Vice (10 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Leo

BOOK: Vice
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As if. He’d probably already forgotten her. In fact, he’d probably headed right back to one of his casinos and picked up one of the honeys that no doubt constantly batted their eyes at him. Touching her? That was skill, not passion. It likely meant nothing to him. Playing an instrument, nothing more. This was Liam Doyle, after all. What had she expected? Pledges of love and romance?

Perhaps not, but she’d been up for a good, solid hammering, something she hadn’t had in a while.

Someone on the TV spoke and she looked up. She grimaced at the eHarmony commercial, as if it had been put up just to taunt her.

“Shit.” She dropped her spoon in the empty tub. “Shit, shit, shit.”

She’d had Liam, a veritable sex god, disrobing her in her apartment and she’d messed it up. A jury of horny women would surely hang her for such an offense.

And she’d insulted him, all because of her stupid values. Last time she checked, values didn’t keep her warm at night. Values didn’t snuggle on the couch with her. Values didn’t want to fuck her into next week, but Liam had offered. She knew he would have delivered too. The miserable voice inside her head told her she’d lost out on the best night of her life.

The worst part was knowing she’d wounded him. All he’d wanted was a bit of solace at a bad moment in his life, and she’d managed to rub salt in his wounds and make him feel like a worm. She didn’t think she could hate herself more, and didn’t understand why it should bother her so much.

As soon as the eHarmony spokesman reaffirmed that he had the perfect match for her, she decided to call it a night. Dumping the remains of her gluttony in the sink, she made her way to the bathroom, then wandered back toward the kitchen to make sure her freezer door was closed tightly. Damn door had a tendency to pop open.

It was then she noticed the open living room window. But the A/C was on, and she wouldn’t have left the window open. As the sinking feeling hit her soul, she turned and saw a figure in the room.

He was no more than a dark shadow. But he was real, and he was big, and he was in her living room.

He moved in front of her, his body a wall of black clothing. Before she could scream, he pinned her to the kitchen wall and grabbed her jaw.

“Well, well.” His voice was like gravel and cigarettes. “Louis Callender’s kid. I can see the resemblance.”

“Who the hell are you?” Kate managed to say.

“Sorry, Red. I ask the questions here and you’d better answer. ” He looked her up and down, his iron grip locked on her face. “Now, be a good girl and hand over the money.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You are Louis’s kid?”

“His name is on my birth certificate, if that’s what you mean.”

The man eased his grip and caressed her cheek, making her want to vomit. “Well, Red, your daddy borrowed a lot of money from me. And it’s time to pay it back. With interest.”

She would not cry. She would not cry, as terrified as this shit made her. “So talk to my father. It’s his problem, not mine.”

The man angled his head. “Oh, I did talk to him, sweet cheeks. And he pointed me in your direction. I know old Louis doesn’t have a pot to piss in, but he said you’ve helped him before. So it’s your problem now, darlin’.”

“What makes you think I have that kind of money just lying around?”

The man’s measured movements made her think of a komodo dragon in a nature show. His beady eyes and thick limbs even resembled the predatory reptile. He slithered his hand from her cheek down to her neck, his touch light but ready to strike. “Well, you’ll just need to find it somewhere. Five grand. If you don’t come up with it, I might be forced to cash in another way.”

She wanted to scream but the sound stuck in her throat. “Please…”

He leaned in and breathed on her. “You know, you are very pretty.” He moved one large hand down her torso and loosened the tie on her robe, pulling until the two flaps opened. He gawked at her chest. “
pretty. That’s why I won’t break anything tonight, but you might have a few bruises when I’m done. Something to remember me by.”

She tried again to scream, but only succeeded in squeaking. She threw up her hands to protect herself. It was no good. Within seconds, his hands were on her shoulders and he’d shoved her against the wall. Reeling from the impact, she barely had time to recover before he hauled back and let his fist fly toward her face. Hard bone cracked and shards of lightning flashed in front of her. She fell to the floor.

Somehow in her fall she’d finally managed a scream, but it sounded so far away.

Somewhere in the foggy distance she thought she heard a man’s shout and someone banging down her door. In the eternity it took for her to raise her head, she saw her assailant race to the open window, hauling his body through to the fire escape. And then, a loud noise from the front door.


Cradling her already swollen eye, she managed to prop herself up on her elbow to see better, sure she’d drifted into unconsciousness and a new dream world. There in her living room again, fists clenched, was Liam. With his lips stretched thin and his jaw ticking, he looked ready to murder her attacker. He sprinted to the fire escape window and lunged out the window in an attempt to grab the man. However, she could already hear him pounding down the fire escape steps.

“Fuck!” Liam shouted. “Get back here, you fucked up piece of shit!” She flinched when she heard another bang, but realized it was just Liam slamming his hand against the wall.

Shock and pain made her arms give out and she fell back to the floor. As agony claimed her body yet again, she closed her eyes. Within seconds, Liam’s arms supported her, gently sliding under her and picking her up. He carried her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed, cursing the entire way. When he set her down, he brought the flaps of her robe together and tied it, preserving her modesty.

Even in her haze, that one small action made her heart skip a beat.

She didn’t know why Liam had come back, but she was glad he was there. Too stunned by events, she didn’t have the wherewithal to question his sudden reappearance. She just lay back and closed her eyes as the mattress rushed up to cushion her.

The bed dipped under his weight as he sat next to her. “Who the hell was that nasty fuck?” He touched a hand to her hair.

Kate didn’t say a word and just enjoyed his gentle touch. Way better than a bath in chocolate sauce, so she imagined.

“Don’t faint now.”

His clear, forceful tone brought her back to reality. “I won’t. I just had no idea getting popped in the eye would hurt so much.” She cracked open her good eye. “I guess this’ll be my first shiner.”

The paleness of Liam’s face made her wonder if he might lose consciousness instead. “Who was that man?”

“A loan shark, I think. My dad borrowed money from him. A lot.”

“And now he’s come after you?”

“Seems that way.”

More swearing. He stood and ran his hands through his hair.

“Don’t go,” she said softly. Not again.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Liam’s voice rose. “What if he comes back? We need to call the police.” He pulled his cellphone out.

She touched his hand and his head snapped up, his gaze locked on her. “Please, Liam. Just give me a chance to breathe first.”

He frowned, but put the phone away. “Okay, breathe.” He touched a hand to her brow, checking out her eye, grazing her skin softly so as not to hurt her. “I don’t suppose you have any frozen steaks in your freezer?”

“Is that all you can think about? Food?” Wanting to cry, she’d made a joke instead. Maybe humor, as feeble as her attempt might be, would ward off the tears.

He glared at her, as if angry she could kid under the circumstances. But then his mouth relaxed and his husky eyes glimmered. “You’re a piece of work, you know that?”

“I wouldn’t argue the point tonight.”

He brushed a hand over her head and sighed. “I’m going to raid your freezer for a bag of…gluten-free peas or whatever. Are you okay for a minute?”

The waterworks threatened like a tsunami gathering momentum, but she blinked them away. “I’m sure I’ll even be okay for two or three.”

With a look that suggested his desire to turn her over his knee, Liam stood and made his way into her kitchen. She couldn’t help but look at his ass, but then remembered she was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown and shouldn’t be noticing men’s rounded tushes at all. Especially not his.

The pain in her head launched another assault on her, making her see stars. Or were they dancing pumpkin carriages? She wasn’t sure. She just wanted to close her eyes, take a lot of medication and forget the world for a few hours. Groaning, she held her head and turned into the pillow.

As much as she’d always dreamed of being able to put her one jujitsu lesson to work, tonight was proof she’d never have a career in martial arts.

She heard Liam’s footsteps return and opened her eyes. Her pain must be written all over her face because he began cursing again. The man knew a few colorful words, probably from hanging around his casinos. He came bearing a bag of frozen peas, a glass of water, Tylenol and what looked like a clean, wet tea towel.

He put the items on her bedside table and helped her sit up. “Here. Let me clean you up.”

She reached for the tea towel. “I can do it.”

The laser-like focus of his eyes resembled a lead dog sprinting forward on the Iditarod. “Kate Callender, you will sit still and let me help you. Understand?”

She nodded, unsure if she was grateful or pissed off for his macho attitude. Grateful might be the better plan, given his current frame of mind. She could easily see how Liam had become such a powerful businessman. As thoughtful as he could be, he made it very clear when he wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.

He opened the Tylenol bottle and popped a couple into her hand. As she swallowed the pills, he held the glass to her lips. Again, she wanted to argue and say she could manage a drink on her own, but she was embarrassed to admit she sort of liked this dynamic.

He continued to stare at her lips as she drank, but he might have been staring at a puzzle whose last piece he couldn’t locate. After a few sips, he removed the glass and turned away.

“Now,” he said, grabbing the tea towel. “Let me see if I can clean that cut. You’ll probably have a black eye from this. If I ever see that bastard again…”

He didn’t say what he would do, but from the darkness in his eyes she knew it wouldn’t be good. She had no idea why Liam would be so upset about her being hurt. Sure, most guys would hate to see a woman battered, but there was something in his face that told of more than just general concern. Still, they barely knew each other, and just when they’d begun to get along, she’d managed to piss him off again. Although the set to his jaw certainly hinted at a possibility of him caring. Maybe a little.

No, that punch must have made her loopy. He was only being nice.

So why had he come back?

He wrapped his hand in the wet towel and applied a soft pressure to the cuts on her brow. Shit, it hurt. Despite trying to appear strong, she let out a slight moan. As soon as she winced, he pulled his hand back. He sighed and continued gently, cleaning the blood from her brow. His fresh breath fanned over her, minty, despite drinking beer earlier, and his amazing cologne combined to enhance his already-intoxicating aura of manliness. She felt a little light-headed. Had he found the old prescription for Tylenol 3 in her medicine cabinet and fed her that, rather than the regular stuff?

“There,” he said. “I think the worst of it’s gone.” He placed the towel on her bedside table, then ran his thumb over her forehead. The touch sent ripples of warmth through her, and she fought the urge to grab his hand and make him touch her properly.

They stared at each other for an awkward amount of time and then Liam produced the bag of peas. “Lie down,” he urged. “I have to call the police. And I want my doctor to take a look at you.”

“It’s really not necessary.”

“Don’t even think of arguing with me.” He put the peas on her face. “Lie down and close your eyes.”

Even though she felt she should protest further, she did as he asked. The cold vegetables numbed the tender areas around her eye. When she felt him move, she cracked open one eye. Liam had left the room but she could still see him as he stood just outside her bedroom. Facing away from her, he pulled out his cell phone. Broad shoulders gave way to a long, lean back, tapering down to a slim waist. He had the sort of body meant for embracing a woman. She knew this, and she hadn’t even seen him naked, even though he’d seen her. He was the sort of man who could make a woman feel secure, cherished.

Even as those silly thoughts invaded her brain, the dancing pumpkin carriages rolled before her eyes again. She closed both her eyes and grabbed the hand of the imaginary footman. She boarded one of the carriages, waved at her invisible admirers like the princess of Crazytown, and drifted off into unconsciousness.

Chapter Seven

Near daybreak, Liam showed Dr. Chan to the door, thanking him for his assistance. Kate had put some proper clothes on, thank God, because if he had to see her on the couch in that fuzzy robe it would do him in.

To think that bastard had seen her the same way, and hurt her…

Now dressed in khaki shorts and a pink T-shirt, she seemed no less vulnerable. Staring out the window, curled up with her knees tucked up under her, she reminded him of a little girl. Her hair was still down from when he’d removed her elastic.

She made for a sweet image, except for the circles of fatigue under her eyes and the darkening shiner.

No wonder she was tired. He’d accompanied her to the police station where she’d poured through countless mug shots and had ID’d her attacker, a local loan shark named Hugo Vaughan. He’d managed to stay under the radar for years, but was known to police for roughing up his customers and getting a little too friendly with the ladies.

Liam had confirmed the picture of Vaughan resembled the man he’d chased out of the apartment, although the loser had a shorter haircut than the one he sported in his mug shot. He’d held Kate’s hand while she’d recounted the incident several times and answered their questions, all of which just seemed to make her retreat into herself.

Afterward, he’d brought her back to her apartment and had his physician give her a once-over. Nothing serious, thank God, but disturbing all the same.

Now it was time for him to go and leave her alone for the night. Hell, it had already been morning for some time. Only he couldn’t seem to make his feet head out the door. He’d already walked away once, and that had made his stomach turn over with queasiness.

After his time with her earlier, after seeing how her orgasm transformed his world, he couldn’t turn his back on her now. He still wanted her, even though she wasn’t sure what she wanted.

Kate glanced at the clock. “Liam, thank you. For everything. It’s way past late. You should go home. You’ve done enough.”

Had he? It didn’t feel that way. He never should have left her alone. He should have stayed, pride be damned. “How are you feeling?”


He joined her on the couch, taking a moment to look around her living room, noting the lack of secure locks and cracked old window frames. “We need to get you to a more secure location.”

She let out a giggle. “You sound like the dude on Hawaii 5-0.” She ran a finger over one of the red blooms on the chintz couch fabric.

“I’m serious, Kate. You’re not safe here.”

Once again, quiet fell over the room, long as a church service on Christmas Eve. Twice she was about to speak, but each time she said nothing. She simply took turns staring at her lap and staring at him, and he’d never felt more anxious.

What the hell was happening here? This woman was destroying all his resolve. After her slip of the tongue, he’d decided to walk out the door and not turn back. Give her time to decide what she wanted. But he’d only managed to pace up and down her street for the better part of an hour, wondering if he could fix things between them. Sure, he’d come on really strong, but they’d both been caught up in the moment. He’d walk away, forgetting that he felt at home with her.


Hell, any sense of home he’d ever known had been skewed, but in being with Kate, in breathing the air around her, he’d finally felt it.

He acknowledged he could have, should have, handled things better, but his desire had overwhelmed him. The moment he’d declared his intentions, he’d abandoned common sense, and became oblivious to the gentle rules of courtship. He’d only known red hot need. He’d returned, hoping to make things better, only to find that bastard Vaughan in Kate’s unit. He’d wanted to tear the big ape to pieces. But right now it was more important to help her.

“Kate, you told the police your dad owes that man five thousand dollars.”


“I’ll give you the money.”

“No, you won’t. It’s my problem, not yours. And it’s not your fault my family tree is a diseased one.”

“It’s a drop in the bucket for me. I want to.”

“I said, no.” She narrowed her good eye and her warm hazel gaze frosted over, hardening her face.

“But I want…”

“You want,
want! Is that how you operate? By browbeating people to accept what you want? Well, I don’t work for you and I don’t have to listen to you. And I certainly don’t want you to give me money to pay off a crook.”

“And if that shit tries to hurt you again?”

“Look, Liam. I appreciate the gesture but all my life I’ve failed in distancing myself from my father’s addiction. I’ve fucked everything up and I need to be strong now. He’ll come up with the money. He always does. He may be down right now, but before you know it, he’ll be flashing the cash around again. I’ve seen it all before. And that man tonight was not the first person to demand money from me.”

Liam had to close his gaping mouth. “You’ve had creditors come after you before?”

“It’s not a big deal. They’ve shown up at my door many times. This was the first one to hit me, but others have made threats. They come to nothing. This guy will disappear like the rest once my father pays him back.”

“And if he doesn’t?” He knew he sounded angry but he couldn’t help it.

She didn’t reply.

“Kate, talk to me.”

She stared into the distance, as if recalling unhappy memories. When she spoke again, her voice was almost a whisper. “I don’t like going there. All my life, I’ve known my dad was no better than a thief and a cheat. But he’s never left me holding the ball. Sure, he’s played the blame game and begged for cash, but he’d never put me in real jeopardy.” Now she really did look like a little girl, one who still believed her dad would keep her safe, if only in this one, small way.

It made Liam sick to think about that kind of pain. “He put you in jeopardy tonight.”

“I’ve dealt with disappointment before,” she replied, still in that sad, quiet voice. “I’ll deal with it again.”

He reached for her hand, but the phone rang and stopped him short. She vaulted off the couch like a gymnast.

Thank God someone chose to call because he was on the verge of doing something stupid, like claiming her lips again. He could just envision his tongue coaxing her mouth open once more, tasting her. Dismissing his ridiculous fantasy, he watched as she answered the phone.

“Hello?” She paused and frowned. “Hello?” Liam could almost see the chills skittering down Kate’s spine now.

“Who’s there?” she cried, and then dropped the phone.

Liam jumped to his feet grabbed the handset. He shouted at the person on the other end. “You even think of terrorizing her again, Vaughan, and I’ll have you killed, you hear me, you sadistic asshole?”

As he slammed the phone back into its cradle he heard a man’s dark laughter. He turned to Kate, shocked his reaction would be so violent. It made no sense. They barely knew each other. But the shattered expression on her face was one he didn’t want to see ever again. For the first time that horrendous evening, she began to cry. And seeing those tears made his stomach pitch.

“I hate him,” she said on a breath.

“He’s a crazy fuck.”

“No, not him. My father. I hate him.”

His chest rattled with a strange pain. Her words broke his heart. And before he stopped himself to analyze exactly how much it bothered him to see her cry, he gathered her into his arms. At first, she stiffened as if to protest, but within seconds she let out a deep sigh and relaxed against him. Arms wrapped around her, he buried his face in the crook of her neck.


Her body yielded under his hands and he resisted the urge to explore her curves. God help him, he’d already memorized her shape but he wanted to learn it anew. He spread his fingers, loving the roundness of her hips and soft dip at her waist. She dressed like the girl-next-door, but he realized he’d gladly spend a great deal of money to dress her in a flowing gown or silky lingerie, something to compliment her offbeat beauty. She deserved it.

“I hate him so much,” she whispered against his collarbone.

Her words brought him out of his reverie. That was it. “Kate, you’re staying at Vice. I’ll put you up in a suite there.”

“Vice?” She pushed away, horrified. “I can’t stay there!”

He wanted to shake her and hug her at the same time. He settled for putting his hands on her shoulders so she had to look him in the eyes. “Look, I know how you feel about my casinos, but there you’ll have my security keeping an eye out for you. You’d be safer there than to stay here and take your chances with Scarface.”

“If I stayed at Vice, I’d be a total hypocrite. How can you suggest it?”

He let out a sigh. “Just think of it as a fancy hotel. I know it’s not ideal, but we are very good at being discreet. You’d be safe there, and you’ll have everything you’d need. I can arrange a car to take you to your meetings or wherever you need to go.” He smiled. “And you already know my security team. Some of them are pretty fond of you.”

She held his gaze, ignoring the joke, shaking her head. “Why would you help me. I mean, after the way you left…after what I said earlier?”

“I know what you meant, and I can’t blame you for saying it. And I’m helping you because you listened to me when I needed it. And, although I hate to admit it, you gave me some good advice about Michelle. I don’t know if I’m ready to call off Nando Perreira, but you’ve helped me…reconsider the situation.” He wet his lips, remembering how easily her knees had buckled. She’d been so responsive to him. He’d seen the beauty of her orgasm, needed to see it and inspire it again. He gave her shoulder another slow squeeze, almost a sensual rub, and smiled, wanting to lighten the mood for her. “Now do you need help packing a bag? Because I’d be happy to rifle through your panty drawer and make some selections.”

What is wrong with you? She was attacked. Put your dick away
. He waited for her to belt him for his bad timing.

Her good eye widened and her eyebrow arched with amusement. “I think I can manage, thanks.” She ran a hand over her head. “I still don’t know about taking this…this little mini-break at your casino.”

“This isn’t a mini-break. Think of it as a safe house. Someone hurt you. I’m just putting you up for a few nights, not asking you to job shadow the blackjack dealers.”

“I can find a motel.”

His face scrunched up. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

“Well, I’ll pay my way. Every cent. It’ll take me the next ten years but….”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever. Now while you get ready, I’ll call the hotel to make arrangements.” He shooed her into the bedroom. “Go on. Go choose your panties. My favorite color is blue.”

Seriously, dude. Again?
Why couldn’t he stop flirting with her?

Again, he waited for her to slug him, but for the second time she didn’t. Instead, she scooted to the bedroom, trying to hide the smile on her face. A smile. And he’d put it there with inappropriate flirting. Damn. Seeing that Cheshire cat grin on her face was a thrill he couldn’t ignore.

She stopped at the bedroom door and looked back at him. “I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?”

“Don’t be melodramatic. It’s a hotel, not a trip on the Titanic. No one needs to know. After a few nights, the cops will locate Vaughan and you’ll be safe. And then your life can go back to normal.”

She frowned, as if unsure of what “normal” meant any more. Hell, he wasn’t sure either.

Kate walked into her new room, the suite in Vice that was destined to be her home for a couple of nights. Hopefully it wouldn’t take longer than that for the police to find her attacker. Dismissing the shiver of fear that coursed through her at the thought, she looked around the suite.

It was unlike any place she’d ever lived. Thanks to her father’s issues, the family living arrangements had always been modest at best. Penthouse 5D at Vice possessed a sophisticated opulence she’d only glimpsed at in style magazines. No wonder Liam’s clients seemed happy to while away their days at his lavish establishment. It would be difficult to leave such glamor.

Almost everything in the unit was silver or black, with splashes of scarlet here and there. Against a backdrop of white walls gleamed stainless appliances. Streamlined black leather couches seemed an extension of the dark hardwood floors. And around the rooms, beautifully-coordinated red cushions, flowers and prints offered a hint of sumptuous color.

No velvet paintings of Elvis in this joint.

“I’ll put your bags in the bedroom,” said Liam hoisting them through yet another designer-styled portal. She knew he employed bellhops, but Liam had insisted on carrying her things himself and hadn’t let her lift a finger since they left her apartment.

It felt good, she couldn’t deny it.

He dropped her bags onto a fluffy, crimson confection she assumed to be a bed. At least, she thought it was one, even though it was larger and more luxurious than any she’d ever slept in. Suddenly, her basic Malm from Ikea didn’t seem all that cozy.

Liam turned, smiling, hands on hips as if he’d built the room himself last night. “Well? Do you like the place?”

“What’s not to like? It looks as if it should come with its own masseuse and sommelier.”

“Actually, I do have staff who…”

“Liam, why have you put me in this room? You know I can’t afford this. I’d be comfortable with something more low-rent.” She ran a finger along the pristine surface of a cherry wood dresser, and then considered the dust on her furniture at home.

“Just enjoy it.”

“I hope you didn’t have to bump one of your VIP’s for me. This looks like a love den for heads of state and their mistresses.”

“You really don’t know how to accept a gift, do you?” He shook his head at her snarky humor but his eyes gleamed with appreciation at the same time. “Just smile and say ‘thank you.’”


“Kate.” His hands clenched in a way that made her want to experience his tight grip again and again.

“Thank you,” she said, holding up her hands in mock surrender. “I promise not to touch anything breakable.”

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