VEGAS follows you home (14 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: VEGAS follows you home
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"Damon…" Olivia hisses from her gaped mouth.

"A, uh, um…a paternity test, you say?" Confusion is quickly replaced by intrigue. "Is there something I should know about?"

"Well, pending the unnecessary test results, congratulations, you're a grandfather."

"Damon," his voice now matches the same concern Hugh had.

"Can you call in the favor for me or not?"

"Yes, I can, but I think you need to explain."

"I will, and once she is satisfied with the results, you will meet him as well."

I raise a challenging brow at her. She purses her lips in anger.

"You aren't taking him anywhere," she grumbles, her hands going to her hips.

I grin.

"Very well. Let me make a couple calls and I'll let you know what I can arrange." My father is still confused, but will be patient for an explanation.

"Great. Thank you."

"I will talk with you
," he replies, accentuating the last word.

"Sounds good."

Hanging up from the call, I drop the phone back to the counter.

"Once you have your proof, because we both know it will be a match, you will both come with me to New York and meet my family."

"We are not going to New York. I have a business to run." She glares.

"You have a couple weeks to make arrangements. I'm sure you can leave for a couple of days." I step closer, until she's only an arm's length from me. "Please?"

"I…" she falters. “This is never going to work. Please, just let us go. We wouldn't even matter if…" She quickly stops, her eyes widening as she bites her bottom lip.

"Go ahead, say it," I urge, narrowing my eyes.

"Nevermind." She shakes her head. "I didn't mean to—"

"You wouldn't matter if they weren't dead, right?" I finish for her. Keeping my anger under control is practically impossible.

Her eyes, wide as saucers, stay fixed on mine when she gives a short nod.

"They were already gone," I growl.

"But if they weren't, then you wouldn't be sitting here right now," she argues. "Alex and I wouldn't matter."

"You don't know that," I growl. "How do you know anything about my marriage?"

Her mouth opens, but then snaps shut.

"Exactly, you don't. You have no idea, so don't presume if they were still here, alive, that I wouldn't be standing exactly in this spot."

Defeated, she sinks down into the chair, closing her eyes.

"I know what you're trying to do." I wait for her to look at me again. "You're trying to make me lose interest, but that isn't going to happen. I'll never know for sure how this situation would play out if they were still here, but I'm pretty certain my interest would be just as fierce."

"We aren't them," she whispers.

"I don't want you to be them." Dropping to the floor, I kneel before her.

"You don't realize—"

"I know you aren't them."

"I don't think you do." Shaking her head, she continues. "Have you considered talking to someone about this obsession?"

"I've talked to a lot of people," I answer honestly.

"About this?" She motions between us.

"Sort of." I tilt my head. "I discussed this situation with my current doctor. He's well aware of the letter I received and my plans to look into it."

"It's not healthy, Damon.
isn't healthy," she states, her voice taking on a soothing tone.

"Did you even consider that you, both of you, are the only thing keeping me sane?"

Her eyes stare into mine as my admittance registers. Her mouth gapes open, but then closes.

"After they…died, I had a breakdown. I was distraught and angry."

"Angry at whom?"

"Myself, Rebecca, God. You name it, I was angry at it." Rubbing my chest, I try to ease the familiar twinge.

"It wasn't your fault. It was an accident," she whispers, our eyes still locked.

"Yes, it was. I wasn't driving, but I should have been." Tears sting the back of my eyes. "I, at least, should have protected DJ."

"Protected him?" Confusion wrinkles her face.

"From the accident. It wasn't… they shouldn't have been out.
shouldn't have had him out." Anger begins to burn in my chest, replacing the twinge. Dropping my head, I close my eyes and try to take calming breaths.

Olivia remains quiet, giving me time to collect myself.

"We aren't the answer to the guilt you feel," she says a few moments later, breaking the silence.

I clench my fists and turn my blazing eyes on her.

"Why can't you understand that you and Alex are not about guilt or replacement?" My voice rises. "The two of you are my sanity in this life I'm left to live.
are my happiness."

"I don't want that responsibility." Shaking her head, she remains stern against my anger.

"You don't have to do anything, but be with me. Try." My words taper to desperation.

"You need to get help. I'm not a remedy or anyone's sanity. Alex and I are not a bandage for your sadness."

Anger brings me to my feet and I begin to pace.

"You are not a God damned bandage! You make me better. You and Alex make me feel goodness. And I know you feel the connection between us. It's been obvious since that first night in front of the damn chapel in Vegas that—"

She jumps to her feet.

"That I was deliriously drunk and taken with an extremely attractive man! That is all that's obvious."

At my quick approach, she flinches back. Lifting my hand, I cup her face and pull her to look at me.

"I would never, ever, hurt you," I whisper against her lips before pressing mine to hers firmly.

Fire ripples through my body. From my lips to my toes, lust courses in every vein as her body presses to mine. Pulling back, I look down into her face.

"I know you feel that. You have to." Staring into her eyes, there's a moment when I think she's going to give in.

My phone breaks the silence, vibrating across the counter.

"Fuck," I growl, releasing Olivia and retrieving the phone. "Hello," I bark.

"Well, your mood has soured," my father responds with distaste. "Anyhow, if you can get to UPMC by three today, then you can meet with Dr. Fillman. He'll escort you to the lab and rush the test."

"How long for the results?" I question my father, but turn to look at Olivia.

Back in the oversized chair, she keeps her eyes away from me.

"I would say about two days, maybe."

"We can't get it any quicker than—"

"This isn't a pregnancy test, Damon. This is DNA testing. It takes a little more time." He's clearly annoyed with me now.

"I understand."

"Well, Dr. Fillman will draw the blood and saliva samples."


"Alright. I expect to hear from you soon with an explanation." He pauses, taking an audible breath. "You should probably tell your mother before—"

"She already knows."

He gasps.

"You…she…but you didn't feel the need to tell me?"

I don't need the divorced parent hurt feelings right now.

"Dad, thank you for helping. I appreciate the favor. And Mother knows because she knew before I did."

"Well, I expect to hear from you."

"Of course, I promise."

We say our goodbyes and I look at the time. I turn to Olivia and she finally looks up at me.

"We need to be at the hospital before three."

"For the test?" She begins fidgeting.

"Yes. This is what you wanted."

"I figured it would take time to get an appointment for—"

"I have connections, remember?"

"Unfortunately, I know all too well about your connections, don't I?" she grumbles, but there's a small curve at the corner of her mouth.

Standing from the chair, she looks at me briefly before walking away.

I want so badly to go back to the moment before my father's call. But the sound of her feet on the stairs tells me the moment is gone and our conversation is over — for now.


An hour later, I’m sitting at the island, working on my laptop, when Olivia and Alex enter. Abandoning the email I was typing, I watch Olivia in action.

She places Alex into his chair before moving about the kitchen. While she searches in a cabinet, I turn to Alex and give a small wave. He smiles and lifts his hand before slamming it down onto his tray.

“Momma,” he calls out.

Olivia stops, looks around the cabinet door, and smiles. “Yes, sir?"

He smacks his tray again.

"Hold your horses, mister."

She pulls a jar from the cabinet and twists off the lid as she returns to him. With a small spoon, she scoops a chunky orange food onto his tray.

Alex sticks his fingers into the paste before shoving them into his mouth and sucking.
Carrots. That's what it is. Baby food.

Olivia sits a small bowl and spoon on his tray before taking a seat in front of him. Alex tries to feed himself for a couple minutes, until she picks up a second spoon and helps get some of it into his mouth.

They're beautiful. So beautiful. They heal my wounds, balm my soul, make me feel alive again. She and Alex have replaced the meaningless nothing and anger. She needs to know, to understand.

I open my mouth to tell her when Mercedes interrupts. Her vibrant hair, makeup, and dress brighten the room.


Olivia turns in the chair. Mercedes walks until she stands next to me at the island.

"There is a consult that will only speak to you downstairs." Mercedes rolls her eyes.

"Okay, um, they're going to have to wait until I finish."

"I'll watch him,” I blurt as I stand and walk toward Alex's chair.

"That's so thoughtful." Mercedes gives a sarcastic smile before turning to Olivia. "I'll finish."

Olivia stands to go, handing Mercedes the spoon.

"I'm starting to get offended," I growl.

"Says the crazy stalker," Olivia practically sings as she leaves.

"I'm not a stalker," I grumble, sitting back on the stool and going back to my email.

"What was that?" Mercedes asks from where Olivia sat minutes ago.

"Nothing," I murmur.


Mercedes pulling Alex from his chair takes my attention away from the contract proposal I'm reviewing.

She wipes him down with a large washcloth before picking him up and carrying him out of the kitchen.

I wait to hear her walk down the steps, but instead, I hear a door. Turning at the steps coming back, I lock eyes with Mercedes.

"Where's Alex?"

"It's his naptime." She shrugs and gives a small smile.

With the same cloth, she starts wiping down the tray and chair.

"Have you always been here for her?"

My question catches Mercedes off guard for some reason. She nods.

"They're the only family I have."

There's a touch of sadness in her eyes, but I don't pry. I have another question on my mind.

"Why did she have Alex the way she did?"

Mercedes tilts her head, confused.

"You know, instead of with a boyfriend or husband?"

Realization rounds her eyes.

"That's Olivia's tale to tell."

Nodding, I respect her loyalty to Olivia.

I keep to myself the rest of the time Mercedes cleans up before heading back to the bakery.


A half hour passes before I hear footsteps again. When no one enters the living space, I climb off the stool and look down the hall. No one.

"Hello? Olivia?" I whisper, not wanting to wake Alex.

With no response, I walk down the hall and look in on him.

Jesus, he's beautiful.

Leaning back out of his room, I pull the door closed, and then continue down the hall toward Olivia's room.

Her door is open a couple of inches, so I peek inside.

From the mirror over her dresser, I can see Olivia curled up in her bed.
Must be naptime for her as well.
The urge to be close to her comes over me and it's too powerful to fight.

Pushing open the door, I step silently to her bed. Her even breaths assure me she's asleep.

Standing at the edge of her bed, I look over her.
What I would give to be able to crawl in next to her, to hold her, or to know she wanted me to do it.
Closing my eyes, I let my imagination run wild.

Eventually, I talk myself out of climbing into the bed and leave. I go back to my laptop and call Hugh to discuss the Proneau deal. He doesn't press any further about things, but I know I haven't heard the last from him or our father. In fact, I'm sure they already spoke to each other.
Worse than damn gossiping women.

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