawing pain. He considered arguing with her, begging her, anything to keep her. But she wouldn’t even look at him.

One last feather floated down onto the bed, landing next to the blood-stained sheet. He glanced at the slashed pillow. She was right. She could have killed him. He stumbled toward the door and left.

Chapter 24

Austin couldn’t stay at the penthouse. His bedroom there reminded him too much of Darcy. The scent of her shampoo lingered on the pillows, making it impossible to sleep. He took the subway back to his apartment in Greenwich Village. Even then, he couldn’t escape the pain or the memories.

The next day, he went to the office. He wasn’t there five minutes before he realized how difficult it would be to continue working for the CIA. He could no longer fight every vampire with the conviction they were all evil. He needed to convince Sean that it was only the Malcontents who were attacking people. If he could steer the Stake-Out team’s focus toward the Malcontents and away from law-abiding Vamps, then it would be worth keeping his job.

Emma stopped by his desk and looked him over. “You look tired. It must be hard being the sexiest man on earth.”


She snorted. “Well, wake yourself up, Lover-boy. Sean wants you and Garrett in the conference room in five minutes.”

Austin groaned. Sean probably wanted a report on the reality show and DVN. None of those vampires were a threat to humanity. Even humongous Otto was all bark and no bite.

He wandered over to Garrett’s desk. “How’s it going?”

Garrett glanced up. “I’m going over my list of vampire contestants. Where was Reginald from?”

Austin frowned. “Reginald? Was he a vampire?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Austin sighed. “I’m having trouble remembering. I think the vampires must have messed with my memory.”

“Really?” Garrett’s eyes widened. “When did that happen?”

“I don’t know. If they erased my memory, how can I remember it?”

“Oh.” Garrett shifted his gaze back to his paper. “I remembered these names.”

“Can I see your list? Maybe it’ll help jog my memory.”

“Sure.” Garrett handed him the paper.

Austin scanned the list of names. Garrett hadn’t been very industrious if this was all he had discovered while working undercover. “You don’t have their last names. It’ll be hard to track them down.”

Garrett shrugged. “We never knew their last names.”

“Are you sure?” Austin lifted an eyebrow. “Or did they erase your memory, too?”

Garrett looked confused. “I don’t know.”

“Did you find out where Shanna is?”

“No.” Garrett stood slowly. “Or maybe I did, and they erased it.”

“Damn.” Austin crushed the paper in his fist. “Sean expects us to give detailed reports, but we can’t remember much.”

“But I do remember. I remember the penthouse and the five lady judges and—“

Austin listened while Garrett rambled on and on, then slipped into his head without the guy noticing it. Austin couldn’t erase memories like a vampire, but he could certainly muddle someone’s memory by projecting contradictory images. Garrett stopped talking and closed his eyes as his mind overflowed with the mental pictures Austin sent.

“Hey, are you all right?”

Garrett rubbed his forehead. “It’s hot in here.”

“Maybe you’re coming down with something. Or maybe it’s just an aftereffect from those vampires messing with our heads.”

“Yeah.” Garrett nodded. “That could be it.” He wandered toward the conference room.

“I’ll be right there.” Austin’s heart raced as he headed for the shredding machine. Garrett had been pathetically easy to confuse, but still, messing with a fellow agent’s head was too much like treason. But what could Austin do? He couldn’t let Sean terminate the good Vamps.

Austin fed Garrett’s list into the shredder and punched the button. Damn it to hell. He’d just become a double agent.

He rushed to the men’s restroom and splashed cold water on his face. He breathed deeply until he was calm. Then, he marched toward the conference room.

Garrett had been easy to manipulate. Sean Whelan would not.

He entered the conference room and gave Garrett and Sean a nod. “Good morning.” He shut the door.

“You’re late.” Sean sat at the head of the table. Garrett sat on the right, his shoulders slumped.

Sean tapped the end of his pen on the table. “We have a problem.”

“Yes?” Austin approached the table.

“I want your reports, but Garrett doesn’t have one. He says you don’t either. He says the vampires messed with your heads.”

Austin took a seat. “Yes, I believe they did.”

“How could you let that happen?” Sean glared at him. “I can understand Garrett having trouble repelling their mind control, but you—Austin, your power is rated off the charts! You should have been able to stop them.”

Austin narrowed his eyes as if in deep concentration. “I do remember some things. But nothing of any value. We don’t know where your daughter is. I’m sorry.”

Sean’s jaw clenched. “What do you remember?”

Austin shrugged. “I can’t recall their names, but there were several vampires there. They were harmless.”

Sean snorted. “Now, that’s an oxymoron, a harmless vampire.”

“They would have never harmed us.”

Sean slammed his pen onto the table. “They’ve been messing with your head. That is harming you.”

“I remember some names,” Garrett offered. “Roberto. No, maybe it was Alberto. And there was a beach house.”

Austin shook his head. “No, it was penthouse.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right.” Garrett grimaced. “Why am I remembering a beach house?”

Austin slipped into Garrett’s mind and fed him more pictures. “I remember the contest, and there were five judges.”

“Poodles,” Garrett said.

“What?” Sean shot him a confused look.

“The judges were fluffy pink poodles.” Garrett frowned and rubbed his glistening forehead. “That can’t be right.”

“Those bastards.” Sean banged a fist on the table. “They’re toying with us.” He stood and paced about the room. “This has been a waste of time. We’re no closer to finding my daughter.”

Austin took a deep breath. “I think we should concentrate our efforts on the vampires who are actually attacking people. The Vamps at DVN just want to entertain each other with dorky soap operas and sell a few bottles of Chocolood. They may be guilty of bad taste, but they’re basically harmless.”

Sean stopped his pacing to stare at Austin. “If the vampires messed with your head, everything you say is suspect. There is no such thing as a harmless vampire.”

“I remember enough from the reality show to know that those vampires would never harm humans.”

Sean scoffed. “Is that what you remember, Garrett? A bunch of sweet, harmless vampires?”

Garrett’s face flushed with heat. “There was never any biting. The poodles were nice.” Sweat beaded on his brow. “I mean, the ladies.”

Sean frowned at him. “You look ill. Have you checked your neck for tooth marks?”

Garrett paled. “Oh, my God.” He unbuttoned his collar and ran his fingers over his neck. “I’m all right.”

“No, you’re not.” Sean ground his teeth. “You’ve been brainwashed. Get an appointment with the Company shrink.”

“Yes, sir.” Garrett wiped his moist forehead. “I do feel strange, like I’m running a fever.”

Sean narrowed his eyes. “You may go,” he ordered quietly.

“Thank you, sir.” Garrett weaved toward the door and left.

Austin stood to make his leave.


He sat back down. A swoosh of hot air surrounded his mind, powerful and suffocating. Austin knew who it was, and he also knew his mind was full of memories he couldn’t allow anyone to see. Memories he had claimed were forgotten. And memories about Darcy. Sean’s mental forces tightened like a vise. Austin instantly erected a firewall and began gathering his power.

“Not bad,” Sean whispered. “You do realize, don’t you, that when a human invades your mind, you feel heat? How interesting that Garrett was feeling hot.”

Austin’s power had reached critical mass. He dropped the firewall and unleashed his power, shattering the vice that had surrounded him.

Sean stiffened with a gasp.

Austin stood. “Don’t try that again.”

“And you expect me to believe the vampires messed with your mind?” Sean’s face was pinched with anger. “As strong as you are, they couldn’t do anything to you. Unless you wanted it.”

Austin gritted his teeth. He had hoped to steer Sean’s focus onto the Malcontents and away from Darcy and her friends. But it would never work. Sean no longer trusted him.

Sean gave him a scathing look. “What happened to you, Austin? Did you let one of those vampire bitches seduce you?”

He balled his hands into fists. “I assure you, I am in complete control of myself.”

“Then prove it. Go back to the penthouse and stake them all while they sleep.”

Austin swallowed hard. “No.”

Sean planted his palms on the table and leaned forward. “Think twice before you answer, Erickson. Are you disobeying a direct order?”

His heart raced, causing a thundering sound in his ears. “Yes. I am. I’ll turn in my resignation today.”

“You stupid fool.”

Austin shook his head. “You are the one who refuses to learn the truth. There are two kinds of vampires. You should leave the harmless Vamps alone and concentrate your efforts on the Malcontents. They are the dangerous ones.”

“They’re all dangerous!”

“No, they’re not! For God’s sake, Sean, talk to your daughter. Shanna will tell you the truth.”

“Don’t talk to me about her! She turned against me. And now, you’ve betrayed me, too. Get out of here!”

Austin strode to the door. “I’m going to continue the fight against evil. We will still be on the same side.”

“You are evil, you traitor! Get out of here,” Sean yelled.

Austin closed the door behind him. Alyssa and Emma were hovering outside, their faces worried. He removed his ID card and handed it to Emma.

“You mustn’t leave,” she whispered. “You’re the strongest one amongst us.”

“I’ll still be fighting the bad guys.” Austin smiled sadly. “Be careful out there.” He walked out and took the elevator to the ground floor.

He’d screwed up everything. Sean knew where the reality show was being filmed, and he was furious enough to wreak revenge on the Vamps who were there. Austin would have to go back to the penthouse to make sure Darcy and her friends were protected. There was only one night of recording left. Once it was over, Darcy and her friends would be safe.

And what would he do then? He’d lost his job. He’d lost the girl. He’d tried to do everything right, but it had all fallen apart.

You can either marry me or spend eternity in a drunken stupor. Austin’s unfortunate choice of words continued to haunt Darcy. She couldn’t marry him. How could she subject him to a life of darkness and a wife who could turn into a monster at any given moment? She still shuddered every time she remembered the pain of her fangs elongating, the powerful urge to use them, and the overwhelming lust for blood.

Fortunately, her reaction of horror and disgust had been just as strong as her need for blood. That alone had helped her maintain enough control to keep from biting Austin. But what if it happened again and again? What if she slowly grew accustomed to it, and the horror faded away? Then, there would be nothing to keep her from biting Austin or transforming him against his will. And then, he would hate her. Just like she hated Connor.

Tears blurred her eyes. As far as she knew, she and Gregori were the only Vamps in the world who were completely bottle-fed. She knew the rest of her friends must have bitten people in the past, but she’d always had trouble imagining it. Sweet little Maggie sinking fangs into someone?

But now, she knew how it could happen. When her fangs had shot out, she’d desperately craved blood. And if it happened night after night, it would eventually lose its aura of terror. It would become normal. In time, it would even become pleasurable.

She couldn’t drag Austin into that trap. And spending eternity in a drunken stupor was pathetic. The only recourse she could think of was over-work. She could at least be productive. And it would keep her mind from dwelling on Austin.

Wednesday, she arrived at DVN soon after dusk and went straight to work editing the third show which would air that Saturday. After a few hours, Sly peeked in her office. Darcy was tempted to throw a stapler at him for being so creepy to Maggie.

“Well, Newhart, did you find out who the babe was in the hot tub?”

“No.” She concentrated harder on her work so he’d know he was interrupting her. “I’m afraid it will always be a mystery.”

“Hmm.” He scratched his beard, oblivious to her hints that he was bothering her. “Most of the phone calls and emails indicate that people think it was Cora Lee or Lady Pamela.”

Darcy sighed and kept working.

“We’re still getting emails about how dowdy the ladies are dressed,” Sly continued. “Did you get that taken care of?”

“Yes. They’re all thoroughly modernized. It won’t show up for a few episodes, but I think you’ll be very pleased.”

“Good.” Sly propped himself against the doorjamb like he intended to stay another five minutes. Darcy stifled a groan.

“Are you still on schedule?” he asked. “You’re recording the last show this Friday?”

“Yes, sir. We’ll have the winner Friday night.” And it had better be Roberto, or her goose was cooked.

“Great! I’m planning to be there for the final ceremony, so I can give away the check. I’m having a great big one made up.”

“Sounds good.”

“And I told Corky Courrant to be there, so she can do some post-ceremony interviews.”

“Sounds exciting,” Darcy mumbled.

“It is exciting!” Sly turned his head, his attention drawn by something in the hallway. “Hey, Tiffany! You’re late.” He glanced back at Darcy. “I’ve got a meeting to go to. See you later.” He closed the door.

Darcy shuddered. Right. He and Tiffany had something important to discuss. Darcy worked until midnight, then took a break to watch The Sexiest Man on Earth as it aired its second show on international vampire television. It was the one where Lady Pamela took the contestants for a walk through the greenhouse. Watching Austin made her heart twist with pain. When he poked his finger on a rose thorn, the cameramen did an excellent job of showing Pamela’s desire to taste his blood.

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