Victorian Villainy (14 page)

Read Victorian Villainy Online

Authors: Michael Kurland

Tags: #Fiction, #Mystery & Detective, #Mystery, #Historical, #Victorian, #sleuth, #sherlock, #Sherlock Holmes

BOOK: Victorian Villainy
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It was not what one might have expected. “There are no British battleships visiting the port right now,” Aubrey said, folding his hands over his ample stomach and leaning back in his chair. “Will a cruiser do?”

Holmes leaned over the desk. “We are in earnest,” he said, his intense eyes glowering over his thin, ascetic nose, “and this is not a jest. To the contrairy, it is of the utmost importance and urgency.”

“I have no doubt,” replied Aubrey, looking up mildly. “My offer was sincere. If a cruiser will suffice, I am ready to put one at your disposal. It’s all that’s available. There are some four or five Royal Navy torpedo gunboats working with the Italian Navy engaged in the suppression of smugglers and pirates in the Mediterranean, but I can’t predict when one of them will come to port.”

“But you’re prepared to put a cruiser at, er, our disposal?” I asked

“I am,” said Aubrey, nodding. “That is, I have no direct authority to do so, but the authority has been passed on to me from Whitehall. I received a cable this morning directing me to do all I could to assist you, were you to show up. I must say I’ve never been given an instruction like that before in eighteen years in the Foreign Service. From the P.M. himself, don’t you know. Along with a screed from the Admiralty”

Holmes straightened up. “Mycroft!” he said.

“Undoubtedly,” I agreed.

“Her Majesty’s Ship
is in port,” said Aubrey, “and I have passed on the request of the Admiralty to Captain Preisner that he keep steam up and to await further instructions. Now, if you could tell me what this is all about, perhaps I could be of some further assistance.”

“Let us head to the docks immediately,” Holmes said. “We will explain on the way.”

Aubrey reached for the bell pull behind his desk. “Call up my carriage,” he told the man who appeared in answer to his summons. “And fetch my greatcoat, there’s a chill in the air.”

Consul Aubrey gave instructions, and soon we were racing through the streets of Trieste heading toward the municipal docks, where a waiting launch would take us to the
. “In case something goes wrong,” Holmes told the Consul, “and there’s every chance it will, you’ll have to prepare.”

“Prepare for what?” Aubrey asked. “In what way?”

Holmes and I took it in turns to tell him what we knew and what we surmised. “We may not have all the details correct,” I said, “but if events do not unfold much as we have described, I will be greatly surprised.”

“But this is incredible!” Aubrey said. “How did you figure all this out?”

“No time now,” Holmes declared as the carriage pulled to a stop. “We must hurry.”

“Good luck,” Aubrey said. “I shall return to the consulate and prepare for your success or failure, whichever comes from this madness.”

“It must sound mad,” I agreed. “But it is not our madness, but that of our antagonist.”

“Come,” said Holmes. “Let us board the launch.”

We leapt aboard the steam launch. The boatswain saluted us as we raced past him down the gangway and then blew on his whistle twice, and we were off. The harbor was thick with shipping, and we weaved and dodged between vessels of all sorts and sizes, making our way to the great, looming bulk of the three-stack cruiser of modern design that was our destination.

When we reached the
a ladder was lowered from the deck of the cruiser to receive us. The sea was calm in the harbor, but transferring from the rolling deck of the steam launch to the pitching ladder at the cruiser’s side, even in those gentle swells, was more of an effort than a sedate unadventuresome man of my years found enjoyable.

Captain Preisner’s flag officer met us as we stepped onto the deck, and led he way to the bridge of the
, where Preisner, a thin man with a bony face and a short, pointed gray beard, greeted us warily. “Mr. Holmes, he said, with a stiff nod of his head, “Professor Moriarty. Welcome, I think, to the

“Captain,” I acknowledged.

Preisner flapped a sheet of yellow paper at us. “I am requested and required by the Admiralty to give you whatever assistance you require, without asking questions. Or, at least, without demanding answers. Which, I must say are the oddest instructions I have ever received.”

“This may be the oddest mission you will ever engage in,” Holmes told him.

Captain Preisner sighed. “And somehow I have the feeling that it will not bring accolades to me or my crew,” he said.

“You will probably be requested not to mention it in your official report,” I told him. “And, were I you, I would not enter the details in my log until I had time to think deeply on it.”

“It was ever thus,” Preisner said. “What am I to do?”

I pointed to the south. “Somewhere out there, not too far away, is a destroyer flying the Union Jack, or possibly the Red Ensign. We have to stop it and board it. Or, if that proves impossible, sink it.”

Preisner looked at me, speechless. And then he looked at Holmes, who nodded. “Sink a British warship?” he asked incredulously.

“Ah,” Holmes said, “but it isn’t. And if we do not succeed in stopping it, some major outrage will be committed in the harbor of Trieste or some nearby coastal city, and it will be blamed on the British Navy.”

“A ruse of war?” Preisner asked. “But we aren’t at war, that I know of.”

“We’d better consider it a ‘ruse of peace,’ then,” Holmes said. “Although the ultimate purpose of the exercise might well be to provoke a state of war between Britain and several continental powers.”

“A Royal Navy destroyer,” Preisner mused, “that
a Royal Navy destroyer.”

“The name on her side will be
Royal Edgar
, I told him. “In reality she is the decommissioned
Royal Mary
, which has been sold to Uruguay. The Uruguayan government, we believe, renamed her the

“We’re going to war with Uruguay?”

“She is now in the hands of a group of rogue European, ah, gentlemen, who plan to use her to provoke animosity and, perhaps, active hostilities against Great Britain. How the transfer was made from the Uruguayan authorities to the plotters remains to be seen. It could well be that the government of Uruguay knows nothing of the supposed sale.”

“My god! How did you—never mind that now!” Preisner swung around and barked out a series of orders which got the great ship underway.

While the
made her way out into the Gulf of Trieste and headed down the Adriatic Sea, Captain Preisner concerned himself with the handling of his ship, but once we were in open water he turned the helm over to Lieutenant Willits, his bulldog-jawed, taciturn first officer, and called us to his side. “Now tell me what you know,” he said, “and what you surmise, so that we can plan a course of action.”

As rapidly as possible, but leaving out nothing of consequence, we told him our story. Holmes took the lead, and in that nasal, high-pitched voice of his outlined what we knew and how we had learned it.

Preisner rested his elbows on the ledge running around the front of the bridge, directly below the large glass windscreens, and stared out at the choppy blue-green sea. “And on these meager facts you have commandeered one of Her Majesty’s battle cruisers and set out in search of a destroyer that may or may not exist, and that, if it does exist, may or may not be planning some harm to British interests? And the Lords of the Admiralty have agreed with this, ah, unlikely interpretation?” he shook his head. “I will obey orders, even if it means obeying
orders and racing up and down the Adriatic, but frankly I don’t see it.”

“You don’t agree that it is likely that this cabal has gotten possession of the
Royal Mary
and intends harm to Britain?” Holmes asked.

Of what possible profit to them could such an action be?” Preisner asked. “I grant you your conclusion that these people were training a crew to operate a British warship, and the
Royal Mary
might well be the one. And if they were planning to come to Trieste, then they were probably picking up the ship somewhere around here. But is it not more likely that, having obtained the ship, they will take it to some distant port to commit their outrage, if indeed an outrage is planned?”

“There are several reasons to believe that, whatever sort of attack they are planning, it will be nearby and soon,” I said.

“For one thing,” said Holmes, “their men cannot be all that well trained in the handling of a modern destroyer.”

“For another,” I added, “every extra hour they spend will increase the likelihood that they will be intercepted by some ship of Her Majesty’s Mediterranean Fleet. And one attempt to exchange signals would brand her as an imposter.”

“For maximum effect,” Holmes said, ‘the outrage should be conducted close to a city or large town, so that it will be observed by as many people as possible.”

“That makes sense,” Preisner agreed.

“And then there are the undergarments,” I said.

“Yes,” Holmes agreed. “That gives the whole game away.”

“Captain Preisner looked from one to the other of us. “It does?” he asked.

A mess steward came by with steaming mugs of tea for those on bridge, and he had thoughtfully included two for Holmes and me.

I took the tea gratefully and sipped at it. Neither Holmes nor I were dressed for chill breeze that whipped through the open doors of the bridge. “The men in the Royal Navy uniforms are to be visible on deck during the event,” I told Captain Preisner, “so that watchers on shore will believe the masquerade. But why undergarments?”

“And why only five?” Holmes added.

Preisner looked thoughtful. “A good question,” he said.

“The only reasonable answer is that those five men must pass close inspection when their bodies are examined.”

“Their bodies?”

“Consider,” said Holmes. “The undergarments only make sense if it is expected that the men will be examined.”

“Yes, I see that,” Preisner agreed.

“But if they are alive when they are examined, any discrepancies will become quickly evident,” said Holmes.

“As, for instance, their not speaking fluent English,” I added.

“So you think they are dressing corpses in British naval uniforms?” Preisner asked.

Holmes looked away. “Perhaps,” he said.

“Sail ho to the port!” a seaman outside the bridge relayed a call from the lookout on the top mast. We turned to look, but it was indeed a sail, the topsail of a three-masted barque, and not the four funnels of a British destroyer, that slowly came into sight on our port side.

We saw a variety of ships during the rest of that day, but it was dusk before we found the ship we were seeking. A four-masted destroyer appeared in the distance a few points off the starboard bow. Lieutenant Willits grabbed for the chart of identification silhouettes and ran his finger down the side while peering closely at the illustrations. “I don’t believe there would be any other four-masted destroyer in the area,” he said, “but it would not do to make a mistake.”

Captain Preisner examined the distant ship through his binoculars and, even before Willits had confirmed the identification, turned to the duty seaman and said quietly, “Signal all hands—battle stations.”

The seaman whistled down the communications tube and relayed the command and, almost immediately, an ordered bedlam descended on the boat as the members of the crew raced to their assigned positions.

“She’s flying no flags or pennants,” announced Willits, who was staring at the approaching ship through his own binoculars. “But she’s making no attempt to avoid us. There appears to be a small black ship of some sort to her rear.”

“It would look suspicious were she to turn aside,” said Preisner. “She doesn’t know that we’re stalking her. Hoist our own flag and the recognition code flag for today. And see if you can identify the ship to her rear.”

“Aye, aye, sir.” Willits relayed the command, and in a few seconds several flags were fluttering at the top of the
forward mast.

“No response,” said Willits after a minute. “Wait—she’s turning to port, trying to evade us. If she complete’s the turn, she’ll be able to show us her heels. She must have three or four knots better speed.”

“Probably less with an untrained engine crew,” commented Preisner. “But nonetheless—”

“I can make out her name now,” said Willits, peering through his binoculars. “She’s the
Royal Edgar
, right enough. Or claims she is. The other ship is keeping on her far side, but it appears to be some sort of large yacht, painted black.”

“A smuggler, no doubt,” said Preisner.

“I believe you’re right, sir.”

“Put a warning shot across her bow and run up the signal for ‘Come to a complete stop’,” directed the captain. “Helmsman, turn twenty degrees to the starboard.”

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